NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

The democrats have just passed the health bill monstruosity. There will be hell to pay for what they have done to the american people. I cannot wait for 2010 so we can throw all these traitors out of office. God bless America.

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Comment by Carmen Mesa on November 9, 2009 at 11:53pm
Here is a copy of the reply by Dear Mrs. Mesa:

Thank you for contacting me about health care reform.

On October 13, I joined a bipartisan majority in the Finance Committee and voted to pass the America's Healthy Future Act of 2009. This bill would allow those who are happy with their insurance keep what they’ve got, including veterans and seniors on Medicare. It also creates state-based exchanges where those without coverage, or those who are unhappy with what they have, can get coverage at an affordable price.

The bill also would hold insurers' feet to the fire, requiring them to cover everyone and preventing them from dropping someone who gets sick. Additionally, it contains several measures aimed at reducing overall medical and prescription drug costs and eliminating waste and fraud in the system.

Among the improvements I added to the bill is a provision that would preserve benefits for an estimated 800,000 Medicare Advantage enrollees in Florida and another provision that would protect tax benefits for seniors who have high medical expenses.

As for a public-option, there were two similar proposals to establish a public insurance plan as part of the health care legislation. I voted for Senator Schumer's plan because I believed it would offer help for consumers through fair competition to private insurers and stood the best chance of final passage. Unfortunately, it was defeated by the committee 13-10. Right after the vote, Senator Schumer promised he’d keep fighting to get his proposal included in the broader health care bill; he’ll have my backing.

The America's Healthy Future Act will now go to the Senate floor, where it will be merged with another bill passed by the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee earlier this year. I am hopeful that a final bill will pass by the end of the year. Regardless of where anyone stands on the specifics, I think we all can agree that the system we have can be unfair and too costly, and needs reform. Again, I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. Please don't hesitate to contact me in the future.

Senator Bill Nelson
Bill Nelson on a letter I sent him: What hypocrisy!!
Comment by Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole on November 8, 2009 at 10:44am
I pray daily that we may reach 2010 before we lose {ALL} our Freedoms-

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to ram ObamaCare down the throats of the American people as early as tomorrow, or within a matter of hours (depending on when you read this letter) , without allowing any substantive debate.

Pelosi has literally taken off the gloves… and she must be stopped.

As Congressman Tom Price, who happens to know a little something about health care as he’s also one of the few doctors in Congress, recently said:

"Your concerns about a government takeover of health care have been totally ignored by Speaker Pelosi and her allies, who worked behind closed doors to write the bill. After months of debate, the bill they introduced today is essentially the same bill the American people have flat-out rejected."

Truth be told, Congressman Price’s words were tempered when you consider the reality of what’s really happening in Washington. Pelosi's latest incarnation of ObamaCare - dubiously titled the “Affordable Health Care for America Act,” (H.R. 3962)
is not merely "the same bill the American people have flat-out rejected" ...

… It's actually far worse.

At nearly 2,000 pages, it's almost twice the size of Pelosi’s first bill (H.R. 3200) and includes even more of what the American people have already flat-out rejected .

And make no mistake, P elosi’s plan to ram this latest version of ObamaCare down the throats of the American people with lightning speed is no accident … it’s a calculated political move to try to pass ObamaCare before you and millions of other concerned Americans have a chance to once again rally against it.

We can’t let her get away with it.

Congressman Price observed, the "future of American health care is in the balance and we are on the clock." He’ right.

How we, the American people, respond right here and right now will determine the fate of health care in this country forever. We can stop this government takeover of health care, but the time to make our voices heard is now.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 500 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that Nancy Pelosi's latest incarnation of ObamaCare must be defeated. Tell them you are sick and tired of the repeated attempts by liberals in Congress and the Obama Administration to craft egregious “reform” proposals behind closed doors, market that legislation to the American people as something that it is not and then try to ram that legislation through Congress before anyone is any the wiser.

Demand, once and for all, that they stop the deceptions... the secret meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the dark-of-night votes... the outright lies. Demand that they scrap ObamaCare once and for all and start over with measures that will actually make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans. Demand they defeat H.R. 3962.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Pelosi’s Bill Is Even Worse Than You Think.

Everything that was intolerable in the first House health care bill (H.R. 3200) , is still in the second incarnation (H.R. 3962) .

Congressman Price again:

"Government-run insurance? Still in the bill. Higher taxes? You betcha. An individual mandate that restricts choices and innovation by requiring Washington to define what qualifies as health insurance? Check. A job-killing employer mandate, a budget-busting expansion of the Medicaid entitlement, and countless provisions that set Washington bureaucrats firmly between you and your doctor? Better believe it."

Price adds:

"H.R. 3962 has all the 'government takeover' of H.R. 3200 with an extra thousand pages thrown into the mix. That's a whole lot of government involvement in personal, private health care decisions."

As if that’s not enough, here, courtesy of Congressman Mike Pence's House Republican Conference, are just a few more goodies Pelosi threw into H.R. 3962 :

Page 111 - Section 223 establishes a new board of federal bureaucrats (the “Health Benefits Advisory Committee”) to dictate the health plans that all individuals must purchase.

Page 211 - Section 321 establishes a new government-run health plan that, according to non-partisan actuaries at the Lewin Group, would cause as many as 114 million Americans to lose their existing coverage.

Page 297 - Section 501 imposes a 2.5 percent tax on all individuals who do not purchase “bureaucrat-approved” health insurance - the tax would apply on individuals with incomes under $250,000, thus breaking a central promise of then-Senator Obama’s presidential campaign.

Do you believe Pelosi and Obama when they say “if you like your plan you can keep your plan” … that you ultimately won’t be forced to live with government-run insurance?

Check out this provision…

Page 94 - Section 202(c) prohibits the sale of private individual health insurance policies, beginning in 2013, forcing individuals to purchase coverage through the federal government.

Of course, Members of Congress and their family members need not worry about how this radical overhaul of our nation's health care will affect them because...

Page 225 - Section 330 permits—but does not require —Members of Congress to enroll in government-run health care.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 500 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that Nancy Pelosi's latest incarnation of ObamaCare must be defeated. Tell them you are sick and tired of the repeated attempts by liberals in Congress and the Obama Administration to craft egregious “reform” proposals behind closed doors, market that legislation to the American people as something that it is not and then try to ram that legislation through Congress before anyone is any the wiser.

Demand, once and for all, that they stop the deceptions... the secret meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the dark-of-night votes... the outright lies. Demand that they scrap ObamaCare once and for all and start over with measures that will actually make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans. Demand they defeat H.R. 3962.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Here Are A Few More Little Nasties In Pelosi’s H.R. 3962.

We're not finished. It would be impossible to mention every egregious provision in Pelosi’s 1,990 page bill, but here are a few more notables... just in case your blood isn’t already boiling.

Page 110 - Section 222(e) requires the use of federal dollars to fund abortions through the government-run health plan—and, if the Hyde Amendment were ever not renewed, would require the plan to fund elective abortions.

Page 313 - Section 512 imposes an 8 percent “tax on jobs” for firms that cannot afford to purchase “bureaucrat-approved” health coverage; according to an analysis by Harvard Professor Kate Baicker, such a tax would place millions “at substantial risk of unemployment”—with minority workers losing their jobs at twice the rate of their white counterparts.

Page 336 - Section 551 imposes additional job-killing taxes, in the form of a half-trillion dollar “surcharge,” more than half of which will hit small businesses; according to a model developed by President Obama’s senior economic advisor, such taxes could cost up to 5.5 million jobs.

Page 520 - Section 1161 cuts more than 150 billion [dollars] from Medicare Advantage plans, potentially jeopardizing millions of seniors’ existing coverage.

Page 733 - Section 1401 establishes a new Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research; the bill includes no provisions preventing the government-run health plan from using such research to deny access to life-saving treatments on cost grounds, similar to Britain’s National Health Service, which denies patient treatments costing more than 35,000 [pounds].

And last, but certainly not least:

Page 1174 - Section 1802(b) includes provisions entitled 'Taxes On Certain Insurance Policies' to fund comparative effectiveness research, breaking Speaker Pelosi’s promise that 'We will not be taxing [health] benefits in any bill that passes the House,' and the President’s promise not to raise taxes on families with incomes under 250,000 [dollars].

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 500 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that Nancy Pelosi's latest incarnation of ObamaCare must be defeated. Tell them you are sick and tired of the repeated attempts by liberals in Congress and the Obama Administration to craft egregious “reform” proposals behind closed doors, market that legislation to the American people as something that it is not and then try to ram that legislation through Congress before anyone is any the wiser.

Demand, once and for all, that they stop the deceptions... the secret meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the dark-of-night votes... the outright lies. Demand that they scrap ObamaCare once and for all and start over with measures that will actually make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans. Demand they defeat H.R. 3962.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

"The Worst Bill Ever: Epic New Spending And Taxes, Pricier Insurance, Rationed Care, Dishonest Accounting: The Pelosi Health Bill Has It All."

That's what the Wall Street Journal had to say about H.R. 3962 . But that's not all the Journal said:

"The health bill she [Pelosi] unwrapped last Thursday, which President Obama hailed as a 'critical milestone,' may well be the worst piece of post-New Deal legislation ever introduced."

Here's a scary prognosis:

"Taxes will need to rise precipitously, even as ObamaCare so dramatically expands government control of health care that eventually all medicine will be rationed via politics."

The Journal also writes:

"Yet at this point, Democrats have dumped any pretense of genuine bipartisan 'reform' and moved into the realm of pure power politics as they race against the unpopularity of their own agenda. The goal is to ram through whatever income-redistribution scheme they can claim to be 'universal coverage.' The result will be destructive on every level — for the health-care system, for the country's fiscal condition, and ultimately for American freedom and prosperity."

That last paragraph gives us valuable insight as to exactly how we can stop these idiotic leftist health care schemes once and for all.

Extreme liberals in the House and the Senate, as well as Barack Obama, are indeed racing against their rising unpopularity .

And health care will only be passed if these extreme liberals can make false and empty promises and ram legislation through Congress before the American people realize they are being duped.

That's been their plan of action with each and every previous incarnation of ObamaCare and that is still their plan today.

Pelosi and her allies in Congress forgot long ago that they serve the American people… that they work for you.

And they weren't exactly thrilled when the American people soundly rejected their first health care “reform” scam.

So now, instead of heeding the will of the people, they’ve decided to take off the gloves .

It's almost as if they're saying; Oh... so you (the American people) didn't like our first health care offering... fine... we'll show you who's boss... let's see how you like what we're going to ram down your throats now.

But you can stop them... you can make a difference ... you've already made a huge difference.

Your Blast Faxes and phone calls were the reason the Pelosi-Reid Congress had to put the brakes on each and every previous incarnation of ObamaCare .

You made a difference then and you can make a difference right now.

With this latest bill, Pelosi, Obama and Reid are hoping that the American people are tired… that you will give up on this fight. Let’s prove them wrong.

Let's put a lid on this scheme once and for all.

The time to speak up is now.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 500 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that Nancy Pelosi's latest incarnation of ObamaCare must be defeated. Tell them you are sick and tired of the repeated attempts by liberals in Congress and the Obama Administration to craft egregious “reform” proposals behind closed doors, market that legislation to the American people as something that it is not and then try to ram that legislation through Congress before anyone is any the wiser.

Demand, once and for all, that they stop the deceptions... the secret meetings... the legislative chicanery... the procedural tricks... the dark-of-night votes... the outright lies. Demand that they scrap ObamaCare once and for all and start over with measures that will actually make health care more accessible and affordable to Americans. Demand they defeat H.R. 3962.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom

Center for Individual Freedom
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Alexandria, VA 22314

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Comment by Oregon Country Girl on November 8, 2009 at 4:47am
Yes...we need to find out which Democrats are up for re-election in 2010, and see if they voted against it. If so, vote them out. The Republicans must take back the majority in 2010. They are much more trustworthy. The Democrats think we're stupid...and think we won't catch on to the games they're trying to play.
Comment by Kathryn Ball on November 8, 2009 at 1:09am
In the unkikely [please, God] event that the senate passes this we must find a way to insure that ALL of the Ameircan People [including the 'people' who are forcing this upon us..........Pelosi et al] will take part in this. This pig of a bill MUST be the ONLY health care available in the United States.........not ONE SINGLE person will be allowed to pursue any other care either here or in another country. Anyone who leaves this country for health care will not be allowed back. Their assets will be frozen and should they ever set foot on US soil again they will be imprisoned until they are tried by a jury of Everyday Americans for treason and either imprisoned for the remainder of their miserable lives or expelled from this country. [personally, I'd like to see them expelled to some God forsaken hell hole].

This means YOU 'MADAM' Speaker as well as your family. It also includes ALL government employees [except the military who have actually EARNED exceptional care].........You too, Michelle and Barack as well as your darling little girls...............if it is good enough for us it is far more than anything you have earned.

Linda, they have NEVER listened to anyone other than their big donors and special interest groups.
These people are beyond stupid....they are narssistic and evil. They all need to have new jobs.....or, perhaps like millions of Americans.............NO jobs.
Comment by Darlene Littlejohn on November 8, 2009 at 12:40am
Yes, we HAVE to make them pay!
Comment by Linda Maddox on November 8, 2009 at 12:40am
They didn't listen to the American people. They are all traitors! We will make them pay in 2010. More then likely the ones running in 2010 voted against it. We will not be fooled anymore!






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