NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


The failure on behalf of the federal government to provide any explanation for why the Department of Homeland Security is arming to the teeth with high powered weapons and billions of hollow point bullets, as well as crude efforts by mainstream media mouthpieces to debunk the war-like preparations, have backfired massively, propelling the story to a viral status.

As we reported today, 15 Congressmen have written a letter to the DHS demanding to know why the federal agency is buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether the purchases are part of a deliberate attempt to restrict supply to the American people.

Big Sis has remained silent on the issue, refusing to answer questions from reporters and even from multiple elected representatives, about the ammo buys.

The continued huge orders for weapons and bullets have prompted attendances at gun shows to explode, as gun store owners say they are having to contend with significant national shortages.

Efforts to portray the very real stockpiling by the federal agency as a conspiracy theory have fallen flat on their face, and have only served to further highlight how suspect the DHS’ actions are.

When Media Matters and Raw Story both recently attacked Fox Business host Lou Dobbs for daring to raise the issue on his show, it quickly became clear that neither had any prevailing  counter point, and were dismissing the facts only by regurgitating a glib statement of a single DHS official.

Media Matters, which has been documented to be little more than an Obama administration mouthpiece, reported that, “The claim that DHS bought a 1.6 billion bullet stockpile is also misleading,” while simultaneously admitting that “DHS did buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.”

The source of the claim that concerns over the bullet buys are a conspiracy theory or “misleading,” is a February 14 Associated Press report which did not conduct any actual investigation into why the DHS was purchasing the ammo, instead regurgitating a statement from DHS official Peggy Dixon, who claimed the bullets were bought in bulk to save money and were for training purposes only.

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Fast And Furious Report Proves Ignorance and Mismanagement of DHS


As Homeland Secretary Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano faces mounting pressure to answer for DHS’ large solicitations and purchases of ammunition over the past year, the second of two reports looking at who is to blame in the gunrunning scheme known as Operation Fast and Furious is painting DHS operations in Arizona as inept, ignorant and mismanaged. Of course, top officials in DHS are exonerated, not that we’re surprised, but one has to question that if the Arizona office is all of those things, how much more are the top officials who have been exonerated?

Richard Serrano writes, “Even as they lost scores of illegal firearms in their Fast and Furious operation, federal ATF agents asked their Border Patrol counterparts not to pursue criminal leads or track gun smuggling in southern Arizona so they could follow the firearms themselves, and senior Homeland Security agents ‘complied and the leads were not investigated,’ according to a new Department of Homeland Security inspector general’s report.”

“The report,… also said that a Homeland Security special agent on the border was collaborating with the ATF in Fast and Furious,” Serrano continued, ” but his ‘senior leaders’ in Arizona never read his updates about fundamental flaws with the failed gun tracking operation. Had they done so, Homeland Security officials could have tried to close down the operation before one of their Border Patrol agents, Brian Terry, was killed not far from Tucson.”


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 5:36pm

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 4:47pm

Obama Presses Congress To Vote On Assault Weapons Ban

Barack Obama speech 9 SC Obama presses Congress to vote on assault weapons ban

President Obama in his weekly address urged both chambers of Congress to hold a vote on a series of gun-control measures, including the controversial assault weapons ban and a limit on magazine sizes.

“These ideas shouldn’t be controversial — they’re common sense,” Obama said. “They’re supported by a majority of the American people. And I urge the Senate and the House to give each of them a vote.”

Referencing the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 children and six adults three months ago, Obama on Saturday also pressed lawmakers to pass legislation that would make it harder for criminals and people with mentally illnesses to buy guns by expanding the national background check system.

“Right now, we have a real chance to reduce gun violence in America, and prevent the very worst violence,” he said. “We have a unique opportunity to reaffirm our tradition of responsible gun ownership, and also do more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or people with a severe mental illness.

“We’ve made progress over the last three months, but we’re not there yet. And in the weeks ahead, I hope members of Congress will join me in finishing the job — for our communities and, most importantly, for our kids.”

Read more at The Hill. By Jordy Yager.

Get Informed! Read More About this topic::

  1. Biden Not Giving Up On Assault Weapons Ban WASHINGTON— The White House is still pushing for an assault...
  2. U.S. Senate Panel Approves Assault Weapons Ban WASHINGTON – After a couple of false starts, the Senate...
  3. Assault Weapons Ban Won’t Be In Dems’ Gun Bill WASHINGTON— Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided that a...
  4. Video: Feinstein Vows To Go After More Than ‘Assault Weapons’ Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) on CNN’s “State Of The Union”:...
  5. Video: Senator: ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Targets Guns For Looking ‘Scary’ Senator Ted Cruz showed the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday that...
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 4:32pm

inally, Obama’s Gun Confession: Unable ‘To Prevent Every Act of Violence’


It has now been three months since the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut. Three months since we lost 20 innocent children and six dedicated adults who had so much left to give. Three months since we, as Americans, began asking ourselves if we’re really doing enough to protect our communities and keep our children safe.

For the families who lost a loved one on that terrible day, three months doesn’t even begin to ease the pain they’re feeling right now. It doesn’t come close to mending the wounds that may never fully heal.

But as a nation, the last three months have changed us. They’ve forced us to answer some difficult questions about what we can do — what we must do — to prevent the kinds of massacres we’ve seen in Newtown and Aurora and Oak Creek, as well as the everyday tragedies that happen far too often in big cities and small towns all across America.

Today there is still genuine disagreement among well-meaning people about what steps we should take to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in this country. But you — the American people — have spoken. You’ve made it clear that it’s time to do something. And over the last few weeks, Senators here in Washington have listened and taken some big steps forward.






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