NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. *
We are all liberals by nature. We are ‘me-first’ people and are most comfortable with others who also condone such a ‘me-first’ perspective (as long as their ‘me-first’ agenda doesn’t interfere with our ‘me-first’ agenda).
Liberalism comes so easy to the average person. It’s totally instinctive. It’s not something that needs to be taught. It’s our natrual disposition.
Liberals tend to think of themselves as more accepting and compassionate. There are even some who suggest that they are the most Christ-like in their ideology. This is incorrect, however. Jesus did not promote total acceptance. Jesus promoted radical change – a complete denial of self. His invitation was completely inclusive, but the final ‘condition’ was one that was impossible to embrace,
“And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” -Luke 9:23
There’s the rub.
The liberals will hear none of it! They’ll accept Jesus, but only on their terms! Jesus must be conformed to their image. They don’t want to acknowledge that a complete self-denial is the most essential spiritual consequence of giving yourself over to The Higher Power. They insist Jesus be incorporated into their way of living.
Left to ourselves, we (natural man) would rather have our riches above Jesus; or maybe we have some secret vice that prevents us from coming to a place of total submission.
We eventually do the complete opposite. Our own ‘needs’ take precedent, and we reach a point of total rejection. We naturally place our own wants and desires before all else, even before a saving Diety.
Liberals tend to fancy themselves as the epitome of rational wisdom. They view themselves as an ‘enlightened’ people. They firmly believe that a complete submission to their methodology will enable a fairly distributed, person-centered, needs-driven standard of living to flourish. Underneath it all, however, is an elitist, radically-motivated power-grab reflective of a greater global political-social agenda.
(Note: Charity, not socialism, was endorsed in the Bible within the body of believers and was secondary to the Gospel. The Marxist ideologue of our day is promoting tyranny under the guise of empathy. But what they really seek is totalitarianism).
The mentality behind the madness is quite primitive, almost infantile. Whereas conservative principles and foundations must be taught, enforced, then experientially reinforced, liberal attitudes and propensities are part of our makeup. All of humanity comes into this world as full-blown liberals from the womb. These liberal traits must be methodically broken down as we are raised to become God-honoring individuals, with respect for authority and a willingness to extend peace and goodwill to our fellow man. The unfortunate reality, however, is that we naturally fight against conservatism, a belief system that requires discipline and self-control.
We naturally want to do what’s wrong, and we want to get away with it. Then we want to do it over again. Then we want to make sure everyone else has the opportunity to get away with it because ‘those’ who do right make us feel guilty. We hate ‘those’ people. We want to tear them down and cast them away! Then we will all be the same! We get to do what we want without fear or regret. There will be nobody to answer to, and nobody can tell us what we are doing is wrong. We answer to nobody but ourselves.
Once this ‘humanistic vision’ becomes completely realized, we can become fully-recognized, state-certified ‘earthly gods.’ We will be granted the rights to get what we want, do what we want, and have what we want, when we want it! We then become more emboldened, more arrogant, and more indignant….we eventually morph into full-blown narcissists. We’ve gained the world but lost our soul.
As we proceed down this slippery slope, we are never fully satisfied. Quite the opposite, happiness and contentment cannot be realized, no matter how hard we try! We will always crave more. We begin to lie, cheat, and steal….we’ll do anything to continue to gain an advantage, to feed an addiction that can never be achieved via temporal earthly conquest!
We want to be admired and adored. We crave the power and attention. We desire full affirmation that we matter, that we’re important, that we’re special, and that nothing is going to get in our way. If we are rejected, we will use force to ensure we ultimately have our way, no matter how absurd the scheme!
Our message to the idealistic obstructionist is one of contempt and dismissal. Our liberal self declares, ‘away with your rules! away with your morals! away with your absolute standards! I am beyond your reproach, as I don’t believe as you do. I have the power to hide my mistakes and defer my accountability. I am entitled to satisfy my own urges and desires with little or no consequence. The greater good is of no concern as long as I get mine.’
When restrained by the culture, our liberal self realizes the need to turn it upside down until it suits us. If well-rooted and time-proven stability does not conform to our personal desires, we will unapologetically change the reality. Right will be wrong, up will be down, and left will be right!
If the course we’ve charted for ourselves (and zealously advocated for on behalf of our like-minded brethren) is not adhered to, we won’t need to debate the natural realities or the facts; we can simply rely on emotional outcries and hysterics. We’ll use the media to promote our hot-button charges against our enemies. We’ll cry slander, bigotry, and injustice, whatever achieves the desired effect! We won’t even have to discuss the widespread merits of our way…….Our harsh accusations will rule the day!
There’s nothing we can’t achieve! We can do what we feel is right and feel good about our efforts, while those heavenly-minded absolutists flounder haplessly, as they are deemed ignorant fanatics with irrational views not worthy of public consideration. The arguments and perspectives of these religious conservatives are swiftly declared ‘out of bounds,’ not fit for rational discussion.
This is the proven, winning formula. This is how the natural inclinations of man and their sinfully-driven, liberal faith maintain power and authority.
Ultimately, they will advance (often due to their own short-sighted ignorance) a complete global destruction in the process….if and when they are awakened, it will be too late!
“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” **
* 2 Timothy 3:1-5
** 2 Timothy 3:12-17
(King James Version)
Photo credit: tkw954 (Creative Commons)
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Most Alaskans know that their congressional delegation is pretty liberal, with the some-times exception of the ethically-challenged Don Young. Anyone watching this past week’s Senate votes by Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich would have a hard time disagreeing with that conclusion.
Here’s a recap:
Photo ID for Elections. Sen. David Vitter proposed an amendment requiring photo ID for voters. Only two Republicans voted against it. Yep, you guessed it: Lisa Murkowski was one of them, joining her Democrat colleague Mark... in sending the measure to defeat.
Abortion Mandate for Religious Groups. Pro-abortion Democrat Jeanne Shaheen offered an amendment reaffirming the requirement that religious groups, notwithstanding their sincerely-held moral objections, must provide abortion drugs and birth control to their insureds. The measure passed with both Murkowski and Begich’s supporting votes.
Banning Former Illegal Aliens from Healthcare Benefits. Sen. Jeff Sessions offered an amendment that would have banned form.... His effort failed. Both Murkowski and Begich voted against the proposal.
United Nations Funding/China’s Abortion Policy. See this article on Murkowski and Begich’s votes opposing Senator Cruz’s point of order against funding the United Nations as long as any of its member nations have a policy of involuntary abortions.
Finally, both Murkowski and Begich supported President Obama’s controversial anti.... That support went down in defeat this week with Obama’s withdrawal of the nominee after a lengthy GOP filibuster.
By John W. Whitehead
March 04, 2013
We are now five years out from the worst financial crisis in modern history, and still the yoke around the neck of the average American seems to tighten with every new tax, fine, fee and law adopted by our so-called representatives. Meanwhile, the three branches of government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) and the agencies under their command—Defense, Commerce, Education, Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury, etc.—have switched their allegiance to the Corporate State with its unassailable pursuit of profit at all costs and by any means possible.
As a result, we are now ruled by a government consumed with squeezing every last penny out of the population and seemingly unconcerned if essential freedoms are trampled in the process. This profits-over-people mindset has taken various forms in recent years, ranging from the rise of privatized, for-profit prisons which require the states to keep their jails full to capacity to the overcriminalization phenomenon which has subjected Americans to a slew of inane laws that outlaw such innocuous activities as making and selling unpasteurized goat cheese, cultivating certain types of orchids, and feeding a whale. Included in the mix are the preponderance of red light cameras, sold to communities as a means of minimizing traffic accidents at intersections but in fact are just a vehicle for levying nuisance fines against drivers often guilty of little more than making a right-hand turn on a red light.
The most recent ploy to separate taxpayers from their hard-earned dollars and render them criminals comes in the form of school truancy laws. Disguised as well-meaning attempts to resolve attendance issues in the schools, these truancy laws are nothing less than stealth maneuvers aimed at enriching school districts and court systems alike through excessive fines and jail sentences, while the ones being singled out for punishment—more often than not from middle- to low-income families—are the very ones who can least afford it.
Under this increasingly popular system of truancy enforcement, instead of giving students detention or some other in-school punishment for “unauthorized” absences, schools are now opting to fine parents and force them or their kids to serve jail time. (“Unauthorized” is the key word here, of course, since schools retain the right to determine whether an absence sanctioned by a parent or even a doctor is acceptable.)
For example, California students are ticketed for missing or being late to school. One ticket for tardiness can cost a family $250. Tardiness is a particular problem in Los Angeles, where the city’s poor transit infrastructure and overcrowded buses often leave student passengers stranded at the bus stops. According to the Los Angeles Bus Riders Union, 12,000 students received tickets for truancy in Los Angeles in 2008. Of those students, about 80% received tickets simply for being late to school. In order to avoid a $250 ticket, some parents from low-income households go so far as to keep their children home from school if there is any chance they will be late. As Barbara Ehrenreich, writing for the New York Times, points out, “it’s an ingenious anti-truancy policy that discourages parents from sending their youngsters to school.”
In 2011, more than 400 parents in Baltimore City were brought up on truancy charges because their children had missed more than 15 days of school, while a dozen parents were sentenced to jail. One mother of four school-aged children, Barbara Gaskins, was jailed for 10 days (served on five consecutive weekends) after her son allegedly missed 103 out of 130 days of school. Her son insists he was in school but wasn’t marked present.
Parents in Florida can be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor and face up to two months in jail if their kids have 15 or more unexcused absences from school over the course of three months. Truancy laws in Alabama, Texas, and North Carolina, among other states, have also resulted in parents doing jail time for their kids’ absenteeism.
As problematic as it may be for states to levy excessive fines and jail time on families that, in many cases, are already struggling to make ends meet and stay together, it’s the motives behind these programs that are particularly troubling. Much like the profit incentives behind privatized prisons and red light traffic cameras, there are also profit motives driving most of the states that are pushing for stricter truancy laws and establishing truancy courts for those parents and students unlucky enough to run afoul of them. Those profit motives range from state funding in exchange for proof of higher school attendance (a clear factor behind the rapid adoption of RFID tracking badges in certain Houston schools), to increased revenue from fines and more bodies in the jails.
Consider, for example, the case of Diane Tran, a 17-year-old honor student. She was sent to jail for 24 hours and forced to pay a $100 fine for breaking Texas’ truancy laws, which define truancy as “missing three full or partial days in a four-week period, or 10 days in six months.” Tran, who had been helping support her family by working two jobs on top of her strenuous schoolwork, was shown no mercy by the court. Unfortunately, Tran’s case is standard operating procedure throughout the United States as more and more states and localities make truancy enforcement a high priority.
In Texas, where schools have taken truancy enforcement to extreme lengths in an effort to qualify for state funds based upon having the highest attendance rates possible, truancy cases ballooned from 85,000 incidents to 120,000 between 2005 and 2009. More truancy cases mean increased profits for truancy courts, which function much like traffic court, and hefty profits for the state. Dallas courts, for example, pull in roughly $2 million from prosecuting 35,000 truancy cases per year. As Deborah Fowler, deputy director of the legal advocacy group Texas Appleseed, has noted, “They’ve developed a whole system in Dallas that has to feed itself to justify its existence.” The targets, of course, are school children and their families.
Unfortunately, these money rackets posing as courts of law are not unique to any one state. In Lebanon, Pennsylvania, the school district filed 8,000 truancy violations between 2005 and 2010, collecting $1.3 million in fines. The district is currently facing a class-action lawsuit from parents subjected to fines far in excess of the $300 limit set out by state law. One plaintiff, single parent Omary Rodriguez-Fuentes, received 29 truancy tickets over three years, totaling almost $7,000. Incredibly, in an attempt to pay off the fines, Rodriguez-Fuentes had to resort to using revenue from his monthly disability checks.
As illustrated by Rodriguez-Fuentes’ case, truancy laws tend to be applied most vigorously against the most defenseless members of society, punishing those who need the most help in continuing their education with little regard for the root causes of absenteeism, which tend to be family problems, financial issues, mental illness, and simply being sick. For example, a judge in Rhode Island threatened a 13-year-old student suffering from sickle-cell anemia and his mother with arrest and jail time. The student had been missing school due to extreme bouts of pain. In fact, he was ordered to attend school on a particular day in February 2010. Once there, however, the school had to call an ambulance because of his critical condition.
Truancy laws have gotten so absurd that adults are even being put in detention facilities for skipping school when they were children. For example, Francisco de Luna, an 18-year-old who racked up $11,000 in truancy fines over the course of five years, was sentenced to 132 days in jail. De Luna’s truancy was related to the death of his father at age 13, at which point his family’s finances and his own mental health faced a steep decline and he ended up dropping out of school.
Elizabeth Diaz, also 18 years old, received 18 days in jail for failure to pay $1,600 in fines imposed on her when she was 14 years old. Diaz’s past truancy was related to health problems—bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia. Diaz was set to graduate on time until she was jailed, at which point the school withdrew her enrollment, causing her to miss exams she was required to take before graduation.
Despite outcry from parents and activist groups alike, strident truancy laws are still being proposed and strengthened in cities across the country. Officials in Washington, DC, are currently debating proposals that would allow Child and Family Services Agency officials to investigate cases of truancy for minors up to the age of 17, a significant expansion of the city’s already extant authority to punish parents and children with fines and jail time.
Living under the threat of zero tolerance policies, tagged and tracked with surveillance devices, and facing exorbitant fines and jail time in cases of truancy, America’s youth are now finding themselves in a protracted battle brought about by those whom they are supposed to trust: teachers, police officers, and courts of law. Tasked with protecting young people, these once-trusted figures and institutions are instead serving the interests of the state, which is less concerned about educating the next generation, and more concerned with encouraging obedience and extracting wealth.
All the while, America continues to find itself ranking the lowest among developed nations in terms of quality of public education. Despite an array of standardized tests meant to boost student performance, young people are not taught higher-level thinking skills, putting them at a distinct disadvantage upon entering college or the workforce. It’s a dire situation made worse by the profit-over-people, total-security mindset that has overtaken our governing institutions and undermined our freedoms.
A liberal ex-girlfriend browbeat me yesterday on the phone over the “debt” she felt I owed progressive social policies.
This is nothing new, but she was particularly pronounced- maybe because we hadn’t talked in a while.
To her credit, despite being a die-hard Democrat, she’s highly intelligent and an accomplished advisor to businesses (established and start-ups.)
I wonder how someone like her can be a Democrat, but somehow she pulls it off. Her resume should have her squarely on the Republican side of the ledger.
Sadly, that doesn’t stop her from attempting to “convert” me away from conservatism, which she equates to effectively supporting policies contrary to my best interests.
She fails to see that embracing leftist moral relativism and it’s anti-capitalist creed would do nothing to help me as an individual.
Undermining traditional marriage alone in Black America’s two-parent desert means a suicide pact dooming us to even more rudderless children and horrific headlines.
Extolling the virtues of Obama (yeah right!), social security, unemployment insurance, and affirmative action (as if they don’t need serious reform) ensures she one day won’t have any businesses left to advise.
Middle-class Black liberals preach a lot of socialism but always overlook their ironic role as beneficiaries of capitalism.
She worked hard to have marketable skills yet advocates government giveaways for low-income American Blacks without marketable skills.
She helps other people make money but supports tax polices that undermine producers of wealth and jobs.
She wants race-based preferences in education and employment while also blasting the boogeyman of White privilege.
I have plenty of White friends who feel anything but privileged these days, with millions more screaming in agreement.
I can’t support the progressive policy purgatory.
The America I grew up in has been ruled by them since the 1960s and has subsidized a wave of vulgarity, violence, and general dysfunction, the likes of which put old Soviet Russia to shame.
My ex-girlfriend really thinks that joining her bandwagon would be a step forward for me.
Sadly, the world she invites me to join is a wasteland where folks like her do all the right things to succeed in a capitalist system, while not demanding the same of those they try to help.
I want far, far more for Americans in need than life sentences to a progressive purgatory where nothing improves except the lot of do-nothing overseers.
That’s why I’ve avoided it for years!
Donate/Stop Socialist Hate!
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I never imagined that I’d find myself quoting Bill’s one-time heart throb (okay, eons of time ago), but using her just happens to suit my purpose. (Guess Bill and I aren’t so different after all….)
A persistent (make that constant) theme I have extolled in both writing and speaking is that as Conservatives we should not fall prey to the ingrained habit of referring to the all-but-obsolete establishment media as “the mainstream” or “MSM.” Could anything be further from the truth? Stop and think about it for a minute….
As I like to tell audiences, “You’ll never see [David Gregory or Katie Couric, et al.] at a Denny’s!” It isn’t going to happen!
Back during the Roger Staubach Era, the Dallas Cowboys were affectionately referred to as “America’s Team.” As one might imagine, such a moniker would be considered the gold standard in the world of marketing or PR.
Imagine that you are starting a new grocery store chain, and through a stroke of luck you become known as “America’s Grocer.” Could it get any better than that?
Imagine, on the other hand, that you are one of the “Big Three” television and news networks – NBC, ABC, or CBS. Imagine also that over the past 50 years your viewership has plummeted from a virtual collective dominance of 100% to, say, 25% of the “news”- viewing public.
That would still represent one out of four American adults watching, but put in perspective, three out of four “news”-watchers would have rejected your collective “news” coverage. Not very good!
While that was merely a hypothetical construction on my part, here are some actual numbers for “Evening News Ratings,” obtained at
NBC – 9,640,000 (Total Viewers)
ABC – 8,628,000 ( ” ” )
CBS – 7,482,000 ( ” ” )
Those numbers combined make 25,750,000 out of the current U.S. Population of 315,497,649. The annual population increase is estimated elsewhere (by extension) to be .76%. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated the number of adults 18 or over to be 234,564,000 in 2010, which would be roughly 240,000,000 today, in 2013.
Thus the “Big Three” viewers among the total U.S. adult population (over 18) would be approximately 10.7%…far less than my “guesstimate” of 25%.
One site I came across seemed to indicate that some 74% of adults watch at least some news program weekly. According to this site, “CNN (20%) and FOX News (18%) are the television channels adults most often turn to when they want news or information related to politics or public affairs. These are followed by the networks, including ABC (9%), NBC (8%) and CBS (7%). Other channels include MSNBC (5%), C-SPAN (3%), PBS (3%) and CNBC (1%).”
These figures – for those who watch news or “political/public affairs” programs, as opposed to strictly the “Nightly [Network] News” – show an aggregate of 24%of Adults watching the Big Three.
Getting back to the Nightly Network News (America’s staple before Cable and the Internet)…it would appear that my hypothesis was spot on among viewers ages 25-54, whose numbers looked like this:
NBC – 2,643,000
ABC – 2,328,000
CBS – 2,141,000
For a combined total of: 7,112,000
Removing those 18-24 (31,377,456) and those 55 and over (78,516,273), from the total number of those 18 and over (140,000,000), we end up with 30,106,271. Of that number, the 7,112,000 nightly network “news” viewers ages 18-24 make up some 23.6%.
I’m not sure, frankly, why chose to include a breakout for that particular statistical bracket – surely those over 54 are still keenly interested in what is going on in their country, even if many of those 18-24 are not – but in either case, the percentage of those watching network news range between an estimated minimum of 10.7% and a maximum of 23.6%.
Enough of statistics already, but I felt the need to support my thesis with more than just my opinion. It would be easy to dismiss my argument (that the Establishment Media is anything but the “mainstream,” and should not be thoughtlessly granted cult-like status by calling it that) as or as merely semantical or “academic.”
To do so, however, would represent a colossal failure to recognize the power of labels, or, in a broader sense, the power of language, or that of thought itself (the subject of my first book series, entitled The Secret of Life – Xlibris, 2008).
For those not versed in the science of the mind, the human subconscious (in contrast with the conscious mind) takes things we say and hear quite literally, as fact, as it were…especially when these “facts” are heard and parroted incessantly, by virtually everyone in the culture, on “both sides of the aisle” – including ourselves!).
Those of us who are parents may be keenly aware of the dramatic power – for better or for worse – of labels. While each of my daughters rightly considers herself to be her dad’s “favorite,” I have nicknames for each of them, as well as for our sons. For the most part these nicknames are more on the “cute” side – some having been derived from the inability of younger siblings to pronounce their older siblings’ names, for example – but one of them simply evolved from my repeatedly calling her “special.”
One day at the grocery store or doctor’s office – I wasn’t there, but received the report from my wife later on – an older woman complimented this particular daughter on her big, beautiful eyes, and asked, “What’s your name, little girl?” To which she replied, with the utmost in child-like sincerity and belief – “Special.” And from that day to this she has officially been known as “Special”…and it seems to have had a profound effect upon her life! (I am proud of each of my children, but I believe the success of this particular one has been directly attributable to the self-affirming “label” she has carried throughout her life.)
I will end my obvious point by reminding each of us that the Obsolete Establishment Media (or OEM) is just that. No, it isn’t 100% obsolete, but when less than 1 in 9, or 1 in 4 adults continue to “tune in” (perhaps tune out reality would be more accurate), it can hardly be called the “mainstream media” or “MSM.” Think of it: either 3 out of 4, or nearly 9 out of 10 “adults” are no longer watching – down from 10 out of 10 (of those who were watching anything in the way of “news”) some 20-30 years ago!
Let me underscore that in another way: 75-90% no longer watch the so-called (absurdly-called) “mainstream” media! So enough of the madness! (Those on the Left, of course, completely accept that they are the “mainstream” – even though polls clearly indicate that self-identifying “Conservatives” outnumber “Liberals” by 2 to 1 – 41% to 21% in 2011.)
Think about that: twice as many Conservatives as Liberals…and yet we refer to those extolling the views of the latter (a mere fifth of the adult population) as the “mainstream.” This is a coup of which both Edward Bernays , the “Father of Propaganda,” and his Nazi adherent Joseph Goebbels would have been extremely proud!
To be continued….
Tom Ballantyne is the author most recently of Uncommon Sense…Apparently! A Call To Arms, and Oh Really, O’Reilly! – both available at and at his website:
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