NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

FAIR AND BALANCED?...Fox has never been "Fair & Balanced"


Image result for FUX NEWS CHANNEL




We still watch Fox because it is

the lesser of many evils.

FAIR?...if they were fair, they would give the communist

liberal "progressives" equal time on their network.

Since the other networks give NO time to 

Conservative positions


Fox should give the progressives' positions

an EQUAL amount of time.

In this instance, "equal" should mean "zero"

" 0 "

That's " balanced ".


In case you doubt me,

here's just one example of

Fox's definition of "EQUAL" :

True, Tucker Carlson, a Pure Conservative Warrior,

gave Chris Hahn, a camouflaged communist,

a decent platform for his opposing point of view,

but my question is

" W H Y ? "

Sure, Tucker gave this hack a fair hearing,

for millions of viewers,

but where's the reciprocity???

...Why does this,

or any other, commie hack

deserve ANY platform on Fox?

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Let him spout his dogmatic "Hate America" philosophy 

on CNN, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, etc.,

where he, and other commies are always welcomed

into their comrades' open arms.

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The above video is just one example of


They have an overwhelming share

of the Cable News Demographic.

Why do they squander this blessing

by giving those commie hacks ANY airtime?

...and why are these


now on Fox's payroll?

Image result for donna brazile, marie harf and  Related image

       DONNA BRAZILE              OR          JESSICA TARLOV


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...who's next, Obama?


( Maria Bartiromo & COMRADE Dan Kildee


Sunday Morning Futures

04/21/2019 )


When are Fox viewers going

to start demanding


on America's

Communist Propaganda Networks??

FOX, you may never win

in the liberal 9th circuit court

but you already have the win

in the Court of Public Opinion


Image result for FOX NEWS NETWORK

(...too FAIR,  too BALANCED)

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where FOX used to be


Please comment below,

I want to see how many of you


either agree or disagree with me., how's THAT

for "Fair & Balanced?



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Comment by Patty on April 21, 2019 at 9:03pm

Agree. You for got that red head reporter who sounded conservative at first but bashes Trump with biased stories every time she can!

Watch OAN. OAN broke all the stories on the connections between Ukraine, Biden and Biden's son Hunter and FOX buried the story!

FOX is the network that put up the video of Michelle Fields lying that Cory Lewandowski assaulted her - they allowed Megan  Kelly to bring Fields on and LIE to the American public without fact checking the video and story. 

EVERY story on FOX has been pulled from Drudge - there are NO reporters left in this country who can fact find and report a story - they just copy, paste and repeat themselves. Look when anyone is killed and these lazy reporters sit at home and write on Go Fund me pages FIRST to ask the people if they can use the story NEVER fact checking for truth!

We now live in a society where people put data right or wrong into a computer and the computer spits out a story or report.

So I actually took the time to read the DCF court papers to get a DCF report released on Nikolas Cruz's mother being investigated. The DCF lawyers wrote that the summary reports from DCF are computer generated NOT person generated yet NO ONE cares that a document that determines whether you are considered fit or unfit is computer generated NOT written as the opinion of the investigator???? IF wrong information is input into the system then wrong information is put into the summary pages by the computer and that follows you the rest of your life! So this is also what police do - they all input their papers into separately and then NO ONE appears to actually read to make sure the information is correct. we are looking at events from the outside seeing the mistakes like the wrong eye color and wrong height in the Stephen Paddock autopsy - physical characteristics that don't vary when you die and we think the police are lying. BUT what if different people are inputting different documants and our police now just rely on a computer program to get their answers so they NEVER print up everything piece by piece, hold it in their hands and put it up on a wall to see connections and where there are discrepancies so they NEVER get to the correct sequence of events or see their own errors. And I haven't verified but if the police reports are computer generated then that is why the story doesn't make sense and is full of errors that we can see!!!!

What about the Mueller report? Someone needs to call DOJ and see if they computer generate their reports including the Mueller report. MSNBC and even the reporter Kathryn Herod on FOX stated that Mueller's people left "breadcrumbs" to follow BUT what if while we were all not paying attention, the whole system changed to computer generated reports and the Mueller report is really a document created off of input from multiple agents??? 

This has definitely happened in the Nikolas Cruz case where supplemental reports make NO sense. Hundreds of police and FBI agents were each given one little witness or fact like the gun purchase to chase down. So NO ONE had the big picture to investigate because these pieces are added in a different town and inserted into the program they all share. No one notices that the WRONG information was used to pull the gun purchases or even the wrong address where Lynda Cruz moved after she sold her house that Nikolas and Zachary NEVER verified!  So Nikolas Cruz was totally confused on the day he was arrested - why? We see him passed out on the ground and are told that he NEVER resisted arrest and even FOX repeated this story. Where is his glasses, where is his hat - officer Curcio admits he had his glasses and hat at the hospital given to him by an unknown police officer. DUH after OJ has this new generation of police not know how to document evidence and put it in an evidence bag at the scene? How have the BSO, Coconut Creek and even Coral Springs PD created chain of custody logs A YEAR AND A HALF after a crime occurred?  WHY didn't Curcio give him back his glasses to wear? FOX even repeated Curcio's statement that Cruz was lying about not being able to see BUT Nikolas was telling the truth because the police withheld his glasses!!\

  • Why does every radio record show that Nikolas Cruz was arrested at a different address at 13:36 yet the police body cam video shows Nikolas Cruz waking up on the ground asking "where the F--- am I" at 1552?? That's 16 minutes AFTER Nikolas Cruz was arrested and identified by Medina - WHERE is the body cam video of Medina identifying Cruz - it hasn't been released to the defense in a year and two months when the state is required to release ALL discovery in 15 days!!!! And 2 weeks ago an audio that is 17 pages long labelled Nikolas Cruz arrest by 2 Coral Springs officers NOT officer Leonard of the Coconut Creek police department who was on the arrest warrant BUT the original name was crossed out and changed!!!! AND why has this audio been hidden and not given to the defense for a year and 2 months AND Coral Springs police do not have any devices that record arrests so this has to be audio from a BSO body cam so WHERE is the body cam of the actual arrest of Nikolas Cruz and WHY doesn't the state prosecutor and BSO and Coral Springs PD want anyone to see it??? BECAUSE Nikolas Cruz was arrested at 11735 NW 47th Drive like the police radio reports all document! Where is this address -,+Coral+Springs,+...
  • So how is Nikolas Cruz seen on the ground unconscious OUTSIDE this area on body cam video 16 minutes AFTER the real arrest? AND WHY did Curcio cross out this real address and change it to the address on Wyndham BLVD even spelling the address wrong????? Look up the changed address of 4700 Windam Lakes Drive - it is all misspelled - the original address was 1400 but there is also a Wyndham Circle closer to the school where the radio reports show another Nikolas Cruz was apprehended and NO ONE n the lazy press could do real research and tell you about! Remember 2 Nikolas Cruz's attended Douglas High and one former Nikolas Cruz. What happened to the former student Nikolas Cruz to cause him to go unconscious and how did he get moved out of the gated community into the road? WHY hasn't the republican replacement for Israel found out in a review when taking the sheriff position all of these FACTS and is still hiding important body cam videos and witnesses that exonerate the former student Nikolas cruz who is rotting away in jail????
  • WHY do we have police body cams if they turn them on and off when they feel like it? 
  • This just happened BSO officers under new republican sheriff appointed by Desantis. NOTICE the name LaCerra that's the same policeman who turned off his body cam when Nikolas cruz said "Where the F-- am I" Yet Lacerra isn't under investigation for police brutality?????
  • Everyone was correct that Nikolas cruz's body was too limp BUT it wasn't a false flag - what happened to Nikolas Cruz in the real 17 pages of being arrested and what is on the missing body cam and how did Nikolas Cruz become unconscious and confused for the rest of the night while being interviewed??? He has a bruise obvious on his left face and possibly on his back. . 
  • HOW does anyone defend themselves if the police edit out the truth in and then just send the file to the state prosecutors office. Police are now admitting they were in different cars and wearing each other body cams a year and 2 months after the event. Was this WRONG evidence used during the grand jury and WHY isn't Desantis investigating this and instead allowing FDLE and the safety commission to just tamper with evidence????
  • HOW can anyone ever prove themselves innocent if anyone can tamper with evidence in the one program the police use to gather all their evidence. WRONG evidence in and wrong evidence used to prosecute you!
  • AND WHY wasn't Lacerra and the other 2 police wearing body cams when they bashed the kids face into the ground. There isn't a body cam on Lacerra and we know he was issued one because we've seen the short video of Nikolas Cruz in the ground but then Lacerra uses his finger to cover the cam and then turns the cam off even though he should be documenting evidence collection. WHY? Is it because the helicopter video shows Lacerra reaching behind the other officers and putting a hat onto the police trunk - A hat with NO visible emblem and WHERE did Lacerra get this hat that doesn't show up near Nikolas Cruz's body? Are Nikolas glasses also under the hat and WHERE did Lacerra get Nikolas' glasses - the glasses are definitely NOT on Nikolas' face despite Nikolas peacefully laying down without resistance and the glasses are NOT near Nikolas' body.Since when do police have the right to deny you your glasses to see, drive you around in a blurred state and then put you in a hospital and interrogation room and not tell you where you are because you can't see.
  • I've been saying for a year who is next? It isn't the sheriff, it isn't republican or democrat -BOTH parties are now guilty. It's the corrupt system that doesn't follow the laws. It's the system where anything can be changed or deleted on a computer. it's police and prosecutors who can't write and read and analyze because the computer does all the work for them and being put on multiple cases means rely on a computer NOT a human brain.
  • ANY of us can be next and No ONE will listen. Humans are out of the equation and we aren't saving anything. Conservative vs liberal is more important than getting to the truth. people are now guilty until proven innocent. There have been 15 cases of wrong conviction in Florida alone overturned that NO ONE has heard about because no one is listening except in their echo chambers.
  • Everyone attacked officer Peterson because he was a democrat BUT who cares - what matters is he someone who was a hero NOT a coward. He has pieces of the puzzle but Pollack is so mad at the world over his own guilt of forcing his daughter to go to Douglas High because it is a "better" high school despite his daughter wanting to attend Coral Springs High with her friends and him using his address to sneak her into the school yet in a tragic event his daughter is killed. So instead of getting to the truth, he sues Peterson who is now lawyered up YET what even FOX news hasn't told you and it's right in 425 pages of supplemental reports that even Ingram and Tucker are too lazy to read - Peterson was waiting for a father to arrive because there had been an incident with a FALSE ID that morning! WHO was involved and who was the false ID of - was the false ID the police ID found in the pocket of the vest worn by the shooter because Nikolas Cruz's father was NOT a policeman - did another Nikolas Cruz and his friends print up a fake ID from a story that was told wrong by an autistic kid????
  • WHY did the ATF search and find so many AR 15s all registered to Nikolas Cruz - because they are all different Nickolas Cruz's and if you start with a driver's license and the person doesn't drive then you get to the WRONG Nikolas Cruz!.Another AR 15 just showed up in discovery bought in January 2017. 
  • And if anyone bothered to read, Lynda Cruz's friend Mary Theall called the police to try to find Nikolas and she didn't know his date of birth. The BSO policeman tried to look up Nikolas BUT there were so many Nikolas Cruz's in the system that he never could determine which one was the Nikolas Cruz who belonged to Lynda Cruz who passed away.
  • I can keep going. This could be anyone and this society is so angry that you will be accused of things you never did. Just like Kavanaugh yet NO One has the guts to stand up and tell Desantis to go tell his wonderful new sheriff to start at the beginning and get to the right Nikolas Cruz!
  • AND even if you don't care about an autistic kid who didn't have a family member who could say NO I didn't live at that address and NO that isn't my son's ID number and No that isn't my son's SSN number etc, where is everyone on the Florida police who evidently decided that putting cameras in massage parlors across the state and lying and saying that there was a bomb threat to do it is OK? How many innocent people were filmed and watched illegally getting a legitimate massage in a legitimate massage parlor. The definition of human trafficking in Florida is NOT what you think it is and the republicans slipped a broad interpretation into the laws when no one was looking and if you are caught and accused in a place where you never even knew someone was being underpaid then YOU could be charged under human trafficking laws and receive a huge sentence!
  • Everyone gives Desantis high poll numbers for passing medical marijuana smoking rights WITHOUT passing laws to protect out babies and children from the smoke and protect all of us from drivers under the influence who can kill any of us. NO One cares about he effects that babies breathing in the second hand smoke will have on their delicate growing brains and bodies. People fought to stop the legislature from passing THC limits yet No One cared about the effects on the kids breathing the smoke at a designated area outside the ticket line at Disney. 
  • We fight for a wall BUT if the country is beyond saving and laws are ignored and wrong people imprisoned and everyone is too afraid of being attacked to stand up for what is right then what is inside the wall is already gone! That DCF case that everyone was too lazy to read and doesn't make hype news stated a disgusting precedent - YOUR personal self and reputation ceases to exist when you die and any document that could tar and ruin your reputation after death doesn't matter because it is the right of the state to release the document to protect it's own reputation! So in Florida in 2 precedent cases that the person involved was not allowed to argue their side because they were dead and their estate was not notified of the case, the state was ruled to be MORE important than the individual. YOU have NO value or worth in death anymore - the state rules! We are already in 1984 and no one realizes it! 






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