NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.



© 2013

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 8, 2013 at 9:46pm

It’s now clear: Obama intends to use drone strikes to kill Americans


(Info Wars) – President Obama plans to use military drones in the skies over the United States to assassinate journalists, patriots and critics of his administration. That’s the inescapable conclusion from the emerging pattern of evidence now publicly available — keep reading for details.

Front and center in this pattern of evidence is the 16-page memo that was just released in the Department of Justice. This memo puts forth a “legal justification” for the President to order the drone assassination of any American citizen he names — anytime, anywhere, for any reason. This new power claimed by the President has no basis in federal law or the Constitution. It is an invented power of absolute tyranny that puts the power to decide who lives and who dies in the hands of one man. This document essentially legalizes the President acting as a serial murderer.

FAX BLAST SPECIAL: Impeach Obama NOW! For Sedition against the Constitution!

It is claimed that the purpose of this new power to simply name any American the President doesn’t like and immediately have them struck by a Hellfire missile launched from a drone is designed to “protect America.” Yet the 16-page memo that claims to justify all this was intentionally written to include Americans on U.S. soil as potential targets.

As Judge Andrew Napolitano explained just a few days ago on Fox News:

“This 16-page white paper is written so vaguely that the logic from it could… permit the President to kill Americans here in the United States.”

That’s the whole point, actually. If Americans on U.S. soil were to be excluded from such drone assassinations, such language would have been made readily apparent in the memo. But no such language is found in the memo. In fact, the tone of the document quite clearly states that the President has the authority to order drone killings of U.S. citizens anywhere in the world, under any circumstances.

This legal manipulation even has U.S. Senators worried. Democrat Senator Patrick J Leahy and Senator Charles Grassley sent a letter to Obama on Friday, stating, “The deliberate killing of a United States citizen pursuant to a targeted operation authorized or aided by our government raises significant constitutional and legal concerns.”

That’s the understatement of the year.

U.S. Senators are trying to create an “oversight committee” so that a few of them are part of the illegal, unconstitutional decision process of which Americans the U.S. government should murder next. As Kurt Nimmo reports with

Feinstein has proposed “legislation to ensure that drone strikes are carried out in a manner consistent with our values, and the proposal to create an analogue of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to review the conduct of such strikes,” in other words a secret tribunal that will hand down kill orders for Americans the government believes are “suspected militants.”

If drones are to be unleashed under the values of Feinstein — an outright traitor to the nation and a serial violator of the U.S. Constitution — then God help us all. Remember, Feinstein is the Senator who has already said she wants all Americans to turn all their guns in. She literally wants the entire U.S. civilian population disarmed so that government has all the weapons, including drones which Feinstein wants flying over U.S. cities, ready to strike named American citizens at any moment.

The American “battlefield” doctrine and the NDAA

In defending the drone assassination powers of the President, you might hear language used that says drones will “only be used on the battlefield.” That seems to imply they will only be used in the Middle East, right?

Wrong. The USA has been legally defined as the new “battlefield” by the NDAA. That’s theNational Defense Authorization Act which also allows for the arrest and indefinite detention of American citizens without trial, without legal representation and even without them ever being charged.

The USA is the new “battlefield,” and when you combine the NDAA and the DOJ’s new drone killing justification memo, you now have the claimed legal framework for any American on U.S. soil to be arrested, detained, tortured or blown to bits without warning and without even a single shred of evidence being presented against him.

Yes, this is America today. Right now. You are living under a military dictatorship and most of you don’t even realize it yet. Even liberals and progressives are starting to wake up to Obama’s tyranny, by the way. On Democracy Now, Daniel Ellsberg recently described Obama’s actions as a “systematic assault on the Constitution.”

Who are the terrorists?

Of course, anyone who raises these points will be immediately dismissed with the claim that all this new power in the hands of the President will only be used “against terrorists.”

Okay, then who are the terrorists, exactly? It turns out they are YOU!

As Judge Napolitano recently explained:

The [Janet Napolitano DHS] memorandum said that people who are pro-life, people who believe in the right to keep and bear arms, returning veterans, people who think the government is too big and the IRS is too powerful, could be characterized as domestic terrorists. That could characterize two-thirds of the country. (Click here to see related video.)

Another DHS report named as terrorists anyone who opposes illegal immigration, abortion or federal taxes.

The pieces of the puzzle

So now it all becomes clear:

1) The NDAA legalized the federal government arresting, detaining and torturing American citizens if they were classified as “terrorists.”

2) The DOJ drone-killing memo legalized the President murdering anyone he names by simply claimingthey might be associated with “terrorists.”

3) The DHS announces that anyone who isn’t an absolutely Big Government boot-licker and Obama worshipper IS A TERRORIST.

And there you have it: The full circle of justification to use military drone strikes against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. Simply call them terrorists, and the rest of the legal framework backs you up.

I repeat: All that is necessary to justify the murder of American citizens without trial is labeling them “terrorists” even with no evidence to support such a claim. The drone killings require no evidence. They only require the signature of one man.

Who is likely on the drone strike target list in the USA

So who is most likely to be assassinated by President Obama once drone strikes are fully unleashed in the USA?

• Journalists.
• Political opponents.
• Anti-government protesters. (One Hellfire missile takes ‘em all out.)
• Online activists.
• Veterans.
• Gun owners and gun shops.
• Constitutionalists and libertarians.

Drone strikes are completely silent because the Hellfire missiles arrive faster than the speed of sound. You don’t even hear the missile until after the explosion. The blast radius of a Hellfire missile is 15 – 20 meters, and everything inside that radius is completely obliterated. This is more than enough to destroy entire homes, apartments and office buildings, not to mention vehicles and even light bunkers.

World Net Daily editor Joseph Farah actually voiced his concern about Obama being reelected, saying that he believed Obama would “kill journalists” if he won a second term. Farah is not being paranoid. He’s right on the money with where this is going. Click here to read his article published right before the 2012 election.

Drones are weapons of tyranny

In the history of America, rifles are the weapons of liberty, and in any war limited to just rifles and similar weapons, the People will always achieve victory over tyranny.

But tyrannies tend to rise up when specialized, highly-complex weapons come onto the scene, creating an imbalance of military power that suppresses the People. Drones are that new weapon: There is virtually no citizen defense against drones, and drones can strike targets anyone in the country with zero warning. You do not get called to appear in court, you do not get arrested, and you do not receive a warning. You’re simply murdered by the U.S. President without warning and without a trial. That’s the new America.

The cover story: Drone strikes that actually take out the homes of Obama’s political enemies can even be explained away as “bombings” using conventional explosives. A convenient cover story can keep drones out of the news, even while drone strikes are taking out journalists, activists and critics of the criminal Obama regime.

You might wonder, then, what is the strategy for defending against drones? It all comes down to men with rifles raiding drone airfields and taking them over. Once again, rifles become the single most important tool of resistance in the face of tyranny, which is exactly why the government is right now desperately seeking to register and confiscate all rifles in the hands of U.S. citizens. The MQ-1C Warrior drone has an operational range of 675 miles, meaning that drone airfields must be relatively close to intended targets. The airfields are the weak link, and this is what Americans must take back ifdrone mass murder is unleashed against American citizens (by any president, now or in the future).

There are also some high-tech defenses against drones. Iran appears to have hacked a drone by feeding it false GPS signals, guiding it to land on an Iranian runway where it was then taken into custody by the government there. This sort of GPS hacking appears to be relatively simple to accomplish, but the technique has never been proven in an actual military conflict.

Another defense against drones is to stay on the move. Don’t hole up in fixed locations for long periods of time. Drone strikes are only effective if the intended target’s location is known with certainty. In a resistance war against a tyrannical government, resistance forces will of course remain very mobile and unpredictable in their locations and movements. This will cause the government to waste lots of Hellfire missiles blowing up empty houses and likely killing the wrong people.

Every drone strike against U.S. targets will, of course, enrage the population even further, resulting in yet another mass wave of recruitment into the resistance. The more Americans Obama (or another president) kills with drones, the more powerful the resistance becomes. This spiral continues until there is either a violent armed overthrow of the government or the entire resistance movement is mass murdered by the government itself. In the case of the latter, that’s how we end up with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other dictatorial tyrants who assume power in the aftermath of blood running in the streets.

Stop being so naive — this is happening NOW!

If you think any of this seems outlandish, you aren’t paying attention. The 16-page drone assassination memo has already been published. The NDAA is federal law. The DHS memos are real. All of us who question government, who own firearms, and who believe in the Bill of Rights havealready been named terrorists.

The stage is being set to wage an all-out war with the American people. That’s the reason DHS has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. It’s the reason DHS is buying 7,000 full-auto assault rifles. All these weapons and ammo are for exclusive use inside the United States of America, on U.S. soil.

This is why thousands of bulletproof roadside checkpoints have been purchased by DHS. It’s why steel cable dividers are being installed on highways, so that you can’t turn around when approaching a TSA checkpoint. This is why talk of shooting gun owners is openly tolerated and even encouraged in the mainstream media and on social networks.

We are witnessing a full-on ramping up toward total war with the American people. This war will be caused (false-flagged) by the government itself, and it will be waged on U.S. soil, using drone assassinations, nationwide gun confiscation, FEMA camps and of course a declaration of Martial Law to justify it all.

The end game is a complete takeover of America by socialist / communist / fascist forces and the outright abolition of liberties and firearms in the hands of citizens. America is scheduled for termination, and people like Obama have been placed in power precisely because he can fool enough people for a sufficient amount of time to get this plan underway without popular resistance. Obama is seductive and hypnotic, so his followers will think he’s helping America even while he’s actually destroying it by design.

Drones are terminators in the sky, controlled by one man — a tyrant who sits in the Oval Office and respects no boundaries of either the Constitution or federal law. He makes law up as he goes along, betraying his oath of office and violating the very tenants of justice upon which this country was founded.

Obama is a traitor to America and a danger to us all. For the sake of America’s future, he must be impeached, thrown out of office and replaced with a President who actually upholds the Constitution and respects the laws of the land.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 8, 2013 at 6:58am

"Non-islamic domestic terrorists" and drone strikes.

Is anyone surprised that the Senate couldn't get any straight answers from Holder on the possibility of drone strikes on Americans within the U.S.? And why hasn't the outcry over this been louder, with the exception of the fine efforts of Sen. Paul and his handful of allies, in light of this administrations deliberately hazy definition of a drone strike's justification. And yet Holder couldn't decide if he believed the President had the right to order such a strike on U.S. soil? Now this morning something strange happened to Eric Holder. Something that no one has ever seen before. He woke up with a desire to do his job. By now I'm sure that you've heard about his letter to Sen. Paul, about 24 hours too late. "Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil?" "The answer to that question is no." Holder finally admitted.

     The President does not have that authority. But then, he didn't have the authority to force Americans to buy health insurance either. He didn't have the authority to order military strikes against Lybia a few years ago. Although he had the obligation to do so last September 11th, but chose to do nothing. He didn't have the authority to appoint three recess nominations when the Senate wasn't in recess. And the list goes on and on. But now we're expected to believe that no such drone strikes will be ordered on American soil just because the President doesn't have the authority to order them?

     And this administration has done nothing but muddy the definition of terrorist. A few months ago Joe Biden likened conservatives to terrorists. Is that going to be the standard? A person's political or social belief? Or some other form of affiliation? Recently Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, has sent a letter to the Justice Department marking members of Patriot groups as "non-Islamic domestic terrorists". In spite of the fact that there has been no acts of terrorism linked to members of any such group.

     Gone are the good old days when we were just labeled as "racist" for demanding fiscal sanity, a smaller federal government, and adherence to the constitution.  Now the new label is to be "terrorist". And this label might be followed with another nasty little surprise. Authority or no authority.

     So what is considered a terrorist under this administration, and how is that definition likely to be expanded in the near future? If you're opposed to gay marriage, are you a terrorist? If you want a balanced budget, are you a terrorist? If you don't drive a hybrid, are you a terrorist? If you forget to floss, are you a terrorist? Or is that label handed down on the whim of our "glorious and all knowing" dictator, Comrade Obama?

     If you remember to look up at the sky while you're going about your day give a nice wave to the drones up there. After all, they're still just the "friendly" unweaponized surveillance variety. For now. And God bless America. We're going to need all the help we can get.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 6, 2013 at 8:53pm

Why is Congress not following their own words, keeping their own promises?

A week ago, Congress said that it appeared Mr. Obama might be doing things that were not in the best interests of America or its Citizens.. The release went on to say that if it were discovered Mr. Obama's actions were malicious and deliberate - this is an Impeachable offence!

I would like to know how Congress can sit idly by while this administration deliberately and maliciously destroys this economy and the wellbeing of its Citizens - ignoring Federal Law and the Constitution - and continues to allow Mr. Obama to do whatever he will. How can this be? The excuse of gridlock in Congress has worn extremely thin and this can no longer be provided as a valid excuse. Essentially; the elected are in Congress to support citizens concerns - not their own agenda... If elected are blindly following a political agenda contrary to what is right for this Nation and its people they just might be placing themselves in a position that is not sustainable to their own wellbeing...... We the People just might fire them at the very first opportunity - regardless of their political party!

There are few but notable exceptions to the above and these men and women in Congress have become Hero's to the American public - and they are from both sides of the aisle! The rest of Congress should take strong and immediate note of this - as in failing to take note of it - will almost certainly find themselves in the unemployment line come the next election.

Citizens do not want "amnesty" for illegal aliens... very recent polls prove beyond a shadow of doubt that more than 70% of Americans favor deporting illegal aliens. And as a sidebar; We really do not appreciate this administration's manipulation of the English language to redefine the term "illegal alien" to "undocumented immigrant". To allow this is political pandering at its worst! These illegal aliens came to our country illegally (hence the term and dictionary definition) - and Mr. Obama wants to place them at the front of the line to gain citizen and voting status AHEAD of those who have been  lawfully  waiting years to gain entrance to this Nation?  How can this be in the best interests of the Nation? All this "amnesty" idea of his does is increase the number of people in welfare programs and place additional burden (11 Million of them)  on taxpayer shoulders! We already have at least 25 Million Americans either unemployed or under employed - how is adding 11 million more people to the job lines in our interests?

I submit it is a political ploy to gain more "voters" for Mr. Obama!



On February 8, 2013 Mr. Obama signed a presidential memorandum that overturned the 1997 prohibition against funding the Palestinian Authority (Hamas) - a known terrorist organization. He had previously funded them $192,000,000.00 ($192 Million) in 2012 and $400,000,000.00 ($400 Million) in 2010 - in defiance of Congress. The act of defying Congress in 2010 and 2012 quite possibly treasonous - while overturning the 1997 prohibition in 2013 extremely unwise in the face of current World events - at minimum.

Mr. Obama has made unprecedented expansions to social and welfare programs - contrary to the original intent of these programs - this has done nothing to enhance the economy of the Nation, rather it has encouraged those in these programs to remain a burden to the US taxpayer costing (2011 report) $1,028,000,000,000.00 ($1.028 Trillion) annually and works to increase our Federal deficit. In August of 2012 Mr. Obama removed the "seek work" requirement from welfare - promoting this burden to continue on the taxpayer.

All reporting economists agree; this act does nothing to encourage those in these programs to gain employment and they remain a burden to the taxpayer - at the above listed cost to taxpayers.......



To date; Mr. Obama has funded - with taxpayer dollars - more than $10,000,000,000.00 ($10 Billion) to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, he has also sent them 20 F-16 Fighters and 200 M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks.  He has spent $1,000,000,000.00 ($1 Billion) on a fleet of  WWII German submarines for them!

The Muslim Brotherhood who runs the Egyptian government  is linked by several intelligence agencies - foreign and domestic - to al-Qaeda. They have installed Sharia Law and are actively persecuting Christians and anyone who disagrees with what they dictate.

Just last week Mr. Obama  gave them another $250,000,000.00 ($250 Million)!


The Department of Homeland Security just spent $50,000,000.00 ($50 million) in Mexico for new employee uniforms - yet cuts the budget of the Border Patrol and releases violent felon illegal aliens on US streets... all the while claiming they had to do it because of sequestration. First of all, I agree civil servants need to be fiscally responsible with taxpayer money and get the best deals possible - but in this Nation's current economic climate - foolishness to the extreme,  spending this amount of money in Mexico instead of reinvesting said money in the US economy.......

On releasing violent felon illegal aliens on US streets? I cannot fathom how this could be interpreted as anything other  than a criminal act and a political ploy crafted to cause fear among citizens (rightfully so, the fear appears to be warranted!).


According to reports; This administration has funded $697,177.00 for a climate change musical, $100,000.00 for a climate change video game, $325,000.00 for robotic squirrels, $99,000.00 for hard alcohol, $400,000.00 for an oil portrait of a senior government official, $4,000,000.00 ($4 Million) for an IRS television studio,  $947,000,000.00 ($947 Million) for a NASA  "mission to Mars" menu - the list is almost endless!

To date; the US taxpayer has spent $1,400,000,000.00 ($1.4 Billion) on personal services and vacations for Mr. Obama... twenty-four (24) of them, which is more than all previous Presidents COMBINED!


It has become patently obvious to all but the deranged that this administration has a spending problem and cannot stop throwing taxpayer dollars down obscure rabbit holes. The actions immediately prior and subsequent to Sequestration showcase the issues:

Mr. Obama spends obscene amounts of taxpayer dollars on things Congress and Citizens do not approve of - and then furloughs Federal Workers without pay.... claiming he cannot afford to pay them because of sequestration.

This is lunacy and quite untrue! The truth is; if this administration would quit spending we would not have "sequestration" and there might be a chance of recovery within this fiscal year!

What we have all seen are deliberate political acts that are malicious and designed to deplete whatever funds we as a Nation still have and cause the most "pain" as possible during this sequestration. Today e-mails from the white House were leaked that state this exact thing, allegedly coming from Mr. Obama himself!

It does not take a Doctorate to research and understand what past Presidents - and this one - have spent during their tenure. It is actually quite easy to discover this administration has spent our Nation into poverty and continues to do so every day of the world. Current (November 2012) estimates have this administration spending $11,000,000,000.00 ($11 Billion) dollars a day - with revenues of only $5,000,000,000.00 ($5 Billion) dollars a day. This is not sustainable by any measure - with the exception of possibly a cartoon (a very bad cartoon). This administration has created a National deficit of more than $6 Trillion dollars on its watch  - more than all previous Presidents in the history of this Nation combined!

How can this possibly be rationalized as sustainable or in the best interests of this Nation or its peoples? I submit it is not sustainable and if Congress does not stop the hemorrhaging of taxpayer dollars very soon we will eventually reach a point where a taxpayer revolt will occur - one brought upon us by this administration and the lack of action by Congress.


So who is at fault here?

I submit the fault lies primarily within the executive branch (for being criminally irresponsible and continuing to spend what we do not have)  - but fault also lies within Congress, as they have had ample opportunity to put a stop to it - did not, and kept their collective (with above noted exceptions) head's down to escape notice.

The bottom line: If Congress fails stand up for citizens rights, fails to "pull the plug" and defund things like "obamacare", the EPA, DHS, etcetera.... we will soon be facing a crisis far worse than a Constitutional crisis.



Aubrey Mason

March 6, 2013






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