NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

BOOT THE RINO! ....( Paul Ryno ): Paul Nehlen has a size 15 boot




Comment by Patty 4 hours ago

Brexit just sent a loud and clear message - NO to massive forced immigration, NO to globalization and NO to elitist politicians who are out of touch with the regular hard working people.

It's our turn now!

We MUST remove Paul Ryan on August 9th and take the biggest globalist, open border supporter out of DC who controls the agenda as speaker. It's going to take all of us across the country to remove Ryan. Jeb has put Rubio in place and made his move for open borders. The Cruz people are now trying to hand Hillary the election on a silver platter and together with Ryan all the pieces are in place to push through Rubio's amnesty plan.

Just like Britain, we have to send a clear message to DC that all elites who oppose us WILL be removed.

Paul Nehlen is the only man who can do this in Wisconsin.

Here's Nehlen's new message to the voters in Wisconsin CD1:

Anyone wanting to make some calls  for Nehlen , sign up here:

Anyone wanting to go to Wisconsin to help, please call Derek Hankerson ( Nehlen GOTV director) at 


Please send this link to all of your contacts and let's make Paul Nehlen a household name!

Nehlen is making Ryan nervous and Nehlen needs our support to remove him. Ryan has millions of dollars and we have to level the playing field. This primary is an open primary so Nehlen has a lot of voters to reach. Remember elitist Ryan doesn't think he needs to campaign and refuses to debate Nehlen. 

Did anyone know about this being passed by Ryan and then the senate and signed into law by Obama last April 2015?  I don't ever remember Ryan telling us about this so we could voice an objection:" Our plan would also achieve savings by making two other structural reforms.  First, we would ask higher income seniors to contribute more to their care—something we have called for in the House Republican budget for years.  Starting in 2018, seniors who make more than $133,000 a year would pay a higher premium for their doctor and prescription-drug coverage.  Secondly, our plan would discourage unnecessary doctor visits and give seniors the incentive to seek out the most effective care.  Many seniors have "Medigap" insurance—a private plan that helps pay for costs that Medicare does not cover, such as co-payments and deductibles.  These plans insulate people from costs and, experts believe, encourage the overuse of health care.  Beginning in 2020, this agreement would prohibit Medigap plans for covering the first $147 of out-of-pocket spending, so cost is once again a consideration in health care decisions" - See more at:

There it is Ryan believes every senior is overusing and abusing their medigap insurance and YOU will pay the first $147 out of your savings. Ryan listens to the "experts" and won't even pick up the phone or listen to the messages on his voicemail. Remember Ryan is a millionaire whose wife comes from a democratic family and was a "corporate lobbyist, whose clients included the cigar industry, a logging company, drugmakers, the health insurance industry and a nuclear power plant." Does Ryan even understand how many seniors can't afford an extra $147 and are NOT just flitting doctor to doctor. Paul Ryan just used an Obama approach to blame people for misspending and put more money in the pockets of insurance companies. None of my elderly friends had even heard of this increase being passed - when was Ryan going to tell everyone - in 2020?

Is Paul Ryan the man we want in charge of healthcare reform under Trump? I don't think so. Big business, chamber of commerce Ryan will give priority to the insurance companies and drug companies and will ignore us.

It's time to REMOVE Ryan and tell the rest of congress and the senate - we come first or else you are gone!!!!

Please help Nehlen retire Ryan!!!!



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Comment by Patty on June 26, 2016 at 3:57am

And Kathryn,

Jeff Roe was just on OAN at about 2am and he said that no one should be doing national polls and in Penn Trump is up by 2, Ohio and Florida are basically tied and he thinks Trump can win this. He didn't have any negatives against Trump and he wasn't promoting a Cruz mutiny. So if he doesn't have any thoughts of removing Trump and even he believes Trump can keep out Hillary, maybe all of you Cruz people should get on the same page. Roe even said that he should have probably have been fired for the way he ran the campaign. Just some food for thought. 

Comment by Patty on June 26, 2016 at 2:03am

 All the players ended up back with Bush even Cruz. We didn't remove any senators or congress people  from office in the primaries so far.

I WILL work every day to keep Marco out and I hope you do the same with Ryan. Then at least if you Cruz people allow Hillary's coronation, the main players in the senate and house will be gone. But the rest may go along with Hillary's open border, one nation plan. I have the video where Cruz says what the poison pill was - and Kathryn it proves he lied. I can put it up here but it ruins Cruz's chances in the future because he is clearly for MORE immigration and MORE H1B visas than even Rubio.  The poison pill according to Ted's own words 4 months after amnesty failed was the senate democrats blocking his amendments to hugely increase the immigration numbers and H1B visas so that Obama could win back the senate and house when the bill failed. And Ted was really upset and disappointed that the democrats failed to enact this legislation and compromise and the bill failed. Cruz changed the poison pill to distract when the press challenged him on the amendments he really believed in and to keep everyone from leaving him, he changed the story. I'm sure he forgot about this interview and what he said and Rubio never found it.  But I did and if you want me to post it, I will but don't ever say that Cruz never lied because he did and there's proof. Maybe I should send it to Breibart or Drudge because you Cruz people are so much under the control of Ted and his dad and keep repeating Ted never lies. Maybe you Cruz people need to see the truth to understand that Cruz played you and really was pushing for more immigration and more H1B visas that would take away American jobs. 

Comment by Patty on June 26, 2016 at 1:14am

And I read it on the 20th of June. So go and call and talk to Paul Nehlen please. Get it from the horse's mouth - that's all that matters. He's a really nice guy and he listens and even thanks people. 

Does immigration matter to you? We are going to rid Florida of Rubio for the second time.

And just to let you know, Unrah was on MSNBC today and she said that she is not supporting any specific candidate to replace Trump at the convention. If she doesn't even have the guts to say it's Cruz, where do all of you stand? Maybe Cruz is backing out - you do know that Jeb is the player pulling all the puppet strings of both Rubio and Cruz. Jeb is setting up all the players to push through immigration and the North American Union. Aren't you against all this? If you are, why are you electing one of the key players and also helping Hillary who WILL put the final pieces in place. This all started under GW Bush. here's Phyllis Schaffly's warning in 2005:

Is this what you want Kathryn? If it is, stay home, write in Cruz or even vote Hillary. If you care about America as a sovereign nation then vote Nehlen.  It's going to happen unless we remove the players. 

PBS Documentary: House Freedom Caucus Founder Was Key to Paul Ryan, Luis Gutierrez Open Borders Effort

EXCLUSIVE– NumbersUSA President: Paul Ryan ‘Terrifying,’ ‘Open Borders Seeps Out of Every Pore Of His Being’

Comment by Kathryn Ball on June 25, 2016 at 7:07pm

Not reading both sides is not going to do ANYONE ant good. I've read yours, I have always looked at BOTH sides before making a decision.

Close mindedness is what has put us in our present dire straits......but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

If you're referring to Dan O'Donnel's article, it has only been 'out there' since the 20th of June.

Comment by Patty on June 25, 2016 at 3:13pm

Kathryn I don't listen to pundits, I make up my own mind. This has been out there a long time nothing new.

I have talked to Paul Nehlen and he LISTENS and he wants to represent YOU and the district. Look at WHY Nehlen is running - his words not mine out of the Conservative Review back on March 31 "[Paul Ryan] literally shook my hand and looked me in the eye and said ‘get people out to vote and we we’ll push back against Obama’s illegal immigration,” fumed Nehlen. “I bought his book. I sent his book as gifts to friends. That’s how invested in this I was. That’s the level of betrayal.”

That's why I will NEVER support Rubio again. You remember when I asked people here to support Marco because he looked me in the eye and with a sincere handshake PROMISED to ALWAYS listen even when we disagree. We have to STOP sending these lifetime politicians to DC and keep making them rich while they do nothing and can't even keep a simple promise like listening.

Nehlen IS out listening every single day at every single voter's house. If you still live in CD1 PLEASE call Derek Hankerson at  262-721-8819 and ask him to please have Paul Nehlen stop by your house to talk and discuss issues or meet him somewhere. PLEASE make up your own mind. Tell him what you want him to do if you elect him - ask him to set up town all meetings or whatever YOU want - he will be representing you.

Someone wrote this on Nehlen's FB page and I know it is a real statement - Nehlen isn't paying trolls, " You stopped at my son's house and they were truly grateful that you listened to their story." You have a unique opportunity to change DC and get a person unlike Ryan who is so elitist that he doesn't even care about you anymore. I have called Ryan's congressional offices and even tried the ones in Wisconsin - they ALWAYS go to voice mail and are ALWAYS full so no one even listens to them

I just gave you the phone number to a campaign director. How many candidates do that? You now have it and anytime you have an issue or question you can call him. He WANTS to talk to you - you're the voter and YOU matter. 

Ryan doesn't even have a phone number to call on his campaign page. WHY? He doesn't want to talk to you and he knows you will always vote for him because you always have.

Please talk to Nehlen with an open mind. You are such a nice sweet person and have never been this angry. I'm sorry Cruz lost but if it had been Cruz that won, my family would have been upset for a day and then said where do we go to get a win and STOP Hillary.We always respect the will of the people - Romney/Ryan wasn't my ticket but I walked every day in 105 degree heat for 4 months to get a win. We respected the will of the people as we should have - I'm one vote out of millions.

And remember, after you talk to Paul, you make up your OWN mind on who to vote for. Your vote does matter so please give Derek a call right now!


Comment by Kathryn Ball on June 25, 2016 at 1:44pm


I will look but you did NOT ANSWER my question.....DID you read or listen to Dan O'Donnell's article???

Comment by Patty on June 25, 2016 at 6:04am


Please go read Nehlen's about page. He is a senior VP of a company and he relocated jobs BACK to the US from Canada. His previous job he relocated 80% of a Mexican factory back to the US. He also has several patents. He explained the small business out of his home. Perfect man to implement Trump's plans to bring back jobs to America.  Where are all those jobs Ryan has created in the last 18 years? - oh I forgot Ryan just watched as those companies went out of the country. You nevertrumpers hate the establishment and just are supporting Ryan because you think he will help you in all your plotting to take the nomination for Cruz at the convention. You heard "conscience" and think he will overtake the voter's choice. And how come everyone in Wisconsin is getting so upset and attacking Nehlen - is it because he is different than everyone else that Ryan has faced? Is it because Ryan is no where to be found and is not campaigning. Ryan is an elitist who doesn't have time to listen to the voters. What are you going to do Kathryn when Ryan stands on that stage and supports Trump at the convention? Ryan is a party guy and he won't go with Cruz. After BREXIT, Trump is the one on the right side of history and he WILL be the nominee and Ryan will stand with Trump to try to save his congressional seat and keep the speakership. Don't get too nervous Kathryn, all those blue signs across CD1 mean nothing - they are just there to beautify the landscape. And just ignore the billboard - there are more to come but they aren't causing a stir. They way you Cruz people are plotting to usurp the will of the people and go against the Constitution and everything this country is based upon, maybe we better take another look at Cruz for the "empty suit liar and sneak he his". Cruz's phone bank was active into Calofornia through primary day even though he had suspended - that's zcheating and backhanded any way you look at it.Trump's the nominee and if you can't handle the truth please just go on with your life and stop being so angry at the world. As I have said from the beginning, Cruz takes good honest people down in the gutter with him and that is why no one will ever support him. And everyone I know voted for other candidates in the primary because as they say "Cruz is just creepy". And that's from non tea party, non political people who all reached their conclusions on their own. Creepy people don't win elections for president. And as for Nehlen, all that matters is the voters on August 9th

#PREXIT   And Kathryn, if you need the links to any of the Free the delegates sites or how to communicate with UNrah, just let me know. They are collecting money for lawyers to cause a scene - make sure you donate.. Or call the RNC or Trump campaign, they have ALL the information. I'm sorry that the Tshirt with free the delegates failed and not one sold. Follow Unrah on Twitter - it's really funny because all the people tweeting back to her want Kasich. I also heard that they are going to have Ryan waiting in the wings to take the nomination which should make you really excited since you are so fervently supporting Ryan. Wouldn't that be the ultimate irony, you usurp the nomination and then the Party usurps you. But your guy Ryan would then be the nominee and you would be happy again. And Ryan could run for president and Nehlen could be in the congress so don't bad mouth Nehlen because you may need him to keep a democrat out of congress. Go Nehlen! Go Trump! America First!

Comment by Patty on June 25, 2016 at 5:00am

Brexit Comes to America: Ryan Challenger Mounts Immigration Billboard

Comment by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on June 24, 2016 at 1:28pm



@ Patty and Kathryn


Please consider the tenets contained in the

Declaration of the INDEPENDENTSas being a universal template for all

candidates in elections,

local and national.

Find candidates who fit that mold, then


with the credible threat of re-call,

after you have elected them.



Declaration of the INDEPENDENTS:

Comment by Kathryn Ball on June 24, 2016 at 12:43pm

Thanks, RayA!

Patty......have to clicked on the link I posted? We NEED to HONESTLY understand WHO we are voting for in ANY election.

The Dan O'Donnel piece is the truth and it's pretty easy to recognize yet ANOTHER "Empty SUIT"!






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