NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Attention, All Three Branches Of Our Treasonous US Government!

I frequently wake up in a foul mood these days- and the accompanying feelings of anger, dread, disillusionment and dissatisfaction invariably grow more intense when I confirm through my email that Barry and Michelle Obama still reside in the White House instead of our federal prison system- not simply because of these two-bit phonies themselves, but because of the duplicity and treachery of those myriad federal civil servants who have sworn to uphold the US Constitution, thereby promising to protect and defend the God-given rights of the American people- yet having failed so miserably to answer that inexorable call to duty. And yes, I suppose any English teacher worth a pinch of salt would call this rant a run-on sentence, but no matter. By the way, Mr. Boehner- are you listening? Only joking, John. Of course you’re not!

Let me clear up a few things. Barry is not a NATURAL BORN American citizen, because first and foremost, his father was born in Kenya and was a British citizen. (And no, I don’t believe that alternative bunk about Barry’s father being Malcolm X.) Moreover, Barry is not even a NATIVE BORN citizen, because he HIMSELF was born in Kenya. Moreover, both versions of Obama’s “official” birth certificate are clearly fraudulent- despite all the loyal lamestream media hype to the contrary. Not only is Barry therefore Constitutionally ineligible to be President, but the felonious release of those two phony documents comprises serious criminal activity for which all parties involved in that massive fraud should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of all applicable federal laws.

Sadly for us, however, our Congress is crooked, Obama’s Department of Justice is more crooked- and our federal courts are even more corrupt.  Strikes one, two and three! We’re out! Or ARE we? Think about it, folks!

This whole messy question of Obama’s Constitutional eligibility has been downgraded by everyone from Chris Matthews to Billy O’Reilly as outrageous Birther nonsense- but in the end, a mountain of indisputable facts refuting the never-ending fairytale about Barry’s bogus birthright will prove otherwise. I just wonder sometimes if that not-so-swift stroke of justice will be in sufficient time to save our republic.

Come on, you traitors! How dumb and gullible do you think we are? Take the curved portion of that latest forgery (resulting from any book being placed on a copy machine) not jiving with the perfectly STRAIGHT words plugged into that curve by digital layering. Or the damn thing being signed by a local registrar named “U. K. L. Lee!” Ukulele? Are you kiddin’ me? Yes you, Mr. Boehner- and all the rest of you filthy traitors! Do you really think we were all born yesterday?

Take a look for yourself, my friends! Please watch this wonderful and informative video! In just a few minutes, a young dyed-in-the-wool patriotic geek from Georgia will make it perfectly clear to you how this blatant forgery was produced! If you’re still not convinced, watch this fellow’s advanced course contained in PART TWO , PART THREE and PART FOUR!

Still not enough? Here’s a slicker alternative-media package courtesy of Alex Jones that may prove even MORE convincing to you!

And unless I’ve missed something, NOT ONE announced self-righteous GOP and/or TEA Presidential hopeful has dared to challenge this colossal Obummer FRAUD- lest Billy O’Reilly or some other bought-off bum call out with unrestrained liberal glee, “You’re a pinheaded Birther!”

Now I ask you stinking traitors once again! How obtuse do you think we are? How much treachery do you think our stomachs can stand before we pick up our brooms and pitchforks and come after you? You disgusting treacherous thieves now have less credibility than even our complicit lamestream media!

Attention, all three branches of our treasonous US Government! Despite the combined literary power of my polished vocabulary and my rather extensive folksy lexicon, I’ve not sufficient words to express the fathomless extent your obscene lies and damnable treachery! Only God Almighty could manage such a feat!

Nevertheless, the awful day of reckoning is coming! The nearly bottomless pit ye have dug for those innocent American citizens ye have sworn to serve and protect shall be filled to overflowing with your own lifeless bodies when God Almighty visits his divine justice upon you! But this is not all! Your wickedness shall also be punished by the wicked- the gall of bitterness shall be the sweetest thing you taste- and your eternal thirst shall be quenched by only the dust of their angry stomping feet- as even these, the murdering scum of Planet Earth, shall abandon you in utter disgust! Yes, attention, all three branches of our treasonous US Government! Our nation will eventually comprehend your dastardly lies and treachery- and the resulting avalanche of truth and understanding shall set us free at last!
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 6, 2011 at 1:40pm

Great comments on that crooked dofus jerk, Allan.

Here are a few of Barry's crimes off the top of my head. I

encourage everyone to add to my list, the one I missed or forgot.


The person known as Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama) is a Criminal Felon!

I accuse him of all of the following committed crimes and that were blatantly intentional:

1) State of Hawaii Vital Records Tampering

2) Theft and or Destruction of Official Legal Documents

3) Improper and illegal use of various individual’s Social Security Numbers

4) Multiple Fraudulent Documents (fake birth certificates)

5) Treasury Theft (Misappropriation of Funds) Personal Wealth Stash and Stimulis Funds Used for Democrat Election Campaign

6) Misrepresentation of Qualifications to Hold Government Office

7) Falsification of Background

8) Election fraud ’08 Involving ACORN

9) Receiving Foreign Contributions from A Federally Designated Terrorist Organization

10) The violation of the Posse Comitatus Act ’09 in the states of Alabama and Kentucky

11) Bribing of Candidates Running for The U.S. Senate

12) Buying Support for Healthcare Bill Legislation 







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