Our Fourth Amendment right to feel safe in our own homes from unwarranted government intrusion has apparently evaporated.
Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge? At the time, I suspect most Americans thought something like- “Oh, dear- what’s the government doing! Oh, well- not my problem. Hurry, Johnny- we’ll be late for church (a soccer game or whatever).”
Oh, how times change! Now all it takes for police to come marching into your home without a warrant is a 911 call from a concerned citizen- who perhaps doesn’t like you much for one reason or another…
I myself no longer feel safe from police intrusion. Earlier this year, Ocean City Police came to my door after one of those concerned citizens called 911 upon hearing the habitual rants of my demented elderly mother. Through the open door, the officers could plainly discern that all was now quiet, but despite my protests, they insisted on inspecting my home. Three armed men against one old man. Well, that was a no-brainer. Finally they agreed to my proffered compromise that just the senior officer would come in and look around. He came upstairs and saw my mother peacefully sitting in her rocker. Nevertheless, he still wanted to inspect the rest of my four-story home. He was actually a nice fellow- acting only out of what he perceived to be his legitimate role as a law enforcement officer. Upon my further protest, however, the absurdity of situation became apparent to him- and the incident ended right there.
This may sound entirely nuts to you, but I would go so far as to say I would sleep better at night WITHOUT police protection- simply having a shotgun handy to protect my own home against unwelcome intruders. At the least, my mother’s demented rants would no longer fill my heart with fear and dread of our growing police state.
Here’s the new reality in a nutshell. If you kill a lone criminal attempting to gain unwelcome entry to your home, whatever the unpleasant legal consequences might be, his army of one has immediately been extinguished.
If you resist a policeman attempting to gain unwelcome entry to your home, you will most likely be met with overwhelming force- force that could easily escalate to a level of lethal brutality reminiscent of that old Clint Eastwood movie “The Gauntlet.” The officer will immediately call for backup- with a literal army of law enforcement personnel available to neutralize you, should you be foolish enough to press your luck in that hapless direction.
Welcome to the new America- if we can still call it America.
I firmly believe that the growing police state has been carefully planned- a program of incremental conditioning to prepare us for eventual martial law. “Planned by whom“ you ask? I would guess the same folks who keep the imposter Barry Obama in power- despite his fraudulent birth documentation and all the other ridiculous affronts to our human dignity that the Kenyan’s unconstitutional administration has heaped upon us.
Even silent dancing at Jefferson Memorial was met with unwarranted police brutality during the Memorial Day weekend. Carefully watching the videos, I was shocked to see such excessive and outrageous behavior by police.
Oh yes, there’s a federal law against even modest expressions of free speech in such places- but there seems to be a federal law, regulation or guideline against almost any manifestation of individual liberty these days.
Trashing the Fourth Amendment, however, may be that “one bridge too far” that finally unites the fury of both left and right. In the end, folks will see that despite the proclaimed nuances between communism, fascism or any other form totalitarian government, tyranny by any other name is still tyranny. And as our worst domestic enemy clearly becomes the state itself (which I believe is clearly happening), liberals and conservatives alike will eventually yield to the pragmatic wisdom of uniting in our common defense.
When enough Americans no longer feel safe in their own homes against unwarranted government intrusion, all Hell will break loose. Mainstream America will finally get it. They will finally comprehend what the Birthers, Truthers and all the other assorted conspiracy nuts like myself have long been trying to tell them- that the only practical difference between life in Nazi Germany and the glorious manifestation of their individual American Dreams lies in our preservation of the US Constitution. Honestly ask yourself, “Is the growing police state preparing us for martial law?”
Updated 1 June 2011 at 1115 hours: Judson Phillips of TPN has just hipped me that the unfortunate incident at Jefferson Memorial was instigated by Adam Kokesh and related rabble. No significant difference, however. The police apparently took the enticing bait- and used excessive force anyway. Pretty sad when even some leftist loonies manage to make you look like brutal thugs. Maybe this is a good example of left and right combining in a common cause…
Richard Allan Jenni
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