NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
MOST OF MY KENYAN RECORDINGS HAVE BEEN DELETED! Patriot Pastor Thomas Gilbert Cole(Chaplain Tom)
Posted by Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole
Chaplain Thomas G. Cole wrote:Subject: "{WE THE PEOPLE}" must arrest and try the Communist Muslim!
Posted by Thomas Gilbert Cole on March 9, 2013 at 7:38am
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"Black Robe Reg"
Scott Charles Wolfe posted in Black Robe Reg
Friday, March 8, 2013 White House: US Citizens...
Scott Charles Wolfe 7:35am Mar 9
White House: US Citizens can be killed without due process
Attorney General Eric Holder sent another letter to Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) denying that the occupant of the Oval Office has authority to use drones to kill American citizens. But the White House is splitting hairs in an effort to play down its belief that the Constitution allows for the president to kill American citizens without due process. One has to understand the fine line the Department of Justice and the White House is walking. Press Secretary Jay Carney played the Constitution against itself at Thursday's White House press briefing. On one hand, he said the president cannot kill American citizens without due process; on the other, he says the president has authority to do so given an imminent threat.
Carney told reporters: "If...the United States were under attack or there were imminent threat, all the same laws that applied to the President's authority apply now, whether it has to do with drones or other modes that you would use to prevent a terrorist attack or an attack like Pearl Harbor, or any other hypothetical that you can imagine. The law is the law, and the Constitution is the Constitution. And I think that's what the Attorney General was saying...The question that Senator Paul asked: Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil? The answer to that question is no."
Perhaps not so obvious is that Carney made a distinction that supports the Justice Department's justification of killing Americans without due process. He is saying that if there were an imminent threat, the Constitution gives the president authority to kill American citizens without due process. Then he said the president does not have the authority to kill an American not engaged in combat. Herein lies the problem: The Justice Department and Attorney General Eric Holder are relying on "an informed, high-level official of the US government" to make the determination whether an American citizen is "an imminent threat." This makes the US government no different than any dictatorial regime seeking to protect its power.
Brothers and sisters, this is serious. It is longstanding US law that the federal government cannot arbitrarily determine who is an enemy and who isn't. It never has been "legal" for "an informed government official" to determine whether a citizen could live or die. This White House says it is legal. All that is required is that a government official believes you to be an imminent threat. Carney's and Holder's explanations fit the end time prophecy of Paul in 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." This topic would never have risen to the public if not for the Justice Department white paper outlining intent to identify US citizens for assassination. Where there is smoke, there is fire--in this case fire from hell.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
--- On Sat, 3/9/13, Chaplain Thomas G. Cole wrote:
Posted by Thomas Gilbert Cole
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"Chaplain Thomas G. Cole"
Some Communities Consider Mandating Gun Ownership
By Associated Press March 9, 2013 6:55 am
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AUGUSTA, Maine -- A town of 140 people in the U.S. state of Maine is considering an ordinance making gun ownership mandatory, the latest of a handful of communities nationwide to pass or consider such a rule even though the measures are widely considered unenforceable.
Communities from Idaho to Georgia have been inspired to "require" or recommend their residents arm themselves ever since a gunman killed 26 youngsters and educators Dec. 14 in a school in Newtown, Connecticut, and raised fears among gun owners about an impending restriction on Second Amendment rights.
Although it is only a handful of communities these measures reflect a growing divide in the U.S. between those like President Barack Obama who believe guns need to be more strictly regulated and supporters of the powerful gun lobby the National Rifle Association, which maintains that more guns keep people safer.
While generally more liberal states with large urban centers like New York and California lawmakers have been introducing more stringent gun control laws, more conservative, rural areas have been going in the opposite direction.
South Dakota on Friday passed a law allowing teachers and other personnel to carry firearms in the state's schools, the first of its kind since the Connecticut school shooting.
Backed by gun rights supporters, the Maine ordinance is intended to pre-emptively block gun-control laws, Maine Attorney General Janet Mills said, adding that it will be "null and void" even if it passes. It is pre-empted by a 2011 state law that bars municipalities from adopting firearm regulations.
"I think the town is going to have to shoot it down," Mills said Friday.
That's what happened this week in Sabattus, another town in Maine, where the selectmen took the police chief's advice and voted not to send a similar proposal to voters. David Marsters, a retiree in Sabbatus, had proposed the ordinance, saying it would act as a hedge against crime.
The idea has also caught on in Nelson, a city of just over 1,300 north of downtown Atlanta, Georgia where supporters of the gun-ownership proposal say light police patrols leave city residents virtually unprotected for most of the day.
The proposal contains several exemptions for people who object to owning firearms because of personal beliefs, religious reasons or mental disability. In a statement, Mayor Pro Tem Jonathan Bishop said convicted felons would also be exempted.
"I am in no way attempting to face off with the federal government, only doing what an elected official is supposed to do," Councilman Duane Cronic, who proposed the ordinance, said in an email Friday. The rule passed unanimously on its first reading and awaits a final vote April 1.
In Kennesaw, Georgia., city officials worried at the time of a similar law's passage in 1982 that population growth in nearby Atlanta might bring crime to the community, which now has about 30,000 people.
"They wanted to send an anti-crime message, also," Graydon said. And it has worked, he argued, with crime staying low.
Graydon acknowledged Kennesaw's ordinance is "unenforceable" and said no attempt has ever been made to do so.
Some communities don't go so far as to call for required gun ownership.
Spring City, Utah, moved forward with an ordinance this year "recommending" the idea of keeping firearms. Other ordinances have been passed in Virgin, Utah, and Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania, largely as symbolic gestures.
A southwestern Idaho town of 900 people, Greenleaf, adopted an ordinance in 2006 that encourages residents who don't object on religious or other reasons to keep a gun in the house and to seek training on using firearms. City officials said they don't know how many residents own guns.
In Maine, Byron's Simmons-Edmunds said that probably 90 percent of the households in town already have a gun and that passage would not mean the town would enforce it by checking every household.
"We not going to invade anybody's privacy," Byron's Simmons-Edmunds said. "We just want to send a statement that we're not going to give up our guns."
Contributing to this report were Associated Press writers Phillip Lucas in Atlanta and Todd Dvorak in Boise, Idaho.
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Obama was born in Kenya longer versionObama was born in Kenya longer versionKenyan
Ambassador to America is proud that a Kenyan is in the White House and
that Obama was one of the first Western educated Kenyans, just like his
Kenyan father. | 2:35 | 3 years ago | youtube.comMichelle Obama Admits Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country is KenyaMichelle Obama Admits Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country is KenyaSupport
this video if it makes you wonder... I think "2016 Obama's America" the
movie might lend some understanding to his perspective on the world...
it just debuted ... | 00:31 | 2 years ago | youtube.comBarack Obama was born in Kenya ~ Here is your proof or are they ...Barack Obama was born in Kenya ~ Here is your proof or are they ...Barack Obama was born in
Kenya ~ Here is your proof or are they ALL LYING? | 4:39 | 1 year ago | liveleak.comObama ADMITS Born in Kenya!!!Obama ADMITS Born in Kenya!!!Barack Obama claims he was born in Kenya! We now have
Michelle and Barry admitting he was born in Kenya. | 00:21 | 2 years ago | youtube.comSarah Obama Reveals Barack Obama Was Born In KenyaSarah Obama Reveals Barack Obama Was Born In KenyaTwo
Interviews of Sarah Obama (Barack's Kenyan Paternal Grandmother)
claiming Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The first interview was done
from her home in Kenya ... | 4 years ago | youtube.comObama Born in Kenya?Obama Born in Kenya?Why did Obama as ,a Senator, campaign for Odinga? | 1:42 | 4 years ago | liveleak.comAffidavit and Tape-Proof Obama Born in KenyaAffidavit and Tape-Proof Obama Born in KenyaThis
is part of the evidence submitted to the Supreme Court. I had a
computer voice read the affidavit that was submitted with the tape, to
the Court. The tape is ... | 4 years ago | youtube.comProof Obama Admits He Was Born In KenyaProof Obama Admits He Was Born In KenyaNot
Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS
Obama, the jig is up ... | 8:25 | 3 years ago | youtube.comObama Admits Born in Kenya - Part 2 HARD EVIDENCEObama Admits Born in Kenya - Part 2 HARD EVIDENCEObama
wrote this biography of himself to promote his first book back in 1991.
Again, this was written in 1991 before he was even thought of as a
competitive ... | 00:55 | 2 months ago | youtube.comObama Born in Kenya, Publish Proof 1991 Acton & DystelObama Born in Kenya, Publish Proof 1991 Acton & Dystel
The Manning Report Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet:
'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' Recorded on 17 May
2012 ... | 15:18 | 7 months ago | youtube.comBarack Hussein Obama Admits "Born In Kenya"Barack Hussein Obama Admits "Born In Kenya"Obama says it himself, he was born in Kenya. | 10:58 | 1 year ago | youtube.comObama home country is KenyaObama home country is KenyaMichelle
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Obama's wife. English Dictionary Home Country noun Definition 1. the
country in which a ... | 00:08 | 2 years ago | youtube.comObama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in KenyaObama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in KenyaThis
is the audio of a telephone conversation with Sarah Hussein Obama, this
time, with the transcript following along with the audio- where she
says she was there ... | 5:10 | 4 years ago | youtube.comBirthers Vindicated: Obama Born in Kenya!Birthers Vindicated: Obama Born in Kenya!Alex
Jones covers the new smoking gun evidence that proves Obama was born in
Kenya! ... | 7:35 | 7 months ago | youtube.comGrandmother says Obama born in KenyaGrandmother says Obama born in KenyaObama's grandmother says he was born in Kenya | 4 years ago | youtube.comKenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in KenyaKenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in KenyaKenyan
Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya The Mike In The Morning show on
WRIF radio, in Detroit, Michigan, called the Kenyan Embassy, and spoke
to the Kenyan ... | 2:20 | 4 years ago | youtube.comObama Actually Born In Kenya!?Obama Actually Born In Kenya!?New evidence surfaced that Obama could possibly have been born in Kenya! Is this just a typo that was never caught or the truth? | 1:35 | 7 months ago | youtube.comObama confesses I was born in KENYA; NOT US or HawaiiObama confesses I was born in KENYA; NOT US or HawaiiCourtesy youtube user NCTruthSeeler. | 1:25 | 1 year ago | youtube.comMichelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born ...Michelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born ...This
is Michelle Obama speaking at the LGBT Conference. Well, here it is.
There IS NO DENYING the truth now. Michelle Obama ADMITS in a speech to
Democrats that ... | 3:00 | 2 years ago | youtube.comObama: BREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD ...Obama: BREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD ...Obama:
2011 ORIGINAL WND ARTICLE HERE! ... | wat.tvMarine: 1980 In Hi. Obama Told Me He Was Born In Kenya And Wanted ...Marine: 1980 In Hi. Obama Told Me He Was Born In Kenya And Wanted ...Jim
"Race Bannon" Bancroft- Obama in 1980 said he was born in Mombasa,
Kenya - The stunning admission was made to a member of the U.S. Marine
Corps, in a chance ... | 5:23 | 7 months ago | youtube.comOBAMA Born in KENYA - Blackmailed by Clinton's. Signed Laws ...OBAMA Born in KENYA - Blackmailed by Clinton's. Signed Laws ...OBAMA
Born in KENYA - Blackmailed by Clinton's. Signed Laws & Executive
Orders should be VOID The establishment media hastily seized on
yesterday's explosive story ... | 7:33 | 7 months ago | youtube.comBarack Obama Born in Kenya?Barack Obama Born in Kenya?Everybody
in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama, that Americans
don't know! Hear what they have to say about Barack Obama's religion and
where he was ... | 4 years ago | myspace.comBarack Obama Born in Kenya?Barack Obama Born in Kenya?Everybody
in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama, that Americans
don't know! Hear what they have to say about Barack Obama's religion and
where he was ... | 4 years ago | dailymotion.comBARACK OBAMA - BORN IN KENYA - The Documentary - STUN NING!BARACK OBAMA - BORN IN KENYA - The Documentary - STUN NING!The
one video documentary you MUST see to understand the basis of Barack
Obama's ineligibility to hold the office of President of the U nited
States~ Shocking primary ... | 10:00 | 2 years ago | youtube.comBREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD?BREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD?ORIGINAL
WND ARTICLE HERE! yt:crop=16:9
Hear Carl Gallups (Narrator of this video) on Live talk radio on NW FL
... | 4:12 | 1 year ago | youtube.comSenator Obama Admits to a Live Audience He's From KENYA???I'll
be the first to admit that this could have been easily edited.I would
like to find and am currently searching for, the full video of this
speech please link to ... | 8 months ago | youtube.comAlex Jones - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Obama born in KenyaAlex Jones - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Obama born in KenyaExclusive
interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi about Obama the Manchurian President,
born in Kenya. Filmed 5-20-12 One must be born a 'natural born citizen'
of the United ... | 49:45 | 7 months ago | youtube.comOn Hardball, Liddy claims Obama is an "illegal alien" born in KenyaOn Hardball, Liddy claims Obama is an "illegal alien" born in KenyaLiddy
falsely claimed there is a "sworn statement from the stepgrandmother"
saying Obama was born in Kenya: | 5:29 | 3 years ago | youtube.comObama Born in Kenya The Real Birth Certificate Finally!!!!!Obama Born in Kenya The Real Birth Certificate Finally!!!!!True birth place of obama | 4 months ago | youtube.comAlex Jones - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Obama born in KenyaAlex Jones - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Obama born in KenyaExclusive
interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi about Obama the Manchurian President,
born in Kenya. Filmed 5-20-12 One must be born a 'natural born citizen'
of the United ... | 49:45 | 7 months ago | youtube.comOn Hardball, Liddy claims Obama is an "illegal alien" born in KenyaOn Hardball, Liddy claims Obama is an "illegal alien" born in KenyaLiddy
falsely claimed there is a "sworn statement from the stepgrandmother"
saying Obama was born in Kenya: | 5:29 | 3 years ago | youtube.comBarack Obama Born in Kenya?Barack Obama Born in Kenya?Everybody
in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama, that Americans
don't know! Hear what they have to say about Barack Obama's religion and
where he was ... | 1:42 | 4 years ago | liveleak.comObama Born in Kenya The Real Birth Certificate Finally!!!!!Obama Born in Kenya The Real Birth Certificate Finally!!!!!True birth place of obama | 4 months ago | youtube.comMichelle Obama admits Barack born in kenya.wmvMichelle Obama admits Barack born in kenya.wmvNo description available. | 2 years ago | youtube.comObama Born In Kenya Proof!Obama Born In Kenya Proof!Please
rate, comment and subscribe. Who is Barack Obama? The
question remains contentious, but a new smoking gun piece of evidence
makes certain that ... | 7 months ago | youtube.comObama born in Kenya?Obama born in Kenya?A short clip where Barry says he is more popular in the place of his birth lol. | 00:21 | 1 year ago | liveleak.comAnn Coulter: Unnamed Source In Kenya Says Obama Was Born In KenyaAnn Coulter: Unnamed Source In Kenya Says Obama Was Born In KenyaAnn Coulter on Fox News: Unnamed Source In Kenya Says Obama Was Born In Kenya - | 5 months ago | youtube.comSarah Obama Reveals Barack Obama Was Born In KenyaSarah Obama Reveals Barack Obama Was Born In KenyaTwo
Interviews of Sarah Obama (Barack's Kenyan Paternal Grandmother)
claiming Barack was born in Kenya. The first interview done from her
home Kenya after the third | vxv.comBarack Obama - Born in Kenya IIBarack Obama - Born in Kenya IIHear
it direct from Obama's grandmother, who is beautiful, candid and very
lucid. Everybody in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama,
that Americans don't ... | 2:00 | 4 years ago | liveleak.comObama says he's not American and born in Kenya (mirror)Obama says he's not American and born in Kenya (mirror)The
single most damning video ever released with Obama clearly saying he's
not an American and he was born in Kenya. This should be mirrored and
saved on all ... | 2 years ago | youtube.comObama Born In KenyaObama Born In KenyaNo description available. | 5 months ago | youtube.comAffidavit and Tape-proof Obama Born In KenyaAffidavit and Tape-proof Obama Born In KenyaAffidavit
and Tape-Proof Obama Born in Kenya, Obama Not Born In Kenya - McRae /
Berg Full Clip of Grandmother, Obama BORN IN KENYA Confirmed by Kenyan
Ambassador ... | 00:09 | wn.comObama's Kenyan RootsObama's Kenyan RootsJan
2008 There are no proper roads leading to the village of
Nyangoma-Kogelo. Facilities are basic. But it's here that one of Barack
Obama's most committed supporters ... | 3:19 | 4 years ago | youtube.comMichael Savage: Obama Born in KenyaMichael Savage: Obama Born in KenyaA 1991 promotional booklet from Obama's literary agent claims that Barack was born in Kenya aired 5/17/2012 | 2:33 | 7 months ago | youtube.comBARACK OBAMA - BORN IN KENYA - STUNNING PROOF!.flvBARACK OBAMA - BORN IN KENYA - STUNNING PROOF!.flvNot
my vid - I am just redistributing it. The problem with living a lie, is
it's hard to keep your 'facts' straight. This isn't a worry when you
tell nothing but the ... | 6 months ago | youtube.comObama Grandmother audio: Barack is Born in KenyaObama Grandmother audio: Barack is Born in KenyaThis
is the audio of a telephone conversation with Sarah Hussein Obama, this
time, with the transcript following along with the audio- where she
says she was there ... | 5:09 | 4 years ago |"Obama Born In Kenya""Obama Born In Kenya"Alex Jones | 5 months ago | youtube.comObama "Born In Kenya"!!!!!Obama "Born In Kenya"!!!!!The
Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in
Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii': ... | 7 months ago | youtube.comObama Said He Was Born in Kenya Up Until 2007Obama Said He Was Born in Kenya Up Until 2007That's
right Barack Obama PR firm was telling the media that he was born in
Kenya up till 2007. Obamas official agent speaking for him was putting
this out from 1993 ... | 7 months ago | youtube.comObama born in KenyaObama born in KenyaMichael
Savage with Philip Berg on 10/23/08 Berg states he has a tape of
Obama's grandmother, Sarah Obama, stating that she was present, when
Obama was born in Kenya ... | 10:34 | 4 years ago | youtube.comALAN KEYES SAYS OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYAALAN KEYES SAYS OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYAAlan Keyes is a Right Wing Birther who believes Obama is a Kenyan Born Muslim who hates America | 1 year ago | youtube.comDonald Trump contends Obama born in KenyaDonald Trump contends Obama born in KenyaBrooke Baldwin talks to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison about the "birther" debate surrounding President Obama's birthplace. | 7 months ago | youtube.comObama Said He Was Born In Kenya!!!Obama Said He Was Born In Kenya!!!Obama is a Kenyan!!! | 1:25 | 7 months ago | youtube.comObama Born In Kenya.Obama Born In Kenya.Published
on 17 May 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel Who is Barack
Obama? The question remains contentious, but a ... | 4:38 | 7 months ago | youtube.comLiterary Bio Claims Obama Born in KenyaLiterary Bio Claims Obama Born in KenyaA
1991 promotional booklet from Barack Obama's literary agent claims that
the President was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. What does the
new information mean ... | 7 months ago | youtube.comBREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD?BREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD?Hear
Carl Gallups (Narrator of this video) on Live talk radio on NW FL's
TALK RADIO - 1330 WEBY AM - broadcasting to a 4 state area on the Gulf
Coast - every Friday ... | 4:11 | 1 year ago | liveleak.comBUSTED: at Harvard Obama said he was born in KenyaBUSTED: at Harvard Obama said he was born in KenyaOff to gitmo with this clown | 00:47 | 7 months ago | youtube.comBarack H Obama Born in Kenya The REAL Birth Certificate !Barack H Obama Born in Kenya The REAL Birth Certificate !Here
is proof Obama was born in Kenya. Impeachment and trial soon underway.
Michelle Obama Admits Kenya is Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country ... | 2 years ago | youtube.comObama born in Kenya Literary agent wroteObama born in Kenya Literary agent wrotePresident
Barack Obama was born in Kenya as confirmed by his literary agent in a
profile Obama himself would have to approve of. Here is the breaking
news. | 1:31 | 7 months ago | youtube.comVideo Search Search results for WAS OBAMA BORN IN KENYA?Michelle Obama Admits Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country is Kenya00:31Barack Obama was born in Kenya ~ Here is your proof or are they ...4:39Obama ADMITS Born in Kenya!!!00:21Sarah Obama Reveals Barack Obama Was Born In KenyaObama Born in Kenya?1:42Affidavit and Tape-Proof Obama Born in KenyaProof Obama Admits He Was Born In Kenya8:25Obama Admits Born in Kenya - Part 2 HARD EVIDENCE00:55Obama Born in Kenya, Publish Proof 1991 Acton & Dystel15:18Barack Hussein Obama Admits "Born In Kenya"10:58Obama home country is Kenya00:08Obama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in Kenya5:10Birthers Vindicated: Obama Born in Kenya!7:35Grandmother says Obama born in KenyaKenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya2:20Obama Actually Born In Kenya!?1:35Obama confesses I was born in KENYA; NOT US or Hawaii1:25Michelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born
...3:00Obama: BREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD ...Marine: 1980 In Hi. Obama Told Me He Was Born In Kenya And Wanted ...5:23OBAMA Born in KENYA - Blackmailed by Clinton's. Signed Laws ...7:33Barack Obama Born in Kenya?Barack Obama Born in Kenya?BARACK OBAMA - BORN IN KENYA - The Documentary - STUN NING!10:00BREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD?4:12Senator Obama Admits to a Live Audience He's From KENYA???Alex Jones - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Obama born in Kenya49:45On Hardball, Liddy claims Obama is an "illegal alien" born in Kenya5:29Obama Born in Kenya The Real Birth Certificate Finally!!!!!Alex Jones - Dr. Jerome Corsi - Obama born in Kenya49:45On Hardball, Liddy claims Obama is an "illegal alien" born in Kenya5:29Barack Obama Born in Kenya?1:42Obama Born in Kenya The Real Birth Certificate Finally!!!!!Michelle Obama admits Barack born in kenya.wmvObama Born In Kenya Proof!Obama born in Kenya?00:21Ann Coulter:
Unnamed Source In Kenya Says Obama Was Born In KenyaSarah Obama Reveals Barack Obama Was Born In KenyaBarack Obama - Born in Kenya II2:00Obama says he's not American and born in Kenya (mirror)Obama Born In KenyaAffidavit and Tape-proof Obama Born In Kenya00:09Obama's Kenyan Roots3:19Michael Savage: Obama Born in Kenya2:33BARACK OBAMA - BORN IN KENYA - STUNNING PROOF!.flvObama Grandmother audio: Barack is Born in Kenya5:09"Obama Born In Kenya"Obama "Born In Kenya"!!!!!Obama Said He Was Born in Kenya Up Until 2007Obama born in Kenya10:34ALAN KEYES SAYS OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYADonald Trump contends Obama born in KenyaObama Said He Was Born In Kenya!!!1:25Obama Born In Kenya.4:38Literary Bio Claims Obama Born in KenyaBREAKING PROOF! OBAMA BORN IN KENYA - Long Form BC A FRAUD?4:11BUSTED: at Harvard Obama said he was born in Kenya00:47Barack H Obama Born in Kenya The REAL Birth Certificate !Obama born in Kenya Literary agent wrote1:31View All Results
Chaplain Thomas G. Cole
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