NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

A Real President In 2013- Instead Of A Malevolent Narcissistic Fake?

Wow, Mitt. Six out of 10. Made my day- especially Ohio. The question now is: “Will you guys please stop the food fight and turn yer attention to the real culprit?”


Speaking of Obummer, I really think he has no shame. After having once declared that the hopeless quagmire in Afghanistan was “the right war,” yesterday Barry (with a straight face, no less) chided his political opposition for taking a tough stance toward Iran’s bid for nuclear supremacy in the Middle East- all the while pretending to care about the welfare of our military. This, mind you, is the same cavalier President who unilaterally declared war on Libya’s Gaddafi and also supported the ouster of Egypt’s Mubarak- managing to destabilize that region more than any other President in our history. Yes, Barak! You just raised the dubious art of political pandering to a whole new level- with the possible exception of Pilate granting Barabbas his freedom…


The Iranian government is giving aid and comfort to Hugo Chavez- further destabilizing the balance of power South America. The rogue Iranian regime has also joined forces with the Mexican drug lords to further destabilize Central America. Iranian arms have long contributed to the killing of our troops in Afghanistan- a perpetual act of war against the United States, not to mention destabilization of Southwest Asia. And concerned about recent atrocities in Syria? The chief Syrian confederate is Iran! And all this international chicanery while seeking a nuclear capability to wipe Israel off the map- or delivering a dirty nuclear “suitcase” to an unsuspecting American city.


Sometimes I wonder whose side yer on, Barry. No doubt in my mind, you’re an antichrist. The only possible debate is whether or not you are THE antichrist…


And you Evangelicals are terrified of having a “Mormon” President? Please come to your senses! Get a grip!


And now the energy crisis. As rising gasoline and diesel prices continue to fuel the current round of inflation, please remember that the price of crude (along with the price of gold and other precious metals) will continue to rise as long as a profligate US Federal Government continues to spend exceedingly more money than it can possibly raise by burdensome taxation, loans from foreign governments- and the Federal Reserve printing bogus paper money and/or creating unlimited fiat electronic currency literally out of thin air. Yes, increased domestic supply of oil would be helpful- but the real problem is an out-of-control Congress that spends more than it can possibly take in.


Adding insult to injury, the Obama administration has heaped its crony capitalism on the backs of US taxpayers- funding questionable green enterprises like belly-up Solyndra and Government Motors’ Chevy Volt. But what’s a little white collar crime to a President who has faked his birth certificate, Selective Service registration and Social Security number? And yes, I still believe “Grandma” Sarah Onyango Obama- who announced long ago that she was present in the Kenyan delivery room when little Barack was born.


And this brings me to the four remaining GOP Presidential hopefuls. Not one of them will blast Barry for what he is! A fake! Even Ron Paul has no problem labeling Rick Santorum (indeed appropriately) as “a fake,” but it appears the Texas Congressman has granted the Thief-in-Chief indefinite immunity regarding his treasonous crimes of deception. How about it, Ron? You, too, Mitt! Newt? Rick? Let’s give Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio a little help! Please? Pretty please?


Moreover, I submit that this protracted GOP nominating process is getting a bit old. Really old! I suppose it does keep all four major Presidential candidates in the news, but they are hurling so much mud at each other that Barry is getting off with nary a smudge! The longer this supercilious Republican sideshow obscures the dreadful antics of Obama’s perpetual three-ring circus, the less time the eventual GOP nominee will have to organize a national campaign to defeat Barry “The Bozo” Obama! Gingrich and Santorum couldn’t even launch a credible national organization against Romney in the last several months! What makes either of them think they can defeat the affluent Obama by tossing together a hodgepodge campaign in a few weeks?


Finally, I remain committed to defeating Barack Hussein Obama. The aggregate damage Barry has done to both the US Presidency and the nation itself is impossible to measure in human terms. Our military personnel are being used and abused to the most despicable degree since the Vietnam War. Millions of Americans are losing (or have already lost) their livelihoods, their homes and even their hopes for a brighter future. We are reduced to borrowing money from those who mock us. Petro-dollars fly abroad as our own natural resources lay largely dormant! The entitlement mantra “How much can we get?” has replaced the truly American question, “How much can we give?” Oh, what destruction can be wrought by one wicked king!


And that reminds me. It’s high time we had a real President again- instead of a malevolent narcissistic despot!


Richard Allan Jenni

Hobble Creek, Utah
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on March 10, 2012 at 6:18am

I might add that in my personal gut opinion, Santorum has bring with his rhetoric the memory of another, the dictator I live under the better part of my youth for 17 years, extreme Catholic and patriotic, none the less a fascist dictator. He truly give me very bad feeling.

Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on March 10, 2012 at 6:08am

She continued :

Like Nietzsche's Zarathustra, he is truly beyond the worldly notions of good and evil, though with a propensity for far more sinister activity. Why? Because at least Zarathustra was a figure whose motives and actions could be questioned and held accountable squarely within the realm of natural existence. Santorum, meanwhile, derives his ideology from personal interpretations of the supernatural. This renders said ideology closed to reason; he can say and do as he pleases without recourse as it is impossible to disprove him in a scientific fashion.

Anyone calling him or herself an advocate of limited government must also keep in mind one of Atkins' key observations; through Santorum's lens, the family, not the individual, is paramount. An argument like this is so easy to refute on a reasonable basis that it is almost comical. For starters, barring the individual, families could not exist, let alone thrive. Furthermore, what if a certain family is dysfunctional to the point of becoming abusive? If only a minority of members are victims, then who is the government to place a smash in that fix; after all, family rights come before individual rights, correct?

That the hardline pseudo-Christian right has warmly embraced a man like Santorum is a sad statement about how many Americans posses a desire for dictatorship. Perhaps many have blurred the line between preacher and president, or maybe certain hot-button social issues have destroyed their capacity for common sense. Either way, Santorum's sudden surge in popularity should be a huge cause for concern amongst those of us who actually value our liberties. While Ron Paul might be the craziest player on the GOP field, Rick Santorum is by far the most dangerous.

Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on March 10, 2012 at 6:06am

Thank you Uncle Sam for your comments and kindness.

  This is for you in reference of the comment you make about Santorum, I will add something, but well describe his state of mind, this has been post for me by a good friend.

  " Rick is ...An outspoken adherent of the Roman Catholic Church's fundamentalist wing, his total lack of interest in what the majority of voters care about is so obvious that one must wonder how he ever got elected to any office in the first place..... Despite America's ongoing meandering through the depths of one of its worst recessions in history, what is needed most, in his view, is a mass moral reformation centered around the "family." Job creation, the national debt, and social security stabilization matter not a whit; he intends to use the power of the Oval Office for extensive social engineering............

Recently, Intellectual Conservative columnist Andrew Atkins noted that the former Pennsylvania senator, who was booted out of office by a spectacular 18 point margin during the 2006 midterms, is not really running as a Republican during this year's presidential primaries. Instead, he has opted to base his candidacy around a platform inspired by his religion........ In Atkins's own words, ............ "Santorum, the family, not the individual or the state, is the most important unit of society....the constitutionality of morality laws is a mere abstraction for Santorum, and he sees little conflict in supporting government overreach if it achieves his desired outcome."

  "This is exactly the sort of attitude and strategy that have been utilized by virtually every tyrant since the dawn of civilization............. For Santorum, the United States government serves merely as the means to an end for legislating a rigid set of moral codes. Never mind that the codes in question are inherently unconstitutional, as the First Amendment affords us the separation of church and state...........

The founding documents of this nation matter very little to him. I think Santorum is one who truly believes that he is a messenger of the divine; a modern day prophet of sorts. For such a person, what do the laws of mere humans matter when a much higher authority is answered to?

Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on March 10, 2012 at 5:52am

This is a letter of a hard core supporter to RP... but he's also a hard core trying to expose Obama, so I guess in this person exist a conflict and eventually he decide that he can put down his integrity just to support his guy... but that is another story... the point is that this has been send by many to RP, who suppose to fight for the liberties of the people, and show to be another politician with the ego of power and control.

enjoy the reading...

Dear Dr. Paul:


Your office has just sent one of your constituents a form letter stating, in effect,  that you will not vote for a congressional inquiry into the true birth facts of our current white house incumbent. I do not quite understand your reasons for having your staff prepare and mail such a letter to those who support (have supported?) you in your district.


It probably could be said that I am one of your staunchest followers. I have been following you online since 1997 and I started the first Ron Paul 2008 Meetup in the US before there even was a Meetup topic for “Ron Paul”. I have sent you money even though I do not live in your district, and I have promoted and defended your viewpoints and actions in countless online articles published in key venues. This bland, glib, and frankly untruthful  response to a direct constituents of yours (and a politically and constitutionally very active one I might add), however, leaves me thoroughly disgusted.


In your letter you state:


    My staff has researched the issue of his citizenship. Our research has led us to conclude that the state of Hawaii has issued a valid birth certificate showing that Obama was born in the United States and is eligible to serve as president. As you may know, the congress certified the results of the electoral college on January 8, 2009, and Obama was sworn in as president of the United States on January 20, 2009.


Would you mind sharing that research with the rest of your supporters? Have you personally seen that “valid birth certificate” (i.e., the “long form” vault copy)? If that is so, why are regular Americans not allowed access to this crucial document? Are you protecting the status quo, now, Congressman Paul? Has it become feasible for you to “go along to get along” nowadays?


There are too many unanswered questions about this secret document. Anything short of a congressional subpoena of the document, an expert examination to eliminate potential forgery issues, and a public display of it to all concerned Americans simply will not do and will not be accepted.


I implore you as a man of a near-impeccable reputation and track record on constitutional issues and matters of the rule of law, please do not go down that road. In essence, your form letter tells Americans that they should simply let this one slide and take your (and the rest of the political establishment’s) word for it. That is the opposite of what you have continued to teach us throughout your political history.


For you to state that the authenticity of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate has been “established” borders on the intentionally deceptive. If it is “established”, how come we are not allowed to see it? The statement of a Hawaiian official that essentially says : “I have seen it. Trust me, it exists and it is authentic” doesn’t wash. As long as the certificate remains secret, neither the official’s nor your statement has any credibility.


As for me, although I am not from your district, I hereby commit to supporting and fighting for your strongest opponent in any upcoming re-election campaign of yours if you continue in this way. There are a lot of people who feel like me. I can assure you of that. You may marginalize us in the press and on the speaking platform, but you will not be able to do so at the voting booth.


There are new

Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on March 10, 2012 at 5:48am

Thanks gmiller, you answer the question before I have a change... that is the answer Liberty Bell... I have said that in my comments. When he and the rest of the House forgot to defend and protect the Constitution from foreign and domestic enemy's, they commit treason because EVERYONE OF THEM knew that obama was not legit to be the President but they allow it, step on in their Oath and the Constitution, how to trust someone when something so sacred is that is being betray? I hope this answer your question... the rest of gmiller answer apply to me as well.


Comment by Your Uncle Sam on March 10, 2012 at 12:59am

Why, thank you, Brother Miller. 

Comment by gmiller on March 9, 2012 at 2:23pm

Ron Paul going against Constitution?  Ignoring the  "Obama" eligibility scandal springs to mind immediately.

What's his excuse?

According to him, it's a "distraction." Yes, the biggest political, Constitutional scandal in history .... is a distraction.

If it wasn't for that and his lack of comprehension of the extremist jihadist threat, I might be out supporting him actively.

Comment by Liberty Belle on March 9, 2012 at 1:44pm

@ Freedom,

Do you have an example of Ron Paul ever going against the constitution? If so, can you please give me a link or some info? Thanks much.

Comment by Liberty Belle on March 9, 2012 at 1:43pm

@ Uncle-

My point of the RCP page was not the "average", figuring in older polls. My point was the MOST RECENT Rassmussen. Which clearly shows Paul is the only one within the margin of error of beating Obama. The older polls do not reflect that but I'm going with the most recent one. Actually, the Rassmussen from the week prior showed Paul as the only one BEATING Obama.

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on March 9, 2012 at 1:14pm

Yessireebob! Go to that RCP page. The order against BHO is first Romney, then Paul- with Santorum and Gingrich being the lowest. Nice to see Paul in second place, but, once again, he has yet to garner a single delegate or win a single state. Anybody who disputes the current delegate count this must be getting their news from China...

On a different subject, listening to Santorum on the campaign trail is painful. The guy just can't think fast enough on his feet  to be our President. He's almost as bad as Barry w/o a teleprompter. There's just too much airspace between Rick's words- but granted he doesn't fill those empty spaces with ahs, ums and other Obama baloney...

Freedom, thanks as always for your heartfelt comments.






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