NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

In the election of 2008 the seeds of socialism sown in the 60’s began produc­ing fruit. An unknown Senator from Illinois, the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, was elected president of the United States. He was an extremely charismatic orator who ran on a platform of “Hope and Change.”

Barak Obama is a product of the 60’s. Born to an American woman and a Kenyan father in 1961, he is a self-proclaimed socialist. His earliest schooling was in Muslim schools. His father, like Karl Marx before him, believed and taught heavy taxation as a means of redistributing the wealth. This is a prin­ciple his son has firmly embraced and is using to transform America.

One of Obama’s mentors was Bill Ayers, the radical organizer of the Weather Underground, a domestic terror organization. Concerning his time at Occi­dental College, Obama writes “I chose my friends carefully. The more politi­cally active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marx­ist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.” (Dreams from my Father, p. 100) The White House, once the home of our greatest leaders, is now occupied by a man of Muslim descent, schooled in the philosophy of Karl Marx, and honed for twenty years by the radical ranting of a Black Liberation Theologian.

The majority of the electorate did not look behind his glib speech to see if there were any accomplishments to support his rhetoric. In fact, there were none. He had never governed a city, a county, or a state. He had never run a business. He had never served in the military nor done anything else that would have given him leadership training. His only experience was being a community organizer in close cooperation with ACORN.

Just before the election he promised his supporters “five days from now we will fundamentally change America.” Not only that, but he also promised to “re­distribute the wealth” created by the American system of capitalism. As a can­didate, Obama promised the most open and transparent administration in history, yet as President everything has been done behind closed doors. In spite of his promise to place every piece of legislation on the inter-net for five days prior to passage, congress is now voting on legislation before even taking the time to read it themselves.

His coat tails were long, sweeping into Congress men and women who would support his socialist agenda. What the average person did not realize was that the hope and change he preached was his hope to change America into a socialist nation. Buried inside a seemingly innocuous Obama speech on com­munity service is the ominous statement,

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well-funded.” (University of Colorado, July 2, 2008)

What would be the purpose of this force? The noble sounding objectives given are the same as Hitler used to justify his brown shirts in the 1930’s.

Believing he had a mandate for change, Obama entered office with a messiah complex. Having gained control of both houses of congress, he immediately began pushing his socialist agenda on the American people. When he was elected America was facing an economic downturn. He and his congressional minions conspired to change the downturn into a crisis, then used the crisis they had created to justify enacting his socialist agenda. Through a system of bail-outs, they gained control over the major financial institutions as well as much of the automotive industry. Now they are talking about the need to control executive pay, not only for companies bailed out, but any company subject to government regulation.

The next thing in their sights was the major media which, with the exception of Fox news and talk radio, had been advocating the socialist agenda for years. The three major broadcast networks immediately rolled over, as did a major­ity of the major print media. Efforts are now underway to discredit Fox News, silence talk radio, and control the inter-net. As in any dictatorial, socialist system, the voices of opposition must be silenced.

A bill now in congress will give the government control over our entire health-care system. The true cost and details of this bill are being carefully concealed from the American people. In line behind the health care bill are “Cap and Trade” and “Card Check.” Cap and trade would give the government control of the entire energy system of the United States. “It would be economic sui­cide,” says Gene Hall, publisher for the Texas Farm Bureau, “and it will cost more to fill your car, heat your home and buy food.” Card check is a gift to his union supporters which would eliminate the secret ballot in union elections.

Sweeping legislation is being proposed which will drive our national debt to a level which can only be described as obscene. In his first year Obama has created a deficit three times larger than any deficit in the past. As a result, the dollar is now falling in value against every other major currency. Our children and grandchildren will spend their entire lives laboring under the largest na­tional debt in history of mankind, with no means of finding relief.

Obama has bypassed the Senatorial confirmation process to put in place a cadre of unelected, unqualified, radical, and immoral Czars, accountable only to himself, who have the authority to oversee and control every aspect of our society. It has been documented that some are openly pro Marxist, even Communist. If all the legislation now pending before congress is passed, the federal government will have direct control over 48% of our economy. Never in our history has the government attempted a power grab of this magnitude. In short, the pieces are all being assembled which will give this government dictatorial power over every aspect of the lives of all Americans.

What is perhaps the most frightening result of Obama’s policies, is that his perceived weakness has emboldened many of our enemies in their opposition toward us. Russia forced him to halt the missile defense shield for Eastern Europe then responded by announcing a new multi-warhead missile. Others, such as Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China and Venezuela have all thumbed their noses at him. In addition, radical Muslims are continually plotting ter­rorist attacks against us. Obama is placing every American in grave danger.

The Senate, the greatest deliberative body in the world, which once echoed the great voices of reason, has been reduced to a house of babble, where deals are cut in back rooms away from the view of the public they claim to rep­resent. These bills are then introduced by their minions as “representing the greater good.” “We the People” are told we must accept their decisions or be fined or imprisoned for failure to do so, placing our freedom in danger!

To be continued…..

This is the ninth of several installments. It comes from a pamphlet entitled “Once Upon a Time There was A Land Called America.” The entire pamphlet can be read at

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