NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

In 1960 I was one of many proud sailors in the United States Navy. In 1980 I was one of many proud soldiers in the Reagan Revolution. I count it among my greatest blessings to have been born in the United States of America and to have lived during the best years of our nation’s history.
As my generation prepares to pass the torch of liberty to the next we do so with great trepidation. We have been privileged to be the sons and daughters of the Greatest Generation. Their legacy can never be matched. Yet, we have preserved the heritage they left and proudly carried the torch when it was passed to us. We have known the sounds of battle, the joys of family, and the eternal blessings of a loving God. We have stood on the shores of the mighty ocean which brought our ancestors to this land of freedom, and we have stood on the tall mountains and viewed the amber waves of grain.
We have walked the streets of our capital and viewed with pride the buildings and monuments to our nation’s history. One cannot stand before the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials or the Washington Monument without deep feel¬ings of pride and patriotism. Nor is it possible to stand before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery without tear filled eyes. The inscription on the tomb tells it all.
“Here Rests
In Honored Glory
An American Soldier
Known But To God”
From the day the first pilgrim set foot on these shores, America has been a nation protected and preserved by God. That protection has been recognized and cherished by those whose lives have written the history of America. Ev¬ery monument, every writing, every speech of our Founding fathers, echoes this nation’s reverence toward God. Our reverence for God and our love of freedom cannot be separated. It is impossible to view the history of America without acknowledging the providential care of God. This is the bedrock upon which this nation was built.
But today we fear for the future of our nation and the future of our children and grandchildren. For the first time since the signing of the Declaration of Independence our liberty is being threatened, not from foreign forces gather¬ing on foreign soils, but from our own government. In the twenty years since Ronald Reagan “walked off into the city streets” America has undergone a tremendous change, reaping the fruits of the seeds of destruction sown in the sixties. The America of 1959 would not even rec¬ognize the America of 2009. In those fifty years, our nation has been changed spiritually, socially, economically, and politically. Since the 1960’s, by either law or judicial decision:

• They have denied God the recognition offered and beseeched by our founders as the means by which this nation might achieve greatness.
• They have reinterpreted our Constitution to conform to humanistic standards and declared therein a separation of church and state which our founders neither inserted nor ever intended.
• They have, in the name of freedom of expression, allowed the desecra¬tion of our flag and other national emblems.
• They have, in the name of equality, sanctioned homosexual activities and same sex marriage which God has declared to be an abomination.
• They have sought to remove parental consent in matters directly af¬fecting the parent/child relationship.
• They have admittedly made being pro abortion a requirement for any person to be confirmed to a federal judicial position.
• They have, in the midst of elections changed the laws in such a man¬ner as to accommodate their own purposes.
• They have denied right to life to over fifty million unborn babies by declaring that women have a constitutional right to slaughter their own unborn children.
• They have prevented schools from exercising the moral leadership that reinforces family values by declaring, in the name of separation of church and state, those enduring religious values and standards of conduct beneficial to a free and moral society must be removed from the classroom.
• They have prohibited prayer or any other recognition of a supreme being in the schools, and forbidden the use of any Christian oriented materials by the student, while allowing Islam, Buddhism and others.
• They have demanded that this nation no longer look to God for protection and direction, but, to the United Nations and become part of a new world order to which we must look for permission to defend our¬selves as well as agreeing to accommodate their demands and numerous other
requirements, many of which would be harmful to our national welfare.
• They have, as powerful senators, conspired to prevent good and honest men and women from being appointed to the courts of our land unless they first agree to uphold the beliefs of those senators.
• They have, In the name of freedom of speech, authorized every form of pornography and vile and sordid images to be transmitted into our homes and into the public square with no regard for the children who may be affected or adults who may be offended by such material.
• They have, in the name of science, determined to destroy one human life in the misguided hope of improving another.
• They have, in the name of environmental protection, denied the use of our natural resources for the purpose God created them, instead demanding that, in order to receive our needed energy, we be at the mercy of foreign na¬tions, many of which are dedicated to our destruction.
• They have, in the name of world unity, advocated that America and American citizens be subjected to the decisions of a World Court which would have no regard for our Constitution, our laws, our moral stan¬dards, or our God; thereby surrendering our national sovereignty.
• They have, in an effort to gain votes, sought to divide us, pitting one group against another; rich vs. poor, white vs. black, old vs. young.
• They have, in the name of artistic expression, condoned and financed the most degrading and obscene art ever conceived and forced it to be given a place in our public museums
The result of all this has been the destruction of the moral fabric upon which this great nation was built. During this entire time, good men and women of America have remained silent while little by little our freedoms, our prin¬ciples, and our values have been gradually eroded.
To be continued…..
This is the eighth of several installments. It comes from a pamphlet entitled “Once Upon a Time There was A Land Called America.” The entire pamphlet can be read at

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