NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Who is Edward Snowden? he a Patriot?, or a Traitor?
Who was John Galt?
From all accounts of the media establishment and the RINOS, Edward Snowden committed at the very least an act of espionage, and at worst, treason.
But let us consider some irrefutable facts before rushing to judgement.
FACT: According to his own perceptions, guided by the definitions of America's founding fathers, Citizen Snowden has apparently concluded that the electronic behemoth created by NSA amounts to the creation of a "General Search Warrant" and Writs of Assistance. Those devices of governmental tyranny were specifically outlawed in the fourth amendment in the supreme law of the land, the Constitution. Any individual citizen, resisting such insidious tyranny, has a constitutional duty to disobey such dictats and regulations that would empower such oppression. Therefor, Citizen Snowden, by traditional standards, in addition to being considered 'decent', 'moral', and 'human' would also be called a Patriot by most law-abiding citizens.
FACT: This American citizen, Snowden, witnessing the apparently lawless, criminal behavior of his chief executive officer, the President of the United States, has apparently lost any trust in his government. He has seen a President who chooses to deliberately ignore statutory law, such as enforcement of the so-called "Dream Act" even though Congress soundly defeated that bill; non-enforcement of the Defense of Mariage Act contrary to that law; defiance of lawful court orders, such as in the case of the arbitrary drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico and defiance of the rulings against unconstitutional "recess appointments"; the criminal use of the I.R.S. to coerce and compel law-abiding citizens, thwarting their Freedom of Speech and Right of Assembly and Petitions; and other such unconstitutional executive actions, as well as failure to defend that Constitution according to the Oath of Office to which this President solomnely swore.
FACT: Citizen Snowden has also taken note that his President has had all of his records sealed, spending millions to conceal his past, his college transcripts, his real birth certificate, and his selective service and social security numbers....all in the name of Privacy, yet, at the same time enabling an all-seeing intelligence agency that is at odds with the Fourth Amendment, creating powerful electronic capabilities that, by their very existance, have the ability to erase all Liberty with a key stroke. Any government entity that weilds that kind of power over phone, internet, credit and banking is precisely what the Founding Fathers warned against. Any government entity with that sort of electronic capability also has the ability to corrupt the electoral process of any republic, rendering it dead. Any citizenry that does not demand physical evidence of their ballot, in the form of a paper receipt, that can be counted when contested, deserves the very tyranny they will surely get.
Citizen Snowden saw the danger, and like that revered historical figure named Paul, is trying to warn us. THE REDCOATS ARE COMING!, THE REDCOATS ARE COMING!!...was the watchword.
Americans would be wise to listen.
John Galt
...more common sense
The most stunning thing about all of this to me is that HALF of the American People are willing to accept the explaination that all of this 'listening' is just to keep us "safe".............................SERIOUSLY?!?!?!
Benjamin Franklin said;
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security, will deserve niether and lose both."
Have we honestly fallen that far that we can accept the government prying this closely into our lives? Is it possible to 'trust' the IRS with our medical data?
Since WHEN do Americans, who have grown up to be free in what was once a "Free Society" hand their sovereignty to a corrupt central government? This corruption surely goes much deeper than we are permitted to know.....the media AND the Congress [both houses] are all a part of this [with FEW exceptions].
We can add the FISA courts to that list...............just how do we fight this?
Agree, Phillip. We should not tolerate the status quo wherein the criminally corrupt trash our bill of rights then criminalize citizens for exposing it.
The traitors are within our own gov't. Snowden is a patriot and a hero.
Edward Snowden will truly test our system of JUSTICE along with our system of national checks and balances.
Our Constitution is truly being undermined at a rate never before seen.
One curiosity about this issue. Snowden, so far, has not revealed anything of consequence in the way of specifics that jeapardize national security. In the weasel words he may have broken some oath or commitment regarding his employment. What is striking is all of the hystrionic meanderings of the mindless assholes in DC screaming traitor in an obvious effort to avoid the questions. And take the heat off of themselves to do their duty bound jobs. If Snowden is a traitor so is every member of Congress.
We have known, or been told, that the government has been monitoring phone conversations since the 70's. Sometime in the 70's it was announced that every phone conversation (land lines) were being monitored for 'key words' that would trigger selection for human review. This allegedly was done in an attempt to disrupt drug trafficking. With the advent of advancing technologies and expanded communications via cell phone and internet it is only reasonable for them to up their game. Whaqt Congress appears to be really concerned about is someone has simply shined the light and the cockroaches are running for cover.
While I would never condone breeches in security, especially within national agencies, Snowden only appears to be calling attention to a much larger issue and the government obviously does not want to address it. This only points to the question that needs to be answered: "What the hell are they doing expanding the invasiveness of government in direct opposition to the constitution under the guise of 'national security' that invades the privacy of every American citizen, spending billions developing this capability, yet declaring the war on terror to be over, allowing Nidal Hassan to make a mockery out of national security in a much more serious way. No. By comparison Snowden does not remotely rise to the level of traitor compared with the malfeasance and traitorous acts of damn near everyone in DC from the top down. That is why they want to make Snowden the traitor.
"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty." Snowden is a brave patriot. May God watch over him and keep him safe, no doubt, he is a marked man. David stood down Goliath. And this needs be a wake up call to all Americans, it is now a "criminal act" to expose criminals and "treason," to expose traitors. "Treason doth never prosper. For if it did, none dare call it treason." ~~ Sir Harrington
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