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New poll: Nearly half endorse dumping Obama

Editor’s note: This is another in a series of “WND/WENZEL POLLS” conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies.

Not only have voters begun to connect the dots between the faltering economy and global insecurity to President Obama’s administration in significant numbers, they also have begun to join him in calling for “change.”

Only this is the impeachment type of change, not the type Obama has so often preached.

The poll shows those advocating impeachment nearly equal to the number of those against it. For example, regarding Obama’s campaign for amnesty to illegals, 44 percent say he should be impeached for that, while only 48 percent say he should not. And 46 percent say they think Obama should be impeached for launching the war to remove Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, while 49 percent say no.

“Taken by itself, any of these questions about President Obama could be ignored, but it becomes much more questionable when all of these … administration actions are taken as a whole,” said Fritz Wenzel, whose public opinion and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies did the poll.

The scientific survey was done by telephone March 7-12 and contains a margin of error of 2.92 percent.

“Obama appears to have found a way to split the nation directly down the middle on each issue, but, as his plummeting poll numbers may now indicate, the American public may well be catching up with the cumulative effect of this administration’s handling of the Constitution and the federal government,” Wenzel said.

He noted that Obama’s job approval is in freefall.

“American voters apparently are finally, after more than four years, beginning to connect the sluggish economy, the precarious state of international affairs, and Barack Obama,” Wenzel said. “After an inauguration bounce, his job approval has now returned to near the lowest level he has ever seen, with 42 percent giving him positive marks for his overall performance.”

Wenzel said: “Some of this has to do in particular with his ham-handed management of the recent sequester budget battle with Congress – and the aftermath which has shown he and his administration spokesmen deceived the country. Even some media outlets have started grilling administration officials over inconsistencies and other problems. The tide seems to have turned against the Obama administration, as not even a majority of Democrats give him positive marks for his handling of his job.”

Get the bumper sticker that says it all, “Honk for Impeachment.”

One 1 in 4 respondents gives Obama an excellent report card. Sixteen percent rate his performance as “good” and another 10 percent say “fair.” But 47 percent, including 1 in 6 of the Democrats, say he’s at “poor.”

But on issues ranging from the Fast and Furious gun scandal, secrets, drones killing Americans, recess appointments, Obama’s “czars,” his Arizona lawsuit, illegal aliens, Gadhafi’s reign, and his advocacy for homosexuality through his attempts to undermine the Defense of Marriage Act, things have gone beyond just disapproval.

“One of the longest lingering problems from the first term of the Obama administration is the so-called ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal involving the ATF’s gun-running scheme. Americans are clearly looking for a scapegoat for this debacle, which resulted in about 100 gunshot deaths, and 65 percent said they agree Attorney General Eric Holder should be impeached for his handling of this scandal. This number is so high that it is hard to see how Democrats on Capitol Hill can run defense for the administration on this one. Those who do are at serious political risk,” said Wenzel.

“This figure is particular interesting given that Americans seem to want to give the administration a reasonable amount of leeway in its handling of national affairs. A slim majority of 51 percent said they think the administration should have the freedom to withhold some information from Congress about how it is conducting its affairs. However, that number is a little deceiving, as just 19 percent said the administration itself should have the discretion to decide just what should be withheld and what should be disclosed. Another 23 percent said they think Congress should decide, and 25 percent said they think the federal courts should make that decision. Even among Democrats, just 33 percent said they think the Obama administration should have the power to decide what information should be withheld from the oversight of Congress,” Wenzel said.

His analysis of the Obama administration’s performance level continued:

“Asked whether they approved of the Obama administration’s drone killings of three Americans who were reputed to be connected with terrorist operations but none of which had been convicted of a crime, 60 percent disagreed with those killings,” he said.

“This has got to be a big piece of the growing disenchantment with Obama, as 46 percent said they ‘strongly disagreed’ with those drone killings. Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster recently brought this issue into the national spotlight, and it is clear Americans were paying attention.”

He explained, “Even after respondents were informed that these citizens were terrorists, 41 percent still said they don’t believe Obama had the right to execute them without a court ruling of guilt. The American public clearly wants the U.S. judicial system to weigh in on such cases – 49 percent said they would have preferred that these terrorists be captured and tried in court.”

Continuing to the next subject, Wenzel said, “Six in 10 respondents said they do not agree with Obama’s decision to make up his own mind about what is and what is not a congressional recess appointment. A federal court recently struck down several appointments to top administration jobs. These appointees continue to make federal policy despite not winning congressional approval. The public agrees with the federal court system that this is wrong. A similar percentage of respondents – 61 percent – said these officials should be removed from office.”

Wenzel explained, “This reflects a core American value of fair play and playing by the rules, and the Obama administration’s refusal to respect the Constitution and these rules. This speaks to a very important factor at play here – the American people tend to grant a president a certain amount of trust, but, once lost, it is very difficult to win that back. If Americans revoke their trust of Obama, he will find himself in very deep trouble.

“So far, he is safe, but only marginally so, as 51 percent said he should not be impeached for this breach of the Constitution, but 43 percent said they think he should face impeachment over this issue.”

The dozens of “czars” that Obama has appointed, too, are raising questions. They assumed their sometimes significant responsibilities on the word of the president, but without any congressional oversight or approval.

“Here, 51 percent said they believe Obama should face impeachment over this issue,” Wenzel said.

On Obama’s fight with Arizona over enforcing immigration laws? “Forty-four percent said he should be impeached for that action and 48 percent said he should not be impeached for it.”

On the war against Gadhafi? Forty-six percent endorse impeachment as punishment; 49 percent said no.

On impeachment for how the Defense of Marriage Act was handled: Forty percent say impeach and 52 percent said no.

There has been a flood of impeachment comments lately. Rock legend and gun-rights defender Ted Nugent said there’s “no que...

Referring to Obama, Nugent says, “There’s no question that this guy’s violations qualify for impeachment. There’s no question.”

He blasted “the criminality of this government, the unprecedented abuse of power, corruption, fraud and deceit by the Chicago gangster-scammer-ACORN-in-chief. It’s so diabolical … .”

Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach Obama.

Nugent made his comments during a recent interview with radio host Alex Jones.


And radio giant Rush Limbaugh said on his own program that the Obama administration...

“In what used to be considered (if we can remember this far back) normal, sane times, this is an impeachable offense,” Limbaugh said. “This is action being taken against the country. … It is sheer madness to be doing this. It is petulant, it is childish.”

Even Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin called for the impeachment...

On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.

You asked for it! Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach Pres...

Others who have broached the subject include Reps. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.; Walter Jones, R-N.C.; Trey Radel, R-Fla.; Steve Stockman; former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas; former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; Fox News’ Mike Huckabee; former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy; left-leaning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff; talk-radio host Mark Levin; former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich; author and columnist Pat Buchanan and others.

See Denis Kucinich advocate for impeachment over Libya:


See Texas congressman lobby for impeachment over gun control:


See Andrew Napolitano talk about impeachment over the budget:


WND also compiled a special report on the various offenses Obama is...

See detailed results of survey questions:

Overall, how would you rate the job performance of President Barack...

The Obama administration has invoked executive privilege to block t...

The United States Congress is empowered by the U.S. Constitution wi...

If a presidential administration was to keep information about its ...

The Obama administration has used missile strikes fired from unmann...

These citizens were all said to have links to terrorist activities,...

Had the Obama administration pursued and won criminal convictions a...

Do you agree or disagree that President Obama committed an impeacha...

The U.S. Constitution provides for the president to fill vacancies ...

Do you agree or disagree that these officials should remain in offi...

Do you agree or disagree that President Obama should be impeached f...

The Obama administration in 2010 filed a lawsuit against the state ...

In June 2012, President Obama issued an executive order preventing ...

In March 2011, the U.S. launched combat operations in Libya to over...

President Obama announced in 2011 that his administration believed ...

Get the bumper sticker that says it all, “Honk for Impeachment.



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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 18, 2013 at 2:13pm

Where Are the Benghazi Survivors?

Where are the survivors? The unseemly efforts undertaken by the Obama administration, Democratic collaborators and a calculatingly uninterested mainstream media to avoid answering one of the fundamental questions of the Benghazi debacle will no longer suffice. Republicans in both the House and the Senate have made it clear they have run out of patience with the administration’s effort to keep the survivors isolated. If they are successful, this scandal may finally get the kind of national attention it so richly deserves.

The effort to keep the Benghazi survivors under wraps is nothing new. On December 12, 2012, Breitbart News revealed that Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R- UT) had been “thwarted” by the State Department from seeing any of these Americans, some of whom had been badly injured. “My understanding is that we still have some people in the hospital,” Chaffetz said at the time. ”I’d like to visit with them and wish them nothing but the best but the State Department has seen it unfit for me to know who those people are–or even how many there are. I don’t know who they are. I don’t know where they live. I don’t know what state they’re from. I don’t even know how many there are. It doesn’t seem right to me.”

Questions about them were revived when former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton successfully stonewalled clueless Republicans during her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last January. At that time it was reported that five of the 20-30 people who survived the attack were State Department Diplomatic Security agents evacuated to Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. 

When Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) questioned Clinton, she revealed that she had only talked to one unnamed survivor, and that she felt it was “inappropriate” to talk to the others until they had been interrogated by the FBI. Not a single Republican bothered to ask why contact with the State Department would have tainted an FBI investigation. Clinton, who helped perpetrate the administration lie that the Benghazi attack was precipitated by an incendiary video posted months beforehand on the Internet, walked away unscathed.

After Clinton’s appearance, Sen. John McCain claimed he wanted to hear directly from the survivors, saying they should come to Capitol Hill and report their own versions of what occurred on September 11. ”They should certainly [do so]. If not come up to Capitol Hill at least be identified and take their statements as to what they saw,” he said. He continued. ”We still want the questions answered. We’ll do everything we can to get answers to questions. The American people deserve them. Like Hillary said, ‘there are four dead Americans.’”

In February, Breitbart reported that Bill Bransford, a Washington, D.C. attorney at Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C. who specializes in federal employment law, contended that the survivors cannot legally reveal to the press or most members of Congress that they were even witnesses to the carnage. “First of all, I’m assuming that most of these people who witnessed the attack, except for the State Department folks, would be intelligence people, and they are not covered by the whistle blower protection laws,” Bransford explained.

He further revealed that State Department employees must sign non-disclosure agreements. “If somebody violates one of these non-disclosure agreements, the consequences could include interfering with a criminal investigation, obstruction of justice, criminal charges for releasing classified information, and those are pretty serious,” he warned. Yet Bransford also said that State Department employees are covered by the Whistleblower Protection Act, but that a revision of the law, the Whistle Blower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012, was so new, some of the changes may not yet be in effect.

Bransford added that it is likely some survivors could talk to certain congressmen authorized to hear their stories, but that the congressmen “are precluded from further releasing the information. They know that it’s classified and they can’t release it to the media. They couldn’t get up on the floor of the Senate or at a hearing and make a speech about it because it’s classified and they seem to respect that,” he said.

Breitbart also reported that Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where most of the survivors were taken, “is not only heavily guarded on the outside but on the inside as well, some say” and that “what appeared to be Secret Service personnel [were] moving in and out of a closed wing of the floor that was off-limits to everyone else.”

The fate of the survivors was pushed to the fore again on March 11, by CBS New’s Sharryl Attkisson, one of the few investigative reporters who still takes her job seriously. Attkisson again reminded Americans that the survivors remain off limits, even as she revealed that an undisclosed number of witnesses who also have not spoken publicly remain at the U.S. compound in Tripoli. In addition, she reported that CBS “had filed multiple Freedom of Information requests for Benghazi-related material but none has been provided.”

Four days later, the momentum began to shift. Stung by revelations that recuperating survivors still remain at Walter Reed, Republicans warned that unless the White House provides more information about the Benghazi attack, subpoenas could be issued to bring the survivors before Congress to testify. GOP leaders also threatened to hold up the confirmation of Deborah Jones, Christopher Stevens’ replacement as U.S. Ambassador in Libya.

The warning is a follow up to a March 1 letter sent to newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry by Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Jim Gerlach (R-PA) demanding the names and contact information for each survivor “so that we can make appropriate arrangements.” Those survivors reportedly include State Department and CIA officers, along with government contractors. Wolfe also argued that the survivors should not just be questioned, but given kudos for their bravery during the attack. “We should be honoring them,” Wolf said. “We should be thanking them.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is also composing a letter for Kerry, demanding access to the survivors, as well as the FBI files of their stories, “to see what they said.” Graham wants to know if any of their testimony formed the basis of the Obama administration’s blatantly false talking points immediately following the attack.

So far, Kerry has played the part of innocent naif. “Why have we not heard from any of the Benghazi survivors? I can’t tell you the answer to that,” he told Fox News two weeks ago. “I can tell you that I have visited with one of the survivors … who is a remarkably courageous person, who is doing very, very well.”

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WW), a senior member on the Intelligence Committee, neatly summarized the priorities of his fellow Democrats, who apparently believe protecting the Obama administration takes precedence over everything else. “Benghazi is over and done with,” he said. “As far as [Republicans] are concerned … this has always been a political issue and that is the way they will continue to [pursue] it.”

Not quite. On the same day Rockefeller’s remarks were published, a suspect in the Benghazi attacks, Faraj al-Shibli (also spelled “Chalabi”), was detained in Libya following his return from a trip to Pakistan. Libyan government officials allowed U.S. interrogators access to the man, who was a member of the Libyan Islamist Fighting Group that tried to overthrow Gadaffi in the 1990s. Al-Sjibli has reportedly had contact with Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and al Qaeda members in Pakistan. He is the only known suspect in custody in connection with the attack, although his role remains unclear.

Two day later, Sen. Graham thrust the survivor issue front and center. In an interview with Fox News last Friday, he alleged that the survivors of the terrorist attack, who have been kept under wraps for over six months, have been pressured to remain silent. ”The bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth, they’ve been told to be quiet,” Graham insisted. Those allegations were quickly denied by the White House. ”I’m sure that the White House is not preventing anyone from speaking,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

Graham wasn’t buying it. “The best evidence of what happened in Benghazi is not a bunch of politicians in Washington trying to cover their political ass,” he said. “This is the people who lived through the debacle, and I’m going to do all I can to get them before the Congress and American people. We cannot let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the American people and Congress, people who were there in real time to tell the story,” he added.

Graham continued. “[The public needs] to hear from people who were on the ground, their desperate situation. They need to understand from people who were there for months how bad it was getting and how frustrated they were that nobody would listen to them and provide aid when they were requested,” he said. “This is a story of an administration deaf and blind to the reality of what people were living with every day in Libya.”

The same day, Rep. Chaffetz made another remarkable allegation. He told Fox News that after he finally learned the name of one survivor, he spoke to that person’s father. “His father said ‘yes this person is at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, but you won’t be able to find him because the State Department changed his name on all his records,’” Chaffetz revealed. He was seriously disturbed by the revelation. “That’s just beyond what this country is all about,” he said.

Unfortunately, it is far from beyond what the Obama administration is all about. For the past six months, they have engaged in a series of tactics best described as a disinformation campaign designed to confuse the public to the point where they lose interest, or persuade them that getting to the truth about what happened in Benghazi is a political witch hunt engineered by Republicans.

It is nothing of the sort. Four Americans were killed, several more were injured, and not a single person has been held directly accountable for any of it. The administration even lied about the four State Department officials who ostensibly resigned in the wake of a scathing report by the Accountability Review Board stating that security was “grossly inadequate” at the compound. All of them remain on the government payroll. And Hillary Clinton, who lied repeatedly to protect the administration, and whose acceptance of “responsibility” for the grossly inadequate security at Benghazi amounted to exactly nothing, remains a viable candidate for president in 2016.

Eyewitness testimony by the remaining survivors has the potential to devastate this administration. It would likely blow a large hole in Obama’s phony Middle East narrative about al Qaeda being “on the run,” and it might even reveal why any attempts to rescue Americans under attack were either aborted, or never undertaken at all.

In short, nothing about Benghazi accrues to the interest of this president or his administration. It remains to be seen if Republicans have the spine to pursue the truth wherever it goes, despite the pushback they will inevitably face from the Obama administration and their media cheerleaders. Getting to the truthcannot be “beyond what this country is all about.”

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 18, 2013 at 2:12pm


Exclusive: Jack Cashill summarizes book about night during John Brennan's 'private war'


What follows is a summary of the new e-book “Benghazi: The Definitive Report” by Jack Murphy, Brandon Webb and the editors of, a Special Forces news site. Although it does not explore in depth the politics surrounding Benghazi, it is easily the best account yet of what happened on the ground.

Ambassador Chris Stevens arrived in Benghazi on Sept. 10, 2012, unaware that President Obama’s counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, had been “running his own private war” against Libyan jihadists and that they were preparing to strike back.

Sean Smith, the Foreign Service IT guy who accompanied Stevens, got a whiff of the danger ahead, posting the following online after noon, Sept. 11, Libyan time: “assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”

Smith’s concerns proved real just after 9 p.m. (3 p.m. Washington time) when a rocket-propelled grenade smashed against the front gate of the makeshift State Department compound signaling a coordinated attack. Just to be clear, there was no prior protest at all.

The locally hired compound security fled immediately. This left seven Americans in the compound, Stevens, Smith and five Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) agents.

One DSS agent secured Stevens and Smith in a protected room in the ambassador’s villa, two manned the tactical operations center (TOC), and two others barricaded themselves in the DSS villa. Stevens and the others immediately alerted their chain of command that they were in jeopardy. There was no lack of communication to the outside world.

Major trouble descended on Stevens and Smith in a hurry. Attackers swarmed their villa and, unable to penetrate their room, set the building on fire. The DSS agent broke out an opening, but Stevens and Smith got lost in the smoke and could not follow. They would both die of smoke inhalation.

A mile or so away, staff at the fortified CIA annex got the call for help. Stationed there was Ty Woods, a 20-year Navy SEALs veteran and a 10-year veteran of the CIA’s paramilitary Global Response Staff (GRS).

Woods overrode the objections of the CIA chief of base and promptly organized a seven-man GRS rescue team. They loaded up two Toyota Land Cruisers and drove to the State Department compound, arriving within a half-hour of the initial attack.

Instead of driving into the melee, Woods had his team park discreetly outside, use the vehicles to scale the walls, and set up an L-shaped ambush on the top of the wall.

Unlike the DSS agents, Woods’ crew was prepared to “unleash hell” on the attackers. They had one MK46 machine gun among them and individual H&K 416s complemented with GLMs – H&K 40mm grenade launchers. They quickly routed the enemy, killing scores of them.

Woods’ team established enough temporary security to round up the DSS agents and send them back to the CIA annex. They also located Smith, unconscious but not yet dead in the building still ablaze.

As the enemy reorganized, Woods’ crew came under withering fire and had to retreat to the vehicles before they could locate Stevens’ body. They headed back to the CIA annex with all the living safe and accounted for.

Meanwhile, in Tripoli, 13 hours away by car, Woods’ old Navy SEAL friend Glen Doherty and six colleagues, most of them CIA, commandeered a jet to join the fray.

In Benghazi, the Libyan militias reorganized outside the CIA annex and launched an attack there shortly after midnight. The GRS and DSS agents, along with reliable local security, held the attackers off until daybreak.

At 5 a.m. Doherty and his crew reached the CIA annex in Benghazi. They quickly took up defensive positions and helped the agents in place fend off a new wave of attackers trying to scale the wall.

When the heat subsided, Doherty sought out Woods, who was manning the MK46 machine gun on the rooftop of the annex building. There, they embraced like brothers and resumed the fight until a couple of well-aimed French 81 mm mortars killed them both.

One of the fighters who accompanied Doherty was communicating through a ROVER handheld device with an unarmed Predator overhead. The picture on the ROVER convinced the CIA chief that a large enemy element was assembling outside the annex, and if they did not evacuate immediately, they might not ever get out.

Thanks in large part to the unprompted heroism of Woods and Doherty, the CIA was able to save the State Department personnel and their own staff, perhaps 30 Americans in all, and get them out of Benghazi alive.

The Navy SEAL friends of Woods and Doherty, one of whom has been my contact, are in the process of producing a film to memorialize their valor. They invite anyone who would like to contribute to this project to visit the “Siege of Benghazi” site at Kickstarter.

As to the fate of Ambassador Chris Stevens, a call came in at 2 a.m. that same morning that his body was at the Benghazi Medical Center. After some bargaining with the locals, his body was released and flown out of Benghazi later that morning.

The authors, Murphy and Webb, offer no information on how Stevens’ body got to the hospital and what, if anything, happened to it en route.

The authors, although scrupulously apolitical, do offer a harsh assessment on how the Benghazi tragedy came to be. They argue that the attention on the YouTube video, consulate security and presidential response are, to a degree, “red herrings” that play into Obama’s hand.

“The truth,” they insist, “paints a far grimmer picture.” The real story, as they authors see it, concerns the “secret weapons transfers from Libya to Syria” and Brennan’s uncoordinated, “off the books,” private war. As my contact confirms, “This administration is full of complicit fools.”

The authors paint Brennan as the “Oliver North” of this adventure and must wonder, as I do, why today’s major media have so little interest in a phenomenon with the news value of an Iran-Contra.

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Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue. His latest book is the blockbuster "Deconstructing Obama."



Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 18, 2013 at 2:03pm

True. All culpable. Aiders and abetters.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 18, 2013 at 6:42am

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 18, 2013 at 6:40am

You're right. They're spineless. There is no justifiable outrage. Where is someone with ethics, honor, and enough righteous indignation to do get the job done?

What about their oath to protect and defend the Constitution and our republic? What about looking out for the citizens that voted them into office? Why don't they think about their children and their children's children??? They care about money and power above all else.

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on March 18, 2013 at 2:35am

With Boehner in the House of Representatives they might as well not even try to impeach.






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