NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Semi-Auto and Private Sales Bans

Posted on March 15, 2013

On March 12 and 14, the Senate Judiciary committee held two working sessions to deal with gun-related bills.

The result of those hearings was the passage of Sen. Charles Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) S. 374, the "Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013"--which would criminalize virtually all private firearm sales, even temporary transfers--and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) S. 150, the "Assault Weapons Ban of 2013."

Both of these bills pose a direct threat to our Second Amendment rights and both were passed on party-line votes, with committee Democrats supporting the bills and all Republicans voting no.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) offered four amendments to the gun ban bill, each of which would have created exceptions to its sweeping ban on standard magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition and on countless models of detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, and other guns.  The amendments--designed to expose ban supporters’ disregard for even the most extraordinary self-defense needs--would have given special protection to domestic violence victims, persons with orders of protection against aggressors, residents of southwestern border counties and residents of rural areas. Sen. Cornyn argued that the one group Feinstein provides an exception for in her bill--retired law enforcement officers--are no more deserving of the exception than others who face unique threats.  All four amendments were voted down along party lines.

The hearing on S. 150 also featured a terse exchange between pro-Second Amendment Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Feinstein.  Sen. Cruz questioned Feinstein if it would be proper for Congress to determine which books are appropriate for citizens to read, or which persons could be exempted from Fourth Amendment protections, as she wants to do regarding Second Amendment rights. Feinstein become angry, scolding Cruz for daring to ask the questions.

Later, in an attempt to support the gun ban, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) made the false claim that "assault weapons" are "commonly" used by criminals, ignoring the reality that only 2.5% of murders involve rifles of any sort, much less those defined as "assault weapons".  (Hands and feet are used more often.) Blumenthal’s assertion flies in the face of gun ban advocates’ repeated claim that a semi-auto ban is constitutional under the Heller decision, which said that commonly-owned arms are protected by the Second Amendment.  With over 4 million AR-15s (alone) legally owned by law-abiding Americans, they are clearly commonly owned, yet still rarely used in crime.

Earlier in the week, the committee passed Sen. Schumer’s S. 374, which is an attack on all private gun sales.  Under the guise of making improvements to the federal instant background check system, the bill also includes provisions to require all but a very few gun transfers to go through a dealer, and forcing dealers to keep records of each transfer. But the bill would go far beyond regulating actual gun sales; consider that all of the following situations (many of which were pointed out directly to Schumer by Prof. David Kopel in Senate testimony on a similar bill two years ago) would be illegal under S. 374:

  • Sharing a gun for self-defense anywhere outside the home, no matter how extreme the situation. For example, imagine that two women are driving at night and break down on a deserted road. The younger woman, whose handgun was in the car, walks a few miles to the nearest gas station. She gives her handgun to the older woman, so that the older woman can protect herself. That would be a "transfer" under S. 374, so not doing a background check through a dealer would be a federal crime. 

  • Lending a friend your gun while the two of you go target shooting on a farm, on public land, or in any other informal setting that isn’t on a range owned by an incorporated conservation or marksmanship group.
  • Teaching an NRA firearms safety class or hunter safety class in a classroom. Despite anti-gunners’ attempt to wrap themselves in the flag of gun safety, and their efforts in some states and localities to pass mandatory training requirements, the bill has no exception for training classes that don’t occur on a range.
  • Lending a firearm to a friend for hunting in any location where hunting is not permitted. A person living in a suburban or urban area where no hunting is allowed would break the law if he lent a gun to a friend who was going to use it for hunting in a permissible area in the countryside.

During committee debate on this bill, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) took strong exception to the bill and listed some of its many flaws, making the case that the bill sets up gun registration as the likely next step should S. 374 become law.

These bills now await action by the full Senate.  It is not known at this time which, if either, of these bills will reach the floor, but gun owners must take action now to be heard in opposition to these bills.
Contact your elected officials today, and respectfully urge them to protect our Second Amendment rights. To identify and contact your legislators in Washington, D.C., you can use the "Write Your Reps" feature at, or you can reach your member of Congress by phone at 202-224-3121.


NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox Sets the Record Straight on Inaccurate NBC Story

Posted on March 15, 2013

On Tuesday, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox released a statement rebutting allegations made in an article that had appeared the same day on  The NBC article falsely reported that NRA will not oppose legislation being negotiated in the U.S. Senate that would mandate background checks for all gun purchasers.

As Mr. Cox noted in his statement, the NBC story alleged that NRA would not oppose expanding the background check system to include all private firearm sales, "provided the legislation does not require private gun sellers to maintain records of the checks."  This statement is completely untrue.  NRA opposes criminalizing private firearms transfers between law-abiding individuals, and therefore opposes an expansion of the background check system.  NRA continues to support meaningful efforts to address the problems of violent crime and mass violence in America, through swift and certain prosecution of violent criminals; securing our schools; and fixing our broken mental health system.

Since the false story broke, some unscrupulous groups have attempted to raise funds at NRA's expense by suggesting that NRA is "selling out."  Rather than focusing on setting the record straight and working to  oppose this proposal, these groups try--as they have in the past--to encourage people to blame NRA.  This type of divisive, misplaced exploitation and infighting is contemptible, and does a disservice to our collective efforts in defense of the Second Amendment.  NRA prefers to fight in Congress, where the real battle lies.

Please continue to contact your U.S. Senators and tell them to oppose "universal" background check legislation.  To identify and contact your elected officials in Washington, D.C., use the "Write Your Reps" feature at, or you can reach your member of Congress by phone at 202-224-3121.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 6:49pm

Senate Votes to Stop US From Joining UN Arms Trade Treaty

Sunday, March 24, 2013

In the last batch of amendment votes to the budget, the Senate voted on several foreign policy proposals.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced an amendment that would prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty in order to uphold the Second Amendment. His amendment passed on a 53-46 vote.

Republicans have been critical of President Obama’s decision to consider the treaty, although Obama has said he would not vote for anything that would violate the Second Amendment.

The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty would regulate international arms sales. Negotiations end on March 28.

Post Continues on

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:45pm

Armed Texas Homeowners Defend Themselves from Armed Intruders

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:41pm

Federally Licensed Firearms Retailers Overwhelmingly Oppose "Universal" Background Checks

Posted on March 22, 2013

According to an online survey of federally licensed firearms retailers conducted this week by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, those retailers overwhelmingly oppose so-called "universal" background checks.

As noted an NSSF press release, when asked whether they supported or opposed "universal background checks," 85.7 percent of the responding firearms retailers said that they opposed them. To the question of whether they believed that such legislation would prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, a nearly unanimous 95.7 percent said no.

In addition, the retailers reported that that they feared these proposals would result in greater regulatory and record-keeping burdens, increased risk of license revocation for record-keeping errors related to private party sales of firearms, additional delays in processing of National Instant Criminal Background Check System requests, low government-set fees that will not cover their costs, and increased liability exposure from having to process private-party transactions.

The online survey of 640 federal licensed firearms retailers nationwide was conducted on Monday, March 18.

Please continue to contact your U.S. Senators and tell them to oppose "universal" background check legislation.  To identify and contact your elected officials in Washington, D.C., use the "Write Your Reps" feature at, or you can reach your member of Congress by phone at 202-224-3121.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:40pm

New York: Legal Action Filed against Gov. Cuomo--And More Outrageous Behavior by the Governor

Posted on March 22, 2013

This week, the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association--with the full support of the NRA--filed a complaint challenging the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Act in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York.

“The National Rifle Association is committed to defending the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding New Yorkers,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.  “Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature usurped the legislative and democratic process in passing these extreme anti-gun measures with no committee hearings and no public input.  This obvious disrespect for New Yorkers and their Second Amendment rights will not be tolerated.”

The wrongly named SAFE Act threatens severe penalties for previously lawful activities, including acquiring certain commonly-owned firearms, ammunition magazines and ammunition.  It lowers New York's arbitrary magazine capacity limit from 10 rounds to seven. It also greatly expands the state's existing ban on commonly owned semi-automatic firearms, and will require New York gun owners to undergo background checks on ammunition purchases.

“The NRA will defend the right of law-abiding New Yorkers to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment,” added Cox, “Despite the wishes of Governor Cuomo, law-abiding citizens have a fundamental right to keep commonly possessed firearms for defense of themselves and their families and for other lawful purposes including the enjoyment of New York’s rich hunting and sporting heritage.”

Read the complaint here.

In related news, and deeply troubling in light of Cuomo ramming through his extreme anti-gun legislation, is a little-known program--also set up by Cuomo--that encourages state residents to report “illegal” gun owners in exchange for a $500 reward

As reported this week, the program allows New Yorkers to call a "Gun Tip Line" if they believe someone they know has an illegal gun, according to  Hotline calls are answered by state police and tips are referred to local law enforcement.

“This initiative seeks to turn neighbor against neighbor and use their own tax dollars to pay for the $500 reward,” Republican Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin told the station.

Three police agencies contacted by for comment said they have not received tips from state police, and two of the agencies said they were unaware the program existed before this week.

Reminiscent of programs in Cuba or the former Soviet Union, the "reward for turning in your neighbor" program is another example of overreaching by the anti-freedom, power-hungry Cuomo administration.  It is outrageous, and it is un-American.

The article further notes that, although Cuomo said Wednesday that the gun bill was developed over months within his administration, it was rushed to a vote in the Legislature after closed-door negotiations on Jan. 15.  Cuomo also issued an order that suspended the normal three-days public review period for all bills under the state constitution.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:39pm

Recess is On in Congress: Contact Your Lawmakers during District Work Period and Tell Them to Oppose Anti-Gun Legislation

Posted on March 22, 2013

For the next two weeks, Congress will be out on a District Work Period.  During this time, your U.S. senators and House members will be back home in their respective states and districts.  The Senate announced this week that anti-gun legislation will be heard on the floor the week of April 8, so this is a great opportunity for you, as a constituent, to contact your lawmaker to personally voice your strong opposition to pending legislation that would ban popular semi-automatic firearms, standard capacity magazines, and private gun sales. 

Please contact your lawmakers' district offices and set up a meeting with them.  Remember, they work for you.  Let your voice be heard.  If you aren't able to personally visit, please be sure to call or write them.  Whatever you do, please act now!  And when your lawmakers return to Congress on April 8, please contact them at their D.C. offices and tell them to oppose any attacks on your Second Amendment rights.

If you do not know the number for your lawmakers' district offices, you can use the "Write Your Representatives" tool at, or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683.  Or you can call your U.S. Senators and Representative in their D.C. offices at (202) 224-3121 (Senate), or (202) 225-3121 (House).

Many lawmakers will likely host town hall meetings in their districts during this break.  Such meetings are a prime opportunity for you to ask your lawmakers to state their position on current firearm-related legislation for the record, in an open and public forum. The following guidelines should be helpful when planning to attend town hall meetings.

  1. Get on the Invitation List and Attend the Meetings. Contact your lawmakers and ask for a list of scheduled meetings and request to be put on the invitation list for future town hall meetings. When you receive word that a town hall meeting is scheduled, be sure to make plans to attend, and share this information with your fellow Second Amendment supporters and the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division so we may do the same and encourage them to attend as well.
  2. Prepare Questions Ahead of Time. Have specific questions in mind, such as asking for your legislator`s position on a specific bill or issue (e.g., S. 374, the "Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013"--which would criminalize virtually all private firearm sales).  
  3. Get an Answer. Ask your question clearly, politely and as simply as possible, e.g., "What is your position on S. 374?”   If your legislator doesn`t answer your question sufficiently, politely repeat the question.
  4. Follow Up with an Email or Letter. Whether you had the opportunity to ask your question or not, follow up in writing with your lawmaker. Let him or her know you attended the town hall meeting. Ask or reiterate your question if you didn`t have an opportunity to do so at the meeting, or address his response to any firearm-related questions other constituents may have asked. This will make it difficult for your lawmakers to ignore you and your concerns. When you contact your lawmaker, request a reply.  This will allow you to document his or her position.  Be sure to share any responses you receive with the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division.

Once again, if you get a chance to meet with your lawmakers, please be sure to strongly urge them to oppose any anti-gun legislation, especially Sen. Charles Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) S. 374, the "Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013"--which would criminalize virtually all private firearm sales, even temporary transfers--and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) S. 150, the "Assault Weapons Ban of 2013.”

To identify and contact your legislators in Washington, D.C., you can use the "Write Your Reps" feature at, or you can reach your member of Congress by phone at 202-224-3121.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:38pm

Outrage of the Week

Posted on March 22, 2013

This week's outrage comes to us from New Jersey, where a father's Facebook photo post of his son holding his birthday present--a .22 caliber semi-automatic rifle--resulted in a visit and attempted home search by police and the New Jersey Department of Youth and Family Services.

As reported in a story on, the situation came to the attention of the media as a result of a posting by Shawn Moore on the "Delaware Open Carry” forum titled, “The fight has officially been brought to my front door.” story notes that, on the evening of Friday, March 15, two representatives from the state’s social services office, and four local police officers, came to Shawn Moore's home and demanded to see the family’s firearms.

The story further notes what Moore alleged on the "Delaware Open Carry" forum:

•New Jersey’s Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) came to his home, accompanied by police officers. They claimed to be responding to a call about a photo of a young boy holding a firearm. (photo above)

•Without a search warrant, DYFS demanded entry into Moore’s home and access to all of his firearms. Moore was not initially there, but his wife called him.

•With his lawyer listening to the exchange on the phone with police and DYFS, Moore denied entry to his home and access to his safe where he stores his guns.

•When Moore requested the name of the DYFS representative, she refused to give it to him.

•After threatening to “take my kids,” the police and Family Services worker left — “empty handed and seeing nothing.”

According to Moore’s well-known New Jersey firearm lawyer, Evan Nappen--who was listening to the entire incident via Moore’s speaker phone--the situation was “outrageous.”

In an interview with TheBlaze, Nappen added the following additional details:

•The DYFS worker repeatedly demanded access to the house and for Moore to open his safe where the firearms were stored. She said that the guns should be catalogued and checked to make certain they were “properly registered.” (New Jersey does not require registration, it is voluntary.)

•The four police officers acted professionally; they were there at the request of DYFS.

•The worker refused to identify herself. Mr. Moore demanded that she give her name. She refused and ran away.

(To listen to a NRA News interview with Evan Nappen, please click here.)

Fortunately, and rightly, it has been announced that no charges will be filed against Mr. Moore.  Still, the event was outrageous and unfortunate.  As Mr. Nappen noted in an Associated Press article, "This is a shame because of the impact it has on a really good dad and his son.  No one was in danger."

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:36pm

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 20, No. 12 03/22/2013

Feinstein, Obama to Continue Push for Gun, Magazine Ban; Magpul Sta...

On Monday, the Senate announced that Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-Calif.) gun and magazine ban legislation (S. 150) will not be a part of the Senate’s base gun control bill, but that Feinstein will be allowed to offer it as an amendment to the gun control bill, the primary element of which is a proposal by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms between law-abiding Americans. The legislation is expected to be considered the week of April 8.

Feinstein’s legislation, which proposes to ban nearly every semi-automatic shotgun and detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifle, several other categories of firearms, and any ammunition magazine holding 11 or more rounds, will not be included in the Senate’s gun control bill at the outset, out of concern that it would decrease the chance of Schumer’s legislation being approved.

Also aimed at boosting Schumer’s effort, New York City Nanny-in-Chief Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, MAIG, is running an ad showing a few law enforcement agency employees, who are supposed to impartially enforce laws adopted by legislatures, instead saying they “demand” that Congress pass the law that Schumer is proposing. As Bloomberg said today--not while ranting about guns, large soda pops, greasy hamburgers, or the retail display of cigarette packs, but commenting on the inevitability of drones in America’s skies--“everybody everybody demagogues on all these things.”


Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 23, 2013 at 6:35pm

UN Holds "Final" Conference on Arms Trade Treaty

Posted on March 22, 2013

On March 18, the UN convened the second “final” round of the UN Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty that is set to last until March 28. Using the draft treaty made available during the final days of the previous “final” conference in July as a starting point, delegates continue to ignore some of the major issues threatening the rights of civilian gun owners worldwide.

Only one day after the president’s reelection in November, the Obama administration announced its support for renewed negotiations. This was followed by a March 15 press release from newly minted Secretary of State and ardent gun control supporter, John Kerry, who reiterated the administration’s support, noting, “The United States is steadfast in its commitment to achieve a strong and effective Arms Trade Treaty.”

The draft treaty the delegates are working from has several areas of concern for gun owners. Most problematic is the treaty’s requirements that governments take domestic measures to combat unintended “end use” of items which include “Small arms and light weapons.” Under Article 5, concerning “General Implementation,” the treaty states, “Each States Party involved in transfer of conventional arms shall take measures to prevent the diversion of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1) to the illicit market or for unauthorized end use.” Under Article 7, states importing firearms are tasked with “tak[ing] measures to prevent the diversion of imported conventional arms covered under Article 2(1) to the illicit market or for unauthorized end use.” The Obama administration is currently pushing legislation that would criminalize private transfers, which it argues is to accomplish a similar goal, and the effectiveness of which is dependent on gun registration. The ATT could give the administration another avenue, or a mandate, with which to pursue this end. Even if such measures were restricted to imported firearms, the effect would be immense; in 2010 close to three million firearms were imported into the U.S.

The recordkeeping requirements of the treaty are also troubling. Article 7 encourages states to “maintain records of… end users,” going on to note, “Records shall be kept for a minimum of ten years.” Further encouraging cooperation, the treaty requires states to, within the first year the treaty is in force, report on “activities undertaken to implement this Treaty, including national laws, regulations and administrative matters.”

Despite the already troublesome nature of the draft treaty, delegations from several countries have voiced support for even more stringent controls. In its opening statement to the latest conference, Mexico once again held the banner of the hard-line prohibitionists. Purporting to speak on behalf of 108 countries, Mexico argued for the strictest possible treaty, reiterating its insistence that the scope of the treaty include unworkable ammunition restrictions. Similarly, Germany called for additional “end-use assurances” and “proper end-use controls.” Brazil’s opening remarks argued for requiring “end-use certificates for all arms transfers.”

Some prohibitionist nations had additional help preparing for the latest conference, as the UN teamed up with international gun control group International Action Network on Small Arms (which was formerly headed by the architect of Australia’s gun control laws, Rebecca Peters, and of which the Brady Campaign is a member organization) to host a group of 48 African nations at an African Seminar to Prepare for the Final Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, held March 7-8. The seminar was aimed at encouraging the nations to support a restrictive treaty and to advance the cause of gun control more generally. The seminar led former U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton to characterize the UN’s partnership with IANSA as “shameful,” going on to warn, “Small states too often act like agents of the [non-governmental organizations], not as sovereigns.”

Demonstrating respect for the rights of U.S. gun owners were Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kans.) and Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), who held a press conference on March 13 to announce the introduction of a concurrent resolution in both houses of Congress that outlines their opposition to the treaty. The resolution currently has 28 cosponsors in the Senate and 121 in the House. In voicing his disapproval of the treaty, Sen. Moran remarked, “We must avoid a situation where the Administration, due to its continued willingness to negotiate, feels pressured to sign a treaty that violates our constitutional rights.” Rep. Kelly added, “We do have the right, to peaceably assemble, to petition the government, for a redress of grievances. We also have the right to our Second Amendment, which was enshrined by the Founders… Why would we put that up now for debate with people who don’t feel the same way we do?”

The NRA has made clear since the outset of the Arms Trade Treaty development process that it will oppose any treaty that does not eliminate civilian firearms from its scope. With calls from several countries to enact a treaty of even greater scope than the current draft, and a U.S. delegation from an administration attacking gun rights here at home, NRA will closely monitor the proceedings and work to ensure a treaty encompassing civilian arms is not signed, or ratified by the Senate.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 17, 2013 at 6:40pm

Here it is, folks-

Obama Signals He Will Support UN Treaty To Restrict Arms

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The National Rifle Association, which is battling a raft of gun control measures on Capitol Hill, also has an international fight on its hand as it gears up to oppose a U.N. treaty designed to restrict the flow of arms to conflict zones.Negotiations open Monday in New York on the Arms Trade Treaty, which would require countries to determine whether weapons they sell would be used to commit serious human rights violations, terrorism or transnational organized crime.

The gun lobby fears that the treaty would be used to regulate civilian weapons. Human rights activists counter that it would reduce the trafficking of weapons, including small arms such as the ubiquitous AK-47 assault rifle, to outlaw regimes and rebel groups engaged in atrocities against civilian populations.“This treaty is a common-sense alignment of the interests of governments, law-abiding citizens and individuals all over the world, who deserve the right to live free from harm,” said Michelle A. Ringuette, chief of campaigns and programs at Amnesty International USA.

Post Continues on






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