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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on September 4, 2010 at 7:09am
Actual Obituary in Salt Lake City paper:

Robert W. Snyder, Jr. 1947 ~ 2010 Bob left us on June 19th after a day of doing what he loved, sailing the BJ at Soldier Creek with good friends and family. Bob was born September 2, 1947, at Mitchel Field AFB, in New York , the only son of Charlotte and Robert Snyder. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he married Connie and they began their life together in Denver . After a few years in Denver , the couple moved to Minneapolis where their son Michael was born in 1970. After a brief stay living in San Francisco they finally made their home in Utah where they raised their son and enjoyed many friends and family. Bob is survived by his wife, Connie, son, Mike ( Wendy ), granddaughter, Bailey, and sisters, Jean Allstun and Carol ( Gary ) Davis. Bob lived his life to the fullest and always found a way to have a good time. He had a way of making friends with everyone he met and will be missed by all who knew him. Services will be held Thursday, June 24, 2010 - 11:00 a.m. at Camp Williams , 17111 S. Camp Williams Road (Redwood Rd ), Bluffdale , Utah . Family and close friends are welcome from 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. prior to the service. Arrangements in care of Olpin-Hoopes Funeral Home.. In lieu of flowers and in memory of Bob , please make contributions to whomever may be running against Barack Obama in 2012."
Comment by Uma Kelleher ( Pacific NW) on July 31, 2010 at 9:23pm
Can Mr. obama "arrest" in other case instead his birth certificate? Can he be arrest right now. We have a lot the cases to again him. For ex:. Our military most in danger. He can't made any decision even in a simple way of the goft war, the oil spill? Only one thing that he can is open his mouth and go to the shows.
Oh, well what do I known, I am just the red neck make soaps and jewelry for living.
If, this is borthings some other people please don't posting my comment and don't email either. Thank you.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 8, 2010 at 1:45pm

Comment by okpatriot on June 29, 2010 at 4:15am
Have you considered Lt. Col. Allen West? He is currently running for congress.
Comment by okpatriot on June 22, 2010 at 12:40am
Hey Richard,
Thank you for ALL you do!! Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed your writings and agree with them whole-heartedly!! I wish you well in your future endeavors and may the Lord Bless you, in all that you do!!
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on June 20, 2010 at 8:23am

Yes, Barry- please plug that hole!!!

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on June 16, 2010 at 11:31am
Shall we dance? Looks like there's a little gender confusion going on here, Harry!

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on June 11, 2010 at 5:01pm
We Can Only Ask With Fear & Trepidation, “What Next, Barry?”

When lies become a way of life, the resulting unavoidable tangled web of misinformation eventually becomes extremely difficult to manage and maintain. Barry Obama’s web of deception is rapidly approaching the tipping point of no confidence- where even a complicit mainstream media cannot ensure his continued success as an imposter. Little by little, truth is escaping Barry’s web.

And Obama’s bogus Hawaiian birth is but a small part of the problem. When Barry campaigned for his present employment, he portrayed himself as an extremely competent centrist Christian. However, as genuine fear for economic survival grips mainstream America, even the MSM will turn against this incompetent Muslim leftist fool- who somehow captured the White House.

The disintegration of Barry’s web of deception is being brought about by crisis after crisis resulting from an obvious incompetence to lead- combined with an evil political agenda slyly advertised to be in America’s best interest.

The following list is not intended to be complete- and passing time will surely add crisis upon crisis- to include floods, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. Furthermore, the synergy of these national difficulties will rock the foundation of federal government. In other words, the combined effects of all these catastrophic events, mindless mistakes and treacherous crimes will be greater than the simple sum thereof. The average American will finally “get it.”

First, a healthcare crisis of biblical proportion looms on the horizon- a catastrophe enabled by the legislated insanity of Obama Care, our growing national insolvency and blatant in-your-face Congressional corruption.

Second, we cannot achieve a lasting military victory in Afghanistan. When our military leaves that war-ravaged country, resurgence of al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives from other Muslim countries in the region will be both immediate and overwhelming. In the end, there will be no practical difference between a declared victory in Afghanistan and our humiliating defeat in Vietnam.

Third, the ongoing ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico may have already spiraled past human capacity to contain it- and Obama’s incompetence in meeting this crisis is becoming painfully obvious to even casual observers.

Fourth, as illegal aliens and drug traffickers continue to penetrate our southern border, Americans are finally beginning to realize that this escalating crisis reaches far beyond the border towns of Texas, Arizona and California. The Obama administration’s questionable response to this ongoing incursion has been incompetent at best- and deliberately destructive at worst. Extradition of that Border Patrol agent who shot a 15 year old Mexican thug could perhaps be the last straw. Eric Holder’s spineless reaction today seemed to allow for that unfortunate eventuality.

Fifth, a ballooning national debt of unending trillions of dollars is both unsustainable and a grave threat to our national security. All thinking Americans are gravely concerned about our skyrocketing deficit spending and its resulting damage to our general economy.

Sixth, the continuing corruption within the Obama administration, characterized by scandal after scandal, has already become far too big for the American public to ignore. Names like Blagojevich, Sestak and Romanoff are constant reminders of Presidential abuse of power. The combined legal problems of Presidents Nixon and Clinton now seem small by comparison.

Lastly, add to this rising cacophony a growing chorus of American patriots, scornfully labeled by the MSM as birthers, who recognize that this lack of competent leadership in the executive branch could have been easily avoided by simply enforcing the Constitutional requirements for Presidential eligibility.

The deleterious effect of Obama’s litany of lies has been compounded by his poor foreign and domestic policy, executive incompetence and questionable goals. The finest healthcare delivery system in the world will soon be reduced to ashes- unless Obama Care is repealed. We continue to use and abuse our military abroad- all the while failing to properly secure our own borders. The horrible ecological disaster in the Gulf has the capacity to damage our national food production even more than the water debacle in California’s Central Valley. As our individual liberties and personal fortunes continue to erode, federal control of our lives seems to exponentially increase. Bureaucrats in Washington are squandering money faster than it can be raised by taxes, printed by presses- or even borrowed from foreign governments. Race relations in America are deteriorating- and those who attack the Obama administration are often characterized as racists. In short, things have gone from bad to worse.

Yes, when lies become a way of life, the resulting web of deception eventually becomes extremely difficult to manage. Stalwart souls who always tell the truth enjoy a more carefree existence- never bound by past lies as they handle present problems. We can only ask with fear and trepidation, “What next, Barry?”
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on June 3, 2010 at 10:38pm

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on June 3, 2010 at 2:10pm


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