NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.




An association of patriotic American businesses and consumers dedicated to ECONOMIC RECOVERY from bad, subversive left-wing policies!!!

Location: HeartLand, America
Members: 125
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2016



This is dedicated to members who want to establish networks among themselves for purposes of advancing their mutual PROSPERITY, in the pursuit of happiness!!....and also serves as a tutorial for members wishing to form their own, LOCAL (Within your voting district) political action groups on this site.

1. If you are in business, promote your product or service freely here, (Just hire legal citizens, or immigrants as your business grows through your affiliation here.)

2. If you are a consumer, you just need to give AMERICAN COMPANIES priority in your purchasing decisions. Remember, when you BUY AMERICAN it lifts us all.

3. If you are a worker, you pledge that you are either a citizen, or here legally.

GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!..........AND.......God Bless America!!!

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of BUY AMERICAN!..."MADE IN U.S.A." to add comments!

Comment by Patty on May 24, 2011 at 10:36am
Please make some phone calls for Jane Corwin (R) today.

This race is too close and we NEED to get every last voter to the polls which are open until 9pm eastern.

To make calls, email Patrick Kelly at:

Patrick will send you a script and spreadsheets with the names and phone numbers to call.
(You will need to use your own phone to make the calls.)

Jane Corwin is the conservative Republican candidate running in the New York 26 Congressional special election today (May 24th). Jane has been endorsed by TEA New York, Tea Party Express, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Independence Hall Tea Party (PA), the NRA, and the U.S. Chamber of Congress.

We just lost the Jacksonville FL mayor’s race to the dems because 300,000 people didn’t go to the polls. The Obama machine is now in New York, and we have to defeat it. We need this win to keep the momentum in our favor going into the debt ceiling debate and 2012 election.

( I don't work for the campaign)
Comment by Patty on May 20, 2011 at 6:44pm
Please get this message to all of your contacts in New York. We MUST win this special congressional election NY26 on Tuesday!!!

Just received this email from JaneCorwin's campaign (R). Everyone needs to get involved. We just lost a close mayor's race in Jacksonville to Obama's machine. We can't give the dems and Obama any momentum going in 2012. We can't give the dems any leverage with the debt ceiling vote approaching.
This election has huge implications and we need to get every voter to the polls for Jane Corwin. Get Involved!!!

Friday Afternoon (May 20)

Dear Friend,

Tomorrow morning, we will send a message to the pundits and talking heads.

Tomorrow morning, we will let people throughout this district know that Jane Corwin is the clear choice to stop wasteful spending, create jobs, and restore fiscal responsibility to Washington.

Tomorrow morning, we will begin our 72-hour plan to stop Nancy Pelosi and liberal democrats from stealing the people's seat in Congress with their lies and scare tactics.

That's why, tomorrow morning, we need your help.

Please join us. Join our effort to stop the lies. Join our effort to let voters know the truth about Jane Corwin and her record of creating jobs, cutting spending and standing up for taxpayers.

Corwin Get-Out-The-Vote Rally
Phone Bank and Door-to-Door Campaign
9:30 am
8234 Transit Road
Williamsville, NY

Election Day is in 4 days, and we need your help!

Tuesday is just that important, and your support is just that critical. Thank you for your help.


Jane Corwin For Congress
Comment by Uma Kelleher ( Pacific NW) on February 17, 2011 at 1:39pm

I would like to add one or two comment on this about the "trade policy that works for American interest and commerce". Can name or be specific on this issue? It's because so many numbers of Americans really can't understand that.  Reason is so many numbers when they goes through the Dollars store and get thing less prices and they compare the price of the hand-made products that I created it in the US.  What I mean it try to explain the detail to them to understand. ( Policy makers)

Second's Americans should look into the way of the employers in America works and the costs of living and the others costs to pay for their employees and govt. taxes for etc...And then let the Policy markers control the the Employers what to do and what to pay the employees.  That's how they droves the business out of the US.  And at the end who's really the Looser?? Right?

Please do not let the govt/ policy makers in D.C. run your life tax-prays. When those guys run your life and that's how country is goes down.  Because more hand-out and more lazy in America and no one willing to works.  That's how we are business people get in troubles!!

Let me put it this way...Land a lone is just fine but, the seeds you put in it to the land that is the cause!  This type of languages I just's doesn't exit for over 5,000 yrs...

Thanks and appreciated for allow my post and give me a permission to speak.




Comment by Ronald A. Nelson Col.USA (Ret) on February 17, 2011 at 1:16pm
Let us all work to encourage sound trade policy... policy that works for American interest and commerce... not the Globalist and job killing lies, often passed off as 'free trade.'
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on January 5, 2011 at 5:24pm

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Comment by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on December 3, 2010 at 4:46pm
Comment by Uma Kelleher ( Pacific NW) on November 29, 2010 at 9:06pm
Thank you! Raya appreciate you very much for look out for me...have a good holiday...:-)
Comment by Uma Kelleher ( Pacific NW) on November 29, 2010 at 9:04pm
Hi everyone,
I want posting my website.
Please come to support me made in America.!
Comment by Patty on October 27, 2010 at 2:14pm
I'm adding each home phone bank as I get them from the campaigns. Just click on "view all" and pick a campign to get involved in. Every voter we get to the polls brings us one seat closer to taking both the senate and the house!!!!
Comment by Patty on October 15, 2010 at 8:27pm
I'm not with Mike Yost's campaign but just spoke with them and they NEED our help phone banking from home to get out the vote!!!! We CAN retire Corrine Brown!

Mike Yost (R) is running for Florida US Congress District 3. He is within 6 points of Corrine Brown but needs every voter in FL District 3 to cast their vote. Corrine is busy worrying about her district lines being changed, but WE THE PEOPLE have a chance to retire her on November 2nd!!!! The dems aren't even seriously campaigning because they are sure they have won.

Please join Mike’s phone bank and make phone calls for freedom from the privacy of your home. He needs to make 100,000 calls through November 2nd. This is a free computerized system that is easy and fun. Just sign in, follow the script and start making calls today!!! Remember, many of the calls you make will be targeted towards Democratic voters.

To get access to Mike’s phone bank, please email Patty Parrett at:

I will send you the website, login ID and instructions and you will be able to start TODAY!!!!

And remember: When WE THE PEOPLE of Florida work TOGETHER, we can accomplish anything!!!!! This seat has not been Republican since 1903. A win in District 3 will be one of the biggest upsets to the dems and Pelosi! Let’s get Mike to Congress where he will fight for us and our children rather than sending back another rubber stamp for Obama’s failed policies.

To see Mike’s website, go to:

Also please send this to everyone you know. Anyone across the country can make phone calls for Mike!!!!

Members (125)







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