NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.




An association of patriotic American businesses and consumers dedicated to ECONOMIC RECOVERY from bad, subversive left-wing policies!!!

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Members: 125
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2016



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GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!..........AND.......God Bless America!!!

Comment Wall


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Comment by Vivian Blink on December 12, 2009 at 4:44pm
Palin and Beck! What a team! Yesssss!
I do believe Sara is gearing up and ready for a run!
I have not heard Glen express his thoughts about the presidential platform but I would say he would make a FINE Senator to start!
I would hope he could be convinced. No doubt about his supporters and certainly no doubt about his loyalty and patriotism.
Comment by Carmen Mesa on December 8, 2009 at 3:57pm
So true, Vivian.
Comment by Vivian Blink on December 8, 2009 at 12:26pm
It has been a while since I touched on this subject since it appeared to me last Summer that our Real Conservative members were all in agreement about buying American, and maybe most of us still are but when I read this article in the WND, I saw RED! No kidding, folks! RED CHINA!.... because It isn't the Grinch who is stealing your Christmas!
Chinese products are stealing Christmas as dangerous toys, clothes, appliances, even baby strollers, and pacifiers flood U.S. stores. Will America ever learn? Does everyone go nuts at Christmas trying to meet the desires of their children by getting caught up in the craze of buying them all the "hot new things"?
We are making China even wealthier and supplying jobs to ther citizens while so many of our breadwinners are unemployed this Christmas. Do you think if we looked around enough, we could manage to find something "made In U.S.A." that would appease our children's enormous appetites for material items?
Perhaps we should take a lesson (once again, lest we forget) from the good people of "Whoville" this year about what Christmas is really all about and for goodness sake, teach some values to our children! And then, shove that sled of toys right over the cliff ourselves!..... or give it a sendoff back across the ocean!
And do have a Merry Christmas, and God Bless America!

Posted: December 07, 2009
9:47 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Zhu Zhu Pet

WASHINGTON – Zhu Zhu Pets, furry robotic hamsters, are the hottest Christmas craze of 2009 – with millions being flown into the U.S. from China on 747s to keep up with the demand.

But, like so many other toys, clothes, appliances and even baby strollers and pacifiers on the market for holiday shoppers this season, they may be unsafe, say consumer watchdogs.

While Zhu Zhu pets have not faced a Consumer Product Safety Commission recall, a report from says they contain antimony, a toxic metal known as a carcinogen. The federal limt for antimony in products is 60 parts per million, while the Zhu Zhu has 93 parts per million in the fur and 103 in the nose.

"If ingested in high enough levels, antimony can lead to cancer, reproductive health and other human health hazards," said Dara O'Rourke, an associate professor of environmental science at U.C.-Berkeley and co-founder of "If these toys aren't even meeting the legal standards in the U.S., then I would say that it isn't worth the risk for me to bring it into my household."

Get the full story of the Chinese product threat to Americans in "Poorly Made in China: An Insider's Account of the Tactics Behind China's Production Game."

Sources in Washington say a recall of the toys is unlikely because of the sheer volume already sold – millions throughout the U.S.

But that's not the case with dozens of other products imported from China just in time for Christmas. Of the 28 products recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission so far in November and December, 16 were manufactured in China.

U.S. distributors of these products are increasingly paying big fines.

This month, for instance, Excelligence Learning Corp. of Monterey, Calif., agreed to pay $25,000 in civil penalties for selling Chinese-made toy shaving brushes violating federal lead paint bans.

Also recalled by the CPSC for lead exposure were children's metal pendants sold by Team Work Trading of Los Angeles, Calif.

Bicycles are always a favorite Christmas gift for kids. But 6,400 distributed by Easton Sports of Scotts Valley, Calif., and manufactured in China were recalled this season because of stem failure that cause the rider to lose control.

About 10,000 children's art easels distributed by MacPherson's of Emeryville, Calif., and manufactured in China were recalled in the last 30 days for containing levels of lead that exceed federal limits.
Comment by Carmen Mesa on December 7, 2009 at 7:54pm
God is always with the righteous, Richard. I salute you and your family.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on December 4, 2009 at 5:32pm

Comment by Carmen Mesa on November 25, 2009 at 11:54pm
Oh my God, Richard. This is a train wreck at the highest speed. I am livid by the report on the Navy Seals travesty. The intolerant attitude this regime is adopting when it comes to protect our country and its citizens. How are we going to defeat this? I am angry as hell and feel that my hands are tied. When is this going to end? These people are raping our country while all the elites are watching and abetting them. God, please help us.
Comment by Carmen Mesa on November 14, 2009 at 9:05pm
Unfortunately, all this pandering and propaganda is going to hurt the people of this country. One more reason to get all these morons out of office. I hope we don't pay the ultimate price by being hit by attacks in our country. God help us all.
Comment by okpatriot on November 13, 2009 at 2:37am
You do not ever have to worry about being PC around me!!!!
Comment by okpatriot on November 13, 2009 at 2:36am
I agree 100% with all of you!!!!! Wow, I wish I could write as well as you do, Richard!!! You say everything I want to say and more! You do a GREAT job!!! Thanks again, for your service and your four children's service and sacrifice to our country!!!!!!
Comment by Carmen Mesa on November 13, 2009 at 12:25am
My husband and I got the same impression when we watched our "dear leader" when he made the announcement of the terrorist attack and during his speech at the Memorial. It doesn't affect him because he doesn't care. He does not feel what we americans feel. We have to stand together until the rest of the country wakes up and maybe it will not be too late to save our country.

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