NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
An association of patriotic American businesses and consumers dedicated to ECONOMIC RECOVERY from bad, subversive left-wing policies!!!
Location: HeartLand, America
Members: 125
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2016
Started by Patty. Last reply by Patty Oct 4, 2012.
Started by Patty Sep 14, 2012.
Started by Patty. Last reply by Patty Jul 28, 2012.
Thank You.
Glenn Beck Free Tele-Townhall on the importance of the Catholic vote
Tuesday Sept 25th at 8:30pm EST
Sign up at:
Built By Us !!!
**This is an awesome website. You can click up top and post videos and share your story with the campaign!!! You can also print signs to hang in your home windows and businesses:
One businessman is waving it on the street corner. Another added a magnetic back and displays it on his car. The ideas are endless.
Send this website VIRAL across the country. We need signs in every window across America!!!! American Individualism and the American Dream is what made this country great - let’s share our stories!!!!
Looks like Jon's post is gone!!
I don't how true it is, but I did hear on the radio that Obama has something like 4,000 lawyers in Florida. Oh my, that doesn't sound good to me.
I just want to apologize for what has happened on this site. I researched all the candidates and made my choice by personal opinion. I had a gut reaction when I read Julius' website - and you know what Glenn Beck says turns out to be correct. I just sat and watched the campaign play out keeping my mouth quiet. My family went out last week and volunteered for John Quinones and walked our neighborhood for him. I am NOT being paid. I have never say a word about Melendez and only talk about John Quinones and why I am voting for him. Many people we have talked to don't even know the candidates in the race or who Julius Melendez is. Many have done their own research and are already voting for Quinones based on his state voting record which shows he is 100% pro-life and has earned the endorsement of the NRA.
All of a sudden Julius Melendez tried to friend me on Freedomworks Freedomconnector. I was shocked because they are a PAC and not endorsing a candidate in this race. And I assume FEC rules wouldn't allow this. The site was called Fl Congressional District 9 voters but he tweeted all 209 of his supporters to join "our" group. Julius was the admin and deleted my post. I wrote again and none of their people joined the group. They have joined different groups including a christian group but won't even tell people who they are. All that I asked was for him to delete the site and create an official campaign page that was being honest and respectful of the people on the site. I also asked them to reveal who they were when they joined a group. They didn't comply. And I am disappointed to say that this is a Republican candidate. I told both of them who I was and to look me up on his supervoter list but he got this crazy idea that I was being paid to defeat his candidate.
I hope that this doesn't put a damper on what we are doing. Helen thank you for defending me. You are a true American patriot out working hard to get voters to the polls and you don't deserve this intrusion!!
I am going down to the Orlando Victory Center to make calls for Romney with my husband tomorrow. We are very excited and are having so much fun working together. We are meeting so many wonderful people who care about America. My husband doesn't complain anymore because he is out working for Mitt. And thanks Real Conservatives, at least we all respect each other and debate in a civil manner that prepared me for this situation!!! I never expected a troll from the right who openly wrote his name and was working for a major campaign to show up and wreak havoc!!!!
And I've met a few people who want to help in states other than Florida recently but don't know who to contact or where to go. If you can't get the information no matter which state, please post and I will try to get you an answer.
And FYI, it's not raining in Central Florida tonight!!!
Jon please delete yourself from this site. Look at where the people are from. They are wonderful patriotic Americans from across the country. You don't want them emailing their friends and family in D9 and telling them about the Julius Melendez campaign and not to vote for him. This is NOT the place to campaign for Julius and you are making a big mistake. You are also hurting the Republican party and your actions will make people distrust them again just as they are working to get Romney elected. I am NOT who you think I am. and you are playing with fire. John Quinones will beat Julius Melendez fairly and you need to get off these sites, stop following me and go run an honest campaign. It's not too much to ask of a candidate who states he is a Constitutional conservative. I am an honest person who writes under my own name and makes my own decisions and is NOT a paid political operative. And the people on this site are my friends and you don't belong here.
Everyone on this site needs to know that Jon Arguello is the communications director who wrote the comment to me in the discussion above that said "Please stop being obnoxious." Julius Melendez may be a patriotic man and I thank him for serving our country but he DELETED my comments that exposed his deceptive site on Freedomworks as a campaign page and that he was not endorsed by Freedomworks. He speaks the Constitution but then deletes and negates freedom of speech? His communications director is joining all of our sites trying to garner votes because his candidate just came in third out of fourth in the Celebration GOP straw poll. He also only has $48,000 cash on hand and is the candidate that gave deceptive numbers to the Orlando Sentinel. And can you say "fuzzy math" Mr. Arguello?
This is just one of the insulting comments he wrote me on Freedomworks ( and I am a voter in D9):
Your comments were deleted because your comments are inappropriate. Let Mr. Oliver know he is not the chairman of the Osceola County and that his unethical behavior in a Republican primary is not appreciated. However much Quinones is paying you, you're not convincing anyone that he is a realistic candidate against Grayson, his record prevents him from winning even if he does speak Spanish."
Do we want candidates and their campaign staff joining and infiltrating our groups and listening in on our conversations and taking over our private groups that hard working Americans pay for? I sure don't and I think the Julius Melendez campaign has crossed the line of trust with the American people.
Mr. Arguello please delete yourself from this site. Stop joining our groups and listening in on our conversations. No one wants a candidate who listens in and spies on them - that is what we are fighting in congress. You can talk conservatism and patriotism all you want but actions speak louder than words.
And Jon no one on this group even knows who Mr. Oliver is. I told you before to look up your supervoter list before you insult me and you would see that I am a true American middle class woman who has been proudly married for 25 years to a wonderful man who you have insulted by not even spelling our name correctly.
You need to take a couple of days off and get some rest. This campaign is getting to you. If you would like, I can set up a meeting with Mr.Melendez, myself and Mr Scott Powers or Mr. Breen of the Orlando Sentinel and put the truth of your campaign out to the people of D9. And Mr.Melendez can explain why he isn't campaigning with the people but paying someone to follow around a voter across the internet and insult me. And just for the record, I just helped Julius so he wouldn't get caught in a deception and Mr. Breen was very nice and corrected his article to reflect your campaign's true campaign contributions for the last quarter. You should be thanking me. I wouldn't want you to lose any votes because someone thought you were stretching the numbers. Just a suggestion for the future since you seem to want to learn from real conservatives. People assume that candidates are reporting monetary contribution totals and don't know about "in Kind" donations. It is more honest to report actual monetary contributions like John Quinones did rather than appearing to have more donors than you do. Financial honesty and integrity is very important to the Tea Party.
Go John Quinones!!!!!!!
If you know anyone in Central Florida, please get them this message tonight:
If you are in Orlando tomorrow, Tuesday 6/12, come out to this Mitt Romney event! Let's get a huge crowd!!!!!
I just emailed the campaign and they wrote that you must RSVP to attend. Sign up at:
or email the campaign at the address below.
Join Mitt in Orlando!
Doors Open 8:30 A.M. | Program Begins at 9:30 A.M.
You’re Invited to an Event with Mitt Romney
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 Doors Open 8:30 AM | Program Begins 9:30 AM
Con-Air Industries
4157 Seaboard Road, Orlando, FL
RSVP/Questions: | (904) 325-6089
For Important Campaign Updates: Text FL to GOMITT (466488
Get your free Romney bumper sticker:
Let's show Obama we mean business in November!!!
Also here's a great flyer to print and hand out to educate American voters on the reality for our children under Obama. If we all give it to at least 5 people every day, we take back our country:
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$ 9.95
The book RIGHT SIDE UP is a compilation of choice content from this web site...reflecting sometimes forgotten, purely Traditional American Values...
The Unborn
...let them BE !
"The Fox, Golden Gate and Mohammed's Daughter"
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