NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Ye Errant Fools Masquerading As Servants Of The People!

First up, I watched Glenn last night. Excellent show. I especially liked his comments about the surreal nature (intense irrational reality) of current events. Moreover, I fully support Brother Beck in his efforts to defeat all enemies of the United States and our Constitution, both enemies foreign and domestic. I really do love you, Glenn- but please stop ignoring the eligibility issue…

And now, my friends, the main event.

If any of you yet doubt that Barack Hussein Obama is SHAMELESSLY, OPENLY and INTENTIONALLY sabotaging our national security by encouraging illegal immigration along our southern border, please watch videos one and two. If King Rat is an American citizen of ANY ilk, he’s a traitor!

And all you treasonous-liberal-pinko-commie-rats in Congress! Any of you wanna move your family to a Texas or Arizona border town? Wanna buy a ranch along the southern border? Didn’t think so…

By encouraging open and porous borders, Barry is also exacerbating our national unemployment problem. Jobs that nobody else will do, you say? That’s a load of guano! You’d be surprised what jobs honest American citizens will take- out of quiet desperation to feed, clothe and house their families!

By encouraging open and porous borders, Barry is also facilitating the importation of illegal drugs like crack cocaine, heroin and marihuana- all of which find their way to all our major cities- destroying our youth and causing a crushing taxpayer burden to deal with the tragic consequences.

By encouraging open and porous borders, Barry is causing yet another ecological disaster in the Sonoran desert. Have you seen the disgusting pix of the illegal immigrant trail of garbage?

And now King Rat is getting cozy with the President of Mexico- and commiserating with Mexico about Arizona’s valiant attempts to defend its legal citizens. You really ARE nauseating, Barry!

When will all this stop? Come on Congress! Step up to the plate! Impeach Obama now! What more do you need? King Rat is openly trying to destroy our national security and our individual liberty. Barry is neither a natural born citizen, NOR LIKELY ANY KIND OF AMERICAN CITIZEN! He is a complete fraud! And if you yellow-bellied bilge rats really think Barry is a legit citizen, try him for TREASON!

Is it your intention to be complicit with the Obama-Pelosi-Reid cabal in pushing America irretrievably toward civil war? Do you think the friction between California and Arizona is imaginary? Do you think the hatred of Texas and Arizona for your cowardice is fiction? Are you listening, Congress?

It is now common knowledge that Obama uses phony Social Security numbers. Check out 042-68-4425 for starters- and please investigate his fraudulent Selective Service registration. While you’re at it, investigate the implications of murder and mayhem …

Congress, how can you allow a blatant criminal to serve as Commander-in-Chief? Have you no loyalty? No regard for our valiant men and women in uniform? Perhaps each of YOU should be tried for treason!

There is a point where being complicit with mainstream-media political-correctness and nefarious plans of New World Order becomes criminal- and many of you in the House and Senate have long since passed that point!

Oh, we will vote you out of office- but by and by we will bring each of you to justice for knowingly selling out the Constitution you have sworn to uphold and defend- and for abrogating your sacred responsibility to faithfully represent and protect the American people! Ye love filthy lucre more than your honor!

You, my dear members of Congress, have irresponsibly spent our nation into financial oblivion. You have mortgaged the fiscal future of our children, jeopardized their physical safety- and have blatantly destroyed much of their precious heritage of liberty. If you have no regard for the voters who put you in office, at least consider the fate of our children!

You, my dear Senators and Representatives, have become drunken with grand delusions of your own importance, power and invulnerability- all the while ignoring the vociferous cries of the suffering American people! Each one of you who are complicit with this evil plan to destroy the United States of America should be charged with high treason, tried by the legitimate federal courts of our land- and if found guilty, punished by death.

Oh yes, ye errant fools masquerading as servants of the people, ye embrace high crimes and misdemeanors, even treason- but eventually justice will prevail!

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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on May 21, 2010 at 11:08pm
Ronald A. Nelson, Tea Party Nation:

"Check this out for size, brother: The States have the Constitutional authority to defend themselves... but will they?

It has long been known that Mexican bandits... are willing to invade homes and businesses along the border. Historically this has been met with such indignation by the US that the Presidents of the past sent the Army to chase these bandits deep into Mexico... Gen Black Jack Pershing and his aid LT. George S. Patton (Gen Patton) leading the last large incursion into Mexico against the bandit Pancho Villa in 1917.

America took its borders seriously until recent time... and now it appears we have a new policy of open borders and lawlessness along our boarder. Arizona should sue the Federal Government for not coming to its aid as required by the US Constitution Article 4, Sec 4 "The United States... shall protect each of them (each state) against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or the EXECUTIVE (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence." It is time for the legislature and governors of the border states to apply for such protection... federal troops to enforce the border and to guarantee the border States against invasion by foreign nationals.

The border States are obviously being invaded... they, are certainly being exposed to domestic violence by Mexican bandits and organized crime. The Federal Government has a Constitutional duty to come to the aid of the States, to guarantee their safety against such actions by foreign governments and THEIR CITIZENS. This has been the precedent and law as witnessed by past actions against such invasion and domestic violence coming out of Mexico.

If the Federal Government fails to act upon petition of the various border states... The Border States have every Constitutional right to join together and act in their own defense... UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE Federal Government does act effectively in their defense. This is the Constitutional right of each State. See Article 1 Sec 9: "No State shall... engage in War, UNLESS actually invaded, or in such IMMINENT DANGER as will not admit delay."

The border States are in immanent danger... they are being invaded by the Citizens of a foreign power... Lawlessness and domestic violence rages along our Southern borders. ORGANIZED elements comprised primarily of Mexico's citizens are invading our Nation...

The clear and consistent message from Mexico's own government... is one that subverts our National Sovereignty and right to protect our borders from invasion by their citizens crossing our international border... Mexico's Public Schools teach that the territories North of the US Border are rightfully theirs and that every Mexican is entitled to occupy those lands now held by the US... if this is not an act of war then there is no such act?

The States along the Border can and should act in unity and independent of the Federal Government to secure their borders; at the same time they should enjoin the Federal Government with a law suit, demanding the US Government act on their Constitutional duty to secure their borders... from invasion and domestic violence.

I doubt any State will act on the Constitutional right... to defend it's own borders/sovereignty; while, waiting for the Federal Government to come to their aid... EFFECTIVE AID. Effective aid being such aid as necessary to STOP the invasion and violence.

Any claim of aid by the Federal Government... short of stopping the invasion and violence is a breech in their Constitutional duty and provides the States with the right of self-defense; until such time, when the Federal Government secures the borders and restores domestic tranquillity."






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