NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Like it or not, Mitt Romney is apparently our only chance to rid America of the hopelessly corrupt Obama administration.
For a long time I was a Ron Paul supporter, but when Ron declared on national television that Saddam Hussein had no WMD, I finally had enough. I've heard too many stories about our Soldiers becoming seriously ill after just walking into the places where WMD was stored in Iraq. That ill-advised comment was unfortunately characteristic of Ron’s apparent inability to sustain a credible stream of American foreign policy. And make no mistake. If Ron Paul does manage to gain the GOP nomination, he’ll never garner sufficient mainstream support to beat Barry Obama.
Therefore, I now support Mitt Romney.
Also, I support Romney over Gingrich because of the latter's helter-skelter campaign, his chameleon propensity to tell conservatives only "what they wanna hear" AND because I suspect the Obama camp will save their real dirt on Gingrich until after the primary. Yes, the moderate Mitt could be much more conservative, but at least I trust him to do the right thing for America. Moreover, Mitt’s squeaky clean. Newt has too many skeletons dancing in his closet- and I wouldn’t trust him around my daughters.
And Santorum’s surge? No surprise here, folks. Rick's support in Iowa was assuredly dominated by Evangelical Romney-haters. So sad- so true. But no matter. Santorum will be drubbed handily in New Hampshire. Moreover (and like Gingrich), Rick has neither the financial resources nor the ground organization to wage a successful national campaign- neither the broad-base appeal to defeat Obama in November. First it was Bachmann- then Cain, Perry and Gingrich. "Oops. You’re the only one left, Rick! Last in line."
Yes, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool conservative- but if Rick "Religion-on-his-sleeve" Santorum is truly a conservative, I'm Mickey Mouse. Seems Rick tells folks only what they wanna hear- just like Gingrich and Obama.
Is Mitt Romney conservative enough for me? Certainly NOT, but he's the only GOP candidate with sufficient national appeal to beat Barry Obama- and right now that’s good enough.
Alas- if Mitt Romney (with all his business acumen) only had Ron Paul’s acrimony toward the Fed!
And sorry, folks. I really thought we’d be rid of the Kenyan imposter by now. Obama’s politically dead, but he won’t lie down. But have you noticed Barry looks a bit haggard lately? I’d say the White House Insider had it right.
Barack is desperate these days- his unconstitutional monarchy fast fading into complete ruin. And desperate men do desperate things. The Kenyan prince is bypassing Congress at every opportunity. He also announced yesterday his plans to decimate our military- as did Billy Clinton. Will nobody in Congress stand up for America and stop this unbridled monster?
Congressman Joe Wilson had it right! Barack’s assuredly a liar. It’s all about self-preservation now! Right, Barry? You’ll damn America- just to stay in power another four horrible years?
And I can’t imagine who or what is propping up Eric Holder. And yes, the Insider said the Dem turncoats would soon oust Eric as part of their plan to destroy Obama. You’d think the “Fast and Furious” controversy would have been sufficient for Holder’s removal. And did you hear Eric was in on the OCB (Oklahoma City Bombing) cover-up?
And so, the 2012 race is on. I hope someday we have a truly conservative president. Someone who will end the tyranny of the Federal Reserve. Someone who will re-enthrone the Constitution as the mainstay of our national government. Someone who will put America first. A Commander-in Chief who will protect the United States from all aggressors- and not be in league with our enemies.
Is Romney that conservative Presidential ideal? I suppose not- but if he’s mainstream enough to rid us of this abominable Kenyan curse, I suggest we all get behind him now- before this fruitless GOP food fight dooms us to four more years of Obamanite hell…
Richard Allan Jenni
Hobble Creek Canyon, Utah
Right on, Phil. At the least, the convention may be worth watching this year...
Hopefully the primaries will fail to identify a clear wining candidate and the selection process will continue into the Republican National convention where the REAL candidate will be selected by citizens rather than politicians.
Michael and Leon: Thanks for your comments. Everything you say is correct about Ron Paul. I just don't think he has a prayer of beating Obama- and four more years of the Kenyan imposter would finish us off... I do, however, cling tightly to my God and sleep next to my guns. And yes, I served on active duty during Vietnam and the first Gulf War also. The last link in the combat chain, I played my horn at many more military funerals than I can recount. My children have served 9 combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11. My second son is presently in Afghanistan. My youngest son is having serious health problems from his tour in Iraq. Nobody hates these needless wars more than I do- especially the continuing debacle in Afghanistan... I have been preaching against the globalists since the early 1970s. Also, I thoroughly understand the threat to our national security posed by the international banking cartel, the global communists, Mexican drug lords and general Islamic expansionism... I publicly sided with Muammar Al Qadhafi. I feel sorry for the people of Libya. Yes, the Libyan leader was killed because he was going to change the reserve currency of Africa to the Gold Dinar- but also because his incredible water project has made Libya the richest country in Africa. Whatever his faults, Libya will be infinitely worse off without him. Obama should be impeached for many reasons- but attacking Libya especially angers me... If Ron Paul gains more mainstream support in the next few months, I'll reconsider- but four more year of the Kenyan pretty much will guarantee an American bloodbath that will make our first civil war look like a walk in the park... We haven't had a real President since Jack Kennedy- who was killed because he challenged the Fed and started printing our own money again- and also his intent to shut down Vietnam. (By the time Reagan was finally elected, the US Presidency was already under globalist control. He'd have done better if elected in '76.) I'm not sure even Ron Paul could bring us back from the brink... Finally, I am part Lenni Lenape. Maybe that explains why I abhor what has happened to our country... Peace, my friends. RAJ
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