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Wikileaks Reveals a Government Caught Up in the Mendacity of Lies

Wikileaks Reveals a Government Caught Up in the Mendacity of Lies


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Published: Dec 3, 2010
Author: By: Paul_Craig_Roberts

Wikileaks Reveals a Government Caught Up in the Mendacity of Lies
Politics / US Politics
Dec 02, 2010 - 03:44 AM

By: Paul_Craig_Roberts

The reaction to WikiLeaks
and its founder, Julian Assange tells us all we need to know about the
total corruption of our “modern” world, which in fact is a throwback to
the Dark Ages.

Some member of the United States government released to WikiLeaks
the documents that are now controversial. The documents are
controversial, because they are official US documents and show all too
clearly that the US government is a duplicitous entity whose raison
d’etre is to control every other government.

The media, not merely in the US but also throughout the English speaking world and Europe, has shown its hostility to WikiLeaks. The reason is obvious. WikiLeaks reveals truth, while the media covers up for the US government and its puppet states.

Why would anyone with a lick of sense read the media when they can read original material from WikiLeaks?
The average American reporter and editor must be very angry that
his/her own cowardice is so clearly exposed by Julian Assange. The
American media is a V*******V, whereas the courageous blood of warriors
runs through WikiLeaks’ veins.

Just as American politicians want Bradley Manning executed because he
revealed crimes of the US government, they want Julian Assange executed.
In the past few days the more notorious of the zombies that sit in the
US Congress have denounced Assange as a “traitor to America.” What total
ignorance. Assange is an Australian, not an American citizen. To be a
traitor to America, one has to be of US nationality. An Australian
cannot be a traitor to America any more than an American can be a
traitor to Australia. But don’t expect the morons who represent the
lobbyists to know this much.

Mike Huckabee, the redneck baptist
preacher who was governor of Arkansas and, to America’s already
overwhelming shame, was third runner up to the Republican presidential
nomination, has called for Assange’s execution.
So here we have a “man of God” calling for the US government to murder
an Australian citizen. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world
hates their guts.

The material leaked from the US government to WikiLeaks
shows that the US government is an extremely disreputable gang of
gangsters. The US government was able to get British prime minister
Brown to “fix” the official Chilcot Investigation into how former prime
minister Tony Blair manipulated and lied the British government into
being mercenaries for the US invasion of Iraq. One of the “diplomatic”
cables released has UK Defense Ministry official Jon Day promising the
United States government that prime minister Brown’s government has “put
measures in place to protect your interests.”

Other cables
show the US government threatening Spanish prime minister Zapatero,
ordering him to stop his criticisms of the Iraq war or else. I mean,
really, how dare these foreign governments to think that they are

Not only foreign governments are under the US thumb.
So is Joe Lieberman from Connecticut, who is Israel’s most
influential senator in the US Senate, delivered sufficiently credible
threats to Amazon to cause the company to oust WikiLeaks content from their hosting service.

So there you have it. On the one hand the US government and the
prostitute American media declare that there is nothing new in the
hundreds of thousands of documents, yet on the other hand both pull out
all stops to shut down WikiLeaks
and its founder. Obviously, despite the US government’s denials, the
documents are extremely damaging. The documents show that the US
government is not what it pretends to be.

Assange is in hiding.
He fears CIA and Mossad assassination, and to add to his troubles the
government of Sweden has changed its mind, perhaps as a result of
American persuasion and money, about sex charges that the Swedish
government had previously dismissed for lack of credibility. If reports
are correct, two women, who possibly could be CIA or Mossad assets, have
brought sex charges against Assange. One claims that she was having
consensual sexual intercourse with him, but that he didn’t stop when she
asked him to when the condom broke.

Think about this for a
minute. Other than male porn stars who are bored with it all, how many
men can stop at the point of orgasm or when approaching orgasm? How does
anyone know where Assange was in the process of the sex act?

Would a real government that had any integrity and commitment to truth
try to blacken the name of the prime truth teller of our time on the
basis of such flimsy charges? Obviously, Sweden has become another
two-bit punk puppet government of the US.

The US government has got away with telling lies for so long that it no longer hesitates to lie in the most blatant way. WikiLeaks
released a US classified document signed by Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton that explicitly orders US diplomats to spy on UN Security
council officials and on the Secretary General of the United Nations.
The cable is now in the public record. No one challenges its
authenticity. Yet, today the Obama regime, precisely White House Press
Secretary Robert Gibbs, declared that Hillary had never ordered or even
asked US officials to spy on UN officials.

As asked: Who do you believe, the printed word with Hillary’s signature or the White House?

Anyone who believes the US government about anything is the epitome of gullibility.

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