NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
First, it was learned that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have looked the
other way as China and North Korea have been steadily arming the radical
Islamic Iranian regime with missiles that could shortly be delivered,
nuclear-tipped, to Israel and Europe – as well as supplying these
Neo-Nazis with the technology to produce intercontinental missiles
capable of hitting the United States.
Second, the leaks reveal that even Arab states like Saudi Arabia want President Obama to quit his
policy of appeasement toward Iran and instead remove its leadership, as
well as militarily destroy its nuclear program.
Third, the documents that were released show that these same Arab states are not so
concerned, if at all, with the creation of a Palestinian state in the
heart of Israel – as Obama and Clinton have been claiming is necessary
for peace – but instead see Iran as the real threat. This ruse has
always been the case. Yet the “mullah in chief” and Ms. Hillary lash out
and continue to persecute Israel, not only unmasking their dishonest
stupidity but in Obama’s case also his leftist anti-Semitism – “Jimmy
Carter style.”
And, the leaks also show that even Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia recognize what to any sane person is also
apparent: that the protracted war in Iraq was a huge disaster, with not
only over 4,000 American GI’s dead, but over 45,000 wounded, and with
what now is a so-called democratically elected government loyal only the
radical Shiite mullahs in Tehran.
Thanks to WikiLeaks “leaking” these documents – and I do not condone any conduct that was illegal
(but experts, including yours truly, say that illegality will be hard to
prove under the Espionage Act of 1917) – Obama and Clinton have now
been exposed to be the naïve, incompetent and deceitful “Keystone Cops”
that they are. If Assange did not play a role in removing the classified
State Department cables but instead just received them “over the
transom,” as would be the case with newspapers that routinely publish
even stolen government documents, then he has committed no crime under
our law. It is rather up to the Obama administration to shore up
American cyber-security. And, ironically, it was President Obama who
promised during his 2008 presidential campaign greater transparency in
government. So its hypocritical to scream and threaten to prosecute
WikiLeaks’ founder, much more sic Interpol on him, as occurred earlier
this week, when we now see the inner workings of Obama’s and Clinton’s
failed foreign policies. Mr. Obama, you just got greater transparency:
“You asked for it, you got it, Toyota!”
The threat by Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, to prosecute Assange and WikiLeaks is
like the pot calling the kettle black – no pun intended. Holder and
Hillary Clinton herself should have been indicted for their
participation in the sale of pardons at the Justice Department during
the reign of President Bill Clinton. And Holder should also have been
criminally charged for obstruction of justice for, during the Clinton
years when he was deputy attorney general, indicting Nolanda Hill,
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown’s “main squeeze,” during the Chinagate
scandal (which I largely uncovered at Judicial Watch) to shut her up on
what she knew about Hillary Clinton’s illegal selling of seats on
Commerce Department trade missions and the relaxation of foreign export
controls to China in exchange for large campaign contributions from
China (which were also illegal) to husband Bill’s presidential
re-election effort.
I feel strongly about such threats, because when I was uncovering the Chinagate scandal and deposing the CIA agent
who briefed Chinese Clinton-planted spy John Huang at the Commerce
Department, the Clinton Justice Department falsely accused me of
disclosing the identity of the CIA agent and suggested that I would be
criminally prosecuted. Short after it did this, the Clinton Justice
Department attorney told me that if I dropped the Chinagate case, which
was exposing damaging information almost daily about the Clintons, they
would not proceed. Using a few expletives, I “politely” declined to be
blackmailed. See my new book, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the
Establishment” for a full account.
These types of threats are themselves illegal, as they constitute a misuse of the legal system and
government powers, which belong to “we the people,” not establishment
hacks who want to cover up their own incompetence, corrupt policies and
crimes, as is true here. Indeed, the similar threats by the Republican
establishment are also despicable, such as Rep. Peter King’s outrageous
declaration that Assange and WikiLeaks be declared “terrorists” and put
on a so-called “watch list.” After all, it was the Republican
administration of President George W. Bush that got us into the mess in
Iraq, all the while neglecting a country of true strategic importance,
Iran, which now threatens the United States, Israel and the West with
nuclear holocaust.
And yesterday it was reported that “establishment governments” whose failed foreign policies have been
exposed are engaging in cyber-attacks on the Internet host providers of
WikiLeaks, without legal authority to do so. So who are the real
criminals here?
Whatever your opinion about Julian Assange, he did a real service to our nation and the world in revealing, in
particular, the dangerous internal workings of the corrupt Obama
foreign-policy establishment. And if Assange and WikiLeaks, who serve as
media watchdogs in effect, are silenced by the “mullah in chief” Barack
Hussein Obama, Czarina Hillary Clinton and the rest of their
sympathetic establishment political hacks, who is next; Fox News?
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