Randy Jackson Black Eyed Peas members Tareq Salahi the President of the America s Polo Cup; President Elect Obama, Fergie from and Michaele Salahi,
Public Gallery America Polo Cup
Tareq Salahi and his wife are seen as frivolous party crasher that pulled off what is considered an impossible stunt and that is get close to the president and vice-president without being check out first. This is considered an inexplicable security breach and now the Secret Service looks foolish and an investigation is under way to see how they slipped in.
While teams of journalist are scouring the great white north and going through that dangerous book of Sarah Palin's
Going Rogue, it took the
Canadian Free Press to find out that president Obama knew Tareq Salahi all along. According to the CFP Mr. Salahi was a board member of American Task Force on Palestine whom has since eliminated any evidence of that fact. The CFP claims that they only found out about it through Google cache search. Obama met Salahi at a "Rock The Vote Event" as candidate elect (see photo).
The American Task Force on Palestine could be the key element here. The ATFP is an organization that promotes Palestinian issues and is active in the discussion of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The group was formerly called American Committee on Jerusalem and was headed by Rashid Khalidi.
Rashid Khalidi is a New York born Saudi Arabian who teaches at Columbia University. There is nothing particularly nefarious about Khalidi other than he is of the mindset that the state of Israel is the root cause of all the problems of the middle east. In his book
The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood he criticizes Israeli security measures as being repressive to which
New York Times columnist
Clyde Haberman wrote: “How many suicide bombings of cafes and pizza shops does it take before a country has a right to end them by any method that seems to work?”
Rashid Khalidi is an acquaintance of Obama from his days of attending Columbia University. Khalidi was the subject of controversy during the presidential campaign when the Los Angeles Times refused to release a video of a farewell dinner in his honor. The dinner was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network an organization that received donations from the Woods Fund to which Obama and terrorist-free-on-technicality-now-professor William Ayers served on the board--Ayers was also at this dinner along with his wife Bernadine Dohrn. The event was made notorious for its anti-Israeli, some say, anti-semitic speech's.
It is inconceivable Obama doesn't know someone whom he met as Senator who also served on a board of an organization a good friend of his created. An organization that in its early incantation was funded by Obama and Ayers while sitting on the Woods Fund. Is it possible that there is no security breach after all and that someone in the Obama circle allowed them access but not a formal invited in case someone ask “who is that guy anyway”?
Thanks to Yotzchok D., for the above content.
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