NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Obama’s rusty freighter has so many leaks that it might well sink even before the election. As you’ve no doubt heard, Rhode Island’s raging Democrat Frank Caprio told Barry to take his endorsement and “shove it.”

And why are so many soon-to-be shipwrecked Obamacrats in peril? Could it be Barry’s failed and foundering Presidency? Nope! It’s all that “secret money” funding Republican attack ads. And WHERE are Republicans gonna sit, Barry? “In the back?” Barack Hussein Obama, you are one pathetic camper.

There are many issues facing America, but looking back on the uncivil, even violent, civilian dissent during the Vietnam years, I’m surprised the Afghan War isn’t more of an issue in 2010. For any of you who need a refresher course on the Vietnam War, or for whatever reason wish to revisit its agony, please click this link for a photo essay marking 35 years since the fall of Saigon.

Like Vietnam, the Afghan War is a costly quagmire. As General David Petraeus assessed, “I don’t think you win this war. I think you keep fighting... This is the kind of war we’re in for the rest of our lives and probably our kids’ lives.”

Afghanistan is a political hot potato few politicians are willing to touch- even among the Taxed-Enough-Already. Rand Paul, to his credit, recently remarked that while he would always vote to fund our troops in harm’s way, he questions how long we should remain mired in this never-ending and expensive conflict.

In addition to a tax-dollar tally, the human costs of this senseless conflict are staggering. When do we finally say enough’s enough?

From September 1965 to September 1968, I served as a US Army trumpet player. Sounds like easy duty- except that while in the 6th Army Band at the Presidio of San Francisco, I often found myself at the bitter end of Vietnam’s combat chain. I sounded Taps at so many military funerals in ‘66 and ‘67 that I soon lost count. The most in one day? 25. I get it. Believe me, folks- I get it…

Obama touted Afghanistan as the right war- even deprecating our efforts in Iraq. And hanging Saddam Hussein? Would to God we had ended Adolf Hitler’s military career so soon. Called to active duty in the Air Force during Desert Storm, I only regret we didn’t finish the job then, GHWB…

And I for one find it impossible to justify risking American life and limb in Afghanistan while our national security is so heavily threatened along the southern border by heavily-armed Mexican drug cartels.

A border fence alone will not stop illegal intrusion. Neither will electronic gadgetry. There’s no substitute for our Ultimate Weapon. No- not the atomic bomb. Sufficient boots on the ground. Enough American Soldiers.

I trust a full scale American military invasion will never become necessary, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the Mexican government will continue to weaken unto total collapse- succumbing to ruthless drug lords and providing an easy beachhead for the relentless Red Chinese.

Feisty Tiffany Hartley had it right when she told Barry recently, “Wake up!”

At the least, we need to seal the southern border with our military might- and reclaim those areas already invaded by drug traffickers- such as the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Remember those signs Barry posted?

Moreover, I submit there is now a greater danger to our national security represented by terrorist interests in Mexico than by al-Qaeda’s dwindling presence in Afghanistan. That includes the deadly scenario of a dirty suitcase bomb surreptitiously crossing our southern border.

Will we finally “wake up” when our all-volunteer military has been essentially defunded and demoralized by the endless burden of a foreign quagmire- even as our own native soil is left unprotected? An extreme view? Ask folks in Texas and Arizona who live along that border. What will it take to bring our troops home and get the job done?

Add the WikiLeaks fiasco to our outstanding military liabilities. I find it hard to believe those thousands of leaked documents regarding Iraq and Afghanistan won’t further enrage militant Muslims and endanger American lives.

And if Mexico’s drug traffickers can easily waltz their way so deep into Arizona, do you really think that long-range Chinese military planning has overlooked the low-hanging fruit of Mexico? Do you really think al-Qaeda hasn’t realized that America went to sleep with her backdoor unlocked?

Hate to admit a Democrat was actually on the money, Barry- but you really should “shove” your support. As the old saw goes, kid- with friends like you, we don’t need enemies…

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Comment by Sandra on October 27, 2010 at 5:46pm
I for one am tired of endless wars for greed and power, which is what they add up to! I am tired of our young being killed and maimed for nothing! Karzai takes money from Iran and zero thinks that is fine, our country doesn't have a problem with that? The real war is on our Southern boarder and it grows worse each day and those people living there are under attack from not only the garbage drug lords, they are under attack from the very government that has sworn an oath to protect them against foreign and domestic issues. DC is behaving treasonous at the very least! We are and have been invaded for years now! Problem is there is to much money made off of it and in the mean time we can worry about that dirty bomb that has already been snuck in and yes the Chinese and others know that weak link! Perhaps our DC rats have deliberately left that door open for some false flag they will use one day or in hopes that we have had enough of this lack of protection. Our forces belong on our soil first and then other places... I have family and friends like many others that had been in Vietnam... Thank you for another thought provoking article, excellent as always...
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 27, 2010 at 5:35pm
KB, your comments exceed the value of my blog. Thanks! RAJ
Comment by Kathryn Ball on October 27, 2010 at 5:26pm

I find myself in agreement with you, once again.

Russia [sorry, USSR] was unable to achieve victory in Afganistan and gave up after ten years of having their tails kicked. The leadership our guys find themselves serving is not unlike that of Mayberry. Much like Barney Fife, they each get one bullet and have to get permission to load it when fired upon by the enemy.

In the mean time, one of the drug lords in Mexice has an army of 450,000, many of them AWOLs from the Mexican Army who took their weapons along when they left. Needless to say, thet are far better armed than our Border Patrol who don't even have a fence to help keep these people out.

The drug trafficers post 'lookouts' in the hills equipped with infrared /night vision glasses to spot US Border Patrol vehicles. When they see one, others, closer to the vehicle, begin "rocking" the vehicle, they throw large rocks, sometimes cinderblocks at the windshield of the Border Patrol vehicle to create a distraction so runners can get through carrying packages of drugs. Some of our agents have been seroiously hurt during this "GAME".

These people are very well armed and equipped, with tanks, rocket launchers, armed helocopters etc and our guys on the ground are poorly equipped to fight back.

President Caldreone has tried to crack down on the cartels but is losing the battle and without our our help will more than likely, lose the war as well as the country.

There is a lake which has its north shore in Arizona and the south in Mexico. Recently a young American man lost his life while jet skiing with his wife on that lake, probably because they got too close to an island in the Mexican side of the lake. The wife was able to out run the 'bad guys' and made it safely to a US shore before meeting a similar fate. The Mexican investigator was captured by the cartel, murdered and his severed head delivered to el Presidente` as a "message".

I can honestly tell you that I have no objection to some of these people coming here to work and can tell you that they really WORK. Sadly, since we are letting those who have honorable intentions in, the slime are getting in as well and they MUST be STOPPED! There are prices on the heads of law enforcement officials in Arizona for Heaven's sake. That is NOT TO BE TOLERAtED, EVER!

The first thing we MUST do is build a fence....actually a double fence.....very high, sharp razor wire on top and very high voltage. Sneaking in will no longer be tolerated. If those already here want to get together to protest, we check to see if they are legal and if not, load them up and take them home IMMEDIATELY! NO COURT, NO ATTORNEYS, NO PLEAS, NADA! VIA con DIOS, AMIGOS!

During construction of the fence [this might be a good 'shovel ready project' for everyone in DC who finds him/herself staring at a pink slip next Wednesday] we call a meeting with all of the 'unfriendlies' in the Middle East [known and suspected]. We tell them that we've decided that we will leave them to their own devices. They are free to do as they wish with one tiny caveat, [very simple, really] go ahead and kill each other, knock yourselves out, march in the streets, whatever! HOWEVER-----if you so much as shoot a spit wad at us or ANY of our friends [I mean that from the bottom of my heart], their countries will first be doused with the blood of as many pigs as we can find and then will assume 3,000 degrees F for quite some time. This meeting will be the extent of any and all diplomatic discussions with them....EVER! We will obtain any oil we need from out own resources, driving the price of oil so low that unless the Saudis find a way to fuel their jets with camel poop, they will be grounded or fly commercially........IF they can afford tickets!

Then, we bring our troops home. All of our bases will be moved to our borders and will be protected with the vigilence of Mama Grizlies. If a pebble is tossed at one of our Border Patrol vehicles they will face the wrath of fully loaded Apache Helos and the full force of the United States Military.

The island in that lake on the border is the known headquarters for that drug cartel, it is also the main storage facility for their "STOCK". Since we KNOW that, is there any reason it is still THERE???? ANYBODY??????? HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In December 1775, "An American Guesser" wrote to the Pennsylvania Journal;

""I observed on one of the drums belonging to the Marines now rising, there was a painting of a rattle snake with this modest motto painted under it-"Don't Tread on Me". As I know it is the custom to have some devise on the arms of every country, I supposed this may have been intended for the arms of America."

"The rattle snake is found in no other quarter of the world besides America. She has sharp eyes and may be esteemed an emblem of vigilence. She never begins and attack, no, ever surrenders. She is therefor, an emblem of magnanimity and true courage----she never wounds til she has given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."

"I confess that I was wholly at a loss what to make of the rattles 'til I went back and counted them and found them to be thirteen, exactly the number of the colonies united in America; and I recollected too, that this was the only part of the snake which increased in numbers....."

"Tis curious and amazing how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are, and yet how firmly they are united together so as never to be seperated but by breaking them to pieces. One of these rattles, singly, is incapable of producing sound, but the ringing of the thirteen together, is sufficient to alarm the boldest man,"

Many scholars now agree that "An American Guesser" was Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was also known for opposing the use of an eagle, "a bird of low moral charecter"----as a national symbol.

I think we should adopt the Gadsden Flag and the rattle snake and stop allowing any other country to tread on us again.........EVER!
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 27, 2010 at 1:52pm






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