NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

What happen to WE THE PEOPLE and the hability to think for our selfs?

I always believe to be one of those choosing ones in live, to bring something to the people, as many blessings that came in my way, even when I look back in time, and see the things that happen in my life.
I don’t know if the fact that I have encounter situations that other people will not be able to go through, allow me to see behind doors, on a future that at times sound not very promising for us, the regular or common people of the world.
The events that for sometime we been fight against, through the corruption that with boldness is coming from the Hill, let me see moments in our life’s of darkness, distress and despair in this beloved Land.
For sometime we been battle many fronts, each of them of dangerous results for the people, each of them a threat of some kind, but even if we all are aware of those threat coming from this corrupt administration, I don’t see a bigger one, than our selves.

The victory of Scott Brown, is the victory of the people, it’s the victory of UNITY, from everyone who step on the plate from all over this Country, helping in the phone lines and move in the last day’s to Mass. To help out. It’s also a lesson for everyone, for democrats to start thinking that they better listen to the people and start taking notice, for the conservatives, that ONLY UNITE, we can actually accomplish something, we can ultimately take this Country back as seems to be, everyone desire.

People is so desperate to find a Leader, that at this point is almost if anyone can be good to apply for that position, take allot courage and valor, allot responsibility to step forward and be that leader. Today, we have few of this people that fix the description for many as to be leaders. The first one is Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush, Joe the Plumber, etc…It’s almost like a fan club. While leaders out there are fighting the good cause ( I know few of them my self) that have no support for the grassroots as been recognize, here this other leaders are fighting to bring in their site the most people in the grassroots movement.
I try to understand the people of this Nation, when they will learn, when they will allow themselves to use the gift of excellent that we all receive when we born? Our mind

How can we don’t learn through time? How can people still idolizing other people, for what they say or they act? I don’t get it! I thought of the people to be thinkers, independent thinkers, who like or dislike someone, but will never fallow a person for the mere reason of her/his stand. Maybe I’m different, maybe I’m so ascetical that I don’t take anyone in granted and I just not fallow another person, just because they think or feel what I think of feel. Actions speak louder than words, we all say.
The WE THE PEOPLE spoke yesterday, that should allow us to understand that we have power, that we don’t need the GOP or the CPAC to tell us, what to do, because we becoming informed people. That brings me to Texas and our future Primary.

We have many that support the status quo that have been the same for long time here, Rick Perry for many has been a good governor, but for many others has not been that good, as we have a record to fallow up, and find the things that has been pass onto the people, suppose to be for the good of the people.
Some issues that worry us the most are as:
1.Tried to make our daughters and grand daughters take Guardasil.
2. Tried to sell Texas out with the TransTexasCorridor, and still might if reelected.
3. Evidently he doesn't stand for end of life rights. He didn't even know we had the pull the plug law or if he did know he didn't want to talk about it.
4. And hasn't stood for Texas sovereignty. Just gives it lip service.
5. No border control, illegal’s given jobs, Employers not prosecuted for hiring illegal’s, money given for higher education to illegal’s but not given to legal residents, illegal’s not being sent back home. Immigration.

These issues are of extreme importance and not close to be all of them. For sometime Gov. Perry has been on his actions a progressive, or a moderate, either way some bills that he has pass are for most socialist bills, and those that he intended to pass very socialist, just the people was aware and stopped.

Its two issues that concern me the most. One issue is the Texas Trans Corridor, for those that don’t know and talk about NWO, they should know, that this project will open the doors for the UNIFICATION of the North America Countries, Canada, Mexico and the USA, like European people did, that experience show to be very bad idea, as each Country eventually will loose their sovereignty over the rest of the Nations, if that is to pass or became a reality, it’s not less impossible to think that the picture is must bigger, it’s for the whole Continent to became one, no barriers, not cultures uphold, and sure enough will be the best way to take over, as most of the job will be already done. Yes, seems impossible but I assure that it’s a reality. Many people read today about the NWO, some they start finding about what is the implications.
For me, the first time I encounter this issue was over 30 years go, but them I was young and when I start digging I got really scare, feeling very deep inside the tremendous impact that this will have against the people of the world. I let it rest all that time. Today what seems theory yesterday is nothing but a bigger step closer to conquer just that, if the people don’t came forward to defend them.
Here in Texas this project became dead, but, really...? because we’ll know that Barry has been quiet often to our neighbor Countries, and the talks never stop in DC. What will allow people of Texas to believe that actually is dead? They only need it a willing Gov. and Perry fight to make this project true, like a lion, we have here the willing Gov. do People of USA want for this to happen? This is in issue that affect everyone in this Country, as it’s almost the back door against the Constitution and what this Country is about, with out the rest of the Country to know. People don’t need to believe my words just search and be informed, read behind the word not spoken, and the intentions, everyone will understand that is bigger than NAFTA, and we already know that’s real bad for the economy of USA.

Texas Sovereignty is another issue that bothers me. In the last 10 month he promise a well angry people to make special session to bring Texas to a secure place, main while he ask the people to wait for his decision to do it or not, not only that we’re wasting time, but he is putting this Stay in Jeopardy.
The borders is a huge issue here as well, where our people is dying by cross fire between the drug dealers and those that try to protect their property. It’s people around the borders of Texas that are attack by the drug cartel, it’s if no one land is part of the equation of this State, and many do not hear about it.

Do we not fight for life, liberty and pursue of happiness? What’s about this law of unplug the sick? Or who make the decision to unplug our love one?

I found today that Sarah Palin endorse Gov. Perry and John Mc Cain, till now, I believe that for most part she make wise decisions about her moves, intelligent one’s as well. Why this endorsement? We all know that Mc is a Rhino. Big one, in my opinion he sold out the Country for 30 coins, I hope did good to him. The people of Arizona despite him, so what’s the deal?
Just for this alone, I have to be careful with how things are take from this stand, because many people fallow Sarah, with out regard of what she’s doing or not. I have to believe that she don’t know what’s going on in Texas, and it’s Texans, the one’s that for long time have fight for Texas and the USA.
People of Texas need the Nations help, because many who support Palin, will vote for Perry, even if they know it’s not good, just because she endorse her. Too many people have the heart of the follower, they don’t learn that to win a battle we must became thinkers.
I know that will be people to attack me, but as usual, someone has to say what others think and don’t say.
Do we will start taking charge of our thought? Do we fight for the truth of FREEDOM? Or we just do it, for the name and not the meaning?

It’s ONLY one Leader among leaders, and that’s God, as long that people keep idolizing other people as gods, we will stay in the dark of the times, confuse and daze, trying to find answers, when the answer is all HIS.

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