NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


The Final SolutionPosted by SavantNoir (Admin) on August 15, 2009 at 11:35am in Administrator-Action Items/Very Important
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This is a very limited synopsis of all that is going on and by necessity is brief and does not go into any detail on the various Bills themselves. The objective here is to give a general comprehensive overview so we do not lose sight of the forest while Obama is throwing trees at us.


* Why do we need to transform an entire system of health care just to address a few of the problems that it does have?
* Why do we need to Unionize every company (via the EFCA) when it has been clearly demonstrated that their encumbrances are strangling business productivity and choking our economy?
* Why do we need Cap and Trade when every report shows that the net effect on green-house emissions will equate to about 0.005% per annum?
* Why did Obama take control of the Census Bureau and then declare that the 2010 Census will include all non-citizens?
* Why does he want to raise the minimum wage in the middle of our recession?

What Next?

I believe every one of these Bills will pass because:

* Obama will re-assure the Democrats losing ground that their victory in 2010 will be secured, because he has manipulated the 2010 Census to guarantee it. This will ameliorate their fears and garner their continued support.
* Obama is using questionable tactics against the American people: spamming, inciting neighbor to spy on neighbor (report “fishy” activity), using stong-arm tactics in townhall meetings, threatening broadcasters that oppose him, etc.
* Mis-direction and obfuscation: Obama is machine gun firing Bills at the American people, forcing them thru Congress, and claiming each to be an emergency of unprecedented proportions that must be acted on immediately or the world will come to an end.


Where is the money coming from?

* As he continues to monetize debt, he will ultimately create inflation…which will bring in more revenues for the government.
* Cap and Trade will bring in tons of new tax revenues.
* The EFCA will unionize all workers, increasing incomes…hence, more income tax revenues. The EFCA will also insure that Employers cannot offset the costs of being forced to provide health-care insurance by reducing wages.
* Raising the minimum wage. More tax revenue. This will also increase unemployment among the youth, driving them into AmeriCorps.


* The Federal Government currently employs 2.1 million people directly.
* 57% of the population lives off the Federal Government in one form or another.
* If England has 1.4 million employees to run it’s healthcare system, we can assume it will require 2 million more Federal Employees to run ours.
* How many additional Federal employees will be required to run and monitor cap and trade?
* Inasmuch the EFCA will be run and monitored by Federal oversight, how many more direct Federal employees will that entail.
* By unionizing every company, in essence that will turn an additional 105 million workers into in-direct federal employees.


* He will break the back of free-market enterprise.
* He will break the back of small business, using ACORN, EFCA, SEIU, and the IRS as his weapons.
* He will break the back of the individual.
* He will break the back of family, church, community.
* He will drain all wealth from the individual, and transfer it to a central government, and re-distribute as he sees fit.
* Bottom line, you are either IN, or you are OUT.

It is utterly transparent. It is indeed, Hitler 2010.

What to Do?

* Stop getting hung up on the details (falling into the mis-direction trap)
* Bombard our leaders opposing these Bills, but for the REAL reasons, not the obtuse print within them.
* Write your newspapers and media.
* Print up a simple overview (such as something like this), and pass it out in your neighborhood.
* Stop talking about the problems (they will continue to come at us non-stop), and start thinking solutions!

Views: 39


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Comment by Bob Brown on August 19, 2009 at 2:39am
There are some things you have to understand. We are dealing with fascists. There is no democracy. We live in a police state. Nothing can stop the fascists short of a revolution. The globalists have a strangle hold on our country. Our government is being lead by several non-governmental entities. What are you gonna do about them?
Comment by Bob Brown on August 19, 2009 at 2:31am
Impeachment does not remove anyone from office. Impeachments never take place unless both houses of Congress agree to do so. There were 35 impeachment resolutions to have George Bush impeached. Some wanted him indicted for treason and genocide. Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers, Jr. both blocked the impeachment proceedings.
Comment by Oregon Country Girl on August 19, 2009 at 1:46am
How do we start impeachment proceedings? We need to impeach a number of the Congressman and Senators, as well. We need to get this going.
Comment by Linda Maddox on August 16, 2009 at 1:07pm
I agree, this administrations if very scary. With all the Democratics in power they are useing this to pass everything, just like the stimulus bill, everything they ever dreamt of. Starting tomarrow, Monday I will rewrite my letters, start faxing , e-mailing. What is horrible he is trying to pass something just to take over our health care, there is nothing about reform.
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on August 16, 2009 at 6:48am
As Obama "campaigns" throughout the country once again, various and sundry bills will work their way through the Congress, so many that it seems it's like throwing up a bunch of sgit to see what will "stick." As Americans concerned with all the spending, the pork-laden bills, healthcare and Cap & Trade, we must deal with these issues head-on. Calling, writing, faxing, e-mailing are important mechanisms. Attending teaparties and becoming activists and talking with folks in a respectful manner are very important ways to truly educate the uneducated about what is going on in this country and the dangers of what could happen to us as a nation.

Some simplistic solutions to the healthcare issue are as follows:

(1) Institute TORT reform...that will go a long way towards sending spiraling healthcare costs which are trending upwards into a downward trend. Those who bring frivolous lawsuits should be made to PAY the court costs and fees (including legal fees to the other side's lawyers). This will stop some of the frivolous lawsuits.

(2) Tear down the boundaries between the states and let insurance companies in ALL the states to compete for the premiums of those seeking healthcare. This will go a long way toward eviscerating onerous insurance premiums. (EXAMPLE: According to a report recently read, the cost of insurance for a 25-year-old man in New Jersey is FIVE TIMES that of a 25-year-old man in Kentucky.) Some of the mandates which individual states have are onerous at best (New Jersey, for example, has a mandate for insurance companies to provide in vitro fertilization).

(3) Aggressively go after graft and corruption within the existing healthcare system. Insurance companies do a lot of investigative work on their own to root out false workers' compensation claims, etc. The corruption in the current Medicare and Medicaid system is HORRENDOUS. Since these are federally mandated, the government should spend more money on investigations to root out such corruption.

(4) Do NOT provide health insurance to illegal aliens! Those of us old enough to remember New York's Welfare System of the 1980s well remember the influx of folks from all over the country coming to New York City to be part of our specious welfare system...until Rudy Giuliani cleaned it up and Bill Clinton did the same nationally. Why are we going BACKWARDS on this issue offering all kinds of welfare to everyone and anyone? Of course, we know the answer....VOTES!

Simple solutions to our energy crisis which will NOT adversely impact the American public's pocketbook nor the current electricity grid in this country are as follows. Imagine if everyone on the East Coast bought the Volt (touted as being an "electric car")...plugged it in during the nighttime hours...and caused BLACK OUTS because the current electric grid could not take the overload!!!

(1) Promote offshore drilling where feasible. This will not only assist the states where such drilling is conducted with badly-needed revenues, but will lessen to an extent our dependence on foreign oil (a so-called stated GOAL of the Obama administration).

(2) Nuclear energy: We have learned much in the recent decades about nuclear energy, and there are now available smaller nuclear energy plants which are easily controlled. Why is this option always off the table?

(3) Natural gas: We have substantial natural gas reserves....where is the exploration?

(4) Wind technology: What's the problem with putting wind technology to work off our coastal areas? The environmentalists will fight tooth and nail to stop wind farms in the desert because of birds and mice and every other danged animal... Fine and dandy....then put these farms offshore. Could this not be developed so that Ted Kennedy's "view" from his home would not be marred?

There are a myriad of other "solutions" available which do NOT include the current administration's so-called vision for America. Obama's vision is more government, more control over the lives our Americans, more taxes, more redistribution of wealth, less dissent, and every other American dream we hold so dear. Doctors should ALL MAKE THE SAME SALARY? What nonsense! Private businesses should all pay their employees basically the same? More nonsense!

Under Obama we have only one way to go: In a downward spiral of inflation, high debt which no one wants except our Treasury (!!!), higher taxes which will further harm a stagnating economy, the U.S. dollar falling against foreign currencies, etc.

STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! SPEAK YOUR MIND! We DO have a voice and we ARE being heard, and even the so-called mainstream media will have to admit this.
Comment by Bob Brown on August 15, 2009 at 8:14pm
It is my belief that we are purposefully being misguided to attack the "liberals" and "conservatives" as well as the "liberal press" Both parties are corrupt and many things are being used to distract us from the real issues. The goal of the global elitists is to Divide and Conquer and up to this point they are having great success. There is no such thing as liberals, conservatives and the liberal press. The Republican and Democratic party are both fascists. Obama is indirectly leading this country, however the real leaders are a few global elitists that have given Obama his marching orders. Our government has been lead for many years by several non-governmental entities. Some of them are the Counsel on Foreign Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs and the Federal Reserve and they are not accountable to no one. Until the Federal Reserve is eliminated, we will always have financial conflicts. Congress has the authority to dissolve the Federal Reserve. We have had no control over our currency since 1913. I have evidence to show that all of my statements are true. The latest revelation that I was made aware of was the fact that Barack Ombama has been in the process of rewriting the Constitution. This is true and it is far from a hoax. I have so many facts that you and every American should know about. It is impossible for me to provide you with this stuff on this web site because it is so extensive. I need you to contact me at so you can assistance in spreading this information far and wide. Your response to my request hinges on the fact as to whether or not our country can be saved. The time is now to turn our country around and redirect our resources. I sincerely hope that we have time to do this.
Comment by Lsnhawtsauce on August 15, 2009 at 4:51pm
You can go to recycle washtington and ask Savant-Noir ,,i'm not real up on this,,he asked me to post it for him
Comment by Maureen Gerrish on August 15, 2009 at 4:42pm
OK, I'm confused..."Of course, other states lose out when noncitizens are counted for reapportionment. According to projections of the 2010 Census by Election Data Services, states certain to lose one seat in the 2010 reapportionment are Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania; states likely (though not certain) to lose a seat are Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio could lose a second seat. But under a proper census enumeration that excluded illegal residents, some of the states projected to lose a representative—including our own state of Louisiana—would not do so."(from link)

How do you lose a rep. when more people are included in the count?






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