Original post by by RJ of Paul Revere's Riders, on December 6, 2009 at 9:34am
There is an event coming in the very near-term future that is going to effect the USA to its very soul, former Kansas State Trooper Greg Everson of The Heartland USA and former host of Republic Broadcasting Voices from the Heartland told host Steve Quayle in a special two hour Survive 2 Thrive broadcast Thursday.
What is being planned and what is coming together is a perfect storm brewing right over our heads. Everson cited verifiable information confirmed by an active duty US Air Force Colonel, three chiefs of Police, a local Sheriff, State Troopers in 3 neighboring Midwest states and a Federal agent he has known for twenty years.
There is being made an effort to bring together the Armed Forces of this Nation in preparation for responding to and acting against the interests of our Citizens, Everson said. Such efforts include actions that will be so deep and penetrating that the United States will never be the same. Everson explained that the deteriorating economy combined with Federal Reserve theft of trillions unaccounted for has had a devastating effect on Americans who had have enough and the US Military expects will respond by defending what little they have left.
The American people have reached the point of total saturation due to the failure of Government to protect its borders, corruption and theft. Everson expects that such a response has been projected by US Government computer models and believes NORTHCOM, DHS and state and local authorities will begin implementation of Operation Garden Plot and Martial Law within 45-60 days. Civil war is precisely what this administration wants to happen, said Everson. And before Americans can organize themselves they will be destroyed by their own military.
The first signs of pacification by our own forces will not only be convoys rolling through city streets and small towns throughout the Country, but direct military action against pre-targeted areas. Data acquired in the past year by Census workers has been used to program military targeting computers which our own armed forces will use in the unthinkable task of fighting its own citizenry.
It is a formula for unmitigated disaster regardless of Copenhagen, Health Care reform or anything coming from Capitol Hill, Everson said. Steve Quayle noted his own sources who say as many as 50 million Americans are likely to be killed with gun owners, veterans and the more visible dissenters the most likely targets of deadly force. More liberal areas that pose minimal resistance would likely be pacified using lesser means.
One of Eversons sources was quoted as having said We have plans that if it gets bad enough we will simply commence yard farming, (a military reference for targeted air strikes) on neighborhoods and communities in cities and states where heavy resistance is expected. A tactic designed to destroy both the enemy and the area(s) under and around the enemy. Everson suggests such horrifying events could possibly coincide with an invasion by the Chinese from the west and Mexico from the south. In any case, military, law enforcement and civilian casualties could be enormous.
During the two hour broadcast Quayle received an e-mail message from an undisclosed US Military source that a last minute, unscheduled meeting of Saturday December 5 has been called for all unit commanders in the region to present readiness status reports. States in the Region include Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois and Tennessee.
Our Father which art in Heaven, please forgive us for our many failures. Help to save our nation from the evil that seeks to destroy us form within and without. Strengthen our military with your righteousness, dear LORD. Lead, guide and direct their path and ours, by your Holy Spirit. Protect your servants and bless their families - that love, honor and obey your holy word.
In Your Son Jesus Christ's precious name, we humbly ask these things. Amen.
Comment by Vivian Blink on December 12, 2009 at 9:07pm
I read something about the story last week. I believe it was written by a Russian commentator as a "warning to America".
Then when I saw this video, something just didn't feel right about it. That is why I made the comment I did after researching the oathkeeper's web site. I thought, "Oh no! Don't let them push patriots into a civil war for that is what they all want". We need to debunk this for all patriots..get the word out! Maybe keep the power dry, as they say, but for freedom's sake, don't fire the first shot!
Listen to the quiet voice of God and pray and seek the truth. In His words and by his promise, "The truth will set you free".
****ATTENTION****: VeryImportantUpdate!
Dec. 12, 2009, at appx. 6:00PM
This video has been proven to be false as reported on Oath Keepers website.
There are times I think it is ALL deliberate misinformation, pointed at conservatives hoping it will incite us to take the first shot. Unfortunately, there is little any of us can do to confirm stuff like this. We need to be careful, extremely careful. I've been told that this video is NOT true, and is a fabricated lie to try to provike us into firing the first shot. - The Regulator
Thank God. He's in control.
Comment by Vivian Blink on December 7, 2009 at 5:31pm
Gordon, as a member of Oathkeepers, what are the majority of members saying about this?
I went to the Oathkeepers site and was not able to find the video. This is very upsetting and is causing some of our friends to just say, "why fight"? They are preparing for doomsday and giving up. We need to be informed and prepared but with the truth, not fear invoking conspiracy stories, if that is what it is.
Comment by Linda Maddox on December 7, 2009 at 1:00am
Do you see the video a couple of weeks ago. It was a border agent, she said she was ordered to leave her post on December 31st, I believe. She said after 20 years she and all others were to leave and not come back to work! Maybe this is the date, if true. I remember telling my kids, don't drink on New Years Eve! God help us if this is true. But if Chinese are coming across our borders, you would think, our military would stop them. Unless Obama made a deal in China. Who knows!
Comment by Kathryn Ball on December 6, 2009 at 3:30pm
This is an Alinsky tactic meant to keep us off balance.
Comment by Kathryn Ball on December 6, 2009 at 3:29pm
Get out the tinfoil hats! I'm sorry but there is so much 'STUFF' swirling around in the ether it is difficult to believe this is even plausable, much less TRUE ! I would not be surprised to hear that Mr. Quale also thinks that 9/11 was an inside job.
Have you ever heard of the group "Oath Keepers"? It is comprised of active military as well as law enforcement officials. Their pledge is that they will NEVER obey an UNLAWFUL order, from ANYONE. I cannot fathom our military turning on the very citizens they are risking their lives for.
I am also suspicious of this kind of story cropping up in the midst of the climate change fiasco and the Copenhaggen Climate Summit [or whatever they're calling it].
I think that in giving information like this legs....we are helping to take the focus of what is REALLY going on.
Sorry.....I just don't buy it.
THAT, is very disturbing. I had always believed that our nation , every election, had the opportunity to change our politicians in office with the power of vote.
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