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US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World

US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World

A shocking report authored by the office of Russia’s top religious leader Patriarch Kirill I states that this past week the United States ordered over 10 million Christian websites destroyed that they claimed were a “threat” to their National Security and that the American Internet giant Google quickly responded by making them all disappear.

According to this report, Google first came under assault from the US government in June when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that they had launched an investigation into the company, a move defended against by top Google executive Amit Singhal who aside from claiming the attacks against them were baseless said, “At Google, we’ve always focused on putting the user first.”

After weeks of unrelenting pressure upon them, however, this past week Google, which had refused to answer the baseless charges against them, caved to the US government and [] announced that their Chairman, Eric Schmidt, who had previously said the charges against them were nonsense, agreed to testify before a US Senate Committee under threat of subpoena.

On the very same day that Google caved into these US governments demands, this report continues, they then announced that they had blacklisted and banned over 11 million websites that had been registered for free through the subdomain the world over.  Giving as its reason for this largest in history removal of private websites Google asserted that it had the right to pull the plug on sites if they “see a very large fraction of sites on a specific freehost be spammy or low-quality.” is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory. It is administered by VeriSign through a subsidiary company eNIC, which promotes it for international registration as “the next .com”; .cc was originally assigned in October 1997 to eNIC Corporation of Seattle WA by the IANA.

Most important to note about the .cc domain, this report points out, is its being preferred by Churches and Christian organizations around the world as “CC” also happens to be an abbreviation for “Christian Church” or “Catholic Church,” especially in Islamic Nations where due to strict laws against Christianity these free websites were the only way those belonging to this faith were able to communicate with each other.

In this Patriarch Kirill I report as to the “true reason” for the US ordered government shutdown of millions of Christian websites in Islamic Nations it states is the “fundamental shift” undertaken by the Obama regime to support radical Muslim elements instead of the once secular Arab leaders it once did.

The most crucial US turnaround in this regard happened this past week, and as we can read, in part, as reported by the Front Page Magazine News Service:

“The Obama administration is set to begin formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood, a group dedicated in its own words to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.”

This news came in a Reuters report Wednesday, quoting a “senior U.S...

Not only that. Obama included the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood-li...

This gravest danger posed by the US ordered destruction of these millions of Christian websites, this report continues, involves the estimated 20 million Coptic Christians now living in Egypt who, should the Muslim Brotherhood gain control, would face the removal from their homes of all of their children so they could be “educated” in Islamic schools as converts to the Muslim faith.

US author Brad O’Leary in his book “ America’s War On Christianity” warns that no one should be surprised about these things as many US regimes, including Obama’s, have waged a decades long war against this faith in their attempt to eradicate it from all forms of public expression, even to outlawing school children from even mentioning the words “God,” “Bible,” or Jesus Christ under threat of imprisonment.

Even worse, shocking news is now coming from the United States that the Obama regime has ordered that the words “God Bless” and Jesus Christ cannot be used even when burying their military dead, and as we can read, in part, as reported by the Christian Post News Service:

“Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is calling for an investigation...

Most appalling of all of these things is the vast majority of the American people allowing their once cherished Christian values of home, family and morality to be continued to be stripped away from them with nary a protest as if they have completely forgotten that their religion would have never survived without the countless millions who martyred their lives, including Jesus, so their faith could survive.

To the horrific future lying in store for Christians living in America today should come as no surprise either as prior to his election as President, Obama stated in response to them, “…it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Forgotten by Obama is that those Americans who “cling to their guns and religion” are the exact people that made the Founders of the United States created their Nation for; and though they have survived much since their founding, their silence today as their Nation is allowed to be destroyed shows how truly weak they have become.  And in that weakness lie the seeds of their own destruction, but which they are too ignorant of history to even see as their total destruction looms ever closer.


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on July 13, 2011 at 7:44am
The Anti-Christ - This evil, lying criminal is the world's great deceiver.






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