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Tucson, Polar Shift, and West/Bachman in2012?

Left-wing has used this tragic occurrence to point the finger atconservatives

Tucson, Polar Shift, and West/Bachman in2012?

 By Jim O'Neill  Sunday, January 9,2011

If you’re not aware by now that Fascists, as well as Communists, arestrictly Far Left philosophies, then you are probably a member in goodstanding of the left-wing’s Über Doofüs division, and you need to go backto ” DerDaily Kos,” or “Das Huffington Post,” or wherever you go to get yourmarching orders, because what I’m about to say will no doubt go beyondyour ability to comprehend (a short trip to be sure). 

The shooting in Tucson Saturday (1/9/11) was a tragedy­an insane,despicable, violent act of mayhem committed by a madman.  Madness ismadness, and as such transcends political ideology (unless one’s ideologyruns to murder, violence, chaos, and insanity).  My condolences goout to the families of those who lost loved ones, or who sufferedphysical and/or emotional trauma­may God guide, bless, and heal themall.

That being said, I find the way that the left-wing has used this tragicoccurrence to point the finger at conservatives, to be deplorable, evenif expected.  As if to say “See what your daring to disagree with ushas led to!”
Sarah Palin has, of course, drawn the most fire.  Because Palin ismore “masculine” than most liberal males, and more feminine than mostfeminists (liberal ones at least), she continues to draw visceral,vociferous anger from the liberal “peanut gallery.” Her very existenceshines a light on their lies, and puts their knickers in a knot somethingbad. 

In addition, I found the following comment on one of Michelle Malkin’swebsite threads:  “Clarence Dupnik, the moronic leftist sheriffof Pima County [Tucson’s county] and also a SB1070 opponent, accusedSharon Angle of being responsible for the attack when he was interviewedon KGUN-TV this morning.” 

I didn’t hear the remarks concerning Angle, but I did hear Dubnik opiningon Fox News later in the day.  He said that the Tucson tragedy iswhat comes from Tea Party rhetoric­or words to that effect.  Onesuspects that Dupnik and “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio from nearby MaricopaCounty, don’t get together and play cards very often.(Link)

We don’t know much about the killer at the moment­besides the fact thathe’s crazy.  We do know, however, that he claims that two of hisfavorite books are “The Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “MeinKampf.”  Those two vile Far Left screeds will scramble anybody’spsyche who takes them to heart. (Link)

As I mentioned earlier, crazy is crazy, and I’m not going to point atthose two books as the cause of the killer’s insanity.  Although Ibelieve that taking to heart those Far Left books either individually, orcertainly in tandem, will lead one down the road to hell; I would neversay that believing what’s in them automatically leads to murder andviolence.  It sure can’t help things though.

While I’m on the subject of left-wing insanity, I want to focus attentionon something one of my readers brought to my attention.  It concernsreal reasons why we’re experiencing climate change and is, IMHO, veryimportant.

Sun-spots and the shifting of the earth’s magneticfield

I’m referring to sun-spots and the shifting ofthe earth’s magnetic field.  If climate change, and other geographicoddities, are due to the sun’s influencing the earth’s magnetic field,then the AGW global warming scam is not merely a crazycriminal/ideological attempt to rip off billions of dollars; it’s alsocriminal in its spreading of disinformation at a time when humanity needsall the clear data we can get. (Link) 

It’s time to stop the “man-made global warming” nonsense, and let realscience take the steering-wheel back fromduplicitous Far Left ideologues.  CO2 is largely a benign,indeed beneficial, gas (plants breathe it, for God’s sake), so let’s cutthe bull, shall we, and get real.

I don’t mean to sound like an alarmist, but the fact that they justrepainted themagnetic headings on my local airport’s runway, (to keep pace withthe shift in the magnetic North Pole), got me looking onto polar shift,and what I found caused me to sit up and pay attention.                            

NASA has not only designated the sun as being a chief, if not thechief, cause of the earth’s climatic changes, but they are also lookinginto when the earth will flip its magnetic poles­that it will is a donedeal, the only question is when.

The sun flips its poles like clock-work (every eleven years).  Theearth not so much. The website“Pole Reversal” says that the earth flips its poles every “5 thousandyears to 50 million years….”  They also note that “the last reversalhappened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overduefor another one, but nobody knows exactly when….” (Link)

NASA, whichstudies the earth’s magnetic field, among its numerous other chores, saysthat “ one area ‘reversed flux’ seems to be growing quite fast. Somehave speculated that is the harbinger of a reversal, but what it reallymeans is hard to say. As Yogi Berra supposedly said, ‘prediction isdifficult, especially about the future.’”

NASA’s talking about a relatively benign “magnetic reversal”­the“cataclysmic pole shift” hypothesis is something else all together, andcould result in catastrophic geographic upheavals world-wide (emphasis onthe words “hypothesis” and “could”).  There is some debate as towhether the magnetic and geographic reversals coincide with oneanother.

A number of scientistsbelieve that geographic reversals have happened in the past, and willhappen again in the future­the only question is when.  There’s nodoubt some odd things are going on with the geography and wildlife aroundthe world.  I’m just saying that perhaps we should look into thecurrent situation with a clear unobstructed scientific lens, unclouded byideological “faith.”

Laus Deo.

P.S. Iheard that Glenn Beck threw out an Allen West/Michele Bachmann ticketas a 2012 possibility on his radio show the other day.  Hmm,interesting­definitely has possibilities.

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