NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
By Judi McLeod Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Sweet Granny has been the protagonist in fairytales since time immemorial. In Little Red Riding Hood, poor Granny was swallowed whole and her clothing donned by a wolf who waited in bed for her innocent granddaughter.
In the current Marxist driven era, Granny has become the real-life protagonist with death panels getting closer to the day when they can pull the plug on her life.
And the direction in which society is heading, Granny may be in even more danger in a world destined to go hungry.
Those of us now living in an increasingly nightmarish world turned upside down by Marxism, whose end goal is One World Government, should consider leaving the history of what happened in a time capsule that will someday be read by their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The message in the time capsule would read something like this: “Children, this is what happened to us circa 2008.
“In the fall of 2008 came word from our political leaders that capitalism had died overnight and the world was teetering toward bankruptcy at an unstoppable speed.
“This did not just happen in the United States of America. Austerity programs put in place by leaders in Europe led to mass protests by young people in countries like France, Greece and Italy. It was the beginning of anarchy, but even with Tea Parties now up and running in America, the conventional wisdom was “It can’t happen here.”
“Trained by their masters and aided by a derelict mainstream media, the political leaders pumped the propaganda out to the masses that the 4-billion-year-old world, created by God (only they said the Big Bang), had overnight gone belly up.
“In America, the outgoing president helped the incoming president to establish that billions of dollars in something called TARP money would have to be spent immediately; that the banks would have to be shored up with money from the public purse and the new administration would have to spend its way out of a recession gone depression that would be worse that the Dirty Thirties.
“The incoming president emerged out of the mist as a kind of cult figure and immediately began a plan of action to nationalize, the auto industry, the banking industry, the health industry and student loans.
“Millions of homeowners learned the mortgages of their homes were “under water”. The banks moved in to repo the homes. People started losing their jobs. Millions of Americans went onto food stamps.
“When people found out that their president was a Marxist with an ambitious plan for the fundamental Transformation of America, no one knew what to do.
“The older generation like your grandparents began the fight to take America back, but the odds were against them as decades of graduates from the public school system were by now already trained to be global citizens who did not see Marxism as a threat.
“For two years things went along with everyone hoping change would come in the 2010 midterm elections. Voters were able to claim 60 new seats, many of them Tea Party members.
“The new reps were poised to claw back ObamaCare, the socialized medicine plan that was President Barack Obama’s/aka Barry Soetoro’s main goal as new president.
“Propaganda of the type not seen since Hitler’s Germany began to dominate the land.
“Much of America’s culture slid down the same greasy pole as individual rights had before them.
“The administration warned that no crisis would go to waste.
“When a lone crazed gunman killed 6 innocent people and injured a dozen more, immediately propaganda propagated the Big Lie. Even with proof to the contrary (the gunman was a leftwing, Bush-hating pothead), the mainstream media accused right wing rhetoric, blaming Sara Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, the Tea Parties, among others for the tragedy.
“A memorial for the dead was conducted at a prominent university. Mourners were given T-shirts with the slogan “Together We Thrive” as they entered the venue. The students cheered wildly during a president’s speech at an event that was supposedly held to pay final respects for the dead.
“In the end, people had their homes and their jobs taken away.
“Could it get any worse?
“Yes, hyperinflation began to hit the food at the supermarket.
“People who worried only months before about the fate of Granny meted out from the death panels in ObamaCare, now worried if some starving people would cut Granny out of their Sunday dinner invitations.
“And that, children and is how you came to be left the legacy of being serfs in the New One World Government.
“We prayed to God as long as we could, even knowing that people were being killed outright for their religious beliefs.
“The fairytales we were raised on, scary as they were, were only fairytales. The more frightening ones that came along to replace them were unfortunately real.
“Children, the only Hope & Change left is that you will somehow find your way out of the dark forest.”
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