NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Threats To Liberty Like The EPA Don’t Always Have Political Solutions!

Having oft targeted the Federal Reserve as the elitist weapon of choice to punish and subjugate the American middleclass, I’ll give the Fed a bit of a rest today- and focus primarily on the Environmental Protection Agency, perhaps the second greatest misnomer in our history. Just as the Fed is neither federal nor a reserve, the EPA neither effectively protects our environment nor preserves our natural resources. It is simply another tool to implement globalist tyranny.

Some examples of elitist goals being furthered by the EPA? Restricting irrigation water to farmers in California’s Great Central Valley, making us more dependent on foreign food production- that heartrending water crisis possibly having been exploited by Obama for political gain! In the name of protecting our wetlands, harassing middleclass home-building wherever possible- even in Alaska! Ostensibly to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, dedicating too much of our corn crop to ethanol production- causing higher food prices at home and contributing to starvation abroad, not to mention foolishly wasting irrigation water! And Heaven help you, if your home heating oil tank ever leaks! 

Wouldn’t it be nice if the EPA were more concerned about real threats- like HAARP, chemtrails, genetically modified foods or hydraulic fracturing?

Unfortunately, HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is real. Attempts to alter global weather patterns by beaming high-intensity radio waves into the ionosphere are by no means conspiracy theory. The only legitimate question is how many of our planet’s adverse weather events are simply whims of Mother Nature- and how many are triggered by sinister human interference via HAARP. This technology was initially conceived by Nikola Tesla and then further developed by Bernard Eastlund- both of whom hoped their discoveries would be used to benefit mankind by favorably altering Earth’s weather. However, for many years their amazing technology has been used as a terrifying military weapon.

Our HAARP facility in Alaska consists of banks of radio antennas which combine their individual transmissions into a single beam in the billions of watts- beams so powerful that they are capable of blowing a hole in the ionosphere, thus allowing unhindered solar radiation to reach Earth- causing serious injury to humans such as cancer and birth defects. Also, advanced computer technology now allows rogue governments, including the US Government, to bounce radio beams off the ionosphere and return that high-intensity energy to the Earth’s surface with near pinpoint accuracy at a desired location- the subsequent energy absorption by the Earth’s crust capable of triggering an earthquake. 

Chemtrails, as opposed to harmless fast-dissipating jet aircraft contrails, represent the preferred globalist means of dispersing harmful chemical and/or biological agents over wide areas- apparently to advance their goal of reducing the Earth’s population. I see chemtrails above our home in Ocean City all the time. If you’ve never seen a chemtrail, you’re either oblivious or blind.

Genetically modified foods poison us with internally produced insecticides- and also make humanity more dependent on corporations like Monsanto- whose GMO crop seeds reproduce only once, especially harming third-world farmers.

Hydraulic fracturing is defined as injecting fluids at high pressure, many of them toxic, into rock strata to facilitate the extraction of natural gas- a sinister practice which has contaminated our potable water supply with both hazardous chemicals and natural gas. Perhaps you’ve heard of Americans lighting their flammable tap water as it streams from their household faucets.

Think I’m a crackpot? Do a little search-engine research- using Ixquick, not Google. Yes, international corporate greed is most notably advanced by international monetary policy through the Federal Reserve, but the malevolent Environmental Protection Agency, by its unforgivable sins of both commission and omission, is only one scant step behind the Fed.

Although there’s currently a much deserved emphasis on defunding and/or repealing ObamaCare to negate its damage to our world-class healthcare delivery system, the overall threat to our health presented by the EPA is even more dangerous than ObamaCare. Look no further than toxic foodstuffs being increasingly imported from China as a result of crippling our own farmers- or the health risks presented by GMOs- or the contamination of precious well water by fracturing rock strata to produce natural gas. For good measure, toss in the spreading of myriad communicable diseases posed by the Obama administration’s blind eye to our porous southern border.

Finally, ignoring any one particular threat to national security could be fatal- and while the Fed, the EPA and ObamaCare do pose an incredible combined threat to our liberty and prosperity, there are many others. The Taxed-Enough-Already cannot afford the luxury of addressing only those threats to our national security which appear to be political in nature- nor should we assume that all threats to national security have purely political solutions.

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Comment by AC on March 15, 2011 at 10:00am

Right on!  The EPA has been used for a long time as a tool to gain political power when the leftist cant achieve their goals thru legislation. 

Most   Americans dont have a problem with common sense type Environmental's the other 90% of the EPA's rheteric that we have a problem with.

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on March 14, 2011 at 8:26pm

Amen, Brother Kissinger!

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 14, 2011 at 8:05pm

Father In Heaven - Deliver Us From Evil!

Whether it's Islamic Fascists, Radical Communists, Nazis, NWO elitists, etc; They ALL seek to murder, maim and terrorize! They want power and hate freedom anywhere, in any form. And, we must never let our guard down, because those that wish to destroy our republic - from within and without, are still very active in pursuing their devilish goals.






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