NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Reid Bill Could Lead To National Gun Registry

Harry Reid 4 SC Reid Bill Could Lead To National Gun Registry

The final step of Nazi control in Austria was registration and confiscation of guns. (Fairly Civil)

It’s not a surprise. Gun Registration often leads to confiscation.

Now this…
Harry Reid is pushing a gun control bill that will likely lead to a national gun registry.
The Foundry reported:

As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) must know, Americans who own firearms have a special sensitivity to a “Big Brother” federal government that wants to keep centralized records on who owns what guns and where in America. Loose language in his gun control bill (S. 649) could start America down that slippery slope.

Since the Second Amendment guarantees to the people the right to keep and bear arms, many Americans look askance at efforts to create centralized records that might some day, in some distant future neither wanted nor expected, facilitate a despotic government’s efforts to disarm the populace or ensure that its supporters but not its opponents possess arms. Some Americans look at history and view that concern as far-fetched; others look at history and see careful attention to that concern as essential to maintaining freedom…

Read More at . By Jim Hoft.

Photo Credit: Talk Radio News Service Creative Commons

Get Informed! Read More About this topic::

  1. Reid: Background Checks Will Be In Senate Gun Bill WASHINGTON— Democrats who vowed a crackdown on guns after the...
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  4. Highlights Of NY Gun Control Bill Provisions in a sweeping gun control bill before the New...
  5. Reid Says He Misspoke With Disaster Comparison WASHINGTON (OfficialWire) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday...

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 7, 2013 at 3:19pm

7-Year-Old Nabbed On Felony BB Gun Charges


Wow. Now this is just silly.
Check it out:

Sam Grant nearly celebrated his eighth birthday party in jail.

The North Carolina boy had been charged with two felony counts of discharging his BB gun.

The parents of a then-seven-year-old North Carolina boy are beyond angry after their son was charged with two felony counts of possessing a BB gun. Just moments before the child was expected to answer to the allegations before a Catawba County judge — the charges were dropped.

Sam’s parents, Ray and Cherry Robbins told Fox News they are both relieved and angry over what happened to their son.

“They considered his BB gun a firearm,” Ray said. “”It’s not a firearm. It’s a BB gun.”

The trouble started last month when Sam was in the backyard of their rural home shooting his BB gun. His mother stepped inside to put dinner in the oven – telling the boy not to run off.

But Sam’s curiosity got the best of him — and he scampered out of the backyard – and fired his BB gun at an abandoned house across the street. In doing so, he accidentally hit a passing car.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 7, 2013 at 3:17pm

Photo Credit: AP

The liberal media will do anything to pressure lawmakers to support President Obama’s gun-control agenda. Politico published a story Wednesday with this headline: “Hunting Group Wants Background Checks.” The story gave the false impression that the millions of hunters in the U.S. support Mr. Obama’s push for “universal background checks.”

That is way off target. In fact, 31 well-known hunting and conservation groups sent a letter to Capitol Hill Thursday expressing opposition to intrusion by the federal government into private firearm transfers.

Politico only cites one small group in its story, Bull Moose Sportsmen, which claims 5,000 members. The story gives no context for the size of this group in relation to other hunting advocacy groups, nor its prominence in the community. The single poll cited in the Politico story is one commissioned by the group itself and claims 72 percent of hunters support “criminal background checks with some exceptions.”

None of the major hunting groups which represent the millions of law-abiding sportsmen was mentioned, nor the polling of those members.

In fact, Bull Moose Sportsmen is a fringe organization run by Democratic activists that has been rejected from membership into the major gun and hunting groups’ umbrella organization because it refuses to reveal its funding sources.

Read more from this story HERE.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 10:29pm

GOA Alert: Anti-Gunners Reveal their Strategy

logo Gun Owners of America

Reid to use his Gun Bill to Portray
Republicans as "Rape Supporters"

Honestly. Watching MSNBC is torment.  It is like planting a listening device in Hitler's bunker.

After consultation with the White House, MSNBC has revealed what the Democrat's strategy is for passing "universal gun registration," gun bans, and magazine bans.

Ironically, one MSNBC commentator, Mike Barnicle, accidentally referred to universal background checks as "universal gun registration." What does that tell you about the Left's agenda for background checks?

Bottom line: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will bring gun control (S. 649) to the floor, and he will use his privileged recognition to force Republicans to cast votes that will paint them as wanting to arm rapists and violent felons.

You can click here to read the transcript of the MSNBC strategy session orview the video by clicking here.

The message is clear for Republicans and pro-gun Democrats:

They need to stop the Gun Control Bribe-O-Thon by filibustering and defeating the Motion to Proceed to the Gun Control Vehicle, which will probably be S. 649.

If they allow the Senate to proceed to the gun control bill, Harry Reid, who has privileged recognition in the Senate will orchestrate a multi-day gun control bash-o-thon — with Obama, Biden, and every other anti-gunner in America coordinating a narrative that pro-gunners support rapists, murderers, and every other type of evil-doer.

The strategy is NOT to allow Reid to stage his bash-o-thon so the GOP can show what it's "for." Reid has control of the floor, and, as we saw with ObamaCare, he will use that control to mercilessly destroy supporters of the Second Amendment.

Plus, Reid will try to get a sufficient number of Senators by using bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 anti-gun votes he needs (just like he did on ObamaCare).

ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators. Reinforce that the key vote on gun control is a vote to oppose the motion to proceed to the gun control bribe-o-thon, and to support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster of the motion to proceed to the gun control bribe-o-thon.


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 11:03am

Gun poll: background checks bring confiscation

A plurality of Americans believe the federal government could use information gleaned from expanded background checks to confiscate legally-owned firearms, according to a Quinnipiac survey released Thursday. But the poll also showed support for background checks remains nearly universal. According … Continue reading
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 10:49am

Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

President Obama’s campaign-style appearances and the Left’s increasing pressure for more gun control – an overreaching infringement of our Second Amendment rights – is grotesquely reminiscent of the liberal “progressive” manipulation and pressure to pass ObamaCare.  From here on, it will be relentless.
The momentum the Left has gained must be stopped! We are delivering our “Stand Your Ground” petitions to the Senate next week.  Please see my extremely important update below – Mat.

The heat is on. Gun control is the cause celebre of the Left everywhere one looks – in international, federal, state, and local campaigns that are ramping up to hysterical fervor.

President Obama's campaign stops for new gun control laws took him to Colorado on Wednesday, and next week to Connecticut, where that state’s lawmakers just passed the most restrictive gun and ammunition ownership requirements in the nation.

Connecticut Governor Dan Molloy called it “the toughest law passed anywhere in the country.” Although Americans everywhere feel compassion and great sympathy for that state’s residents and the victims of the horrific events in Sandy Hook, the fact is that the new law would not have prevented that tragedy.

The new Connecticut law greatly expands the state’s weapons ban to over 100 models and even creates “Eligibility Certificates” in order to purchase guns or ammo.

++No gun insurance? No problem – just pay a $10,000 fine.
A so-called “insurance mandate” has been authored by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and is now supported by other Members who have determined that Americans should be ordered to buy a liability insurance policy for their guns.

This development shows a clear intent to ram gun control through Congress using a similar strategy to the one that proved successful with ObamaCare.

Maloney’s bill, H.R. 1369, reads…
“It shall be unlawful for a person who owns a firearm purchased on or after the effective date of this subsection not to be covered by a qualified liability insurance policy.”

According to Representative Maloney,

H.R. 1369 requires gun buyers to have liability insurance coverage before being allowed to purchase a weapon and imposes a fine of $10,000 if an owner is found not to have the required coverage; service members and law enforcement officers are exempt from this insurance requirement.”

++Will a U.N. treaty trump our sovereign rights?

Earlier this week, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a first-ever treaty designed to regulate the multi-billion dollar international arms trade.    

The treaty was allegedly designed to regulate tanks, aircraft and combat weaponry.  But, as the Washington Times reports…
“U.S. gun rights activists say the treaty is riddled with loopholes and is unworkable in part because it includes ‘small arms and light weapons’ in its list of weaponry subject to international regulations….”

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has already warned President Obama that he and other attorneys general will sue if the U.N. treaty is ratified…
“Agreeing to the treaty does more than trample Second Amendment rights. It also threatens to erode all liberties guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution by establishing the precedent that the UN has some level of authority to govern our lives.”

++Liberal gun grabbers gone wild!

Once the “gun control fever” was released in California, it seemed no outlandish scheme went far enough to satisfy leftist zeal.  According to World Net Daily…
“In California, state Assembly woman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, wants ammunition regulated, taxed and limited.
Senator Kevin deLeon, another Democrat from Los Angeles, has suggested demanding a background check and a $50 annual fee for permission to buy ammunition.
Also proposed: A 10 percent tax on ammunition, a requirement to report ammunition sales to the state Justice Department so it could create a record of all purchases and an additional 5-cent tax on each round sold.”

Vice President Joe Biden was certainly not exaggerating when he said that the U.S. Senate bill on gun control “was just the beginning”!

I need your immediate help to reach as many people as possible with this urgent message – and to have at least 50,000 signers of the petition before we deliver this powerful message to Congress next week. Right now we are approaching 25,000 signers.

As a signer of Liberty Counsel Action’s “Stand Your Ground on gun control” petition, which we will deliver to Congress next week, you know that these latest gun control initiatives are the launch pad to severely curtail our Second Amendment rights.

Please continue to help us reach our goals and take one minute to forward the following message to your like-minded patriots who will stand with us in countering the Obama administration’s assault on our Second Amendment rights.  

Also, add a link to your social networking page to our articles on Liberty Counsel Connect:

Thank you for expanding your impact on this very important issue!  

God bless you,


Dear Friend,

Our Second Amendment rights are being systematically undermined.  

Connecticut has just passed the most stringent gun and ammo laws in the nation. Other states are considering similar measures.  

A new United Nations treaty could make our Second Amendment rights subordinate to the U.N. – if it is ratified by the Senate after President Obama signs it.  

President Obama has also implemented new executive orders to advance his gun control agenda – ahead of congressional action.  

Our Second Amendment rights are in the crosshairs of the Obama administration!

They want us to believe that the proposed gun control legislation now before the Senate is a necessary step to curb gun violence when, in fact, it is the first step in mounting a massive attack on our Second Amendment rights.

The proposal for expanded background checks places the government squarely in the middle of every gun purchase, including private transactions.

Opponents of the bill believe it will ultimately result in the universal registration of all firearms and gun owners. At a minimum, it will lead to expanded monitoring by the ATF which will place citizens at an increased risk of searches and seizures.  

There is no way to get around the fact that this “benign” bill in the Senate is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!  

I have just signed Liberty Counsel Action’s “Stand Your Ground on Gun Control” petition which will be delivered to Capitol Hill next week.  

The petition says that “We the People” demand that our federal government honor the Second Amendment as an important component of the rule of law established by the United States Constitution!

Please consider adding your name to the petition.  It only takes a minute:

Thank you for joining with me!  
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 10:37am

I heard the news just minutes ago.

Behind closed doors in Washington, D.C. there's a new smoky backroom "deal" in the works.

And while no one will say so on the record, according to my sources in both the House and the Senate, the NRA is secretly right smack dab in the middle of it.

I'll give you the details in just a moment . . .

With only four days until the U.S. Senate goes back into session, please realize this is crunch time.

New developments in this fight are going to come fast and furious.

Politicians in BOTH parties in Washington, D.C. are working feverishly to trick gun owners into trading more of our Second Amendment rights for a shiny chunk of fools' gold.

And without your action today, I'm afraid they may just succeed.

That's why I've created a new Emergency Fax Petition, urging your Senators to oppose any "deal" and instead "Stand With Rand" to prevent any gun-related bill from reaching the floor.

What the gun-grabbers want as part of their deal is no surprise -- ATF Witch hunt legislation.

Sold as a bill to supposedly stop "gun trafficking," this legislation would dramatically ramp up penalties on Americans who sell firearms to "prohibited persons" -- if the seller "should have known."

The legal definitions of both of these phrases is so vague, they're an anti-gun ATF agent's dream come true.

This scheme is designed to get gun owners to start screaming FOR a national gun registry because ultimately the only way you'll be able to protect yourself from ATF goons is to get prior federal approval for every gun transfer.

Should this ATF Witch Hunt legislation ever become law, it would be an outright DISASTER.

But aren't you and I supposed to "get" something as part of this deal?


So-called "National concealed carry reciprocity."

Sounds nice doesn't it?

Like you, I believe the Second Amendment means what it says, and it's the birthright of every American to exercise their God-given right to keep and bear arms.

But there's a BIG FAT catch . . .

President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and all the rest of this anti-gun administration would get the names and addresses of every permit holder in the country so they can "properly enforce" the new scheme.

Worse, instead of your State Legislature setting the concealed carry laws for your state, now Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and all the rest would get a say in setting up new "common sense standards."

So-called "National Concealed Carry Reciprocity" is hardly a step in the right direction.

Instead, it's a thinly-veiled attempt to stop the progress you and I have been making working through State Legislatures in recent years.

Today, only a few states in America deny citizens the ability to carry concealed in some fashion.

20 years ago, it was 14.

Not only that, but through successes like passing Constitutional Carry in Arizona and Wyoming -- which simply states that if you're legal to own a firearm, you're legal to carry it –- state laws are getting less and less restrictive every year.

Should this "deal" pass, I'm afraid it will be the end of all of our progress!

So when I first heard the news, the NRA is quietly working behind the scenes for this "deal" with weak-kneed GOP Senators, I was shocked and saddened.

Even despite the horrific "merits" of the "deal" being discussed, it will get much, much worse before it's all said and done.

As I told you before, any "deal" that gathers the 60 votes needed to overcome Senator Paul's filibuster and reaches the floor for debate will only serve as a vehicle for Harry Reid and his anti-gun cronies to pile on with amendments.

Magazine bans, the Feinstein Gun Ban and national gun registration under the guise of "universal background checks" could be in the works.

In fact, just days ago, Asa Hutchison -- director of the NRA's National School Shield Task Force -- said he was "open" to expanding "background checks."

Of course, the NRA immediately backed off his comments.

But why is the NRA STILL refusing to back Senator Paul's filibuster?

Is it because they're going to try and break the Paul filibuster with their own misguided "deal" and play right into the gun-grabbers' hands?

I sincerely hope not.

But as I mentioned, this first vote on the motion to proceed to debate on ANY gun-related bill is where you and I must win -- "deal" or no deal.

And blowing this scheme wide open RIGHT NOW before the Senate goes back into session gives you and me a fighting chance.

That's why it's absolutely critical you sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY, urging your Senators to oppose any "deal" and instead "Stand With Rand" to prevent any gun-related bill from reaching the floor.

And if possible, I hope you'll agree to your most generous financial support.

Fortunately, since I last wrote you, more Senators are now publicly agreeing to "Stand with Rand."

%?FISRST?%, the pressure from NAGR members is clearly working.

The list stands now stands at eight -- Paul (R-KY), Cruz (R-TX), Lee (R-UT), Inhofe (R-OK), Rubio (R-FL), Burr (R-NC), Moran (R-KS), Enzi (R-WY) and Johnson (R-WI).

Others have signaled tepid support.

But time is running out, so it's vital you and I turn up the heat even more to reach the 41 votes necessary to win.

So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, I hope you'll agree to a generous contribution.

I don't know what you can afford.

But as I mentioned, this is crunch time, so I hope you'll give and give generously.

Perhaps you can afford $20?

If that's too much, perhaps you can give $10 or at least $5.

Every dollar you give is critical.

More financial support means I can reach more pro-gun Americans urging them to turn the heat up on their Senators.

But I'm depending on you to help me do it, and time is running out.

So please agree to your most generous contribution of $20, $10, or $5 TODAY!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. Politicians in BOTH parties in Washington, D.C. are working feverishly to trick gun owners into trading more of our Second Amendment rights for a shiny chunk of fools' gold.

And without your action today, I'm afraid they may just succeed.

So please sign your new Emergency Fax Petition urging your Senators to oppose any "deal" and instead "Stand With Rand" to prevent any gun-related bill from reaching the floor.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 10:32am

Gun Registration = Gun Confiscation

Written on Friday, April 5, 2013 by Frank Grochowski


The on-going debate on gun control shows that history does repeat itself. Time passes, and memory dims. Events that once shook the world are now nothing more than forgotten horrors to be read in old history books. These books and the old bodies moldering in their graves seem to have no impact on today’s world, where new generations enjoy the fruits of their forgotten sacrifices. People today enjoy the benefits that were long ago paid for with spilled blood, while having to spill none of their own.

We are living in a time of a “gimme generation,” a generation that seems to want everything for nothing, and they want it now. They demand instant gratification for their every desire – after all, the world owes them a living, right? So in attempting to achieve their Utopia on Earth, they are willing to sacrifice a few basic rights in exchange for a temporary sense of safety, and fairness, while getting all their free stuff, without having to pay for it or make any sacrifices of their own.

Today’s politician simply has to tell the masses what they want to hear, with pretty words, while telling them something is for their own safety or the public good. But while people are enjoying their easy life and free stuff, they don’t remember that everything comes with a price, and there really isn’t any free stuff. The Government cannot give you anything that it does not first take away from someone else, but it can control your life through laws, regulations, and taxation.

The main topic of discussion these days is gun control. Liberal progressive politicians are trying hard to convince people to give up their guns in order to stop violence. You know the mantra: Guns are bad and hurt people, so give up your guns while we all sing Kumbaya. Without guns it will be a safer world for everyone. But there is a problem with this mantra: Do you really think criminals will give up their guns? Each gun law seems to just give birth to yet more gun laws. When the citizens’ guns are gone and only the government has guns, what then? We will be at the mercy and control of the prevailing regime of the time, with no means to resist. When this happens, the government is no longer the servant, but the master. It will then enact even more laws for “your protection” and the sheeple will have no choice but to fall in lock step and obey.

Consider the following historical facts:

1929 – the USSR established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

1911 – Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1928 – Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill and others who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1935 – China established gun control. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

1956 – Cambodia established gun control. From 1975 to 1977 one million “educated” people, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

1964 – Guatemala established gun control. From 1964 to 1981, one hundred thousand Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated

1970 – Uganda established gun control. From 1971 to 1979 three hundred thousand Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated

The body count is not yet in on the number of Serbs who were unable to defend themselves and were exterminated, but the television images should still be fresh in your mind. Adding the victims of genocide in Barundi, Darfur, and Iraq brings the total number of victims who lost their lives because of gun control to approximately 100 million people in the last century. These are cold, hard facts.

Every time gun registration has been enacted “for the safety of citizens,” it has led to gun confiscation.
We should learn from the mistakes of the past: the next time someone speaks out in favor of gun control, ask which group of citizens they want to see exterminated.

Rights are lost in small, insidious increments that seem inconsequential at the time, but they are never regained. Compare the erosion of rights to the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was not formed in one fell swoop, but little by little, day by day, grain of sand by grain of sand until finally there was a gaping chasm. Rights that were paid for in blood are now being frittered away by a generation that has never had to sacrifices (with the exception of the few and the proud who voluntarily join the military). How many of these individuals has ever stood graveside to accept a folded flag “On behalf of a grateful nation”?

Even the leader of the greatest nation on earth has never spent a day in the armed service of his country. Yet the “gimme generation” saw nothing wrong with this and elected him to the highest office in the land-not once but twice. The Oval Office where Obama puts his feet on the desk is the same Oval Office where Woodrow Wilson guided the country during WWI, Franklin Roosevelt steadied the helm during the dark days of WWII, Harry Truman gave the orders to load the Enola Gay and Bock’s Car with Little Boy and Fat Man; and where Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon set the course that took us into and out of Viet Nam. It is the same office where President George Bush drew a line in the sand and put an end to the atrocities of Saddam Hussein. That Office and all those events were bought and paid for in American blood.

If you make a lie big enough and repeat it often enough, people will believe it and the myth becomes reality. Gun control is NOT for the ‘good of the people’; gun control is about one thing and one thing only: government control!

Wake up America!!!!

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 10:31am

The Argument Against Banning High Capacity Magazines

Friday, April 5, 2013


S.H. Blannelberry writing in argues against banning high capacity magazines by saying that it’s all about timing:

Timing. It’s all about timing. The longer it takes a deranged gunman to fire off rounds at a crowd of innocents, the better. The more potential there are for delays, the more potential there is for someone to interdict, the more potential there is for children to escape. The bottom line: large capacity magazines make it easier for deranged gunmen to kill.

I don’t disagree with that logic. In fact, I think it is spot on.

But as every gun owner knows, there’s another side to this equation. That is to say, by the same logic one employs to argue for a ban, one can use to argue against the ban — with equal, if not greater, efficacy.

Again, it’s a matter of timing. For example, the longer it takes for a single mother of two to fire off rounds at several home intruders, the worse it is for that mother.

Let’s think about this for a moment. It’s late at night. It’s dark. Three career criminals are breaking into the home of a single mother. She has a full size 9mm handgun with a 10 round magazine (or if she lives in New York, with a 10 round magazine that only contains seven rounds, as it’s against the law to put 10 rounds in a 10 round magazine in the Empire State under the NY SAFE Act) instead of what would be the standard 19-round magazine.

She fires off a few rounds to scare off the intruders. They don’t back down. They continue their pursuit inside her home. She fires in their general direction until the magazine is empty. She hits one, but misses the others. She goes to reload, but her hands are shaking. She’s panicking. She fumbles the other magazine and loses it on the dark floor.

What happens now?

Post Continues on

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 6, 2013 at 10:30am

Photo Credit: Brennan Linsley

The Second Amendment got attacked this week from three sides, leaving gun owners scrambling to find safe ground. While President Obama has lost momentum for federal gun-control laws, he has picked up victories with his allies in blue states and at the United Nations.

After Thursday, Connecticut should consider changing its state nickname from the “Constitution State” to the “Unconstitutional State” after Gov. Dannel Malloy signed an extremely restrictive gun-control law. The bill passed the state House Thursday morning and the Senate on Wednesday.

Before the Newtown tragedy, the Brady Campaign determined that Connecticut was the fifth highest-rated state for restrictive gun-control laws. Adam Lanza ignored those laws — such as including stealing the guns, carrying them without a permit and violating the federal “gun free” school zone — in his evil mission to murder school children and teachers.

Connecticut lawmakers decided that its current “assault weapon” ban, which had a two-characteristic test, was not severe enough, so all semi-automatic rifles with one scary-looking feature are illegal. The bill cites 100 specific makes and models that are banned, such as the AR and AK.

There is a new eligibility certificate required before purchasing or receiving a long gun, which is defined as any firearm that is not a pistol or revolver. These certificates cost $35 and are issued by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection, but there is no time limit on how long the application process can take.

Read more from this story HERE.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on April 4, 2013 at 7:24pm

Video: Obama Mocks Gun Owners

Almost everything Obama says in this video is a blatant lie…

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  4. Video: Outrage: Newspaper Publishes Names, Addresses Of Legal Gun O... The Obama administration has schooled his compliant media well: Use...
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