NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

The white house and the democrat machine identify our nation's biggest problem

It's our constitutional system of government . . . . "it doesn't work, has never worked."

From the Rush Limbaugh program:

RUSH: President Obama's Osawatomie Speech was a Marxist Attack on America

(Rush Limbaugh) – President Obama's Osawatomie Speech was a Marxist Attack on America


RUSH: Ah, you know, you people are so lucky. All you have to do is listen to this. I have to be the one to actually do it. And that's okay. This is Wednesday. Right. Okay. Pearl Harbor Day. A day that will live in infamy, absolutely right, Pearl Harbor Day. Of course yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day number two: The attack on the country by the president of the United States in that speech in Osawatomie, Kansas. As I promised yesterday, we have the audio sound bites from that speech. I've studied it. It's depressing to actually have the most powerful man in the country aligned against it. To have the most powerful man in the country seeing this country through crosshairs. I run the gamut of emotions. I mean it's anger, frustration, sadness, it's just amazing.

Look, let me just give you a sample summary of Obama's speech yesterday. The president of the United States, not Fidel Castro, not Kim Jong-il, not Mao Tse-tung, not Lenin, not Stalin, not Gorbachev, not Saddam Hussein, not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, not Hugo Chavez, but the president of the United States said that while a limited government that preserves free markets speaks to our rugged individualism as Americans, such a system doesn't work and has never worked. The president of the United States said that the United States of America, as founded, "has never worked." Stop and think of that. Ponder that for a moment. The president. Not the head of the SEIU. Not the chairman of some congressional committee. Not a Democrat presidential hopeful. The elected president of the United States said in Osawatomie, Kansas, trying to be Teddy Roosevelt, that the United States of America has never worked. That is a quote, "has never worked."

Really? What was the first Thanksgiving all about? What was George Washington's first Thanksgiving proclamation all about? What was 250 years of the greatest prosperity and standard of living known to exist in all of humanity?

The president of the United States said yesterday that it has never worked. But he didn't stop there. He said that Americans must look to a more activist government that taxes more, spends more, and regulates more if the middle class is to be preserved. I can't get my mind around this. This is antithetical to me. This is foreign. This is what we have faced from our enemies since our founding, this characterization of our country. If you just substitute the word "proletariat" for every time he said "worker" or "middle class" in his speech, if you subject "bourgeois" or "capitalists" for the rich, this same speech could have been given by Lenin a hundred years ago.

In fact, it is, my friend, and don't doubt me, the same speech that Stalin always gave, that Mao Tse-tung always gave, that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong-il still give. Communist leaders around the world give this speech constantly. We've heard it all before, because class warfare is the fundamental principle of Marxism. Class warfare is how Marx explained economics and explained history. In fact, class warfare is how Marx explained everything. Now, oddly enough it's how Obama explains everything now. He blames all of the current problems on the rich. And to think some people still say Obama's not a Marxist. They won't even call him a socialist. It's willful blindness on the part of people who, I don't know what kind of state of denial you have to be in to have heard this speech yesterday or to have read this speech and to have not heard a call to arms.

This is how Barack Obama plans to win the future. Remember, that's the slogan for his reelection campaign, gonna win the future by channeling a president from a hundred years ago. Teddy Roosevelt, he gave this speech in 1910, the same place, Osawatomie, Kansas. He then went on to lose at the head of the Bull Moose Party ticket the presidential race in 1912. I don't know if he got the moderates or not. Teddy Roosevelt, I don't know. All I know is that Obama refuses to be himself. He's gotta channel Lincoln and he's gotta channel FDR. He's gotta channel Reagan at times, even tries to be Reagan. Tried to be Teddy Roosevelt yesterday. This is winning the future. Everything Barack Obama said he was for yesterday has been tried throughout history over and over again, the same Marxism has been tried, and it's failed everywhere. It's led to nothing but untold millions of dead people and incalculable misery and suffering.

There is more to Rush's program transcript but I get the idea.

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