NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.



By Michael Edward

If you have been following our previous articles, especially The Gulf Blue Plague: It’s Not Wise to Fool Mother Nature(, then you should now begin to understand what is occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. If you haven’t read the previous referenced article, then do so before attempting to understand what is presented here. This paper should be considered an integral continuation of that article.

What is factually taking place in the Gulf of Mexico - in biological and genetic terms - is neither natural nor happenstance. The reality of synthetic microorganisms and artificial genomes is not a newly discovered science even though the lamestream media claims otherwise.

Genomic Bioremediation. Get used to hearing this term because it’s what’s behind the Gulf Blue Plague (BP). Let’s get a few definitions out of the way to understand what this scientific term means. The phrase ‘genetic makeup’ is commonly used when referring to the genome of a particular organism. The study of related organism genomes is known as genomics. The word bioremediation refers to the use of biological agents, such as bacteria, to remove or neutralize contaminants, such as crude oil. Studying the genetic framework of oil-eating bacteria used in the Gulf of Mexico is a form of Genomic Bioremediation.

On May 6, 2010, Terry Hazen of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory stated “It is important to remember that oil is a biological product and can be degraded by microbes, both on and beneath the surface of the water.” Remember this statement with regards to not only beneath the water surface, but on the top of the water as well.

On August 24, 2010, it was revealed that a team of scientists, headed by Terry Hazen, had found that microbial activity of “a new and unclassified species was degrading the oil in the Gulf of Mexico much faster than anticipated”during a May 25 through June 2, 2010 study. You don’t anticipate something unless you specifically know the previously established scientifically controlled characteristics of what you’re studying. Obviously, they knew what the expected rate of degradation for this novel and uncategorized genus of microorganism was and they were able to scientifically measure the rate of degradation based on its identified degradation rate. In other words, they knew what the microorganism was even though it’s officially not yet classified.

Hazen should know. He has studied numerous oil-spill sites in the past and is the leader of the Ecology Department and Center for Environmental Biotechnology at Berkeley Lab’s Earth Sciences Division. He conducted this specific Gulf of Mexico research under an existing grant he holds with the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI). EBI is a partnership led by the University of California (UC) Berkeley and includes Berkeley Lab along with the University of Illinois. The grant is for the specific study of “microbial enhanced hydrocarbon recovery” or, in simpler terms, the study of how to use microorganisms, such as bacteria, to cause a greater amount of oil to flow out of a crude oil reservoir. Should it be a surprise to anyone that this particular grant is exclusively funded by a USD $500 million 10-year grant from British Petroleum?

Hazen’s results were based on the analysis of more than 200 samples collected from 17 deepwater sites in the Gulf of Mexico. Their research incorporated the use of the PhyloChip, a unique credit card-sized DNA-based microarray that can quickly and accurately detect the presence of up to 50,000 different species of bacteria and archaea (a group of single-celled microorganisms) in a single sample without the need of lab culturing to identify them. Use of the PhyloChip enabled Hazen and his colleagues to determine that the dominant microbe in the oil plume is a new species. They revealed that this new species of bacterium was closely related to members of the Oceanospirillales family, particularlyOleispirea Antarctica and Oceaniserpentilla Haliotis.



Oceaniserpentilla Haliotis (OH) is a genus in the Oceanospirillales order with a 92.9% genetic sequence similarity toOleispirea Antarctica (OA). Since the genome of OH is so closely related to OA, we will look at the two in light of OA only.

So, here we have a scientifically confirmed new oil-eating species of bacterium in the Gulf of Mexico that’s closely related to a bacterium only found in Rod Bay and the Ross Sea, Antarctica (OA), and another one only found in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand (OH).

How do you suppose a new related species of this bacterium from deep cold water Antarctic environments mysteriously and suddenly ended up in the Gulf of Mexico? By use of proven synthetic RNA sequence processes, a new synthetic genome microorganism can be created in 24 hours according to J. Craig Venter of Synthetic Genomics, Inc. and the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI).

To simplify things, let’s just name this new and unclassified species of synthetic genome bacteria for all the scientists since they can’t seem to recognize it for some unknown reason. Let’s call it a new genus of the Oceanospirilla order:

Syntholeispirea Gulfmexicana (SG). Bacteria (domain); Proteobacteria (phylum); Gammaproteobacteria (class); Oceanospirillales (order). A novel synthetic genome hydrocarbonoclastic marine bacterium currently introduced into the Gulf of Mexico.

If any U.S. professional scientist would have the courage to verify what’s presented here, they’d plainly see that SGbacteria are psychrophilic, aerobic, and Gram-negative with polar flagella; they won’t grow or replicate in the absence of NaCl (salt); they have a preference for aliphatic hydrocarbons; and they have a distinct phyletic line within the Gammaproteobacteria.

The Gammaproteobacteria class comprise of several important groups of bacteria, such as the Enterobacteriaceae, Vibrionaceae and Pseudomonadaceae. A number of important pathogens belong to this class, such as:

Salmonella (enteritis and typhoid fever)
Yersinia pestis (plague)
Vibrio cholerae (cholera)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (lung infections)
Escherichia coli (E-coli)

Cholera is an acute bacterial infection that often occurs in epidemics by spreading in contaminated water or food. The best ways to evade cholera are by avoidance of raw or improperly cooked seafood, which may have become infected by ingesting infected plankton. Could there be infected plankton in the Gulf of Mexico, a major food source for Haiti?

A scientific paper recently released by Dauphin Island Sea Lab shows that a faint “shadow” of oil can be seen in the plankton and copepods in the Gulf of Mexico. Those tiny animals ate the microbes (synthetic genome bacteria) that have been eating the oil. The study stated it was important to note that their research documented carbon from the oil working its way through the food chain.

Their study states that dispersant use on the surface “almost certainly accelerated the microbial consumption of the oil” and left little doubt that the oil consumed by the bacteria reached the zooplankton at the base of the marine food chain, an incredibly important food-source for fish, jellyfish and whales.

According to Terry Hazen, many hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes have iron as a component. He also states “There’s not enough iron to form more of these enzymes, which would degrade the carbon faster.” So then, what would happen if you added iron to the Gulf of Mexico?

The oil-eating bacteria they introduced into the Gulf would be able to eat the oil at an accelerated rate if there were more iron, but typical Gulf water naturally has a very low trace of iron. But according to rainwater tests from Gulf rainclouds, Iron and other elements are being added to the Gulf waters. Perhaps now you can understand that the “dispersant” formula being used also contains elemental nutrients, such as iron, copper, manganese, nickel, and aluminum to enhance and feed the SG bacterium placed into the Gulf to eat up the oil.

Mutations of the plankton have already been verified by University of Southern Florida (USF) scientists months ago. Once this important marine food source has RNA mutations, then everything up the entire food chain is affected. That includes humans who consume fish or crustaceans. What are we facing? More than we can comprehend. Once you alter the bottom of the food chain, you alter everything from that point on. The Gulf Blue Plague is a reality and has been for many months. It’s a worldwide problem.

Wherever the Gulf wind blows and wherever the Gulf water flows.

Syntholeispirea Gulfmexicana (SG) exhibits a 90% or higher match to this RNA sequence.
Now every scientist can verify what already exists.

1 ggcggcaggc ctaacacatg caagtcgagc ggaaacgaag gtagcttgct accaggcgtc
61 gagcggcgga cgggtgagta atgcttagga atctaccgag tagtggggga tagccattgg
121 aaacgatgat taataccgca tatatcctac gggggaaagc aggggacctt cgggccttgc
181 gctattcgat gagcctgagt gagattagct agttggtggg gtaaaggcct accaaggcga
241 cgatctctag ctggtctgag aggatgatca gccacactgg gactgagaca cggcccagac
301 tcctacggga ggcagcagtg gggaatattg cacaatggac gaaagtctga tgcagccatg
361 ccgcgtgtgt gaagaaggcc ttcgggttgt aaagcacttt cagcgaggag gaaaggtcag
421 taagtaatat ttgctggctg tgacgttact cgcagaagaa gcaccggcta atttagtgcc
481 agcagccgcg gtaatactaa aggtgcaagc gttaatcgga attactgggc gtaaagcgcg
541 cgtaggtggt ttgttaagtt ggatgtgaaa gcccagggct caaccttgga actgcattca
601 aaactgactc actagagtac gagagaggtt agtggaattt cctgtgtagc ggtgaaatgc
661 gtagagatgg gaaggaacac cagtggcgaa ggcgactgac tggctcgata ctgacactga
721 ggtgcgaaag cgtggggagc aaacgggatt agataccccg gtagtccacg ccgtaaacga
781 tgtctactag ccgttggagg acttgatcct ttagtggcgc agctaacgcg ataagtagac
841 cgcctgggga gtacggtcgc aagattaaaa ctcaaatgaa ttgacggggg cccgcacaag
901 cggtggagca tgtggtttaa ttcgaagcaa cgcgaagaac cttacctact cttgacatcc
961 agtgaacttt tgagagatca attggtgcct tcgggaacac tgagacaggt gctgcatggc
1021 tgtcgtcagc tcgtgttgtg aaatgttggg ttaagtcccg taacgagcgc aacccttgtc
1081 cttagttacc atcattaagt tggggactct aaggagactg ccggtgacaa accggaggaa
1141 ggcggggacg acgtcaagtc atcatggccc ttacgagtag ggctacacac gtgctacaat
1201 ggcatgtaca aagggttgcc aagccgcgag gtggagctaa tcccataaag catgtcgtag
1261 tccggattgg agtctgcaac tcgactccat gaagtcggaa tcgctagtaa tcgtgaatca
1321 gaatgtcacg gtgaatacgt tcccgggcct tgtacacacc gcccgtcaca ccatgggagt
1381 gggttgctcc agaagtagat agcttaacct tcgggagggc gtttaccagg agtattc

References and Sources
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53, No. 3 2003, pp. 779-785
Raufman, J. P. (1997). "Cholera." American Journal of Medicine 104:386–394.
Scheld, W. M.; Craig, W. A.; and Hughes, J. M., eds. (1998). "Cholera and Vibrio Cholerae: New Challenges from a Once and Future Pathogen." In Emerging Infections 2. Washington, DC: ASM Press.

*This article may be reproduced in part or in its entirety provided the source is displayed as the World Vision Portal along with the internet link provided beneath the title. International Common Law Copy Rights by Michael Edward and the World Vision Portal at

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