NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

The TEA PARTY, is you and me. How are we doing??? Can we get our government back?

. . . . . . YES WE CAN!!

Obama or Churchill - One is a Great American

We as Americans have a lot for which to thank England, (classic English
understatement). That amazing little island was not only responsible
for our founding, for our success as an organized republic, for our
legal system, for the majority of our ancestors, for our educational
system (that is, when it was successful, which is before the
Obama/Ayers’ types took over American education), for our work ethic,
for our belief in morality, for our respect for life, for our logic,
for our self determination and for, conversely, our independence.

And much, much more.

Primary among those for which we give thanks is the great American, Winston
Spencer Churchill, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, who is
credited with saving the western world from the triumph of Germany’s
National Socialist Workers’ Party (later know as Nazism).

He fully deserves this extraordinary accolade.

The one and only Winston Churchill could be speaking for us (Americans) today as we fight to continue to exist as the nation that
was created and given to us by our Founding Fathers. This is exactly
what Churchill was attempting to do for the nation he led as the
Nazi-controlled continent of Europe was on the cusp of taking over the
increasingly inconvenient island to its west. In one of his most
famous speeches, known as the “Never Give In” speech, which he gave in
1941, the great man said the following:

“Do not let us speak of darker days: let us speak rather of sterner days. These are not dark
days; these are great days--the greatest days our country has ever
lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed…to play a
part in making these days memorable in…history.”

“Greatest days in history” about describes what the extraordinary citizens of the
United States of America are achieving in continuing to fight back the
leftists’ attempts in dismantling and then fundamentally transforming
our nation forever.

Sir Winston continued:

“…Though we ourselves never doubted it, we now find ourselves in a position where I
say that we can be sure that we have only to persevere to conquer.”

That is precisely where we are today in America, the native land of Winston
Churchill’s mother. The inspiration that Prime Minister Churchill
continues to be to those Americans fortunate enough to have been
allowed to study his extraordinary contribution to freedom throughout
the world, is as far-reaching as it is remarkable. We Americans intend
as well to take up the final command of his speech:

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never. In nothing great or small, large or petty. Never give in, except to
convictions of honor or good sense."

We can recognize from whence (lovely olde English worde) we got our spirit, don’t we?

We know, despite what the left in this country, which is currently,
temporarily and tragically in power, is attempting to do, who and what
we are.

We are Americans.

No matter how hard and diligently the left has tried to turn us into indoctrinated,
utopian-seeking, multi-culti mermidons, it hasn’t worked, and it will
never work. I repeat, we are Americans. We were given the precious
gift of freedom and we are not about to give it up, especially not to
the likes of this tacky lot.

Sir Winston would, no doubt, cheer us along.

We all have a bit of Churchill’s strength and resolve in us, and the power
of this man was of such force that it managed to save not only his
nation, which seemed to be on an irreversible path to destruction; it
saved a continent. There are many who think that Winston Churchill
accomplished this extraordinary feat single-handedly. The more the
history of this period is studied, the more inescapable a fact it is
that the inspiration of this one man, to a nation that was, among other
horrors, undergoing daily and deadly bombing attacks and was
consistently losing its precious children to the seemingly unstoppable
Nazi war machine, caused England to, truly, “never give in”.

It was also true that Churchill was for a long time the lone voice in
England demanding that appeasement not be the British policy with
regard to her enemies. It was true as well that the Prime Minister,
against tremendous opposition, was demanding that his nation take
immediate and necessary steps not only to arm and defend itself, but to
take aggressive military action against the enemy.

It was at this time that one of the most decisive changes in the world in which Churchill lived occurred, and that was the emergence of
the United States as a major world power. Churchill’s relationship with
his mother’s homeland is a perennially fascinating one, and one which
spanned his entire life, from his schoolboy fascination with Buffalo
Bill, to his honorary American citizenship.

Churchill’s relationship with America was also many-layered. He viewed America and
his nation as being linked not only by history and language, but by
principle, as well. He also considered the United States and Britain
as being closely related politically; in fact, he often made references
to joint Anglo-American action incorporating the political and legal
documents of the two nations as emphasizing the common traditions and
goals of the two peoples. Winston Churchill was fully aware of his
“unceasing call to the world to order itself according to the political
principles of freedom,” and they were most especially those which were
the “legacies of the Anglo-American political tradition.”

It is perhaps enlightening at this particular juncture to recall that the
first thing that Barack Hussein Obama did upon assuming the office of
the Presidency of the United States was to gratuitiously insult the
nation of Great Britain. He did this by publically returning to that
country the bust of Winston Churchill which had been an honored gift to
past Presidents, and which had for some time resided in a place of
honor in the White House.

This is the White House which is; in fact, OUR White House.

This Anglophopic amateur has then proceeded to insult the strongest ally we
have ever had, and on every occasion that he could. The most recent
insult consisted of Obama’s (sadly, thus the United States of
America’s) refusal to support Great Britain in that nation’s efforts to
protect British territory in the Falkland Islands. This action was
unprecedented in the over two-century-old history of the United States
and its mother country, yet another inglorious first on the part of
Barack Hussein Obama as a leader of America.
There are too many inspirational quotes from the speeches of Sir Winston Churchill (the man Obama despises), (actually the same way he
feels about the United States of America), to recount here, (can we
come up with a single inspirational remark by this current pathetic
excuse for an American leader?), but from among these we can find yet
another Churchill comment that applies to what we as Americans are
facing today:

“Danger, if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from
anything. Never.”

Like Winston Churchill in the 1930’s and 40’s, we, the American people, now stand alone. And this is – and it is
stunning to have to write these words – not only in spite of this
Administration, but mostly BECAUSE of our elected President’s efforts
to destroy the country we love. We are on our own, not only against
the tyranny of the left in this country and its sycophantic media, but
also against international Islamic terrorism. We have seen in the
actions of the left currently in power that they will stop at nothing
to turn
America into a Socialist/third world/Communist nation/utopia/banana republic. They will use any means, tell any
untruth, destroy any institution created to serve the American people,
and deliberately ignore or defy any of the rules established to govern
this nation for the more than 220 years of its history in order to
fundamentally transform the United States of America into what it was
never meant to be.

It was one man, who inspired the people of a brave little nation, to defeat the scourge of Nazism. We owe it not
only to our Founders, who gave us a free nation over 220 years ago, but
also to the remarkable spirit of our American relative, Winston
Churchill, to do what we have to do to defend and to preserve these

BE A :

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on May 2, 2010 at 8:53pm
Our new leaders are being formed, they're being groomed, they're going through mental conditioning by the enemy. In a lot of these emerging leaders, they themselves no NOT of their future importance of the mission they will be called upon to execute from start to finish. The enemy has yet to darken our history with yet it's worst series of attempts to reduce our freedoms and cracking of the foundations of our liberties. These are our basic national qualities which have formed the bulwarks from within which heroes come forth.
I'm excited for our future. Our leaders are here amongst us gathering their power to lead and feeling for the direction which will return this nation to the pinnacle of power and leadership of the world.
Our enemies are already formulating and making their attempts at deception and they ridicule ANYBODY who doesn't fit their own designs of a future of negligent homicide, tearing apart 200 years of governance. They have already succeeded in amassing trillions of dollars of debt for our grand- children's generation to pay. You need know no more than that to understand that the leadership in power now is completely wrong for our nation. It's GOT to go, it's up to us.
Comment by P. Miller on May 2, 2010 at 5:05pm
Absolutely Great Phillip! Well said and thanks for those encouraging words!
What has happened to all of our Winston Churchills and Geo. Washingtons? I always say, if we had to fight world war two again we would be sunk! There are too many bleeding hearts and people running the country who want to fight a war but not to win. What is that all about? We all have to examine ourselves and ask if we are like the Churchills and Washingtons, or are we like church mice who just try to hide in the corner and hope it will all go away?
Absolutely never run away from trouble! Meet it face to face and head on! When we run away like cowards, it will only be worse the next time you have to face it. Brave men die only once but a coward dies many deaths.






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