NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

The TEA PARTY exists, their representatives were elected and sent to Washington and then what?

Under GOP House, Federal Debt Has Increased $6,766 Per Household


Americans who follow the workings of our government -- even if only casually -- presumably know that the Republican Party took control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the November 2010 elections.

Fewer likely know that the Republican-controlled House gained a veto over federal spending on March 4, 2011.

Fewer still may know that from March 4, when the Republican-controlled House gained that veto over spending, through Nov. 14, the national debt increased by $795,257,695,953.36.

That works out to about $6,766 each for what the Census Bureau estimates are 117,538,000 American households.

Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution says: "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law." That means that unless both houses of Congress approve legislation that authorizes the executive branch to spend money, the executive branch cannot spend that money.

In December of last year, the lame-duck Democrat-controlled Congress approved, and President Barack Obama signed, a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded through March 4 of this year.

On Jan. 5, the new House of Representatives convened. A Republican-majority took control of the chamber and elected Rep. John Boehner of Ohio speaker of the House.

On March 1, the Republican-majority House approved a continuing resolution to keep the government-funded from March 4 through March 18. Since then, Republican congressional leaders have negotiated a series of continuing resolutions with President Obama and congressional Democrats to keep the government funded.

The latest continuing resolution will expire Friday, and the Republicans will pass yet another spending bill they will have negotiated with the Democrats.

Since March 4, federal spending has no longer been a Democrat-only responsibility -- as it essentially was in the previous Congress. Since March 4, federal spending has been the result of a Republican-Democrat partnership.

Liberals and establishment media figures often decry "gridlock" in Washington and suggest the system does not work because Congress does not enact more legislation.

But what we have had in Washington this year is the opposite of gridlock. We have had free-flowing spending, authorized by legislation approved by the leaders of both parties. This spending has far outstripped the significant tax revenues the government has extracted during the period from working Americans and has driven the nation vastly deeper into debt.

At the close of business on March 4, when the first Republican-backed CR took effect, the federal debt stood at $14,182,627,184,881.03. That equaled about $120,664 for every household in the country.

By the close of business on Nov. 14, the federal debt had climbed to $14,977,884,880,834.39. That equaled about $127,430 for every household in the country -- or an increase of about $6,766 per household during the period the Republican House had an effective veto over federal spending.

During that time, House Speaker Boehner also negotiated a deal with President Obama to increase the legal limit on the national debt by as much as $2.4 trillion.

What did House Republicans get in return for sending President Obama a series of must-sign continuing resolutions that allowed the federal debt to climb by $6,766 per household in less than eight months?

Did they include language in any of these must-sign spending bills that prohibited funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which subsidizes liberal talk radio and television? No, they did not.

Did they include language in any of these must-sign spending bills that prohibited federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading abortion provider? No, they did not.

Did they include language in any of these must-sign spending bills that prohibited funding for the implementation of Obamacare? No, they did not.

Because the Republicans did not defund the implementation of Obamacare, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was able to issue an Obamacare regulation in August that will require every health care plan in America to cover sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including abortifacients.

This regulation blatantly violates the right to freedom of conscience of every American who understands that abortion takes a human life.

It is a direct attack on the Catholic Church, which is well-known for its moral teachings against artificial contraception and sterilization.

A perfect storm is brewing in American life. The liberal assaults on our economic and religious liberty are converging.

We are as much in need of great leaders today as at anytime in our history. We will not find them among those who now run Congress.


The worst example of Republican lack of political will and back bone was the "debt ceiling" negotiation between Obama with the democrat machine and John Boehner trying to lead the conservatives. We all KNOW who won that one!

We need TERM LIMITS and we need conservatives with a clear idea of how to vote for WE the People.

Views: 51


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Comment by Leon Ewers on November 17, 2011 at 11:06am
Cont . . .

So let's see, we have slime ball Jon Corzine, Ex-Goldman Sachs CEO - Ex-NJ Governor - Ex-senator of NJ and he worked for US treasury dept. Under Clinton.

Should we have bankers working for the US Treasury Dept? These people are ripping us off blind.
Comment by Leon Ewers on November 17, 2011 at 10:11am
Cont . . .

"heads-up" - to save their assets and leave regular people with the mess.

Jon Corzine used his strong Wall Street reputation to intimidate regulators in establishing the positions that ultimately doomed MF Global. That reputation was built upon always taking care of your friends and your biggest customers.

The next investigation should question whether Jon Corzine used his last days at MF Global to help his friends one last time -- as for me, I have no doubt.

Not Jon Corzine, Ex-Governor of NJ!!! Why is it that everything that guy touches turns to shit.

" As the Financial Times reported, the hundreds of millions in looted funds from customers’ accounts later “turned up at JPMorgan Chase, the failed broker-dealer’s custody bank.”"

OMG!!! JPMorgan. UGH, these bunch of asswipes are the lowest forms of life.

"Celente encouraged Americans to cash out of all gold ETFs and withdraw their funds from the bank because “they are going to steal all our money”.

The trends forecaster savaged MF Global CEO Jon Corzine, labeling him a “cheap SOB” who was responsible for the collapse because of his using customer funds to bet on losing European bonds.

“How come he’s not in jail, because he’s one of the white shoe boys from the Goldman Sachs crowd,” Celente fumed, . . ."
Comment by Leon Ewers on November 17, 2011 at 9:42am
" By the close of business on Nov. 14, the federal debt had climbed to $14,977,884,880,834.39. That equaled about $127,430 for every household in the country -- or an increase of about $6,766 per household during the period the Republican House had an effective veto over federal spending."

Oh heck who needs the government anymore anyways, the banks are just going to start stealing your money out right from now on. Let's just get rid of the middle man ok.

MF Global Looted Customers’ Accounts Via Internal Bank Run

Big players got warning ahead of time that financial broker was set to collapse

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Days before the doomed financial broker filed for bankruptcy, MF Global conducted “unexplained wire transfers” that led to a $900 million shortfall in client funds, leading customers like Gerald Celente to learn that their accounts had been looted and setting the precedent for internal bank runs as more big firms go bust.

According to Bloomberg, “Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world’s largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said.”

But the big boys got out just in time. Go figure.

So much about the collapse of MF Global, the international commodity firm, has revisited the worst sins of the 2008 financial meltdown. There's been outsized betting with other people's money using Wall Street created derivative instruments. Ongoing investigations now show that leverage in these wagers had even eclipsed the worst of the Lehman failure. As in 2008, there's been the total lack of oversight from regulatory agencies, as customer funds were diverted and used as collateral for Corzine's wagers and 50,000 accounts are now being moved without the cash that they came in with.

But perhaps the most stunning piece of news we're getting in the wake of the MF Global collapse is in the clients of the firm who managed to get away scot-free, with no freezing of accounts or capital --particularly the accounts of the mega-cap independent oil company Koch Industries, run by the politically active Koch brothers.

A recent report in Reuters has described the billions of dollars of client accounts that were withdrawn from MF Global in the last few weeks before their collapse, including 8 accounts from Koch industries engaged in oil trade that were transferred to Mizuho Securities after years of a steady and profitable relationship with MF. The Reuters piece concentrates on the possibilities of legal "clawback" of client money if the bankruptcy does not allow remaining client accounts to be made whole.

The Reuters piece misses the point.

Both the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were charged with overseeing MF Global, their clearing member. If we are to believe them, they had no idea of any difficulties within the firm before customer accounts went missing just a few days before the collapse. But someone clearly knew of the cratering positions and imminent collapse of MF Global, as billions of dollars of accounts were "coincidentally" withdrawn. And what do the Koch brothers say was the reason for these withdrawals? There's been no comment.

For those still battling the excesses of 2008 and those occupying Wall Street, this has been another proof of the inside, "fixed" operation of the financial markets. When banks go wrong, betting big with other people's money and losing, they can be sure of a bailout that guarantees their bonuses and businesses. And when firms are tailspinning to disaster, the richest and most financially influential partners are sure to get a phone call -- a
Comment by Leon Ewers on November 17, 2011 at 8:28am
" Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was able to issue an Obamacare regulation in August that will require every health care plan in America to cover sterilizations..."

So it seems like we are repeating history to me.
Comment by Leon Ewers on November 17, 2011 at 7:53am
Wow, is this what passes for journalism these days, *rolling eyes*, makes me want to puke.

" We are as much in need of great leaders today as at anytime in our history. We will not find them among those who now run Congress."

Ok first and foremost, we don't need no one to lead us. These people are our servants, not our leaders. They are elected to "take care of the peoples business" period. Not run amok, stealing every penny out from our pockets . . . Blah Blah Blah. I can list a thousand things here and not even put a fingerprint on the clear coat much less even scratch the paint.

Second, he goes on to talk about the national debt. This isn't we the peoples debt. This debt belongs to the banks and its about time we put these money changers in prison for theft amoung other things and the poli-tricks-cians for violations of the RICO laws, patriot act, due proccesses, and violations of every law under the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

Name me one thing in the Constitution that these people have not violated and I can probably prove you wrong.

" Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was able to issue an Obamacare regulation in August that will require every health care plan in America to cover sterilizations..."

Here is another. This can and will lead to only one thing. Just ask this guy if you are having trouble fuguring it out . . .

Survivor of Nazi Sterilization Experiments Says $8,000 Isn't Enough

Wed, 19 Nov 2003

Simon Rozenkier, now 75, a survivor of Nazi medical experiments has filed a lawsuit two German pharmaceutical giants, against Bayer and Schering, who supplied the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele with "experts" and the experimental drugs used to sterilize him.

Dr. Jay Lifton, author of "The Nazi Doctors" notes, "Certainly there was widespread sterilization and castration, and all this was part of a distorted racial vision that sought to destroy the capacity to reproduce in ostensibly inferior races and especially Jews."
Comment by gmiller on November 16, 2011 at 1:18pm

One needs to be able to know the difference between real Tea Party candidates we elected and those who we merely supported because they aren't Democrats, which was most of them.  There are only 50-55 Tea Party Congressmen in the House and far fewer in the Senate.

We also need to realize that party rules tend to favor incumbents, so it is quite difficult to remove RINO's in most states. For example, does Boehner have a serious primary opponent?

Yes, the Republicans signed off on a plan that would increase spending $7 TRILLION. It is possible that the national debt could approach $17 TRILLION by election day. Plus, unfunded liabilities are going up every day. Who knows how much the Fed has increased QE and bailouts over the incredible $16 TRILLION already admitted? Wow, are we in deep @#%^! or what?






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