NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

King George Soros; Obama’s Puppeteer Who Leads “Shadow Party” Within The
United States.
How many Americans have heard of the Shadow Party?
How many Americans truly know George Soros’ goals in destroying the United
How many people know that most of Obama’s millions during his campaign for
Presidency actually were bundled into the “Shadow Party”?
A bit of history:
“The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but
the capitalist threat.”
George Soros
February 1997
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”
George Soros
June 2006
“The separation of church and state, the bedrock of our democracy, is clearly
undermined by having a born-again President.”
 George Soros
October 18, 2004
 “I have known George Soros for a long time now [...] We need people like George
Soros, who is fearless, and willing to step up when it counts.”
Hillary Clinton
June 3, 2004
Who pulls the levers of power in America?
America is under attack. But the principal culprits are not foreign terrorists.
They are a cabal of influential and powerful Americans who have formed a secret
party within the Democratic Party, led by radical billionaire George Soros.
This Shadow Party seeks to undermine the War on Terror, destabilize the nation,
and effect radical “regime change” in America.
New York Times best-selling authors David Horowitz and Richard Poe (both former
radicals) weave together riveting history, investigative reporting, and cutting
political analysis to help expose and explain:
       * The Shadow Party’s plan to rewrite the US Constitution.
       * How the Shadow Party overthrows foreign governments – and why it may attempt
to use the same methods here.
       * The vast network of private think tanks, foundations, unions, stealth PACs,
and other front groups through which the Shadow Party operates in America.
       * The network’s voluminous contributions to the Democrats, which totaled more
than $300 million in the 2004 elections, and its growing influence over the
party’s message and policy.
       * The politicians on both sides of the aisle who have exchanged political
favors with George Soros and his “government-in-the-wings.”
       * The Shadow Party’s efforts to conceal its radical agenda behind the
“moderate” pose of Hillary Clinton and other public figures.
       * The radical network’s plan to seize power in 2008.
A battle is raging for the future of America, and the forces of the insurgent
left have masked themselves behind the mainstream façade of the Democratic
Who’s Who in the Shadow Party :
An index of significantpeople and organizations discussed in The Shadow Party by
David Horowitz and Richard Lawrence Poe.
The list is LONG.  Go here:
As of 2004
The so-called “Shadow Democratic Party,” or “Shadow Party,” is a nationwide
network of more than five-dozen unions, non-profit activist groups, and think
tanks whose agendas are ideologically to the left, which are engaged in
campaigning for the Democrats.
 Its activities include fundraising, get-out-the-vote drives, political
advertising, opposition research, and media manipulation.

The Shadow Party was conceived and organized principally by George Soros,
Hillary Clinton and Harold McEwan Ickes – all identified with the Democratic
As of August 2004, the husband-wife team of George Soros and Susan Soros had
contributed $13,120,000 to Shadow Party groups and operations, second only to
Soros’ longtime friend and collaborator, insurance mogul Peter B.
Lewis($14,175,000). The third leading donor was Jane Fonda ($13,085,750),
followed by Hollywood producer Stephen Bingin fourth place ($9,869,014). Other
major funders of the Shadow Party include the Tides Foundationand the Open
Society Institute.

Wall Street billionaire George Soros is the Shadow Party’s principal founder and

Clear hints of Soros’ intentions began to appear as early as the 2000 election.
It was then that Soros (shouldering about one-third of the cost) sponsored the
so-called “Shadow Conventions.” Organized by author, columnist, and socialite
Arianna Huffington, the Shadow Conventions were media events designed to lure
news crews from the real party conventions that year. Huffington held her
“Shadow Conventions” at the same time and in the same cities as the Republican
and Democratic Conventions, in Philadelphia and Los Angeles respectively, and
featured leftwing critics of mainstream politics. The Shadow Conventions
promoted Huffington’s view that neither Democrats nor Republicans served the
interests of the American people any longer. In Huffington’s view, U.S. politics
needed a third force to break the deadlock.Mumia” chants from the crowd and an
incendiary tirade by Jesse Jackson. A former conservative, Huffington told
reporters, “I have become radicalized.”
Among the issues highlighted at the Shadow Conventions were racism, class
inequality, marijuana legalization and campaign finance reform.
It was during the 2000 election that Soros first experimented with raising
campaign funds through Section 527 groups. In preparation for the 2000 election,
Soros assembled a team of wealthy Democrat donors to help him push two of his
pet issues – gun control and marijuana legalization. Their donations greatly
exceeded the limits on political contributions stipulated by campaign finance
laws. Soros therefore laundered their contributions through Section 527 groups —
dubbed “stealth PACs,” by the media of that time.
More importantly, Soros discovered in Hillary Clintonan ideological soulmate.
Mrs. Clinton shared his aversion to U.S. “hegemony.” Like Soros, she sought to
subordinate U.S. interests to global interests; U.S. sovereignty to global
government; U.S. law to global courts; U.S. wealth to global taxation; and U.S.
productivity to a scheme for global income redistribution. She also shared
Soros’ hostility to Israel. Soros and Mrs. Clinton formed a friendship based
upon their mutual beliefs. When the Clintons left office, Soros dedicated
himself to restoring Hillary to the White House. experience in effecting “regime
change.” He helped fund the 1989 “Velvet Revolution” that brought Vaclav Havel
to power in the Czech Republic. By his own admission, he has helped engineer
coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia and Yugoslavia. When Soros targets a country
for “regime change,” he begins by creating a shadow government — a fully formed
government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises. The
Shadow Party Soros has built in America greatly resembles those he has created
in other countries, prior to instigating a coup.

Hillary Clinton tries to minimize the depth of her involvement with the Center
for American Progress. But persistent press leaks confirm that she — and not its
official President, John Podesta – has ultimate authority at CAP. ”It’s the
official Hillary Clinton think tank,” an inside source confided to Christian
Bourge of United Press International. As Robert Dreyfuss notes in The Nation,
“In looking at Podesta’s center, there’s no escaping the imprint of the
Clintons. It’s not completely wrong to see it as a shadow government, a kind of
Clinton White-House-in-exile — or a White House staff in readiness for President
Hillary Clinton.”

Dreyfuss notes the abundance of Clintonites on the Center’s staff, among them
Clinton’s national security speechwriter Robert Boorstin; Democratic Leadership
Council staffer and former head of Clinton’s National Economic Council Gene
Sperling; former senior advisor to Clinton’s Office of Management and Budget
Matt Miller; and more. Dreyfuss writes: “[T]he Center’s kickoff conference on
national security in October [2003], co-organized with The American Prospect and
the Century Foundation, looked like a Clinton reunion, featuring Robert Rubin,
Clinton’s Treasury Secretary;  William Perry, his Defense Secretary;  Sandy
Berger, his National Security Adviser; Richard Holbrooke and Susan Rice, both
Clinton-era Assistant Secretaries of State; Rodney Slater, his Transportation
Secretary; and Carol Browner, his EPA administrator, who serves on the
Center’s board of directors.” Hillary Clinton also attended the event, Dreyfuss
To develop the Shadow Party as a cohesive entity, Harold Ickes undertook the
task of building a 21st-century version of the Left’s traditional alliance of
the “oppressed,” the disgruntled, and the “disenfranchised.” He formed a
coalition of pro-abortion activists, leftwing minority groups and leftwing labor
unions. By the time Ickes was done, he had created or helped to create six new
groups, and had co-opted a seventh called Together, they constitute
the administrative core of the Shadow Party. They are: America Coming
Together; America Votes; the Center for American Progress; Joint Victory
Campaign 2004; The Media Fund;; and the Thunder Road Group.
George Soros described how he had jump-started the Shadow Party in the summer of
2002. The Wall Street billionaire told how he summoned a team of political
strategists, activists and Democrat donors to his Southampton beach house in
Long Island. According to The Washington Post, attendees included: Morton H.
Halperin(Director of Soros’ Open Society Institute); John Podesta (Democrat
strategist and former Clinton chief of staff); Jeremy Rosner (Democrat
strategist and pollster, ex-foreign policy speechwriter for Bill Clinton, and
former special advisor to Secretary of State Madeline Albright on NATO; Robert
Boorstin (Democrat strategist and pollster, ex-national security speechwriter
for Clinton, and former advisor to Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin); Carl
Pope(ACT co-founder, Democrat strategist, environmentalist, and Sierra
ClubExecutive Director); Steve Rosenthal(Labor leader, CEO of America Coming
Together, former chief advisor on union matters to Clinton Labor Secretary
Robert Reich, former Deputy Political Director under DNC chairman Ron Brown, and
AFL-CIO Political Director from 1996 – 2002); Peter Lewis(major Democrat donor
and insurance entrepreneur, and founder and chairman of Progressive
Corporation); Rob Glaser (major Democrat donor and Silicon Valley pioneer);
Ellen Malcolm (co-founder and president of ACT and founder of Emily’s List); Rob
McKay (major Democrat donor, Taco Bell heir, and McKay Family Foundation
President; Lewis and Dorothy Cullman (major Democrat donors, and founders of the
Lewis and Dorothy Cullman Foundation in New York).
At the meeting, Soros laid out his plan to defeat President Bush. He began
implementing his plan before the meeting had adjourned. Blumenfeld writes:
“Standing on the back deck, the evening sun angling into their eyes, Soros took
aside Steve Rosenthal, CEO of the liberal activist group America Coming Together
(ACT), and Ellen Malcolm, its president. They were proposing to mobilize voters
in 17 battleground states. Soros told them he would give ACT $10 million. …
Before coffee the next morning, his friend Peter Lewis, chairman of the
Progressive Corp., had pledged $10 million to ACT. Rob Glaser, founder and CEO
of RealNetworks, promised $2 million. Rob McKay, President of the McKay Family
Foundation, gave $1 million, and benefactors Lewis and Dorothy Cullman committed
$500,000. Soros also promised up to $3 million to Podesta’s new think tank, the
Center for American Progress.
New groups are constantly being formed in the Shadow Party, while others vanish.
To determine how many groups exist in the Shadow Party at any given time is
difficult. Even more daunting is try to determine the purpose of each group. In
some cases, groups seem to have no function other than to transfer funds from
one 527 to another, perhaps in order to obscure the money trail. On December 10,
2003, for instance, a 527 group called the Sustainable World Corporation
suddenly sprang into existence in Houston, Texas. Within days of its birth, it
gave $3.1 million to the Joint Victory Campaign 2004, which in turn disbursed
half of the payment to Harold Ickes’ Media Fund.
As of 2004, an alphabetical list of Shadow Party groups included the following:
Air America Radio; America Coming Together; America Votes; American Constitution
Society; American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations;
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; American
Federation of Teachers; Anshell Media; Association of Community Organizations
for Reform Now [ACORN]; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Band of
Progressives; Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; Campaign for a Progressive
Future; Campaign for America’s Future; Center for American Progress; Clean Water
Action; Communication Workers of America; The Constitution Project; DASH PAC;
Defenders of WildlifeAction Fund; Democracy for America; Democratic Governors
Associations; Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee; Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee; Dog Eat Dog Films; EMILY’s List; Environment 2004;
Gore/Lieberman Recount Committee; Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees
International Union; the Human Rights Campaign; INdTV; International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers; Joint Victory Campaign 2004; Laborers International Union
of North American; League of Conservation Voters; New Democrat Network; The
Media Fund; Media Matters for America; Million Mom March; Moving America
Forward;; Music for America; National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People; NARAL Pro-Choice America; National Education Association;
National Grassroots Alliance; National Jewish Democratic Council; National
Treasury Employees Union; New American Optimists; New Democrat Network;
Partnership for America’s Families; People for the American Way; Phoenix Group;
Planned Parenthood; Pro-Choice Vote; Service Employees International Union;
Sheet Metal Workers International Association; Sierra Club; The Thunder Road
Group; United Food & Commercial Workers Union; United Progressive Alliance;
USAction; Vagina Votes; Voices for Working Families; Vote for Change; Young
Voter Alliance; and 21st Century Democrats.
George Soros Funding New Liberal Advocacy Group (2/10/2008) Billionaire
financier George Soros is contributing $2.5 million to a new political
organization that promotes Democratic causes in the 2008 elections.

A year-end campaign report filed with the IRS and uncovered by The New York
Times confirmed an earlier Newsmax report disclosing that the group, Fund for
America, was organized by Taco Bell heir Rob McKay, former Clinton White House
Chief of Staff John Podesta, and Anna Burger of the Service Employees
International Union.

The SEIU matched Soros’ contribution.
Newsmax reported in November that the liberal activists had joined forces to
form the so-called 527 group — named for a section of the tax code that allows
such an organization to attempt to influence elections as long as it discloses
donors and expenses.

Fund for America is expected to air television ads and take other political
action designed to help Democrats win the White House and retain control of
Congress, Andrew Malcolm of the Los Angeles Times reported. The organization
will also focus on direct mail and door-to-door canvassing.
George Soros, at first, backed Hillary Clinton for President in 2008.  Soros
then realized that Barack Obama had the rhetoric, the speaking ability and the
nuance to have millions back him for President.  George Soros then decided to
back Obama for the Presidency.
ANY American in the right mind can put “two and two” together.  By bundling
money through his 527 PACs, Soros was able to hide under the FEC radar thus
pumping millions into Barack Obama’s campaign.  Is it any wonder WHY Obama
picked Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State.  After all Hillary Clinton is
PRO WORLD GLOBALIZATION and will work with the UNITED NATIONS to affect
America’s sovereignty.

George Soros’ dream is a WORLD without borders! Free border crossings, drugs,

George Soros needs to be exposed for the manipulator he is  in the attack
against the sovereignty of America.

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