NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
To All of my Good Friends here at 'Real Conservatives',
I just looked at comments about Glenn Besk and was surprised and disapointed in how quickly people are willing not only to dissavow someone they once completely agreed with but how completely they are willing to turn viciously against them.
Are we all so desperate for a 'savior'....a 'lifeline', that we are willing to rip to shreds someone we believed just yesterday to be one of the only persons who could lead us out of the mess we and our country and the rest of the world have ALLOWED ourselves to be placed in?
We fight among ourselves....we, who supposedly AGREE with one another about MINUTIA...........all the SMALL STUFF and totally lose sight of what it most important and that is to restore US to the original intent of our Founding Fathers...the RULE of LAW and our wonderful Constitution.
Has it occurred to ANY of you that this is EXACTLY what the 'opposition' intends for us to do??!!??!!??!! Have ANY of you paid attention to the 'talking points' from the left? If nothing else they are CONSISTANT and UNITED in both their intent and their message.
We THINK that we are [seemingly] outnumbered but are we? I think NOT! I believe, in my heart of hearts, that there are far MORE of 'us' then 'them'. I believe that God is on our side...........but we need to chill out..........BREATHE...........and believe that He will help us defeat the evil we are faced with........IFwe can trust in Him enough and can HONESTLY say "THY WILL BE DONE"...He will protect this only Nation on Earth created in His Name.
Thomas Jefferson said "A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of the spirit".
We can always agree to disagree in trivial is VITAL that we choose those things which are most important to us and our families, we must most greedily hold the principles most important to the continuation of "us" as a free nation to be in the forefront of our hearts and minds.
Glenn Beck has been right more than he has been wrong in assessing the condition of our nation....has he made errors???? ABSOLUTELY! But if you REALLY LISTEN to him, he NEVER speaks in absolutes...he always encourages us to "Do your own homework". He has never claimed to be anything but what he IS......a flawed human being who is doing the best he can to TRY to help all of us.
I have often wondered, during my lifetime, if anyone would recognise a true prophet? More importantly.....would any of us recognise Jesus the Nazarine if He walked among us today?
In no way am I comparing Glenn to Jesus [nor would HE!!!] I am simply asking that all of us SLOW DOWN and LISTEN. PLEASE STOP adjusting our thoughts-opinions-decisions on sound bites and snippets. Our communications are rapid fire and I do not believe that any of our minds work efficiently at 'warp speed'.
I believe that we, ALL of us, are frightened beyond anything we have ever been exposed to because we are witnessing the rapid distruction of everything we have known and all that we accepted as our future and the future of our progeny. However, FEAR will never serve us well........only courage and faith in God.
We all KNOW the difference between RIGHT & WRONG, GOOD & EVIL......we need to declare our 'side' and believe that RIGHT & GOOD will prevail over WRONG & EVIL.
God Bless & Love,
I called my Dish network provider back in 2010 and changed packages to one that specifically did not have Fox. Prior to that, I watched Beck religiously. If I wasn't home each day, I recorded it.
When he pushed for Rick Perry rather than Debra Medina for Texas governor, he lost me forever.
I have not been on this site bashing Beck at all, but since you started the discussion, I feel the need to respond how "I' feel about it...
Yes, Beck is right about a bunch of stuff. The best deceivers are. It is their true facts that get you glued.. make you "believe" and "trust", and then when it matters most, they have an "oops" moment. I no longer get news from the tv. I don't watch it because it's 99.9 percent propaganda.
Do what Beck says and "research". Maybe if people had done that, instead of listening to Beck, we would not have re-elected the buffoon, crony-capitalist, globalist governor that we have in Texas.
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