From the voters of Massachusetts came a stunning rebuke of President Barack Obama and his Democrat cohorts in Congress. Unmistakable was the clear and concise message shouted by Bay State voters across the political spectrum – WE DO NOT WANT SOCIALISM.
The repudiation of Obama’s socialist agenda began as a murmur of protest in the spring of 2009. During town hall meetings over that summer, the voices of citizens grew louder. For months, Tea Party protests drew millions of average Americans across the country, with over 2 million descending on Washington DC in September, according to National Park Service estimates. Obama and his Democrat congressional minions mocked the protesting citizenry. They expressed a lack of concern when in November the voters in Virginia and liberal New Jersey sent an anti-socialism shock wave throughout our body politic by electing Republicans as their governors.
Ignoring outraged citizens, Democrats on Christmas Eve passed the Senate version of their disastrous health care legislation, egregiously bribing senators for their votes, including the multi-million dollar payoffs to Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson and Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu. Blatantly dismissing Obama’s promise of transparency, Democrats proceeded to reconcile the Senate and House bills behind closed doors. Gleefully, Democrats sent a chilling message to the American public that there was nothing we could do to stop them.
Then came Scott Brown. A witty, down-to-earth guy from a small town, he traveled his state in a pickup truck, clearly articulating the dissatisfaction of Americans across the country. Seeking to capture the seat that Senator Ted Kennedy held for nearly a half century and that had not been held by a Republican in over three and a half decades, Brown boldly proclaimed that he would be the 41st vote against ObamaCare. He stated plainly that he would vote to halt the Democrats’ spending our nation into bankruptcy, giving billions of bailout dollars to corporations, and providing terrorists the same rights and privileges afforded American citizens. His message resonated well with the freedom-loving people of Massachusetts, the home of the Boston Tea Party of 1773 and the 1775 Concord shot that was heard around the world, the genesis of our nation’s blood-soaked journey to independence.
So, how did Obama and the Democrats respond to the Massachusetts earth-shattering vote that reverberated around our nation? They resolved to double down and cram down ObamaCare, gambling that Americans love entitlements more than they love freedom. A lesson Democrats learned from black Americans who consistently vote for Democrats in exchange for government handouts, even though the Democrats’ socialist policies have turned black communities into economic and social cesspools. A video posted on the Internet “Detroit in RUINS! (Crowder goes Ghetto)”
provides a look at the type of devastation all of America will face, unless the voters in around the country rebel as urged in the video “America Rising: An Open Letter To The Democrats” and repeat in November the Massachusetts Miracle of January.
Frances Rice is a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, a lawyer and chairman of the National Black Republican Association. She may be contacted at: www.NBRA.Info
It's surreal to see President Obama not get it! He refuses to listen to the people, and continues full-board with disastrous policies that are bankrupting our country, leading to increased job loss and making our country less safe.
Even if they stop what they are doing and start to act like they care, they must still be flipped. It will be a ploy to hold on to their seats. We must not be fooled, and they must get our message.
Comment by P. Miller on January 21, 2010 at 8:02pm
I don't think they will be ignoring us much longer! Not if they plan to keep their jobs!
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