NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


That he can lie, is not what is amazing.  That it comes so easy to him is what is beyond interesting.  But what is worse, is that the reactions to his rhetoric about immigration are so predictable as to be pathetic.

That he drips of sarcasm as he jokes about building a moat with alligators in it is bizarre.  He is, after all, the President.

But it is beyond the pale that he would resort to such analogies, which just oozed sarcasm, and in such a venue as El Paso, Texas.

One can only wonder and marvel at the blatant revelations of a personality disorder that should not apply to a head of state.  Sometimes it just slips out.  The Narcissim is just too overpowering to hold back the torrent.  Does he really think no one can see?

The President was defending legislation that he is proposing that will essentially give amnesty and then citizenship to millions of illegal aliens, when he knows full well that his policies, (and those of previous administrations) long ago decided to grant amnesty to illegal aliens inspite of what the majority of Americans want.

You see, if you and a Liberal fight about immigration, you will not notice that your illustrious leaders have already granted amnesty by the sheer fact that not only do they ignore the law of the land; not only do they refuse to enforce the laws already on the books about illegal immigration, they have also taken legal action against those who would attempt to enforce the law, AND have invited foreign governments to join in the fray.

It is in fact, a de-facto amnesty, amnesty by default, and because it violates the laws of the land, it is also a criminal enterprise, which is being perpetuated at the expense of legal citizens from one end of the nation to the other.

And it's not just a political faction of America thumbing its nose at the legal citizens:  Even those who so charmingly laughed at the joker's jokes are being taken for the proverbial ride, for they also have to pay the additional costs for goods and services that are included in perpetuating the Amnesty by Default.  That those being led by their noses to agree that defacto amnesty is a good cause, allow it... is a testimonial to the craftiness with which this criminal enterprise is being advanced.

Consider the following:  With a defacto amnesty the business community gets a pool of labor much cheaper than they would have if they were properly hiring legal citizens to do the work.

This is alone is beyond outrageous.  Just a few years ago during the building boom in Houston, Texas, the highly skilled, efficient, well organized, well-oiled construction machine, which was erecting Houston's office buildings and constructing thousands of homes in the suburbs, was not staffed by Americans, but with hundreds, if not thousands of foreign workers.  This was so much the case, that in at least five instances this reporter found that legal citizens were being turned away in favor of illegal aliens. The foreman doing the hiring in those cases was usually an illegal alien.

In at least three instances in casual conversation with three different contractors, the "boss" in each case was quick to point out: "Well, they (illegal aliens) are cheaper. They show up for work. They don't call in sick.  I don't have to go to their houses to drag them out of bed, because they are hung-over. I only have to tell them or show them how to do something once, and if I tell them to do something a certain way, that's the way they do it. They don't complain about the heat. And they have fewer accidents and are more efficient."

They each noted their love for their country, but their bottom line was always that business was business.  The contempt for "legal" workers, however, could not be overlooked.

This reporter found it interesting that the workers with which he had contact appeared to have "their papers in order."  Yet they were obviously here illegally.  And on more than one occasion it was discovered that certain individuals had a social security number for being employed, another social security number for being unemployed, and another social security number for being unable to work, i.e. to collect disability insurance.

Granted, not all illegal aliens are involved in such extensive fraud, but it is there, and it certainly adds to the cost of the defacto amnesty.

The Unions benefit from this defacto amnesty, at least in part because there is an increased demand for teachers, who must be hired to cover the increased enrollment in public schools of the children of illegal aliens.  In Las Vegas alone, can you venture to say what the percentage of workers in the hospitality field, such as restaurants, hotels, casinos, are not actually members of a Union?  How many of those do you think are illegal workers?

Consider also that legal citizens do not spend their money in China (unless you shop at China-Mart or a similar business).

The money they spend tends to be spent in their own neighborhoods at local businesses, adding to the enhancement of their communities.  Illegal aliens, however, send their money to their home country to support their families, and so the benefit of their labor contributions are invested, not here in America, but elsewhere.  This extraction of wealth is akin to being "colonized" by foreign entities, and it smacks at least in part, of an earlier period in American history, when the wealth of the colony was being confiscated and sent abroad to our British colonizers.  While some would argue that the percentage of money that is sent abroad is not significant, I beg to differ, because the extraction is not simply measured in the dollar amount, but the lack of investment in communities has a multiplying effect in that there is less revenue for the expansion of businesses and that can be measured in a loss of creation of jobs, which means less wealth is being generated as a result.

And then, of course, there is the cost of the illegal aliens being, well.... illegal.  They tend to be poorer, and they tend to  be housed in poorer communities, and the cost of those communities in terms of other illegal activity also acts as a multiplier of the cost of a defacto amnesty.

And so by keeping the illegals here illegally, attacking those who would promote the enforcement of the law, creating the illusion that our President and his allies are the valiant protectors of the downtrodden, padding the palms of those who benefit from cheap labor and helping to drain revenue from the nation to empower another nation(s), helping the Unions, and keeping the unwitting and unwary in conflict and in a constant battle, the President and the pro-amnesty groups pretend to favor amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and are provided, thus, with an antagonistic opposition that they joke about and point to as evil perpetrators of exploitation, discrimination, and in some cases, racism.

How convenient is that?

The crass audacity, and the severe images of the joker President joking about immigration in El Paso, Texas are beyond the pale, when one considers that as he joked about the border being safe, in the background, just across the Rio Grande from where he spoke, the neighborhoods were stained with the bloody trail of bodies massacred at the hands of the murderous cartels warring with each other for the spoils and the benefits of the defacto amnesty just across the border.

Who would be so unable to empathize with such a tragedy?  Who could be so insensitive?  Who would stand there in front of thousands and ridicule that situation, without noticing the carnage occurring a mere mile from where he stood.

Only the Joker President could do so.


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Comment by okpatriot on May 14, 2011 at 11:28am
A habitual liar must continually tell lies in order to cover up the last set of lies that were told.
Comment by okpatriot on May 14, 2011 at 11:22am
He is a joke and a disgrace!!!
Comment by Sandra on May 12, 2011 at 5:14pm

Now I read in my local paper the Dream Act is back in the Senate for discussion or whatever, here we go.... This crappy idea zero has, is all about votes! We all know that.

I would not be surprised he does something about the gas prices and whatever else just before election and on top of that he has a lot of money ala Chicago corruption...

Finding a true conservative is going to be very difficult. Not one running as yet. They all have issues. Not to mention the media is not going to give anyone a break that is a conservative..

Comment by Kathryn Ball on May 12, 2011 at 12:03pm


Very well stated! Thank you, VANGUARD.

When I heard the parts of Obama's speech you referenced in this piece I wished someone there could have slapped him or at leased washed his mouth out with some nasty tasting soap!

I think that what we are actually seeing here in not simply his Narcissism slipping through the "COOL" but a real effort to pander to what he and the progressive dems see as the new, dependable voting block for 2012.

With the TEA Party Movement has come the move to the forefront of some amazing, conservative Black men and women who are speaking out to the Black Communities accross this country and encouraging autonomy rather than continued dependence on hand-outs from the plastic polititians who have kept them on the welfare plantation for far too long.

Many Black voters are also disapointed in Barack Obama and they too have found him to be nothing more than a skilled liar who will say one thing to get what he wants with absolutely NO intention of delivering on his promises to separate groups.

2012 is going to be about the economy and Mr O has been an abysmal failure in that department. It doesn't appear that anyone in his cabinet will be able to turn it around before it plummets over the cliff.

I just hope and pray that the Republican Nominee isn't another McCain or someone the main stream media chooses. We need a true CONSERVATIVE who loves this country, who sees her as a shining city on a hill and who will help to lead her back to the correct path. That cannot possibly be accomplished by one person......we ALL MUST contribute to this effort..........our apathy contributed to our current position.

Comment by Sandra on May 11, 2011 at 10:09pm
He told an out and out lie! There is only 4.3 miles of fence finished! A long cry from what the idiot said. Any time his lips move you can bet it is a fat lie!






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