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The Easiest Job Is Ascertaining Key Deficiencies in the Obama Jobs Bill and Speech

The American Jobs Act: Another pass now view later bill

The Easiest Job Is Ascertaining Key Deficiencies in the Obama Jobs Bill and Speech

 Aaron I. Reichel, Esq.  Friday, September 9, 2011
Perhaps the best thing about Obama’s latest proposed jobs bill – The American Jobs Act­is that it has been drafted at a time when one would expect him to be able to truly empathize with his fellow Americans who have lost their jobs or who fear losing them, since he seems poised as never before to lose his own. Now he can finally give the appearance of being able to feel the pain and desperation of his fellow Americans. But feeling the pain isn’t what we need. We need a leader who can prevent the conditions that lead to this pain.

At the very outset of Obama’s historic speech promoting this Act to a joint session of Congress, he demonstrated how out of touch he is with those who are truly in pain, when he referred to the economic crisis “that has left millions of our neighbors jobless.” A truly empathetic speaker would refer to “millions of us” or even “millions of Americans”; not to millions of our neighbors. Actually, our neighbors from Mexico are getting many of the jobs that used to go to Americans before Obama expanded our country’s open sieve policy at the border with Mexico.

One of the centerpieces of Obama’s proposed legislation is his repeated offer of tax breaks for companies that hire new employees. The most glaring loophole of this proposal is that it motivates employers to subtly and deviously find false pretenses (or even technically legitimate reasons) to fire existing employees and then to hire replacements and get not only tax breaks but also the benefits of paying entry level salaries rather than higher salaries, and eliminating existing contributions to profit-sharing accounts upon hiring replacements whose rights to such contributions will not have vested. Companies should be rewarded for improving the quality and quantity of their employees; not for reducing their quality without necessarily increasing their numbers.

When it comes to numbers, Obama repeatedly claimed that this bill has already been paid for, while in the same speech (if not quite in the same breath) he conceded that his way of claiming it was paid for was to tack it onto the mandate of the previously created “super committee” of members of Congress who are charged with trimming the national debt by over a trillion dollars in the future, which may result in the wholesale elimination of far more jobs than will be created by the presently proposed jobs bill, especially considering the failed record of Obama’s previous “stimulus” bills in sucking billions of dollars from the taxpayers and then only adding to the unemployment rate in our country. It would seem to be the ultimate fraud to claim that the currently proposed jobs act was paid for when it will be given over to members of Congress to first decide how to pay for it, especially considering that the former popularity of Congress has plummeted even lower than the former popularity of Obama.

Obama stated that the people of this country work hard. Actually, the unions that support him are notorious for making sure that their members do NOT have to work as hard as their colleagues who have to be worried about losing their jobs if they under perform. Many people in this country WANT to work hard, but do not have the opportunity to do so due to Obama’s policies.

Obama’s previous legislation to stimulate the economy promised “shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t materialize. He certainly has earned our distrust, if anything, that this next set of jobs will be any better or will materialize any sooner. Actually, there are more than enough DRILL-ready jobs available, were Obama only to let Americans be Americans, and make the most of our land of opportunity in terms of off-shore drilling of wells that will instead be exploited by people from other countries less concerned about environmental safeguards than our country, not to mention the vast shale oil deposits in the “lower 48 states” and the oil beneath the frozen tundra in our country’s huge 49th state to the north.

Obama stated that we can’t afford wasteful spending, yet his White House personal staff is one of the largest in history, as well as his entourages accompanying him on his globetrotting “working vacations” which often stimulate economies of foreign countries.

Extending unemployment coverage is a good thing, for those who need it, in the short term, but studies have shown that the longer people remain unemployed, the less re-employable they become. Obama would do far more for unemployed people in the long run, directly as well as indirectly, were he to adopt the economic policies of his opponents, especially in the area of development of our country’s natural resources, which would employ huge numbers of Americans directly, and which would help the employment conditions of all other Americans indirectly by lowering the price of fuel significantly.

One of Obama’s competitors is being ridiculed by the pseudo-liberal media (I would never refer to the hypocrites who masquerade as liberals to be true to their claimed liberal values) for claiming that the price of gas could be brought down to under $2 per gallon, oblivious to the facts that this was what gas cost in America when Obama came to power, and this cost has more than doubled in the first couple of years of his administration.

Once again, as was the case with the “stimulus” bills and the “health care” bills, virtually everybody has only heard an outline of the bill as selectively edited by Obama’s speechwriters; virtually nobody has seen the bill in its entirety nor had a chance to analyze it, yet Obama clearly wants it passed “now,” even “right now,” which already means yesterday.

Obama never seems to learn from his many mistakes. We can only hope that the people of America will learn. Obama rushed his most unstimulating “stimulus” bill and his most sickening “health care” bill through Congress without giving the voters in Congress – let alone in the rest of the country­an opportunity to read and digest these mammoth pieces of legislation. He argued that the reason for his subversion of the democratic process (not his words) was the urgency of the implementation of these measures, even though many of them cynically were craftily crafted not to take effect until after the votes on his re-election in 2012. Sure enough, the most blatantly repeated words in his jobs speech was his mantra exhorting the repeatedly compliant members of Congress to pass the buck once again and “pass this bill.” It is hoped that this administration will pass into oblivion, and that this bill will not pass, at least not before it will be improved upon by the Republicans who will accept those features of it that were taken from them and that continue to alienate Obama’s dwindling and disappointed base.


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on September 10, 2011 at 6:35pm






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