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The Democrats’ own Reichstag Fire

Perfect opportunity for the Dems to initiate a coup with legislation that limits free speech, freedom of the press and other Constitutional guarantees

The Democrats’ own Reichstag Fire

 - Klaus Rohrich  Thursday, July 14, 2011

It’s February 1933.  Adolf Hitler has recently been appointed Chancellor of the Weimar Republic.  A mysterious fire breaks out at the German Parliament, known as the Reichstag and totally destroys the building. 

Near the scene of the fire a spaced-out Dutchman named Marinus van der Lubbe is taken into custody and it turns out he is a communist.  Authorities quickly convict van der Lubbe who is then executed for his “crime.”  But not before Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution is invoked, which gave Hitler total control of Germany and curtailed the country’s most basic rights, including the right to free expression, freedom of the Press, the right of free assembly, the right to secure postal and telephone communications, protection from illegal search and seizure, right to private property and the right of German states to self-government.
A supplemental decree added the creation of special police agencies such as the SS (Schutz Staffel , or protective echelon) and the SA (Sturm Abteilung, or Storm Troopers).

Fast-forward 73 years.  It’s 2006 and a reporter for News of the World, a British tabloid is caught by the Metropolitan Police intercepting voicemails intended for the Royals.  The reporter is tried and sent to jail in 2007.  The police continue to investigate and discover that News of the World has made hacking private voice mails a bad habit, as it is revealed that the hacking was widespread and indiscriminate.  News Corp., the owners of the paper do the honorable thing and on July 11, 2011 they close the 168 year-old publication, putting over 200 people out of work.

Always on the lookout for an opportunity to turn a crisis into a hard-to-swallow policy, the liberal establishment in the U.S. has seized the initiative to find cause to close down News Corp.’s holdings in America.  News Corp. assets have long been a thorn in the side of liberals, progressives and Democrats, as they include such luminaries as Fox News Network, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.  None of these news organs is particularly friendly toward the current occupant of the White House and they have been known to be highly critical of the Democrats’ efforts to introduce a socialist regimen into the American body politic.

Yesterday, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D. WV), who sits as chairman of the Senate’s commerce committee called for an inquiry into whether or not News Corp. had broken any U.S. laws.

“The reported hacking by News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals, including children, is offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics.  This raises serious questions about whether the company has broken U.S. law, and I encourage the appropriate agencies to investigate to make sure that Americans have not had their privacy violated,” the outraged Rockefeller sputtered.  Note the reference to “the children.”

His statement came following allegations by the British tabloid the Daily Mirror that News Corp. employees attempted to hire a New York private investigator to assist in hacking the voice mails of 9/11 victims.
This comes on the heels of John Podesta of Clinton Administration fame, circulating a petition calling for the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch investigations into News Corp.’s American operations.

So now the Democrats have their own Reichstag fire.  The dazed bystander this time isn’t a communist, but Rupert Murdoch, News Corp.’s owner, who like Conrad Black could wind up in jail after a kangaroo court brings in a quick conviction on complicated and bogus charges, leaving Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and other news outlets that Democrats don’t like in shambles.

In fact, this presents the perfect opportunity for the Dems to initiate a coup with legislation that limits free speech, freedom of the press and other Constitutional guarantees.  Here’s their opportunity to seize absolute power unopposed by the only media in America that has had the intestinal fortitude to publicly oppose their agenda.

Combined with legislation already in existence, such as the unfortunately named Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the creation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA, America’s answer to the SA), the elections of 2012 could well become moot with Obama becoming America’s first President for Life.  Given that a responsible fourth estate may no longer exist, this isn’t merely the musing of a professional paranoiac, but a distinct possibility.

We often wonder how it was possible for Hitler was able to assume power in Germany, the country that produced Goethe, Schubert, Handel and Beethoven.  The answer is that he was legally elected and used the law to render the German population powerless.  It’s not too far fetched for this to happen right here.

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