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The Battles on the UN Agenda 21 Front

Sustainable Living Roadshow

The Battles on the UN Agenda 21 Front

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Wednesday, October 26, 2011
As the battles against the green sustainability monster pushed by ICLEI and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) rage across the nation, ten communities have officially rejected membership in the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). 

Rep. Matt Shay reported the creation of an anti-UN Agenda 21 Caucus in the Washington State Legislature.

According to Tom DeWeese, following the latest rejections of ICLEI by James City County, VA and Lexington, VA, several more communities across the nation are making similar decisions.

The Wisconsin Legislature has introduced two bills (Assembly Bill 303 and Senate Bill 225) to “allow local governments to repeal comprehensive development plans that were forced under smart growth legislation.” “The bill eliminates the grant program that was set up to finance the smart growth planning.”(The American Policy Center)

Meanwhile, the Office of Sustainability Institute at George Mason University invited the “sustainability community” of Fairfax, Virginia, to the Sustainable Living Roadshow October 19, 2011. If you have no clue about the nature of this road show, it is safe to guess, it is environmental propaganda. I am still trying to understand the need for a sustainability institute at GMU, but then every government entity now has such an office or at least a sustainability plan.

When I saw the invitation, I began to understand the depth and length of brainwashing that the environmental minority is assaulting this country with in order to pass and promote their anti-American agenda.

“The Sustainable Living Roadshow is a caravan of educators and entertainers who tour the country in a fleet of renewable fuel vehicles setting up off-the-grid eco-carnivals with interactive learning villages at K-12 schools, universities, festivals and community events. These villages are designed to empower communities to utilize sustainable living strategies for a healthier planet.” 

The sponsors of the Sustainable Living Roadshow are an interesting mixture of corporations, stores, and environmental groups: Birkenstock, Nature’s Gate, Petzl, Hemp Oil Canada, Organic India, The Living Seed Company, Hemp Industries Association, Elemental Herbs, Natracare, and Synchro.

The Sustainable Living Roadshow website displayed pictures of energetic young people holding signs that read, “Toss out fossil fuels,” “We’re Ready, Green Jobs Now,” emphasizing a global culture, another element of UN Agenda 21, a powerful assault on impressionable minds to erase any trace of our culture, our nationality, our borders, our sovereignty.

It does not matter that there is no viable, full replacement for fossil fuels yet to run the largest economy on the planet. Let us toss them out because teachers and environmentalists say so. There is no green industry and there are no green jobs. Students, impressionable children, and ignorant adults have overlooked these tiny details. The media never reports the truth. People do not know that there are are no green jobs and no green industry, just windmills and solar panels.

GMU asked attendees to arrive preferably by bike or public transportation, keeping in line with their walkability and mass-transit goals, which happen to coincide with UN Agenda 21. My very wise mother mumbled that they must be out of their minds if they think that Americans would abandon their cars willingly for mass transit or walking.

I wondered if parents knew what kind of brain washing their expensive tuition bought for their children and what kind of generation was going to lead our country into the future.

“Agenda 21 is not a treaty. It is a ‘soft-law’ document which means that its recommendations are not legally binding, but nations that endorsed the document are morally obligated to implement them, according to the United Nations.” These recommendations, covering every facet of human life, have been implemented administratively without Congress ever approving or debating them. (Henry Lamb)

As universities and government agencies across the country were busy brainwashing our children, young people and adults into UN Agenda 21 Smart Growth and Livability in order to save the planet, the National Center for Policy Analysis was busy testing the claims made by the “Green” movement.(

If you asked any environmental group or government agency pushing UN Agenda 21, they would tell you that moving to higher density areas, walking, biking, taking mass transit five minutes from work was the solution to urban sprawl and destruction of the planet.

Environmental groups prefer that forests be kept pristine and roadless, giving back to wilderness as many acres as possible. On October 21, 2011, a 120-page ruling was released by the Denver-based U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule, which was passed by President Clinton. The rule was issued to protect nearly 60 million acres of America’s national forests and grasslands. There can be no road-building or commercial timber harvesting on large remaining roadless areas around the country.

Crowding humans off their lands and off their suburban homes into high-density, high-rise mixed-use tenements, on the other hand, is a desirable policy of those who support “smart growth” and “livability.”

Urban planners and public officials have been pushing the idea that “smart growth” and “livability” in denser urban areas would lead to lower levels of air pollution primarily because of reduction in travel by car.

EPA data show “higher population densities to be strongly associated with higher levels of automobile travel and more concentrated air pollution emissions.”

Data from 425 counties with major metropolitan areas (1 million or more in population) show nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in 2008. Seven of the ten counties with the highest nitrogen oxides emissions concentration (annual tons per square mile) were also the top 10 in population density. 

Manhattan in New York County had the most intense nitrogen oxides emissions and the densest population. Manhattan had highest concentration in other air pollutants, carbon monoxide, particulates, and volatile organic compounds. Bronx, Kings, and Queens were also more densely populated counties and among the top ten in NOx emissions. (

“More concentrated traffic leads to greater traffic congestion and more intense air pollution. The data for traffic concentration is similar to population density. Counties with the greatest density of traffic are also counties with the highest population density.”

Counties with more than 20,000 people per square mile have 14 times the concentration of NOx than the average county and motor vehicle travel is 22 times higher than the average. Sierra Club and ICLEI, strong supporters of densification, researched and found that traffic volume increases with density. (

EPA air pollution regulation was implemented with the idea to safeguard public health and reduce health risks. Densification worsens traffic, air pollution, and increases health risks, defeating efforts to meet federal standards. Case in point, Tampa-St. Petersburg metro area might not meet the new federal standards. The solution proposed is densification, more “Smart Growth” and “Livability” which will likely worsen air pollution and health risks. (Wendell Cox)

The policy of “smart growth” and “livability,” moving people into high density, mixed-used tenements in urban areas within five minutes walk or bike from school, work, and shopping, forcing people out of their cars and into public transportation actually causes higher housing prices, higher cost of living, “muted” economic growth, decreased mobility, decreased access to jobs, increased air pollution, increased traffic congestion, and increased health risks.


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Comment by Jan Heman on October 27, 2011 at 5:51pm
We have a real threat here in this Agenda 21 and a real fight ahead of us. This agenda is strictly for reasons of Saving the Planet or saving mother earth for the Ruling Elites that believ God is the earth and humans are poisonous to their mother earth. The God of the bible has a priority list of which these Global Elites have reversed according to their perverted religion of Mother earth worship. These elites believe that this is the natural order of importance; the earth, animals and fish etc, plant life then human beings. Humans being at the bottom of the list of importance. These perverts believe their bloodlines are pure, unlike the average human being. Now if you take what the God of the bible says is the natural order of importance, it is the exact opposite. Now you can see what these ultra-ego people are trying to accomplish with Agenda 21 and this all feeds into the human de-population of the earth agenda as well. Property rights will be a thing of the past once the human zones are complete and all people are corralled into these urban areas. If you think this infprmatio is a little far fetched, do some studing o this subject yourself....To prepare for any emergency situation, natural or man-made go here;






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