NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for revealing who you and Congress really are!

Thank you Ms. Pelosi, for revealing how void of conscience you, and most in elective government are

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for revealing who you and Congress really are!

 A.J. Cameron  Monday, November 28, 2011

We have just celebrated the uniquely American holiday of Thanksgiving and I wish to extend my sincere thanks to Representative Nancy Pelosi for here utterances of last week.  They were as enlightening as they were troubling, and they offered a distinctive insight as to why Congress is held in such low esteem.  The Pied Pipers of spiritual and financial poverty are imposing their immorality upon the American citizen, from the White House and both Houses of Congress.

It has been noted that taxpayers have had to pay a sizable fee for Ms. Pelosi’s liquor bill when she acted as Speaker of the House.  With her notable ignorant and incoherent utterances, one has to wonder how many brain cells were killed because of her imbibing.  Her latest utterance to the Washington Post is that the nation’s Catholic bishops’ position of protesting a potential Obama administration decision (forcing insurance companies to cover birth control, contraception and drugs that could cause abortion) would violate religious groups’ moral and religious views is akin to having hospitals ‘say to a woman, ‘I’m sorry you could die,’ if you don’t get an abortion.’

‘Those who dispute that characterization may not like the language, but the truth is what I said.  I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and I love it … but they have this conscience thing’ that Pelosi ‘insists puts women at physical risk, although Catholic providers strongly disagree.’

Pelosi also defended controversial remarks she made about a bill (The Protect Life Act) to prevent ObamaCare from funding abortions, where she claimed Republicans ‘want women to die on the floor.’  These incendiary and hyperbolic comments are an indictment of reasonable thought and of her constituency, which returns her to office with the consistency of the daily rising and setting of the sun.  These comments invite a recall of her incoherent remarks of ‘the Word.’

What separates human beings from animals are our souls, and, as a result, our consciences.  To ignore our consciences is to cast our lots with Satan, separating us from our Creator.  As Catholics, we are called to bring people to God, and to act in any way that violates this calling is blasphemy. 

Being a Catholic, I take issue with Ms. Pelosi being a devout Catholic and loving her faith.  Being a devout Catholic is more than attending Mass, tithing, praying the Rosary, and going to confession.  Being devout is adhering to the basic tenants of our faith, the dogma of our faith, and the five moral absolutes, of which, the life issue is one.  To make a good confession, one must be contrite and commit to changing one’s thoughts, words and actions.  I do not condone the Church’s flirtation with ‘social justice,’ for it is an immoral subversion of true justice, but I do embrace the moral absolutes that are the core of our faith.

As challenging as our fiscal issues are, and they are beyond daunting and becoming worse with every day that they are not addressed soberly and for the long term, our major challenge is the assault by the barbarians within the gates of our religions and our government.  Traditional social beliefs need to be re-seeded for renewed growth within our society for any reasonable fiscal policies to provide the relief we desperately seek.  Many believe these issues to be mutually exclusive, but I believe they are intricately interwoven.  Why would our Creator allow for a fiscal rebirth without a spiritual rebirth?  When will those of color realize that embracing the pro-life issue is to their spiritual and financial benefit?  The fact that so many babies saved from abortion are black or Latino means pro-life individuals cannot be labeled racist with any credibility.

If someone is willing to disregard her/his conscience, abandoning her/his faith for political and personal profit, nothing is sacred.  One cannot be pro-life and/or a true Catholic while being pro-ObamaCare, a Democrat, or a silent/collaborating Republican.

If politicians are willing to pass legislation that allows for the killing of our most vulnerable (abortion of the pre-born and the implementation of death panels for the living), is it any wonder that these same vermin would exempt themselves from their own legislation and from whistleblower laws, allow for their own insider trading, stack elections in their favor via franking privileges, vote on their own pay raises, etc.?

I may be a bit naïve, but I believe those in the White House and Congress are either looters or enablers, with the enablers under threat from the looters not to make the looting public, lest they will be challenged in the next election by someone who won’t upset the imbalance of power.  If it is true that we become whom we surround ourselves, it is easy to see why Congress sports a 9% approval rating and the President is forced to resort to attacks, instead of running on his deplorable record of assault upon the American citizen, especially those in the non-union, private sector.  Shouldn’t there be an organized 91% movement to ‘Occupy the White House and Congress?’

Adding to the insults of ‘Congressional ethics,’ a true oxymoron, is the reemergence of Charlie Rangel, with the support of Democrat illuminati.  This is akin to the NFL’s Detroit Lions giving Ndamukong Suh a bonus for his ‘aggressive play’ on Thanksgiving Day.    
As a Catholic, I’m not embarrassed by the blasphemous actions and words of so many Catholics within elective government, but I am embarrassed for these pirates of spirituality and fiscal soundness.  I eagerly await the pendulum swinging towards the freedom of religion vs. the deliberate misdirection of freedom from religion perpetrated by those currently in elective office. 

Being of Irish lineage, I am keenly aware of the ‘Penal Code’ that was used as a weapon against my ancestors.  I invite readers to become familiar with the Penal Code imposed upon Catholics in Ireland to understand what is currently being done to the American citizen.  As Edmund Burke noted, it was ‘… a machine of wise and elaborate contrivance, as well fitted for the oppression , impoverishment and degradation of a people, and the debasement in them of human nature itself, as ever proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of man.’  With those in elective office using their position to rape, pillage and plunder the American citizen/taxpayer through unconstitutional legislation, especially the ramming through of the damning ObamaCare, with its coveted exemptions, are we headed ‘back to the future?’ 

Thank you, Ms. Pelosi, for revealing how void of conscience you, and most in elective government, are.  November 6, 2012 offers us the opportunity and responsibility of rescuing our nation from your barbaric vandalism and immorality.


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