NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

The Alliance of Texans Against Government Controlled Healthcare

Call to action! Nullification

What is nullification?

It is a concept that was originally written by Thomas Jefferson in 1798 in The Kentucky Resolutions. Nullification is the act of the states to undo legislation by the federal government that the federal government does not have the authority to pass.
When Jefferson wrote about nullification he was battling this question; what happens when the federal government oversteps its Constitutional Authority? Jefferson argued that if the states formed the federal government and ratified the Constitution, then the states have the power to decide if the federal government is in line with the Constitution, not the federal government.
In other words, the states get to be the final judge on federal law, not the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is an agent of the federal government and according to Jefferson could not be trusted to keep itself in line with the Constitution. The states, however, have all of the power not given in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. Jefferson argued that the Tenth Amendment allows for states to tell the federal government, no. Simply tell them that their law will not be put on the citizens of their state. Jefferson further explains that the states are not united on a principle of unlimited submission to the federal government.
Think about the logic behind nullification. My son tells me that he is going to bed in an hour. I tell him, "No you are going to bed now!" I do not need to confer with him, nor have any other ruling body, nor convince him that it is the right thing to do. I have the authority in my home not him, therefore I don’t undo his decision I simply ignore it. I nullify it!
So how does nullification work?

If the federal government passes a law that is unconstitutional the state legislature just simply writes a resolution, passes it in both houses, then sends it to the be signed by the governor telling the federal government that the law does not exist in Texas. No Supreme Court case, no lawyers, Texas simply says no. This is well within the states duties and rights.
If that is not enough, then you have the Virginia Resolution of that same year written by James Madison, known as the Father of the Constitution. In this document he tells Virginia that the only way the union to survive is for the states to watch over the federal government and exercise only the powers assigned to them and agreed upon in the Constitution.

Nullification Rally

•When: January 16th 2010

•Time: 2 - 4 PM

•Where: South Side of the Texas Capitol Building - Austin Texas

•What is it: A rally to voice our support across Texas. We are serious about nullification and want the governor to call a special session to protect us from the federal government.
Don't let your voice go unheard!

Political Candidate's stance on Nullification
•Governor Rick Perry - "... I'm certainly willing and ready for the fight if this administration continues to try to force their very expansive government philosophy down our collective throats." July 23,2009

•Debra Media - "Texas must stop the over reaching federal government and nullify federal mandates in agriculture, energy, education, healthcare, industry and any other areas D.C. is not granted authority by the Constitution”

•Kay Bailey Hutchinson - All requests for her opinion regarding nullification have gone unanswered.

Vetting the conservative party in Texas
No more broken promises and misleading Texas' voters for votes. See where the candidates stand based on past performance. Click Here to see the good and the bad.

The truth about government controlled healthcare

Government healthcare is failing miserably in Massachusetts
If you think a government run healthcare system can work and be more affordable, read this... Click Here...

Article from the Washington Examiner 1/11/09
"Obama’s health policy advisers should take a good look at the smoldering wreckage in the Bay State before trying to impose any such “universal coverage” on the rest of the nation." Link to Article

More interesting reading - Free Market Cure
Click Here...

Medicare - What is all the fuss about?

HCR 50 Has passed the house 99-36!
Affirming that the State of Texas claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.

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Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on January 13, 2010 at 5:15pm
My friend... as I read this article " thank you by the way" I ask my self... Is Gordon my friend from Texas? and if you're. I will love to meet you there, because even if I have to go walking starting today, I will be there this saturday try to bring with me is many people I can. Great post!
With this new executive order that he place upon the people, we must act quick and take our States as well, because with this one, the whole intent is to eliminate States powers and give to the Fed's. some ask why? Simply people is waking up and recognize that for one year we has been bark to the wrong tree. DC, while we suppose to expend that year in our States pressing on.
Thank you for all you do.

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