NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Rumors have been flying in Washington for several weeks, apparently emanating from the White House itself, that Barry Obama has been suffering from depression- and that he has been receiving appropriate medication. He has reportedly been smoking more heavily- and has become more detached from his job. For sure, there’s been considerable dissention within the White House, resulting in the departure of Rahm Emanuel and others- despite the official explanations to the contrary. The source of these rumors seems to be one of the dearly departed.

Wayne Madsen stated recently that Barry “is suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia, (and) has some top-level administration officials considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment- the involuntary removal of the president from office….”

After the TEA tsunami washes over the Dems on 2 November, there will be increased Democrat dissatisfaction with Barry Obama- and undoubtedly more chatter about removing him from office under Article 4 of the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution: “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

Because Halloween is coming up, Rush Limbaugh’s characterization of Obama appearing “demonic” in some recent photos seemed amusing at first- but maybe those photos are not so funny after all. Barry seems to have many demons seething within his tortured soul. Cocaine abuse, homosexuality and even murder are only part of Barry’s troubled past- and the incredible stress of a failed Presidency is bringing it all to an ugly head.

Is Obama really losing his marbles? Is there a move afloat to remove him from office? Are the Clintons involved? Will the Dems attempt a political coup after the election to put Hillary in the White House?

Next, I always figured Juan Williams was a bit left of center- but apparently he wasn’t liberal enough for NPR. And although I can’t remember why I promised myself months ago that I’d never listen to NPR again, I’ve kept that promise. Suddenly I am a huge fan of Juan- at least for now. And Muslims on the move, no matter HOW they’re dressed, are reason enough for me to avoid commercial aircraft. Oops! Glad I don’t work for NPR- or anyone else…

Well, it’s all about politics the next ten days. I am confident we’ll wrest control of both the House and Senate from the Obamacrats- but no matter how things turn out, I count it a great privilege to be among the Taxed-Enough-Already. And as the old song goes, “We’ve only just begun!”

Turned 66 yesterday. Thought I’d be hiding out in a secluded cabin near a quiet trout stream by now- instead of babysitting my mother and continually badmouthing the President of the United States. Anyway, there are countless infuriated seniors across America who fit that general description. We may not be the Greatest Generation, but we’re gonna take our country back.

I have previously written that the upcoming election is a referendum on Barack Obama and his failed Presidency, but it may be much larger than that- a much more inclusive referendum on the federal government’s general failure to serve the people since Jack Kennedy abruptly exited the Presidency. True, Ronald Reagan was a bright light shining in the darkness, but even Ronnie wasn’t able to turn back the evil tide of which he so eloquently warned. Having said that, there’s no doubt whatsoever that the Reagan years were the good old days.

Nevertheless, an angry American electorate is now playing a colossal game of pin-the-tail-on-the-Democrats. Obama may still be blaming Bush, but many millions of disenfranchised Americans just aren’t buying it.

Unemployment and foreclosures keep going up- as home values and our expectations for good lives keep going down. Republican voters are suddenly repenting of their political indifference. The Taxed-Enough-Already are out for blood. The independent voters who carried Obama to victory now realize they were ruthlessly snookered.

Even the Dems feel betrayed by Obama. Two Democrat Congressional majorities blindly put their political careers on the line for Barry when they were told that ObamaCare would be their political salvation. It didn’t work out that way. Moreover, the numerous firings and defections within the Obama administration are reminiscent of the harrowing Nixon days.

This bulbous boil is about to pop- and it ain’t gonna be pretty, folks. Just ten days way and counting down…

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Comment by Sandra on October 23, 2010 at 5:18pm

Comment by Sandra on October 23, 2010 at 4:47pm
Excellent and in a bad perspective. Can you just see Biden and Pelosi? Or Peolsi and Hillary if Biden is threatened and has to step down for health reasons.. OMG, we will really be in deep doo doo then. As you know Pelsoi said if the dems win, she will run for speaker of the house again! Now that is disgusting in my mind... We need to be rid of her too. At least with this pretender we already know what he is about and he was sick before he was put in... We will be the generation to save the country, I just hope mist seniors don't by into the upcoming 250$ bribe... What price for your country comes to mind, with zero doing that and wooing the women now, makes me think, does he really think us women are that stupid? Maybe so. Thanks for another great article...
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on October 23, 2010 at 4:12pm
I'm hoping the November election results are as spectacular as we need and that the impetus given to the conservative movement by the TEA PARTY continues on to the election cycle of 2012.
Now is NO TIME to relax, it is a time to consolidate and plan for this November election and PEAK at the right time with our advertising and blogging dollars.
We have to find and select candidates for president in the 2012 election. As of now, we have no favorite. That scares me. Remember that Mrs. Clinton began her campaign almost 4 years early . At the last moment it seemed, a new comer beat her to the finish line.
Good luck this November, get out the vote!






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