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Tell Your RINO Senator NOT to Vote to Confirm Goodwin Liu for a Federal Judge Appointment

A Republican voting for Goodwin Liu is more than just going against their party of choice, it is being a participant in stabbing our country in its heart, the Constitution

Tell Your RINO Senator NOT to Vote to Confirm Goodwin Liu for a Federal Judge Appointment

 - Jerry McConnell  Thursday, May 19, 2011

image A lot of people would call them RINO’s; but I call the eleven Republican Senators named below, back-stabbing traitors to their country and chosen political affiliation.  They don’t deserve to be cheating the people who voted for them thinking they were country-first citizens and not One World’ers.

There are others who have strayed from the ideals and goals of the Republican Party on occasions, but not enough to have the ‘kiss of death’ label RINO placed before and after their names; but the most prominent and the most often seen names working in agreement with the ‘other party’ are these eleven culprits:

Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Scott Brown (R-MA), Saxby Chamblis (R-GA), Susan Collins (R-ME),  Lindsey Graham (R-SC),  Johnny Isakson (R-GA),  Mark Kirk (R-IL), John McCain (R-AZ), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Olympia Snowe (R-ME), John Thune (R-SD).  These are the same eleven turncoat traitors to their party that recently gave the socialist liberal Democrats a victory with the appointment of another socialist-communist liberal Democrat named John McConnell (no relation here - thank God.)

A Republican voting for Goodwin Liu is more than just going against their party of choice, it is being a participant in stabbing our country in its heart, the Constitution.  This man has no regard of our Constitution and wishes to rewrite and revamp it to fit his radical lifestyle beliefs and dispense justice from his warped sense of foreign loyalties and foreign law. It could even be possible that he will go along with the Islamic efforts to install Sharia Law in place of our Constitution, the oldest and longest lasting Constitution ever written in the world.

Without hesitation I can guarantee that these eleven Republican Senators will have a huge negative appearance to Republican and Independent voters. Some of them have a long history of RINOism and siding with the opposing party.  A traitorous act that very seldom is seen on the opposite side. Democrats can be seen for the very large majority of times keeping their votes with their own party even if they are personally against the issue. 

Not so with the despicable RINO’s.  Their votes are traditionally non-traditional if it is a very key vote critically needed for party solidarity.  The group now commonly known as the Tea Partiers will make sure that all of these wimpy and unfaithful as a randy spouse RINO’s will see an uncommonly high level of opposition even before the national elections in the primaries in their home states. 

These eleven very much vilified by their fellow Republicans along with others who claim independent status in the voting booth will in all probability be voting today on the nomination by Obama for a federal judgeship in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, itself an already heavily contentious and most often radically liberal voting court.  To add one more un-American jurist to this pack of Benedict Arnolds just does not make good sense of help for the future of our country as a free republic with conservative values.

Our country is much heavier in conservative leaning voters, and when coupled with Independents that cast their votes for conservatives in greater numbers than for liberals, can project an almost two to one count over the lib-Dems.

Goodwin Liu, the person in the spotlight here is not your average Mr. American; he is a flaming liberal socialist-communist with very close ties to the deplorable and un-Constitutional, anti-Christian communist leaning American Civil Liberties Union or (ACLU), which by it itself is justification for refusing this man a seat on the bench of a federal court.

In addition, he is very much in favor of bypassing our Constitution and interpreting laws as HE sees fit, utilizing many foreign country legislative writings which are in contrast with our Constitution.  He is a strong proponent of gay marriages while opposed to a traditional marriage amendment and he believes that courts should be tools to redistribute wealth in our society.  Liu is strongly a promoter and believer in abortion on demand opposing the recently proposed pro-life Amendment and laws that would ban the hideous partial birth abortions.

Any person who would vote to make a man like this ogre a federal judge is either violently ANTI-AMERICAN or just plain nuts.

If any of the above named Senators are from your state give them a quick call TODAY as early as you can as they could even be voting while you’re reading this.


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Comment by Sandra on May 19, 2011 at 8:25pm
My greedy, corrupt Senator Bill Nelson will vote FOR any commie agenda! Which is why he MUST GO in 2012






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