NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

State of the Narcissist Address by Patriot Michael LeCornec

The obnoxious and self-serving speech by Statist Barack Hussein Obama at the 2010 State of the Union Address might well be called pathological by his utter disregard of facts and his utter contempt for We The People. This is the most shameful display of narcissism I have witness from an American President ever! I shudder every time I see him launch into his “nose-up” Mussolini pose.

Nobody can be so stupid to ignore the message of the American people during this past year, can they?. I guess the American REVOLT against the “Fundamental Transformation of America” as evidenced by Millions of Americans attending Tea-Party rallies and Town-Hall meetings; the millions of letters, faxes, emails and phone calls sent to Congress and the White House; the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts election results mean nothing? Is it possible for someone to remain so deaf when confronted by such a tumultuous uprising of the American people? Did Obama really say that the events and circumstances that swept him also swept in Senator-elect Scott Brown? (who incidentally has not yet been seated.)

King Nerobama's speech should have been accompanied by his “fiddle" while America burns. I believe this shocking display is evidence of an utterly dysfunction and pathological mind to not only dismiss the reality of the conditions in America but to “double-down” and intensify the very things that set ablaze the American Revolt.

The Obama “Progressive” agenda for the Fundamental Transformation of America continues as before in his scolding of We The People for not being smart enough to see things the way he sees them. Our vision is fine Mr. Obama, that's why we oppose and reject your agenda. Statist Obama scolded the Democrats for cowardice in not passing Health Care and failing to capitalizing on their “super-majority” of 2009 and their majority of 2010; Narcissist Obama he even scolded the Supreme Court for their right and proper decision on freedom of speech, which could be considered “intimidation” by the Executive Branch of government. I believe a reprimand at a minimum is in order here; Statist Obama also scolded Republicans to “get on board” with his agenda.

Let me be very clear right now to the Republicans. If you even remotely attempt to entertain the Obama agenda and engage in drafting Health Care, Climate, Job creation bills that contain ANY MORE SPENDING or TAXATION bills, hear the people now: The TUMULT of 2009 will be tame when compared to the TSUNAMI that will come down upon you in 2010. We will not merely remove you all from office but solemnly vow it will end the Republican party as we know it!

What should the Congressional Agenda be for 2010?

CONGRESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY: In the wake of this Congressional Reign of Terror many of our elected leaders believe feel they will circumvent accountability to We The People for their illegal, unethical and corrupt activities by merely proclaiming they will not seek another term of office. Well, We The People do not see that as acceptable. We want full and broad Hearings into the activities of the 111th Congress, this President, and all appointed and elected people (past and present) who violated their oath of office, was complicit in the fabricated economic events leading to TARP and Stimulus, and those advocating for the pseudo-science of Cap and Trade. Violating one's Oath of Office is a High Crime against the Constitution and against the People of the United States. These crimes must not go unpunished.

PRESIDENTIAL ACCOUNTABILITY: This President has has committed numerous High Crimes against the People and the Constitution by violating his Oath of Office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; His role in the illegal and unethical activities surrounding the passage of the two Health Care reform bills; His role in appointing Communists, Marxists, Radicals and others who oppose America and her ideals into high level positions in the White House and other branches of government. Such abominations shall not stand as this nation moves forward.

ACCOUNTABILITY FOR AND RETURN OF ALL TARP FUNDS: Where and how TARP funds were distributed and the return of all monies to the US Treasury and not to a “slush fund” which is unconstitutional. Only Congress shall determine how taxpayer money is spent.

IMMEDIATE DIVESTITURE OF OWNERSHIP IN PUBLIC CORPORATIONS: Ownership of corporate interests violates the US Constitution.

NO INCREASE TO THE DEBT CEILING: Congress must not be allowed to control the limits to its own spending by voting to increase the national debt limit. Congress has obscenely and shamefully exceeded the trust of the American People to be financially prudent and good stewards of the people's money. Such financial activity is FRAUD and this behavior must be RESCINDED IMMEDIATELY. The Congressional Credit Limit must be put upon a path of “Progressive Declination.” The ONLY recourse is to REDUCE the size and scope of Federal Spending by CUTTING and ELIMINATING Federal programs. Freezing the spending as proposed by Progressive Senator John McCain is wholly unacceptable. Only cutting can save this nation. All programs except for the military that show itself to be Unconstitutional, Unnecessary, and Frivolous are to be discontinued. The practice of funding special interest groups and organizations must cease immediately.

AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE: An audit is minimum. It's very existence violates the Constitution's prohibition for a Central Bank.

RESCIND ALL BILLS PASSED DURING THIS 111TH CONGRESS: Especially those bills that attack or restrict the constitutional rights of the people.

Do these things and you just might survive the coming Tsunami this November 2, 2010

Patriot Michael LeCornec

If you have not already done so, Please Sign the "End The Fundamental Transformation of America" Letter. This letter goes to President Obama, Your 2 Senators and your House Representative">;

PS: I sign the petition and this is what I add. I send it to all of those that represent my district. It's easy, and free to do it. let make this viral.

You need to understand that is something can't never be kill in the heart of free people. The Will in the Spirit to fight with live if necessary to keep being FREE. The corruption, threats,fraud, and the Chicago style mafia will not stop WE THE PEOPLE, to rethink on their actions will be the best to do, because 300 millions of Americans are to many against less than 1000. People is tired of lies and deceive,tired of been steal of their hard earning money, tired of been tired. So listen you people in the Hill. Bring back your decency and your American Spirit, as you been take over, from a foreigner, from in usurper, you do the right thing, the people of this Nation is forgiving, and will support you, other wise it's going to be remember in the history of this Nation, that greed, corruption and fraud, by the Houses, was the reason why the WE THE PEOPLE, remove both Houses, it's going to be remember as your doing, and your families will carry for generations the shame that you bring to them. Bring to your gut some back bone, fight for AMERICA because it's your Country, this foreigner don't care about you or I. It's time for you to step up and do the right thing.

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