We will never disarm.We will never surrender our military pattern, semi-automatic rifles and thefull capacity magazines, parts, and ammunition that go with them. Thefundamental purpose of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military power of We the People so we will have effective means to resist tyranny. Regardless of what unholy, unconstitutional filth issues from the mouths of oath breakers in "Mordor on the Potomac" our answer is MOLON LABE.
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force: Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."- Patrick Henry
We will not allow our children to be disarmed.
We will pass on those military pattern rifles, magazines, and ammunition to our children and our children's children.
Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American... [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people. - Tench Coxe, 1788
Introduced by state senator Nathan Dahm, this legislation puts Oklahoma shoulder-to-shoulder with Wyoming and Texas by putting federal gun-grabbers in check.
The language of the legislation is clear: "Federal acts, laws, orders, rules, regulations, bans or registration requirements regarding firearms constitute an infringement on the individual right [to keep and bear arms] in the Constitution of the United States...and are hereby declared to be invalid in the State of Oklahoma."
The legislation mentions the "intent" of America's "Founders" and the Constitution's "ratifiers," and sets forth the punishment for trying to enforce new gun control measures:
Any official, agent, or employee of the United States government or any employee of a corporation providing services to the United States government that enforces or attempts to enforce an act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the government of the United States in violation of this act shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction...shall be punished by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections not to exceed five (5) years.
After reading this legislation, only one word comes to mind--FREEDOM.
Thousands of gun owners across America have had enough of the Obama administration’s attack on the Second Amendment – and they’re preparing to take their concerns to the capitols in at least 47 states this Saturday at 12 p.m.
Texan Eric Reed, founder and national coordinator of the “Guns Across America” rallies, told WND he’s irritated about all the talk of new gun-control regulations and overreach by the federal government in violation of our Second Amendment rights.
“I was trying to figure out why people weren’t being more proactive about this, Reed said. “Then I realized I’m part of the problem. It takes somebody to stand up and say, ‘Hey, we’re not going to accept this. We’re against it.’
“We want Americans who feel the same way to come out. We want to stand up, be united and get our point across.”
As WND reported today, President Obama announce a sweeping set of directives he intends will cut down on Americans’ access to guns, setting the stage for a constitutional battle with states where lawmakers already are openly defying the latest power grab by the White House.
Obama’s plan would demand federal access to the details every time an uncle sells a .22 to a nephew, would ban some weapons outright through a limit on ammunition capacity, would waive medical privacy laws in some cases so individuals can be reported, and others.
The president also listed 23 executive orders he is preparing to implement.
“He’s essentially restricting and punishing all law-abiding American citizens,” Reed said. “He’s taking people who have never committed a crime in their lives and he’s trying to tell them that these guns are ‘assault weapons.’ Well, I’ve got guns in my home. If they’re ‘assault weapons,’ then mine must be defective because they haven’t assaulted anybody.”
Frustrated by the narrative coming out of Washington, Reed noted that “assault weapons” have been banned since 1934.
“The aesthetics of a rifle do not determine what an assault rifle is,” he said. “That’s what our elected officials in Washington, D.C., are trying to sell to the American people. I mean, if you take a body of a Ferrari and stick it on a Chevrolet, it’s still a Chevrolet. It’s going to perform like a Chevrolet; it’s just a cool-looking Chevrolet.”
Reed added that the media contribute to misinformation and confuse the public about so-called “assault weapons.”
“Part of it is ignorance of the media because a lot of them may not necessarily have a good idea of what an assault rifle is,” he said. “Another part of it is, most of the media do push a liberal spin. They’re helping to push through the political agenda that the Obama administration wants to pass right now.”
To the Patriots: Arm Yourselves, for the Hammer's Crashing Down
In this dark hour, when liberty is under such relentless assault, it is necessary for you to steel yourselves, and arm yourselves, spiritually, mentally, and physically. And above all, it is a time to set aside fear, and to reject despair and to embrace our place in history. We were born as Americans, at this time,for a reason, and it was not to cower in fear or to dissolve into a gelatinous mass of despair. We were born free men and women, and we will die free men and women. No one gets out of here alive anyway, and in the end, all that matters is that our children and grand-children are free. Everything else is a side-show.
To put us in the right frame of mind, I present to you the powerful song "Arm Yourselves" by my good friend Jordan Page. Arm Yourselves is a call to action for every free American to stand up for their Constitutionally protected right to bear arms. In one of his most powerful songs to date, Jordan Page warns us all that "the hammer is crashing down" and that now is the time to show solidarity that we, the people, will not be disarmed by any government or authority. The song paints a striking picture of a possible future scenario where the free people of America clash with the force of totalitarian government.
Hello patriots, it’s Eric from “Gun Control = More Crime” again. “Guns Across America” is going to take place Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 at “high noon.” This is going to be a peaceful picketing protest against ANY, AND ALL future gun legislation. This is our chance to reach out to our elected officials, and tell them NO NEW GUN LAWS! “Guns Across America” is being tailored to happen in every states capital city**, at their capital building. The theory behind doing this event on a Saturday, is most conservative gun owners work a typical Monday through Friday job. I’m hoping for a massive response by doing this on a weekend.
Mission Statement: Guns Across America Events are committed to supporting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as outlined in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Our goal is to inform and educate the public about their Constitutional Rights . Our objective is to ensure that law abiding citizens retain those rights through peaceful and legal means.
This is going to be a great success with your help. All you need to do is show up, and make your voice heard. If you’re state has legalized open carry / concealed carry, and you’re legal to do so, I encourage it. However, please make sure we’re all in compliance with state laws, as this event will be a reflection on all gun owners across America. All details and updates will occur on the page, “Gun Control = More Crime.” I look forward to making this a huge success, so please share this update.
At Gun Control = More Crime, we are very well aware of the laws. We do not recommend anybody bring any long guns, rifles, shotguns, etc. to the “Guns Across America” events. If legal in your state, WE ARE NOT FORBIDDING IT, but we feel that it’s unnecessary, and playing into the anti gun propaganda. We further advise all attending: you, and only you, are responsible for knowing any and all state and/or federal laws pertaining to the carriage of a firearm. Further, Guns Across America events, Gun Control = More Crime, Eric Reed, or any individuals involved with the Guns Across America event, are not liable for any individuals criminal actions that may, or may not occur, either intentionally or unintentionally.
**Some states are not gathering at their Capital City. Please check your States Facebook page/event page or ask your State Organizer for the proper location.
Schoharie County Sheriff Tony Desmond and Otsego County Sheriff Richard Devlin Jr. both questioned the merits of a new package of gun control measures signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Cuomo argued the legislation will enhance public safety in New York. But Desmond said that requiring citizens to register guns that the new legislation now defines as assault weapons will not be a priority of his department.
“Nobody from the Schoharie sheriff’s department is going to be taking any weapons away from anyone unless they have committed a crime,” Desmond said. “An average law-abiding citizen is not going to have to worry about the sheriff’s department coming to take their weapon or arresting them for having a weapon.”
The legislation broadens the definition of assault weapons to include guns that had previously been described as such. For instance, a shotgun with a pistol grip is labeled by the new law as an assault weapon because of the single feature of having a pistol grip.
Although Cuomo had indicated last month that he was considering the option of having the government confiscate assault weapons, the legislation that overwhelming passed the state Senate and Assembly allowed those weapons to be kept by owners if they already have them.
Desmond said forcing citizens to register such guns is impractical and doe not enhance public safety.
“We don’t have the time to run around and tell everybody to bring their long weapons in to register them,” he said. “We’re just barely keeping up with the pistol permits we have now.”
Devlin said that while he agreed with some features of the legislation — such as a new requirement that pistol permit and rifle registration information be kept confidential — the thrust of it will have an onerous impact on law-abiding citizens who acquired their guns through proper channels.
“I don’t see how this legislation is going to prevent a crazy person from doing something that’s crazy,” Devlin said.
He said numerous gun owners have contacted him to register their displeasure with the legislation. “People are not happy,” he said.
State Sen. James Seward, R-Milford, a long-time gun rights advocate, was one of the 18 state senators who voted against the gun package, which was acted on as a single bill.
Seward said he agreed with one component that increases the punishment for anyone convicted of killing a first responder as well as the provision limiting public access to gun records kept by local governments. The latter provision was inserted in the legislation following an uproar in Westchester County after a newspaper owned by the Gannett Co. acquired a database of gun permit owners and published their names and home addresses.
Seward said he also favored a provision that requires mental health providers to report to law enforcement when they encounter patients who could endanger others with weapons..
“My problem with the legislation is it zeroes in too much on the weapons — and puts restrictions on law abiding legitimate gun owners,” the senator said. He noted the overwhelming majority of his constituents were opposed to the new restrictions.
It looks like any attempt by Washington DC politicians to enforce any kind of a federal gun ban may end up backfiring on them as 'many more' sheriffs across America have vowed NOT to break their Oaths by enforcing un-Constitutional gun control laws. This outstanding news brought to us by Steve Watson and Infowars with several video reports below.
Following Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller’s lead, three more Sheriffs in parts of Oregon announced Wednesday in letters to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that they would refuse to enforce any federal gun laws that are unconstitutional.
Crook County Sheriff Jim Hensley told local reporters “I’m going to follow my oath that I took as Sheriff to support the constitution.”
Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin also sent a letter to the Vice President saying that he “will refuse to participate in, nor tolerate enforcement actions against citizens that are deemed unconstitutional.”
Minnesota, Pine County Sheriff Robin Cole wrote an open letter to his residents to inform them that he does not accept that the federal government supercedes State authorities when it comes to regulation of firearms.
In Alabama, Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning told WHNT News 19 that his office will not enforce new gun control legislation if he feels those laws violate the Second Amendment.
“The federal authorities can try to enforce it,” said Dorning. “I’m the Sheriff of Madison County. I took a constitutional oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, to defend the Constitution of the State of Alabama, even if it takes my life. That is my position.”
(Daily Caller) – A second Republican congressman is suggesting that impeachment should be an option as President Barack Obama takes executive action to enact gun control measures.
In an interview with Florida’s “The Shark Tank,” Florida Republican Trey Radel addressed Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman’s statement that he might seek impeachment if Obama goes forward with executive action to bring about gun control measures.
“All options should be on the table,” Radel responded.
Obama announced 23 executive actions during his Wednesday press conference.
“It is one of those times in our history, we are at this breaking point,” Radel added, going to to explain, “We have completely lost our checks and balances in this country, the Congress needs to hold the president accountable for the decisions that he’s making right now, and that why again, I would say that all options should be on the table.”
Radel is a freshman who won former Florida Republican Rep. Connie Mack’s House seat last year.
Monday Stockman said he would look to stop Obama’s executive actions “by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment.”
Using a backdrop of children, grieving parents, gun control advocates, Vice President Biden’s task group, and key liberal lawmakers, yesterday Barack Obama outlined 23 measures he wants implemented into federal, state, and local gun control laws and ordinances. Relying on the power of his bully pulpit, the President launched the most sweeping gun control campaign in decades with preliminary cost estimates in the range of $4 billion to $5 billion.
Many of the components of the President’s proposals will impede the ability of law-abiding gun owners to purchase additional firearms and ammunition. Most of the proposals involve increasing the complexity and scope of federal involvement in regulation of gun purchases and ownership.
But make no mistake: ALL of the President’s proposals aim at limiting Americans’ right to bear arms under the Second Amendment! The negative reaction to this latest federal power grab is centering on its expansion of executive power and its obvious disdain for the Constitution. Please read my very important message below – Mat.
While the President’s theatrical presentation yesterday on the alleged need for more gun control measures in our nation was both emotional and carefully scripted, the prevailing reaction of responsible journalists and policy analysts was to note the sheer hypocrisy underlying the entire campaign.
That’s because the President’s comments and proposals had little or nothing to do with the actual causes of the Sandy Hook tragedy and would do nothing to deter or prevent future such disasters.
The National Rifle Association’s (NRA) statement following the broadcast got straight to the point…
“Attacking firearms and ignoring children is not a solution to the crisis we face as a nation.”
The NRA’s release went on to say that the only people who would be affected by the new proposals are “honest, law-abiding gun owners” while children will “remain vulnerable to the inevitability of more tragedy.”
The President’s extensive use of statistics concerning handgun violence in Chicago and other jurisdictions was particularly questionable since thugs and gang members would not be affected in any way by his proposals. Further, those who aren’t obeying current laws will certainly not obey new ones!
Also quite telling was this week’s White House reaction to a new NRA ad noting that the President’s daughters attend a private school employing armed security guards.
Denouncing the ad as “repugnant and cowardly,” the administration continues to mock the NRA’s position that the best preventive measure in school systems would be to have firearms in the hands of responsible adults to deter attacks.
The liberal media and pundits are howling in protest at any mention of the ways in which liberal leaders protect their own children, but that actually gets to what should be the point of the debate. Even Sandy Hook Elementary School has opted to increase the presence of armed security guards going forward.
Using children as a component of the President’s dramatic presentation yesterday was truly the epitome of hypocrisy!
++Reaction to the address was swift and intense.
In a statement released after the President’s announcement, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) warned against Obama’s use of unilateral executive power...
“Making matters worse is that President Obama is again abusing his power by imposing his policies via executive fiat instead of allowing them to be debated in Congress... President Obama’s frustration with our republic and the way it works doesn’t give him license to ignore the Constitution.”
Texas Governor Rick Perry issued a scathing indictment of the President's ultimate agenda...
“In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be, nor will it be, abridged by the executive power of this or any other president."
Our Washington sources tell us that dramatic gun control measures have been part of the President's plan from the beginning and, sadly, he has chosen to use the Sandy Hook tragedy as a “launch platform” for a pre-existing political agenda that was merely waiting for a flashpoint.
As former presidential advisor and now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel famously said, "You never want a good crisis go to waste." This cynical strategy seems to be the core rational of the Obama administration’s intense new offensive to subvert the Second Amendment.
++The real story is the power grab.
The bottom line is that President Obama is once again running roughshod over the constitutional foundations of our government’s balance of power and every American’s personal liberties.
We must not allow these protected rights to be dismantled by a tyrannical president with no regard for the rule of law or the checks and balances built into the framework of our Constitution and its precious Bill of Rights!
Liberty Counsel’s “I Second the First” campaign communicates to our elected representatives that…
“We the People” demand that our federal government return to the rule of law as established by the United States Constitution!
We will stand together and protect our Constitution and its First and Second Amendments, the very heart of every American's Bill of Rights, against radical attacks!
If you haven’t already, please click here now to add your name to Liberty Counsel’s powerful “I Second the First” petition:
Our constitutional rights are being dismantled before our eyes as the Obama axis of power rolls roughshod over the rule of law in America. This juggernaut must be stopped before it’s too late!
That’s why I am now planning to have this petition hand delivered to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, January 23rd. By then, I would like to deliver our message with 100,000 signers.
Please add your name now to be included in this important delivery. If you have already done so, please forward this message to as many of your like-minded friends and family members as possible:
In appreciation for the stand you are taking, we will send you a complimentary “I Second the First” sticker for you to display on your car, home, or anywhere you feel it will have an impact.
This is a citizen action that every freedom-loving American should take. If you would, after signing, please make your circle of friends aware of this campaign and the availability of our complimentary “I Second the First” campaign stickers.
++Best barometer of public reaction: Gun sales are skyrocketing!
Reports of dramatic increases in gun and ammunition sales since the Obama administration began exploiting the Sandy Hook tragedy demonstrate that mainstream Americans are not falling for the administration’s political theater. Membership in the National Rifle Association is also rising fast, as are requests for our colorful “I Second the First” bumper stickers!
Please add your name or help others learn about this powerful campaign by going here now:
I sincerely appreciate your thoughtful patriotism. Thank you and God bless America!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. If you have already signed the petition, PLEASE consider forwarding this message to 10-20 of your fellow patriots who will also stand in the gap for the preservation of our First and Second Amendment rights.
Our constitutional rights must be protected from the assaults of what Thomas Jefferson called an “elective despotism.” We cannot allow any tyrant, even one who has mastered the art of manipulating the public, to subvert the Bill of Rights! Take action with Liberty Counsel today:
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